1 minute read

It is possible that mixing particular colors for certain objects of a space can induce oral feelings. How do sweetness, savoriness, and bitterness appear ? A space can gain depth by incorporating tastefully using beautiful colors.
The earliest sensory system to emerge in humans is the sensation of touch. By leaving our fingerprints, we shake the hands of countless generations, connecting us to time and tradition.
e/Touch, Tactile :
“...It is pleasurable to press a door handle shining from the thousand hands that have entered the door before us...The door handle is the handshake of the building..” (J. P)
Skin has numerous sensory receptors and is immediately in contact with its surrounding. So, it can read :
density texture temperature weight
“Standing barefoot on a smooth glacial rock by the sea and sensing through one’s soles the warmth of the stone heated by the sun is a healing experience..” “...I can recall the warmth of the wall.”
According to Pallasma, “...the touch is the unconscious of vision.” The eye actually
touches our gaze, strokes distant surfaces, contours. Besides, the unconscious tactile experience determines the texture of the material. It’s like touching it and feeling its bumpiness without actually being close to it. As a result, the near and the far are felt equally strongly.
Eye = Separation / Distance
the tactile sense is the sensory modality that best connects our awareness of the outside world and of ourselves. Touch = Nearness / Intimacy / Affection
“During overpowering emotional states we tend to close off the distancing sense of vision, we close our eyes when caressing our loved ones.”
f/Vestibular System :
“Images of muscle and bone” :
The vestibular system is a sensory system that transmits information to the brain about movement, head position, and spatial orientation.
Retreating Retreating through Emotionsthrough Emotions
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