8 minute read
Art & Craft: Spell Jars – 1-3pm. Come feel Witchy with our in-house Green Witch Robyn and create your own Spell Jar for Prosperity, Love or Health. $45. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. For information and to register, visit MadLavenderFarm.com/Spell-Jars-October/
Holistic Health & Healing Expo – 11am-5pm. With more than 100 leading-edge thinkers and practitioners demonstrating their products and services, you’re sure to come away with new ideas for leading a more inspired and healthy life. Expect to peruse beautiful handmade items such as lotions, candles and personal care products. Informative workshops and yummy—and, yes, healthy—food and treats will also be available! So, plan on spending the whole day! Free event. The Westin Mount Laurel Hotel, 555 Fellowship Rd, Mount Laurel. HHHExpo.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:30pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Better Sleep with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:30pm. $50 each session. Parsippany Hills HS, 24 Rita Dr., Parsippany. For more information, contact Barry at 973-263-7180 x4342 or email barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:30pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Better Sleep with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:30pm. $60 each session. Columbia HS, 17 Parker Ave., Maplewood. For more information, contact Barry at 973-378-7620 or email barry@ hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:30pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Better Sleep with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:30pm. $65 each session. Morristown HS, 50 Early St., Morristown. For more information, contact Barry at 973-292-2063 or email barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Palo Santo Meditative Breathwork – 7pm. Join the Niyama Tribe for a fabulous exploration of breathwork, movement and the medicinal benefits of using pure Palo Santo in your home practice. $40. Niyama Yoga Shalas, 161 Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland. For information call 973-500-2939 or email niyamayogastudio@gmail.com. NiyamaYogaShala.com.
Roseland One Year Anniversary Celebration
with Life Vine Wines – 8:30pm. Follows 7pm workshop. Join the Niyama Tribe and our favorite wine company, Life Vine, for a celebratory wine tasting event. Free. Niyama Yoga Shalas, 161 Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland. For information call 973-500-2939 or email niyamayogastudio@gmail.com. NiyamaYogaShala.com.
Roseland One Year Anniversary Live Drum &
Fluid Yoga Flow – 6-7pm. Come experience a very special live drum yoga asana class with Chuck Woods & Nicole Zornitzer. This class will infiltrate the body, mind and soul with beats of tribal drums while fully engaging in expressive movements. Chuck Wood is a percussionist with over 40 years experience and Nicole is the Founder of Niyama Yoga Shalas with over 25 years of therapeutic yoga experience. $22. Niyama Yoga Shalas, 161 Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland. For information call 973-500-2939 or email niyamayogastudio@gmail.com. NiyamaYogaShala.com.
ongoing thursday
Manifest It with Vision Journey Meditation
– 7-8:15pm; Virtual. Shamanic meditation for goal setting and goal getting. Join “Natural Intuition Now” author Sensei Victoria Whitfield for weekly Thursday Night shamanic vision journey meditation-based manifesting circles on Zoom. You can make your big vision happen! Let your spirit guides show you the way. Be #VISIONARY! $20. For information, call 732-903-8573, and register now at StrategicMeditation.com. Soul Shamanism 101 Training – 7-9:30pm. Explore the Shamanic territories and learn the highest universal laws to live in your body and life. You will also always meet your ancestors, guides, and teachers who travel with you. Find inner peace, tranquility, and knowing—more on this training on the website events page. Or, you may attend an in-person training on the weekend of 9/17-18 instead. There is a recording available discussing this class—email janet@Bethemedicine. com to receive the link. Or attend the 9/1/22 session. $395/$425. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Rd., Chester. 973-647-2500. BeTheMedicine.com.
Self Awareness is the Key to Ascension –
3rd Thurs.; 7-9pm; In person or Zoom. This interactive workshop carries the intention of assisting participants in their personal evolutionary process. Each workshop includes Healing Meditations, Ascension Techniques and Soul Psychology. Facilitated by Debbie Carcuffe. $25. Portal of Healing, 50 Main St., Top Flr., Chester. For information, visit PortalOfHealing.com. Intuitive Development Circle – 2nd & 4th Thurs; 7-9pm. On-going interactive workshop series, Maureen will guide you in building your intuitive muscle. Each week focuses on different techniques and development lessons. All levels welcome! $15. Portal of Healing, 50 Main St., Top Flr., Chester. For information, visit PortalOfHealing.com.
Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need? Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to
Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.
COOK. Customized for taste preferences, control over salt, sugar, fat. Specializing in dietary (diabetic, anti-inflammatory, etc.) allergy (nuts, eggs, dairy, gluten) and nutritious (organic, fresh - not processed) menus. HomeCookedCreations@gmail.com. 973-803-1004.
OFFERINGS: A unique gift shop for the mind, body and soul. Check out our collection of angels, candles, cards, crystals, crystal soaps, jewelry, sage, salt lamps, solar wind chimes, tea, t-shirts, tumbled stones and more. Card readings, classes and workshops available. Metaphysical & Spiritual Bliss, 19A Old Highway 22, Clinton. 908-268-8029. FB Metaphysical & Spiritual Bliss. Instagram @cmatsen11
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OJAYA Deep Meditation — the Ancient Anti-Stress,
Anti-Anxiety Meditation . . . for Healthy, Youthful Aging P ROFOUNDLY easier and far more potent than guided meditations, mindful practices, or mere minutes — the perfect antidote to the fatigue tedious efforts to “watch your breath,” the ancient and frenzy of life in the real world , , , and a rare OJAYA Deep Meditation “Armor” technique ancient beauty secret for healthy youthful aging. quickly settles you into a calm state of deep, OJAYA makes you strong from the inside — so blissful, rejuvenating rest. It’s totally effortless, and you can get out there and do something great. so powerful that you do not need to meditate long Closely guarded for generations, these classic hours. Just 10-20 minutes attacks and dissolves the secrets of the OJAYA “Armor” technique are now deep roots of anxiety, lethargy and stress. Brain fog revealed to you on our exquisitely beautiful videos evaporates and your vital energies get recharged in — produced with love in the Earthborn Rainforest. Learn OJAYA on our site — start now free.

OJAYA Deep Meditation — the Ancient Anti-Stress, Anti-Anxiety Meditation . . . for Healthy, Youthful Aging mere minutes — the perfect antidote to the fatigue and frenzy of life in the real world , , , and a rare ancient beauty secret for healthy youthful aging. OJAYA makes you strong from the inside — so you can get out there and do something great. Closely guarded for generations, these classic secrets of the OJAYA “Armor” technique are now revealed to you on our exquisitely beautiful videos — produced with love in the Earthborn Rainforest. Learn OJAYA on our site — start now free.

42 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com — OJAYA.COM — The not-for-profit School of OJAYA Deep Meditation in the Earthborn Rainforest / US Tel. 641-472-3300 Empower yourself at: — OJAYA.COM — Empower yourself at:— OJAYA.COM — The not-for-profit School of OJAYA Deep Meditation in the Earthborn Rainforest / US Tel. 641-472-3300 Empower yourself at: The not-for-profit School of OJAYA Deep Meditation in the Earthborn Rainforest / US Tel. 641-472-3300