6 minute read
daily & ongoing DECEMBER 2023
Reiki 1 Certificate Training – Dec. 2-3, 10am-4pm. This comprehensive and complete professional-level course offers practical healing and energy work teachings in addition to Reiki attunements, meditations, and practice, with everyone receiving an entire healing session: Usui Reiki 1 Certificate, Reiki 1 book, and class recordings. Reiki empowers your healing abilities. Reiki is used to speed up healing, relieve pain, aid sleep, reduce stress, improve circulation, aid digestion, increase energy and stamina, balance the body, clear negativity, heighten psychic abilities, aid connection to your higher power, and much more! . $365/390. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Road, Chester. 973-647-2500. Bethemedicine.com.
Healing & Breathwork Class – 2-3:30pm. Led by Dean Cramp of Transcend Breathwork. Power Flow Yoga Morristown, 40 Market St., Morristown. For details and to register, visit HealingAndBreathwork.com/upcomingevents/.
Past Lives Regression Workshop – 6-8pm. Join us as we take a look into your past. Past lives, that is! Join Howard Mertine (Alternative Therapies Work, LLC) with Ellen Petroski Perkins & Greg Perkins (Gaia’s Gifts), as we host a two-hour guided hypnotic journey to take you into your own past lives. You may even uncover why you do some of the things you do in your current life. $30. RSVP as space is limited to 12 people. Pay at door or at paypal.me/gaiasgiftsnj/30. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. For information, call 908-2231331 or email Ellen at perkins145@comcast. net. GaiasGifts.net.
Breathwork Workshop – 5-6:30pm. Led by Dean Cramp of Transcend Breathwork. Nirvana Infrared Yoga, Wayne. $50. Preregister at NirvanaInfrared.com/events. For details, visit HealingAndBreathwork.com/ upcoming-events/.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:15pm; Zoom. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour virtual sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis –6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis –
All calendar events for the January 2024 issue must be received by December 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit https://www. naturalawakeningsnj.com/pages/calendar-listings or email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for submission form.
7:30-8:30pm. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:15pm. $60 each session. For more information and link to sessions, contact Barry at 908-303-7767, 610-353-2330 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Quantum Experiences: The Power of Restorative Healing Tones FREE Webinar – 8:30pm. Come join us to learn how your emotions could be negatively affecting areas of your body and how to reset with personalized frequency music. From a 10-sec voice clip, this technology can measure your voice tones to then generate balancing audios to diminish frequencies that are in excess and supplement those that are lacking. This can reduce anxiety, help with insomnia, and restore overall balance to the body. To register, email blueskaihealing@gmail.com or visit TapLink. cc/blueskaihealing.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis –9-11:45am. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 9-10am. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 10-11am. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis – 11-11:45am. $60 each session. Hypnosis Counseling Center, 28 Mine St., Flemington. For more information, contact Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Past Lives Regression Workshop – 6-8pm. Let’s take a look into your past—past lives, that is! Join Howard Mertine (of Alternative Therapies Work, LLC) in partnership with Everett Magie (of Alien Ink Tattoos), as we host a two-hour guided hypnotic journey to take you into your own past lives! You may even uncover why you do some of the things you do in your current life! Space is limited (10 people). $40 at door or PayPal at: hgmertine@ gmail.com. Alien Ink Tattoos, 264 Rt 206 S, Unit 3, Flanders. For information call 973652-7962. AlternativeTherapiesWork.com.
FREE Frequency and Bio-resonance Presentation – 8:30pm. Attendees will learn how this innovative quantum healing app scans and optimizes chakras, meridians, organs, skeletal & muscular systems, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, nerves, collagen, bacteria, viruses, mold, metals, & parasites to help reach a more balanced state. They will also discover how to imprint and broadcast frequencies (eg, sleep to your home or abundance to your office) and how to make your own homeopathic remedies and detoxes and scan your supplement library to see what is most in resonance with your body to take each day. It is time we take our own health back into our hands.To register, email blueskaihealing@gmail.com or visit TapLink. cc/blueskaihealing.
SoulCare Shop & Vibe Wellness Faire –12noon-5pm. Book a breathwork session with Dean Cramp of Transcend Breathwork at this unitue alternative/holistic wellness fair. 27 E. Main St., Rockaway. For details and to register, visit HealingAndBreathwork.com/ upcoming-events/.
Free Breathwork Class – 11:15am12:15pm. Led by Dean Cramp of Transcend Breathwork. Crunch Fitness Morristown, 118 Headquarters Plaza, Morristown. For details and to register, visit HealingAndBreathwork. com/upcoming-events/.
FREE Frequency Webinar: A Vibe Above the Competition – 12noon. A lunch presentation for all holistic doctors, dentists, veterinarians, naturopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, energy healers, and wellness enthusiasts who would like to add bio-resonance technology into your practices. Learn how practitioners are using an innovative quantum technology to expand their businesses and improve client outcomes. To register, email blueskaihealing@gmail.com or visit TapLink. cc/blueskaihealing.
Red Light Therapy Presentation – 8:30pm, EDT; via Zoom. Learn how the red light therapy device is used to target acne, rejuvenate the skin, stimulate collagen activity, target blemishes and other signs of aging, assist in pain relief, support vasodilation, reactivate nutrients and more. Attendance is free; however, registration is limited to 50 people. Reserve your spot today by emailing: blueskaihealing@gmail.com or calling/texting: 973-493-3139. TapLink.cc/ blueskaihealing.
Plan Ahead
New Year’s Grounding & Clearing – 12noon2pm. Start the new year off grounded and clear. Eliminate past baggage and start the New Year with an edge! Join Howard Mertine (of Alternative Therapies Work, LLC) in partnership with Everett Magie (of Alien Ink Tattoos), as we host a two-hour guided hypnotic, reiki infused journey to clear away what no longer serves you! Giving you a fresh start for the new year to come! This is one event you will not want to miss! Space is limited (10 people). $40 at door or PayPal at: hgmertine@gmail. com. Alien Ink Tattoos, 264 Rt 206 S, Unit 3, Flanders. For information call 973-6527962. AlternativeTherapiesWork.com.
Costa Rica Yoga and Healing Retreat –Feb. 17-25, 2024. Take your practice and your peace to the next level. Instructors include Dean Cramp of Transcend Healing Breathwork. Early bird discount $300 if registered by Dec. 10 at MajaYoga.com/ retreats. Teva Hotal & Jungle Reserve, aja@majayoga.com. For details, visit HealingAndBreathwork.com/upcomingevents/
Ongoing Sundays
Qi Gong with JoeyG – 10:30am. Join us in the Scalar Energy Field for an hour of qi gong with an energetic kick. $40. Advanced Frequency Energy Spa, 431 Rte 22 E (Bishop’s Plaza), Whitehouse Station. For details call 888-460-4050, text 908-8648111. AdvancedFrequencyEnergySpa.com. Online Breathwork – 7:30pm. Don’t miss out on this weekly Breathwork class with Dean Cramp. People have been practicing Breathwork for thousands of years. Join us to experience what controlled breathing can do for your mind, body and emotional health. For details and to register, visit HealingAndBreathwork.com/upcomingevents/
Breathe, Meditate & Be Happy – 6:30pm. Learn SKY Breath Meditation to be energized and efficient for healthy living and happy relationships. Free. RSVP http://tiny.cc/ breathe-summit. For information, Maya. yagnik@us.artofliving.org or 908-3766729. ArtOfLiving.org.
Qi Ji Jing Gong Beyond Beginners – 8-9pm; Zoom. Patty Pagano guides students into greater depth analysis and refinement of movements. Prerequisite Wu Ji Jing Gong Qi Gong for beginners. Series discounts: $60/4wk or drop in $20. For more information and class link contact Patty Pagano at 908-3921313 or pattygigongforhealing@gmail.com. QiGongForHealing.com. tuesday wednesdays thursdays
Mediumship, Intuitive, & Psychic Development Circle – 7-9pm. This on-going, interactive workshop series is presented in a way that assists in building intuitive muscle. Maureen guides participants in connecting with their intuition. This is a spiritual growing environment, and each week will focus on different techniques to help you unfold and develop to the next level. Every class will be different in development lessons. All levels welcome! $15; RSVP to Maureen 908-955-3282. Portal of Healing, 50 Main St., Top Flr, Chester. PortalOfHealing.com. DivineWingsOfFlight.com.
Meditation4Sobriety – 5:30-6:30pm, online, Chakra, 12-step Meditationoin including Simple breathwork, mudras, guided visual meditations, and journaling with Tanya D, founder of The Peace We Crave. Donation-based. For questions email tanyad@thepeacewecrave.com, and visit yoga4sobriety.com/schedule.
Yoga with Roberta – 6:30pm. Join us in the Scalar Energy Field for an hour of yoga with an energetic kick. $40. Advanced Frequency Energy Spa, 431 Rte 22 E (Bishop’s Plaza), Whitehouse Station. For details call 888-460-4050, text 908-8648111. AdvancedFrequencyEnergySpa.com.
Science of Breath – 6:30pm. Learn SKY Breath Meditation to be energized and efficient for healthy living and happy relationships. Free. RSVP http://aolf. co/Science-of-breath. For information, Morriscounty@us.artofliving.org or 973833-2193. ArtOfLiving.org.
Mad Monk Tai Chi – time/days varies. Learn the complete Yang 37 poster form. Thurs. classes: 5:30pm Advanced Form (sword, sensing hands); 6:30pm Beginners Form. Sat. class, 9:15am Beginners Form. Led by Jody Rubel. Location at Lakeland UU Fellowship, 231 Parish Dr., Wayne. For more information, 201-508-7257 and visit JodyRubel.wixsite.com/madmonk-tai-chi.