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Hannah Fay Sharples


by Donna Kirk

This month I interviewed Hannah Fay Sharples, Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner, about what she does with clients, why she does it, and what she wants readers to know about her work. I personally have experienced hypnotherapy with Hannah for sleep issues, and together we’ve achieved excellent results. I couldn’t be happier, and my hope is for her work to reach a larger audience.

DK: How did you become so passionate about hypnotherapy? HS: In 2005 I was lucky enough to win a NLP Practitioner course in Paris with NLP School Europe (they’ve since lost the ‘Europe’ in recent years). Whilst I was training in the City of Love I experienced hypnotic language and fell in love with it! I learnt what it could do for me - in the first instance solving a long standing issue for me in, well, an instant!

When I went on to train in Hypnotherapy (in 2010) the first deep change for me personally was being able to have control over regular pain I experienced. Then I was also able to overcome stage “fright” and go on to perform my own songs regularly.

In the last few years I’ve been able to use it to help me overcome a mugging which resulted in severe anxiety, triggering fight flight and freeze continuously.

Having been able to use the tools to help myself has helped me better help my clients over the years. I have helped them overcome depression, grief, jealousy, anger, break-ups, break-downs, relationship/communication issues, anxiety, performance issues and much more.

DK: How would you describe your mission and/or approach to someone not familiar with your work? HS: My mission now is to help those who experience anxiety and lack of confidence, and take them to a calm confident outlook, and moreover to strength and power. I blend NLP techniques, hypnotherapy and shadow work to make transformations that provide real lasting change.

DK: Why do you advocate a natural approach to health? HS: Through my work, others will start to think differently about what is possible and what can be achieved.

DK: What is the biggest surprise you’ve experienced so far about your work? HS: To see a client come into my space shaking with nervous energy, full of anger and fear, and to then leave on cloud 9, bouncing off the walls with happiness and relief that that anger and fear has gone and they have their old selves back is one session, well that warms my heart! DK: What gets you most excited about the work that you do? HS: To see those huge powerful shifts happen.

DK: What would you most like to see change regarding hypnotherapy? HS: That the old faulty beliefs held about not having control during hypnotherapy still persists—the client is always in control, and no, I won’t make you cluck like a chicken!

DK: What do you most want Natural Awakenings’ readers to really understand about you and your services? HS: That my clients give feedback that they are always surprised with how much they can share initially with me (because they feel so comfortable immediately) and that they shift so much in just one session, with deep foundational change occurring over a short course because I work at various levels to help the change be deeply imbedded.

Hannah Fay Sharples offers hypnotherapy, NLP, and coaching packages virtually. Contact her by sending a private message: Facebook.com/hannah.f.sharples/ or by email: Hannah.Sharples@yahoo.co.uk. See ad on page 17. November 2020 15

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