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Deeper understanding Market Financial Solutions
Extending your reach
How to market your firm in the ‘new normal’ Tiba Raja Executive Director Market Financial Solutions “ Taking the time to split your audience will allow you to tailor T he 'new normal’ is one of those sayings that everyone is going to get tired of quickly (if not already). However, it’s important to acknowledge that things are new. Just your messaging depending on their circumstances as we transitioned into lockdown, we are now transitioning out. And already, this is having a profound effect on the country and the economy. The challenge will be learning how to adapt to the ‘new normal’. comfortable. Learn which lenders are still fully operative and
Personalised customer experience
Making sure your clients are well catered for is something most of us were on top of before the pandemic. But now, market • A show of strength may be a good strategy for the second group, expectations and priorities have been altered. This means the however. For those who are attacking the market, ready to take way we structure our customer experience needs to change as advantage of the current climate, you can show that your well. A top focus is building and maintaining a positive rapport. business is still very much alive and kicking. Talk about your How you treat those that come to you for support will determine and stability, particularly with the lenders you are using to whether they will return once things have become more settled. bolsterconfidence. To this end, taking a step back and reviewing your personal groups which you could split your clients into : Those whose circumstances are more challenging through COVID. flexibletosuityourclient’sneeds. Those that have been able to take advantage of new opportunities. positive experiences of lockdown, and promote reliability marketing strategy will be vital in the coming months . Taking the time to split your audience will allow you to tailor your messaging depending on their circumstances. If automated Audience segmentation marketing is something that you are already doing, this can be One way to review and tailor your personal marketing strategy could is more one-to-one, you will know before you ring which tone of be segmenting your audience in new ways. There are two potential voice will make your client feel more at ease .
implemented simply through dedicated lists, and if your marketing
Managing expectations
With products changing so rapidly, educating clients in how the • Forthisfirstgroup,asofter,morepersonal,andeducational market has changed is something that should also be a priority. marketingapproachmaybebeneficial.Thisgroupmayneed This is not just for the client’s benefit, but also for yours. The better anextralevelofconfidencebeforetransacting.Ifyourbusiness your client understands what is happening in the market, the easier is mostly email based, perhaps look to add a phone call to your it will be for you to explain how their changing circumstances could customer journey, or a Zoom meeting to make the client more affect their applications to match a suited lender.