5 minute read
I.3.c. Investigation : Study Cases
INTRODUCTION Every man should have a place where he can have communion with himself and his surroundings, a personal environment free from disharmony and frustrations, a place to nurture his ideals and aspirations. FAY JONES
As humans, we occasionally need to take a break from our hectic, stressful lives, drawback from all the hustle and bustle to rest, rejuvenate and recharge. Some people would rather stay at home and have their cocooning in their rooms, while others pick out particular calm locations to visit and spend a serene day there. According to the inquiry, we were able to identify some of these mystic locations, which were then categorized into groups, as were described in chapter 1/section 2 (page 40 ). So in this section, after delving into the topic of emotions and atmosphere, we will be presenting some study cases in an attempt to affirm Peter Zumthor’s theory and add other parameters. In fact, the examples we will look at will help to support and provide us with clearer and new paths for creating an atmosphere. For the first category “Sacred/spiritual places”, we have decided to investigate the Marabout Sidi Abderrahmane in Casablanca, Morocco, in the form of a commented journey. Following that, Chenini village will be studied as one of the “old/traditional places”. Finally, for the last category “Home/familiar place” , we simply selected “my bedroom” because that is where we spend the majority of our time and we found it to be a place for reflection, refuge and retreating.
Sacred / Spiritual places Old/Traditional Villages / Sites
Home / familiar place
We have identified in this investigation 3 different lexicons: Spatial, Emotional/Sentiment and Activities related.
A/ Sacred/ Spiritual places :
Mausoleum of Sidi Abderrahmane / CasaBlanca, Maroco :
The Koubba du Marabout Sidi Abderrahman is tucked away on a rocky island in the middle of the ocean in Casablanca. A Baghdadi holy man named Sidi Abderrahman Ibn Jilali ended up there in the 19th century. This man was pious and lonely, and he cherished time spent in the outdoors. In order to escape a world that was too brutal for a holy man, he had to retreat to the island. He spent each day and night on his island in prayer. The locals agreed to construct him a home on his island because he was so kind and helpful. There is now a causeway connecting the island, eliminating the need for pilgrims (as well as tourists) to climb across the rocks during low tide. Therefore, there is no doubt that this small parcel of land is shrouded in mysticism and is regarded as a mythical legendary paradise.

Figure n°89: Marabout Sidi Abderrahmane ( Source Author )
Atmosphere :

“ There is a whole village inside the mausoleum. It reminded me of the medina of Tunis where you can discover the different streets and get lost. ” Silence
Figure n°92: On the rock (Source Mansour kammoun)

The Mausoleum
“I didn’t expect to find this view, it was hidden behind the zewya. People were sitting on the big rock and you could see the horizonand a sensation of infinity. I took a big breath and let the freshness heal my soul”
Figure n°91: Getting nearer (Source Mansour

As one moves through a space there is always something in front, and human curiosity dictates that people keep moving forward and search deeper. “The zewya is appearing as I am getting closer, I’m excited for the journey”

Figure n°90: To the zewya (Source Mansour kammoun) “My favourite experience was the long walk to the Zewya, you feel like you’re leaving the noise of the city behind you and you’re heading toward something mysterious . Each time I get closer, I could hear the sound of the wavesgetting louder, the fresh breeze and the silence ...”
Atmosphere : Noise
Figure n°93: Marabout Sidi Abderrahmane (Source Author)
B/ Old traditional villages/sites :
Chenini village :
15/03/2022 Name : Rihab the whole journeyAge : 21 years old A student going on vacation for a weekend
In the southern Tunisian region of Tataouine, there is a ruined berber village called Chenini. Chenini was a fortified granary, or ksar, that was perched on a hill. It was constructed on a hilltop, like other ksour made by north african berber villages, to help defend it from invading raids.

Figure n°94: On the road (Source Souissi Rihab) ةنيدملا نيواطت نم وجرخن انيدب ام لوأ ،غراف و ليوط سايك � انحاور واقلن ، ىرخأ ةصلاب � تيلو �وه حور تيسح ةيوشب ةيوشب نم “. Chenini وبرقن انيدبلإ و كحور سحت و هلاحم و طيسب ناك ء� لك سقطلا مغر و .حورلا كيف عجرت ،كلصلأل تعجر و ةدراب سراي لخادلا �وه امأ ، اشراب نوخس ايدسج و حاترم كيلخت ةيفاد لا

Figure n°95: Building with earth (Source Souissi Rihab)

Figure n°96: Cold but warm (Source Souissi Rihab)
Atmosphere :
visuellement palette