HVAC Energy Efficiency
Hospital , office, hotel, or school we will save 20-35% on your HVAC costs
Annual savings $23k
Annual savings $36k
Annual savings $26k
PROBLEM Your Chiller and Boiler systems never work quite efficiently as they could HVACs are designed to meet very rare extreme weather conditions, such as very high or low temperatures and humidity. Chillers/boilers and internal rooms have separate thermostats, yet they continue to operate even when room thermostats are closed.
SOLUTION: The Elencon CSMS ď ˝ Our Chiller Smart Management System is a innovative AI, using our sophisticated set of algorithms to learn and monitor the buildings thermodynamics. ď ˝ CSMS will control the building chiller or boiler system and optimize its operation, saving vast amounts of energy while internal Temp. Conditions remain the same.
Algorithms used by CSMS
Thermodynamic map of the building
Local meteorological information
Accurate energy savings calculations
Dynamic pricing of energy
CSMS: Key Concepts Elencon Operations Center
Grid Dynamic Pricing
Current building condition
Grid price
Local platform running client application
Weather information
Connected to building management system Location based forecast
Optimal set point strategy
CSMS: Operation Principle HVACs are designed to meet very rare extreme weather conditions, such as high temperatures and humidity. CSMS plans and controls the chiller set-point according to the actual weather conditions. Sometimes the water temperature may be increased without affecting the room conditions. Chiller and rooms have separate thermostats. The room thermostat stops cooling a room by stopping a flow of air or cold water through the cool water coil, but doesn’t affect the chiller’s operation . The CSMS uses this feature and many others to save energy.
CSMS: Architecture
CSMS: Deployment example energy saving - Hospital Hospital October 2014 - average working day
Total default 2487.68 kWh
Total CSMS 1539.10 kWh
CSMS Actual Data: Office Building MILLENIUM OFFICE BUILDING RAANANA Actual Monthly Savings in NIS 12000
10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Total January
Total February
Total March
Total April*
Total May Total June Total July
Total August
Total Sept. Total Total Total ** October November December
CSMS Actual Data: Office Building MILLENIUM OFFICE BUILDING RAANANA Average Daily Kw/h Consumption 2015 12000
No CSMS 10000
8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Total January
Total February
Total March
Total April*
Total May Total June Total July
Total August
Total Sept. Total Total Total ** October November December
CSMS Actual Data: Office Building
Alternatives to CSMS Building management systems: BMS
Analysis only. No building learning and not automatic.
Hardware: Voltage optimization, cosine, phase, and others
Savings tend to be less and the initial costs are high.
Alternative software solutions
Less savings percentages achieved. Less sophisticated product.
Advanced chiller controls
Only 5-7% savings.
You will only benefit We guarantee your comfort levels are not compromised Manual override Minimization of compressor starts to increase lifetime
Applications we prefer
Large buildings with heavy energy bills
Use of the chiller/heat pump more than 4 months a year
Relatively larger changes in weather patterns
An interface to standard software systems like Bacnet, Modbus, and Lon Work.
Temperature and humidity sensors in place.
These special features ensure the customer faces no risk purchasing and operating our product
Talented development and management team
Tamara Liberman
Dr Liron Allerhand
CTO and Founder
Chief Software Architect and Founder
Junior CTO
David Waimann
Ophir Mayer
Dr Ilya Spielberg
Project Manager
Thermodynamics physicist
Very low cost solution with limited hardware costs Enormous energy savings potential Proven Very responsive market
Dave Waimann
+ 972 544 405723