1 minute read
You might be a Quaker if...
» You consider yourself a spiritual, not religious, person.
» You have concerns about war and the death penalty.
» You believe in social, political, and economic justice for all.
» You don’t feel the need to rely on clergy or creeds.
» You believe in the common humanity and equal treatment for all.
» You believe spirituality is an ongoing process.
» You like quiet time to reflect on yourself and the world.
» You think it is important to live your beliefs, not just talk about them.
» You want to put your faith into direct action in the world.
If this describes you, check us out!
Plainfield Quakers
225 Watchung Ave, Plainfield, NJ
Plainfield Quaker Meeting House
Silent Worship
Sundays 10:30am
We celebrate the inclusion of individuals, couples, or families of all backgrounds and constellations in every aspect of the life of our Meeting.
Flanigan, a personable, passionate practitioner who has been offering energy work for more than two decades, is excited for the opportunity. “With my distance healing practice, people from New York and New Jersey were already the two most common requesting treatments,” he says. “So, now I’m very excited to work with people from this part of the country in person and am looking forward to having client interactions again and hearing about their session experiences in real time.”
After receiving his reiki attunement in 1995, Flanigan began exclusively using reiki to treat his ailing partner’s stomach and feet. After his partner passed in 2000, Flanigan only dabbled in energy work as his attention was focused elsewhere.