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G i v e a l i t t l e l o v e w i t h o u r H e a r t
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L - C a r n i t i n e
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B - C o m p l e x
D e x p a n t h e n o l a l t h i v t r e a t m e n t a r e a i m e d a t l o w e r i n g u n w a n t e d , h i g h c h o l e s t e r o l l e v e l s , h i g h b l o o d p r e s s u r e , m i t i g a t i n g r i s k s o f c a r d i a c a r r e s t , h e a r t a t t a c k , a n d s t r o k e . I f a t a l l p o s s i b l e , t h e o b j e c t i v e o f o u r h e a l t h y h e a r t i n f u s i o n i s t o m i t i g a t e c a r d i o i s s u e s o v e r a l l , a n d i d e a l l y , e l i m i n a t e t h e n e c e s s i t y f o r c a r d i a c m e d i c a t i o n s care of pets.
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Calendar Of Events
Spring Plant Sale – Apr 7-8. 2-6pm, Fri; 9am2pm, Sat. Features expert staff on hand to answer all your plant questions and help you find the plants that will work best in your yard. Fort Worth Botanic Garden, 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd, Ft Worth. fwbg.org.
Catch the Rain: Rainwater Harvesting – 6:307:30pm. Learn simple techniques on how to divert, store and use one of nature’s best resources for the garden. Free. Virtual. RootedIn.com.
Dallas Sierra Club Meeting – 7pm. Meeting topic TBA. Zoom. DallasSierraClub.org.
Herb Your Enthusiasm: Herb Gardening Essentials – 6-7:30pm. Learn about everything from design and plant selection, proper soil prep and planting techniques, and transition to the many uses of our favorite herbs inside and outside the home. Free. Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 1700 University Dr, Ft Worth. RootedIn.com.
Sustainability But Make It Fashion – 6-8pm. Sustainable fashion blogger Niha Elety will talk about the intersection of textiles, culture and BIPOC communities and how we can implement Earth-friendly practices in our own daily fashion and consumption. $15, free/Dallas College students, faculty and staff. Dallas College North Lake Campus, 5001 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving. Tinyurl. com/3jtdd2yh.
What Color Means to a Bird – 7pm. Dr. Mark Hauber will explain many facets of the role that color plays in the lives of avian species including how they perceive color differently from humans, how their vibrant feather and egg colors are created, and how avian color vision affects their eating, mating, and parenting behavior. Zoom. fwas.org.
Catch the Rain: DIY Rain Barrel Class – 10am12pm. Learn simple techniques on how to divert, store and use one of nature’s best resources for the garden. We’ll also pour through the basics and benefits of rainwater harvesting and how it can reduce the effect your stormwater has on the environment. Free. Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center, 3310 Collins Rd, Denton. RootedIn.com.
New Irrigation Technologies – 9-11am. Learn about new irrigation technology that allows you to control your system remotely and components that help reduce, flow, pressure and better and more accurately apply water to your lawn. Virtual. SaveDallasWater.com.
Spring Japanese Festival – Apr 22-23. 9am5pm. Festival includes cultural demonstrations, performances, unique shopping opportunities and traditional foods. Fort Worth Botanic Garden, 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd, Ft Worth. fwbg.org.
Ongoing Events
Carrollton Runners Club Mile + 5K – 7:30am. A low-key 5K and 1-mile race every last Sun. McInnish Park, 2335 Sandy Lake Rd, Carrollton. CarrolltonRunners.com.
and sitting meditation followed by brief sharing. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 810 We Arapaho Rd, Ste 98, Richardson. 972432-7871. DallasMeditationCenter.com.
Meditation Mondays via Zoom – 7-8pm. Meditation Mondays focuses on the practice and the experience of various forms of meditation. Free. Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas. 972-233-7106. UnityDallas.org.
Sunday Service/Meditation and Purification monday
– 9-11:30am. Participate in meditation, chanting and readings from the Bible and Bhagavad Gita. 9-9:45am, Meditation and Purification; 10-11:30am, Service. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-248-9126. AnandaDallas.org.
Gentle Waves – 9:15-10:15am. A healing meditative practice that moves very slow and intentional. Gaia Flow Yoga, 3000 Blackburn St, Ste 140B, Dallas. Register: GaiaFlowYoga.com.
Celebration Service Live – 11am. Meditation, music and lessons on YouTube live: Unity on Greenville Dallas, TX or Cutt.ly/2tzQx4i. Love offering. Unity on Greenville, 3425 Greenville Ave, Dallas. 214-826-5683. DallasUnity.org.
Greater Dallas Organic Garden Club –2:30pm. 4th Sun (Jan-Sept). Each meeting includes a special speaker presentation covering many topics of interest to local gardeners. Free. North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas. 214-363-5316. gdogc.org.
Sunday Meditation – 3:15-4:15pm. With Lynne Patterson. Class offers many meditation techniques and styles, with a focus on mindfulness and open awareness. $10. Yoga Mart, 2201 Tucker St, Ste 101, Dallas. 214-238-2433. DallasMeditates.com.
Online: Ananda Yoga Sadhana Practice – 5:157:30pm. Also Thurs. Time to recalibrate and center through this transformational practice based on the yoga teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-2489126. AnandaDallas.org.
Online: Awakening Heart Meditation – 5-7pm. Interfaith mindfulness meditation, music and message based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Facilitated by Brother ChiSing. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 727 S Floyd Rd, Richardson. 972-432-7871. DallasMedita tionCenter.com.
Online: Zen to Go – 12-12:45pm. Mon-Thurs. An oasis in the middle of the day offering walking wednesday thursday
YES: A Young Adults Meditation Fellowship – 7-9pm. A meditation series for young adults in their 20s and 30s. Each evening will include a beginner-friendly walking and sitting meditation, Dharma teachings and refreshments afterwards. Donation. Dallas Meditation Center, 810 W Arapaho Rd, Ste 98, Richardson. 972-432-7871. DallasMeditationCenter.com.
Hot Yoga 201 on Zoom – 6:15pm. Open to all levels. This flowing-style class links the fundamental asanas (poses) of yoga linking body, mind and breath with music. Yoga4Love Studio Cabin, Ovilla. Yoga4Love.com.
Online: Meditation for Everyone – 7-8:30pm. Classes are great for beginners that want to learn to meditate and great for more experienced meditators that want to expand their meditation. Must register: MeditationInTexas.org.
Online: Metaphysics and Meditation –7-8:30pm. Manifestation and mysticism: 2 sides of the spiritual coin. Let us practice together, while diving more deeply into universal principles and spiritual living. Open to all. Free. A Center for Spiritual Living, 4801 Spring Valley Rd, Ste 115, Dallas. 972-866-9988. CSLDallas.org.
ImpactNights – More info: Inclusive-Economy. org/impactnights.
Denton-Collin-Grayson-Cooke counties
Online: Celebrate Recovery – 6:30pm. A safe community to find support, hope and freedom from the struggles and realities that we all face through transitions, hurt, pain, loss or addiction of any kind. Free. First United Methodist Church, 777 N Walnut Creek Dr, Mansfield. FirstMethodistMansfield.org.
Dallas Vegan Drinks – 6:30pm. Meets the 2nd Thurs each month at various veg-friendly locations for fellowship. Currently postponed. Facebook.com/DallasVeganDrinks.
Calendar Of Events
The Little Sit – 6am. If you want to learn how to identify the birds of North Texas, the Little Sit is the perfect way to start. A group of dedicated birders meet once a month at the end of Pad H on the West side of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge. 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-7862826. FriendsOfHagerman.com.
Meadow Bird Walk – 7:30-9:30am. Birders of all skill levels welcome. A variety of birding habitats explored, and an excellent cross section of North Texas bird species can be counted. Free. Connemara Meadow Nature Preserve, South gated entrance, behind intersection of Bass & Roberta drs, Plano. ConnemaraConservancy.org.
Hike + Write Workshop – 10am-12pm. A beginner’s class where we will discuss the elements of a journal and how to practice mindfulness in nature so that you can begin recording observations of your own. $10. Thrive Nature Park, 1951 S Valley Pkwy, Lewisville. Registration required: llela.org.
SATURDAY, APRIL 15 friday saturday
CCMGA Spring Plant Sale – 9am-1:30pm or sold out. Choose from hundreds of varieties of beautiful plants including annuals, perennials, shrubs, vegetables, herbs, grasses and succulents. Myers Park & Event Center, 7117 CR 166, McKinney. ccmgatx.org.
Online: Friday Meditation Happy Hours –5:30-6:15pm. Sessions begin every hour. Release stress with breath and gentle movements as you withdraw from the external and begin the journey within 15-min guided meditation. $10/session. DallasMeditates.com.
Morning Bird Walk – 7:30-8:15pm. 3rd Sat. Join Trinity River Audubon Center for a monthly bird walk and enjoy the grounds and our amazing feathered friends. $10. Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas. Registration required: TrinityRiver.Audubon.org.
Coppell Farmers Market – 8am-12pm. Yearround market. 768 W Main St, Coppell. CoppellFarmersMarket.org.
Morning Tai Chi – 8:30am. Join Tai Chi Chuan instructor George Deerfield for this interactive class in developing strength, balance, improved breathing. Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas. UnityDallas.org.
Second Saturday Guided Hike – 8:30-9:30am. Learn about our surrounding habitat while you enjoy a hike. All ages. Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas. Registration required: TrinityRiver.Audubon.org.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Baby Classes – 6-7pm. Classes are held virtually online lead by our top AID instructors utilizing state of the art visual aids and activities to keep it fun and engaging while presenting the latest evidenced based material on each topic. $35/class. Child birth-Classes.com.
Guided Trails – 10-11am. Experience the ecology, geology, flora and fauna of the Heard Sanctuary. Led by our trained guides, spend 45-60 mins hiking our unique landscape. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. Heard Museum.org.
Rain Barrels 101 – 12-1pm, webinar; 6-7pm, in-person. Geared toward first-time users, learn how to properly install, use and maintain your rain barrel(s). Free. Environmental Education Center, 4116 W Plano Pkwy, Plano. 972-7694130. Register: LiveGreenInPlano.obsres.com.
Early Bird Walk – 8-9:30am. Led by Master Naturalist Jack Chiles, weather permitting. Free. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-786-2826. FriendsOf Hagerman.com.
Zip Line Day – 9am-12pm. Guests climb a 23-ft tree to our zip platform then proceed to a 487-ft Zip line. Purchase one ticket ($12 each) for each time you would like to travel down the zip line. Pre-registration required. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. HeardMuseum.org.
Second Saturday Presentation at HNWR –10am. Hummingbirds with Dr. Wayne Meyer. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-786-2826. Friends OfHagerman.com.
The Refuge Rocks – 10am. Ages 5-10. Nature Journals for Little Explorers. Free. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. Registration required: 903-786-2826 or FriendsOfHagerman.com.
Thrive Nature Walk – 9-10:30am. A family-friendly guided walk to connect with nature and the outdoors. Thrive Nature Park, 1951 S Valley Pkwy, Lewisville. Registration required: CityOfLewisville.com.
Webinar: Garden Green, Keep It Clean –12-1:30pm. Will cover a range of residential landscaping practices that promote water quality and healthy growth, including: soil amendments, responsible weed and pest control, irrigation and more. Free. Register: LiveGreenInPlano. obsres.com.
Plant Sale – Apr 22-23. 9am-5pm, Sat; 1-5pm, Sun. A huge selection of the best plants for North Central Texas gardens such as natives, hardto-find herbs and well-adapted plants. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. Heard Museum.org.
Ongoing Events
NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email Publisher@NADallas.com for guidelines and to submit entries. No phone calls or faxes, please.
Grapevine Farmers Market – 9am-6pm, Sun; 8am-8pm, Mon-Sat. Eat healthy with locally-grown produce and products. 520 S Main St, Ste 203, Grapevine. 817-527-7446. Farmers MarketOfGrapevine.com.
Horizon UU Worship Service – 10:30am-12pm. Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church, 1641 W Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton. 972-492-4940. Horizonuu.org.
Dairy Farm Tours – Mon-Sat, by appt only. Experience life on a dairy farm with an educational tour including how and what cows are fed, the benefits of grass-crop based feed (silage), the milking parlor, bottle feeding baby calves along with the learning the benefits of drinking raw milk vs pasteurized milk. Everyone gets samples of milk. $7/person age 2 & up. Circle N Dairy, 2074 County Road 446,
1st Saturday Nature Walks – 10am-12pm. Monthly naturalist-led nature walk. Each season at LLELA is different, and we never know what we’ll find. All ages. $5/vehicle. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration required: 972-219-3550 or llela.org.
Star Coyote Events – Monthly events include gong, Tibetan bowl and crystal bowl sound journeys, shamanic journey with a drum dance, kid’s energy and creativity events, and a Wed morning class series. Please see the calendar at StarCoyoteSoundTemple.com for the exact dates and times as they change each month or call 469-344-6484.
Frisco Fresh Market – 10am-4pm. Also Sat, 8am-4pm. Frisco Fresh Market, 9215 John W Elliott Dr, Frisco. 844-776-2753. FriscoFresh Market.com.
Sunday Celebration Service Agape Center for Spiritual Living – 10am, meditation; 10:30am, service. Noah’s Event Venue, 5280 Town Square Dr, Plano. Rev Lee Wolak: 972-468-1331. AgapeSpiritualCenter.com.
Sunday Worship: Unity Spiritual Center of Denton Service – 10am, coffee; 11am, service. Unity takes spiritual principles and makes them practical in your life. 6071 New Hope Rd, Krugerville. 214-453-0218. UnityOfNewHope.org.
Sunday Brunch –10am-3pm. Serves up farmto-table shared plates, 72 taps (wine & craft beer), and a welcoming atmosphere to create a unique dining experience. Craft & Vine, 310 S Oak St, Roanoke. 817-464-8181. CraftAndVine. Restaurant.
tuesday thursday saturday
Buddhist Sangha Online – 7-9pm. The meeting of Horizon’s Buddhist covenant group. Meditation and study of the 8-Fold Path. Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church: Horizonuu.org.
Mystic Mandala Meditations – 6:30-7:30pm. Guided by Vijay Moksha. A non-denominational mindfulness practice to evolve consciousness; to go beyond the mind using the mind itself. MysticMandalaCenter.com.
Blackland Prairie Raptor Center First Saturdays – 10am-2pm. Meet raptors up-close. Take guided prairie hikes. Kids activities. Bring a picnic lunch. Blackland Prairie Raptor Center, 1625 Brockdale Park Rd, Lucas. Erich Neupert: 972442-7607. BPRaptorCenter.org.
The most environmentally friendly product is the one you didn’t buy.
~Joshua Becker
Looking for an organization that shares your values of caring for the environment and love of the great outdoors?
Looking for an organization that shares your values of caring for the environment and love of the great outdoors?
Looking for an organization that shares your values of caring for the environment and love of the great outdoors?
Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the REI store at 4515 LBJ in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm.
2nd Saturday Bird Walk – Sept-June. 8-9:30am. Helps beginning and intermediate birders with bird spotting and identification techniques. Included in general admission; free/Heard Museum members. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972562-5566. HeardMuseum.org.
Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Brookhaven College, Bldg H
Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the REI store at 4515 LBJ in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm.
Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the REI store at 4515 LBJ in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm.
Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the REI store at 4515 LBJ in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm.
3939 Valley View Lane in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm.
Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities, outings and our Memorial Day bus trip to New Mexico at dallassierraclub.org
Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities, outings and our Memorial Day bus trip to New Mexico at dallassierraclub.org
Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities, outings and our Memorial Day bus trip to New Mexico at dallassierraclub.org
Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities and outings at DallasSierraClub.org
Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities, outings and our Memorial Day bus trip to New Mexico at dallassierraclub.org