4 minute read
I.3.a. Toward an Understandable Definition of Atmosphere
It also plays a role in motor processes that help us stay balanced, steady our head and body while moving, and keep our posture. As a result, normal movement, equilibrium and balance depend on the vestibular system.
Our entire bodily existence is devoted to seeing, touching, hearing, and measuring the world, and “the experiential world is organized and articulated around the center of the body.” Since we are always interacting and conversing with our surroundings, it is difficult to separate the self from its spatial and situational existence, which makes the body reaction an integral part of the experience of architecture. As Gaston Bachelard confirms : “by changing space, by leaving the space of one’s usual sensibilities, one enters into communication with a space that is psychically innovating. 33”
“The builders of traditional societies shaped their buildings with their own bodies in the same way that a bird molds its nest by its body” (J.P)

A deep sensitive architectural experience involves more than just a series of visual images; rather, it involves a succession of interactions and confrontations that engage the body and the memory. In Fact, it originates, leads, and organizes behaviors, it is the sanctuary of our identity, memory, and body.

Figure n°49: “I am the space where I am ” (Source Author )
g/Proprioception :
It is the sense of bodily awareness. It provides information about our body parts without requiring us to search for them. In architecture, bodily identity refers to a person’s sense of self and awareness when occupying a location, which in turn influences how we experience a building.
Our relationship with the environment and the body continuously alters how we perceive space. Architectural interiors enhance how the body perceives space,a phenomenon commonly referred to as embodiment. By manipulating multi sensory stimulation, it is possible to examine experimentally how the bodily senses interact with the environment around the body and assess the results using a variety of physiological self-consciousness-related behaviors.
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B/ “ Inner Senses ” :
The sensory experience necessarily depends on one’s sensitivity and his background. Feelings, judgments, impressions, states of mind depend on our inner senses.
a/The Imagination :
The ability to create mental representations, experiences, and visions without the aid of the senses is known as imagination, and it is frequently linked to creativity. In psychology, it is the ability to mentally picture sensations that are not physically existent. It is the faculty responsible for creating thoughts and images in the absence of direct sensory data, frequently by synthesizing bits and pieces of earlier sensory experiences.
b/The memory :

Figure n°50: Steven Holl’s Sketch (Source Archdaily )
Memory is the process of absorbing information from the environment, processing it, storing it, and then recalling it later, sometimes years later. Research indicates that memory is important for perception and judgment, but it may be less trustworthy and more susceptible to suggestion than previously thought. In light of this, architecture has the ability to “tap into” a user’s past important experiences via their senses and emotions. Memory plays a crucial part in making all of this possible by helping to set the stage for inhabitants to create new meaningful experiences. Daniel Libeskind, on the other hand, argues that “ memory is the foundation of architecture. It is memory that creates orientation and gives us a sense of connection between traditions of the past, the present and the future.35” c/Culture :
Culture is a term that refers to a large and diverse set of mostly intangible aspects of social life. According to sociologists, culture consists of the values, beliefs, systems of language, communication, and practices that people share in common and that can be used to define them as a collective. Everybody’s culture is reflected on how they act, react and perceive, and it links them to others who also think and behave in similar ways.
Finally, sensory architecture facilitates communication between people and their environment, and as a result, with their inner selves. Our 7 senses along with the interior ones are the most important sensory experiences in the architectural field. We’re able to interact with the architectural space via these senses. And with this multi sensory experience, we can trigger the memory and stimulate different emotions that help us travel inside ourselves and reconnect, this is how space become meaningful to people. In fact, our senses are engaged inside any architectural space to create a unique atmosphere that is both pleasurable, memorable, and reflecting for us.