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Welcoming the Unknown

by Marlaina Donato


Ushering in a brand-new year can be filled with hope, but it can also feel as daunting as a blank sheet of paper. We might pause at the threshold with pen in hand, recounting past mistakes and failures, hesitant to make our mark. The unforeseen is like a stranger, easy to mistrust. Dreading the unknown can be a self-sabotaging habit that obstructs the view and keeps us wishing instead of living.

Nature’s great gift is her constancy of seasons, but she thrives on change. Despite the human propensity for clutching what is familiar and predictable, we do best by leaving the door ajar for the unexpected. If we are fortunate, we will have 12 more months to have another go at it.

Setting a place at the table for delight shifts our frequency from resistance to receiving our highest good, and swapping anxiety for excitement can be a spiritual practice during our most uncomfortable moments. Instead of making a resolution, what if we made the simple decision to not believe our fears?

With no concept of limitation or worry of scraped knees, we once learned to walk, happily undiscouraged when we stumbled. That first spark of eager curiosity remains deep in our memory, not confined to youth. Embracing possibility this year can be a subtle, mantra-in-motion as we go through our days, a cellular willingness to expect an outcome tailored specifically for us. Here are some prompts for embracing possibility:

n On scraps of paper, write down 12 things you have postponed doing or trying and keep them in a special canister. Pull one out each month and follow through with joyful anticipation.

n Witness the sunrise once a week and designate it as an opportunity to open your heart and mind to the new and glorious. n Change things up in the kitchen: Buy new dishes and donate the old to a local thrift store. Try a new food every week and explore herbs and spices not usually in the cupboard. n Notice something in your daily surroundings that might have gone unnoticed before.

Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and composer. Connect at WildflowerLady.com.

Copper can stop a virus before it starts

By Doug Cornell

Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast.

Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness.

Colds and many other illnesses start when viruses get in your nose and multiply. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.

Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch.

That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do.

“The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.

Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.

The EPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.

The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe

with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect. When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never happened. I used to get 2-3 bad colds every New research: Copper kills viruses in seconds. year. Now I use my device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.” He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years. Users say:

“It works! I love it!” “I can’t believe how good my nose feels.” “Is it supposed to work that fast?” “One of the best presents ever.” “Sixteen flights, not a sniffle!” “Cold sores gone!” “It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.” “I am shocked! My sinus cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” “Best sleep I’ve had in years!”

After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.

Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.

Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoy life.

Soon people found other things they could use it against.

Colds Flu Virus variants Sinus trouble Cold sores Fever blisters Canker sores Strep throat Night stuffiness Morning congestion Nasal drip Infected sores Infected wounds Styes Warts Ringworm Other microbial threats

The handle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.

The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished.

Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”

CopperZap® is made in the USA of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA34.

Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever.

Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Hidden Dangers in Pet Food


by Karen Becker

Among the many reasons to switch from ultra-processed diets to fresh food for our furry family members, unwanted toxins are high on the list. Because pet food manufacturers are not required to conduct quality control testing, consumers never know exactly what toxins their dogs and cats are inadvertently ingesting. According to PetFoodIndustry.com, “Some level of contamination is unavoidable.” Here is a look at the most common toxins found in many popular pet foods. ARSENIC is used in herbicides, insecticides, wood preservatives and insulation, as well as in chicken feed in factory farms. According to Greg Aldrich, Ph.D., associate professor and pet food program coordinator at Kansas State University, “The measured presence of arsenic in pet foods does not equate to toxicity for this naturally occurring earth element.” While this may be true, bioaccumulation can do significant damage over time if sublethal doses are consistently consumed. The gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels and skin are most vulnerable to arsenic damage, which interferes with hormones and causes cancer and death. To help pets with elevated arsenic levels, try iodine- and selenium-rich foods, including sea vegetables and Brazil nuts; sulfurous foods like garlic; alpha lipoid acid; and N-acetylcysteine.

MERCURY is released into the air and waterways primarily through burning coal, and seafood is the most common route of exposure. It is best not to feed pets an exclusive diet of fish protein. On the other hand, seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to a pet’s well-be-

ing. Consider feeding them low-mercury options like wild-caught salmon, sardines packed in water, mussels or rainbow trout in rotation with other proteins, or supplementing their diet with krill oil or an omega-3 fatty acid that is third-party validated as contaminant-free and sustainably sourced. Mercury detoxification can be achieved by using chlorella and cilantro.


(PCB) and POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHER (PBDE) are used as fire retardants and can bioaccumulate at high levels in large, predatory fish at the top of the food chain like tuna, tilefish, king mackerel, shark and swordfish. Research suggests that cats are especially sensitive to PBDEs and PCBs found at high levels in both canned and dry pet foods. Although PCBs were banned in the U.S. in 1979, they are still used elsewhere in the world and continue to pollute the oceans. These fat-soluble toxins can be cleared through the bowels, so add fibrous veggies and chlorophyll-containing foods or supplements to the pet bowl. BISPHENOL A (BPA) is used in plastics and coatings inside pet food cans. It imitates the body’s hormones, especially estrogen, in ways that are damaging to the health of both humans and animals. A 2017 study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri concluded that even a short-term (two-week) feeding of canned dog food resulted in a three-fold increase of BPA in dogs. Avoid canned pet foods and #7 plastic food and water bowls and storage bins. Provide ongoing BPA detoxification support by offering foods rich in Lactobacillus acidophilus (kefir and yogurt) and glutathione-rich foods, including culinary and medicinal mushrooms. DIOXINS, a byproduct of industrial processes, can disrupt the signaling of both male and female sex hormones in the body. They’re found in much of the U.S. food supply, including factory-produced meat, fish, milk, eggs and butter. Offer pets organic food whenever possible. Because dioxins are fat-soluble, they are stored in adipose tissues. Try the Ayurvedic practice of lipophilic-mediated detoxification, which uses healthy fats, including ghee, coconut and MCT oil, to pull out fatstored toxins. AFLATOXIN contamination has been the cause of several pet food recalls and major disease outbreaks for more than 20 years. Known to cause acute toxic illness and cancer, they are naturally occurring mycotoxins produced by fungi in agricultural crops. Corn, peanuts and cottonseed have the highest rate of aflatoxin contamination. Aflatoxicosis is more common in dogs than cats because commercial dog food more often contains corn. Many animal studies demonstrate the efficacy of using ginger, thyme, broccoli, turmeric and carrots for aflatoxin detoxification.

The only way to know exactly what a pet is eating is to buy the ingredients and prepare nutritionally complete meals at home. When choosing a commercial pet food, make sure that it contains human-grade ingredients and that manufacturers employ quality control steps in their operations to test for contaminants.

Veterinarian Karen Becker, DVM, has spent her career empowering animal guardians in making knowledgeable decisions to extend the life and well-being of their animals. For more information, visit DrKarenBecker.com.

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More than Skin Deep


by Lorraine Maita, MD

Psoriasis affects approximately 3 percent of the U.S. population. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, founder of the Institute of Functional Medicine, the condition involves terrible suffering from scaly, itchy, inflamed and peeling skin; aching joints; burning genitals; broken nails; and the resulting depression that inevitably comes from such conditions—all of which explains why it is often referred to as “the heartbreak of psoriasis.”

The Cleveland Clinic describes psoriasis as an autoimmune condition of the skin. The immune system of people with psoriasis overreacts, causing inflammation and an overly rapid growth of new skin cells, which in turn causes a buildup on the surface that creates the appearance of scaling, but the effects are much more significant than cosmetic.

Psoriasis is associated with psoriatic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, autoimmune thyroiditis, lymphoma and cardiovascular disease. The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) describes a link between psoriasis and cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome known as the “march of psoriasis”. Widespread inflammation may cause insulin resistance that triggers cells lining the blood vessels to malfunction, potentially leading to atherosclerosis and heart attack or stroke. The ailment also increases the risk of diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol.

Traditionally, psoriasis is treated with steroids and immunosuppressive drugs that can be harsh on the body and quite expensive while failing to address its root cause. Alternatively, the functional medicine approach is to treat the disease’s underlying causes: inflammation and triggers.

“I have psoriasis,” says Dr. Brad Shook, a chiropractic physician and member of The Institute of Functional Medicine. “I worked hard, and I’ve had my psoriasis and my autoimmunity under control and in remission. Through functional medicine, we can identify these drivers and help you to unwind this process, heal your body and then through that process of healing, you learn what the triggers were.”


Functional medicine practitioners use the acronym STAIN to categorize five triggers that activate inflammation and psoriasis: stress, trauma or toxins, antigens or adverse food reactions, inflammation or infections and nutrition. Removing these triggers allows for healing.


Psoriatic patients report worsening of symptoms with stress. Modulating the reaction to stress and adding relaxation techniques can calm the inflammatory response. Practicing relaxing activities such as deep belly breathing, yoga, tai chi, prayer, meditation, visualization, Heartmath, massage, acupuncture or biofeedback can relieve stress. Exercise can also release endorphins that reduce pain perception.

Trauma or Toxins

The NPF states that physical trauma can induce the development of psoriatic plaques. Toxins such as smoking and alcohol have been shown to increase the risk and severity of the disease. Obesity may also play a role in worsening symptoms because toxins are stored in fat, which emits inflammatory cytokines. It’s recommended to maintain ideal weight, abstain from smoking and alcohol consumption, and avoid trauma. Detoxifying and removing heavy metals can decrease the inflammatory response, as well.

Antigens or Adverse Food Reactions

Studies show that a Western diet rich in sugar and fat leads to an imbalance in gut bacteria known as dysbiosis. These harmful bacteria may contribute to psoriasis. Allergens or reactions to food can cause increased intestinal permeability, or leaky gut. The most common triggers tend to be wheat and dairy.

The Chopra Center recommends the 4 R Gut Healing program. Removing foods patients are sensitive to is key to calming down the immune system, as well as avoiding sugar, wheat, dairy and processed foods. To improve the gut, replace digestive enzymes, replenish healthy bacteria with a probiotic and repair the gut lining with butyrate or L glutamine.

Inflammation or Infections

To diminish inflammation, modify the diet to include more anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats found in fish, avocado, nuts, seeds and olives, and fewer inflammatory omega-6 fats found in wheat and dairy. Look for and eradicate hidden infections. Decrease inflammation with a high-quality fish oil, curcumin, probiotics and a whole foods diet free of food sensitivities.


Studies show that having adequate amounts of vitamins A and D, fish oil, probiotics and zinc are important for maintaining both a healthy gut and a healthy immune response. Supplementation can be helpful in maintaining appropriate levels of these vital nutrients. Some patients using topical vitamin D products found they had effects similar to topical corticosteroids. “When I started working at the Ultrawellness Center, I learned about how to address the root causes of a problem, not just the symptoms, and have found a new way of approaching psoriasis,” says Adonica Nichols, a psoriasis patient and a licensed practical nurse at the center, in Lenox, Massachusetts. “Living with psoriasis is still an everyday struggle for me, but I have implemented many of these changes in my diet and lifestyle over the past several months, and I am feeling better than I ever have.”

Psoriasis is a multifaceted, complex illness that may require a deeper look at the triggers. A functional medicine physician can offer a systematic approach to uncover and remove these triggers, helping patients heal from the heartbreak of psoriasis.

Board-certified in integrative, anti-aging and internal medicine, Lorraine Maita, MD is an award-winning functional medicine specialist and author in Short Hills, NJ. For more information, visit HowToLiveYounger.com.


Manly Men and Wild Women Hike – 10am. 14th annual New Year’s Day hike border to border of the 225-plus-acre nature park. Route marked with pink ribbons. The event returns as a group hike but safe distancing is recommended. Tandy Hills Natural Area, 3325 View St, Fort Worth. RSVP, Don Young: Info@TandyHills. org. Tinyurl.com/yc2yspbt.


Blazing the Trail: Finding Body Diversity and Inclusion in Outdoor Spaces – 2-3pm or 7-8pm. Webinar with Kara Richardson Whitely & Meredith Nisbet. How does weight stigma impact access to outdoor activities and spaces for children and adults? How can we contribute to the building of diverse and engaging spaces for all? Free. Register: Tinyurl.com/yc79xkva. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10

Online: Dallas Sierra Club – 7pm. Amy Martin and Kristi Kerr Leonard will discuss their new project: The Ned Fritz Legacy featured at NedFritz.com. Zoom. DallasSierraClub.org.


Native Landscape Certification Program,

Level 4 Class: Stewardship of Native Plant Communities – 9am-4pm. Presented by the Native Plant Society of Texas. Pre-requisite: NLCP Level 1. Zoom. Register: Tinyurl.com/trjbhv3a. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15

Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance – 6pm. Celebration will feature dance, song, poetry, and art performed by the Dallas Black Dance Theatre and Musically Me Unlimited. Free admission. Carpenter Hall, 3333 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving. CityOfIrving.org. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21

Outside the Box: Tips on Facilitating Indoor Learning Tasks Outside – 10-11am. Demekia Biscoe, Education Director with the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, will guide you through things to consider for educators thinking about enhancing their lessons with outdoor activity. Free. Register: Tinyurl.com/yz3pk83s.


Carrollton Runners Club Mile + 5K – 7:30am. A low-key 5K and 1-mile race every last Sun. McInnish Park, 2335 Sandy Lake Rd, Carrollton. CarrolltonRunners.com.

Sunday Service/Meditation and Purification

– 9-11:30am. Participate in meditation, chanting and readings from the Bible and Bhagavad Gita. 9-9:45am, Meditation and Purification; 10-11:30am, Service. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-248-9126. AnandaDallas.org. Gentle Waves – 9:15-10:15am. A healing meditative practice that moves very slow and intentional. Gaia Flow Yoga, 3000 Blackburn St, Ste 140B, Dallas. Register: GaiaFlowYoga.com. Celebration Service Live – 11am. Meditation, music and lessons on YouTube live: Unity on Greenville Dallas, TX or Cutt.ly/2tzQx4i. Love offering. Unity on Greenville, 3425 Greenville Ave, Dallas. 214-826-5683. DallasUnity.org.

Greater Dallas Organic Garden Club – 2:30pm. 4th Sun (Jan-Sept). Each meeting includes a special speaker presentation covering many topics of interest to local gardeners. Free. North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas. 214-363-5316. gdogc.org. Sunday Meditation – 3:15-4:15pm. With Lynne Patterson. Class offers many meditation techniques and styles, with a focus on mindfulness and open awareness. $10. Yoga Mart, 2201 Tucker St, Ste 101, Dallas. 214-238-2433. DallasMeditates.com. Online: Awakening Heart Meditation – 5-7pm. Interfaith mindfulness meditation, music and message based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Facilitated by Brother ChiSing. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 727 S Floyd Rd, Richardson. 972-432-7871. DallasMeditationCenter.com.


Online: Zen to Go – 12-12:45pm. Mon-Thurs. An oasis in the middle of the day offering walking and sitting meditation followed by brief sharing. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 810 We Arapaho Rd, Ste 98, Richardson. 972432-7871. DallasMeditationCenter.com. Meditation Mondays via Zoom – 7-8pm. Meditation Mondays focuses on the practice and the experience of various forms of meditation. Free. Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas. 972-233-7106. UnityDallas.org.


Online: Ananda Yoga Sadhana Practice – 5:157:30pm. Also Thurs. Time to recalibrate and center through this transformational practice based on the yoga teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-2489126. AnandaDallas.org.

YES: A Young Adults Meditation Fellowship

– 7-9pm. A meditation series for young adults in their 20s and 30s. Each evening will include a beginner-friendly walking and sitting meditation, Dharma teachings and refreshments afterwards. Donation. Dallas Meditation Center, 810 W Arapaho Rd, Ste 98, Richardson. 972-432-7871. DallasMeditationCenter.com.


Hot Yoga 201 on Zoom – 6:15pm. Open to all levels. This flowing-style class links the fundamental asanas (poses) of yoga linking body, mind and breath with music. Yoga4Love Studio Cabin, Ovilla. Yoga4Love.com. Online: Meditation for Everyone – 7-8:30pm. Classes are great for beginners that want to learn to meditate and great for more experienced meditators that want to expand their meditation. Must register: MeditationInTexas.org. Online: Metaphysics and Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Manifestation and mysticism: 2 sides of the spiritual coin. Let us practice together, while diving more deeply into universal principles and spiritual living. Open to all. Free. A Center for Spiritual Living, 4801 Spring Valley Rd, Ste 115, Dallas. 972-866-9988. CSLDallas.org.


ImpactNights – More info: Inclusive-Economy. org/impactnights. Online: Celebrate Recovery – 6:30pm. A safe community to find support, hope and freedom from the struggles and realities that we all face through transitions, hurt, pain, loss or addiction of any kind. Free. First United Methodist Church, 777 N Walnut Creek Dr, Mansfield. FirstMethodistMansfield.org.

Dallas Vegan Drinks – 6:30pm. Meets the 2nd Thurs each month at various veg-friendly locations for fellowship. Currently postponed. Facebook.com/DallasVeganDrinks.


Online: Friday Meditation Happy Hours – 5:30-6:15pm. Sessions begin every hour.Release stress with breath and gentle movements as you withdraw from the external and begin the journey within 15-min guided meditation. $10/session. DallasMeditates.com.


Morning Bird Walk – 7:30-8:15pm. 3rd Sat. Join Trinity River Audubon Center for a monthly bird walk and enjoy the grounds and our amazing feathered friends. $10. Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas. Registration required: TrinityRiver.Audubon.org.

Coppell Farmers Market – 8am-12pm. Yearround market. 768 W Main St, Coppell. CoppellFarmersMarket.org. Morning Tai Chi – 8:30am. Join Tai Chi Chuan instructor George Deerfield for this interactive class in developing strength, balance, improved breathing. Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas. UnityDallas.org. Second Saturday Guided Hike – 8:30-9:30am. Learn about our surrounding habitat while you enjoy a hike. All ages. Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas. Registration required: TrinityRiver.Audubon.org.

Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Baby

Classes – 6-7pm. Classes are held virtually online lead by our top AID instructors utilizing state of the art visual aids and activities to keep it fun and engaging while presenting the latest evidenced based material on each topic. $35/class. Childbirth-Classes.com. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7

The Little Sit – 6am. If you want to learn how to identify the birds of North Texas, the Little Sit is the perfect way to start. A group of dedicated birders meet once a month at the end of Pad H on the West side of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge. 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-7862826. FriendsOfHagerman.com.

Guided Trails – 2-3pm. Experience the ecology, geology, flora and fauna of the Heard Sanctuary. Led by our trained guides, spend 45-60 mins hiking our unique landscape. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. HeardMuseum.org. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10

Make Your Own Spice Blends – 6-7pm. Learn how to make a few simple popular spice blends and even try your hand at creating your own. Lewisville Public Library, 1197 W Main St, Lewisville. Registration required: Lewisville. libcal.com/event/9821372.


Success with Seeds – 7-9pm. Learn the secrets to successful seed sowing from VegetableGardener. com contributor and seed master, Greg Holdsworth. You’ll even take home your own plants. Free. Environmental Education Center, 4116 W Plano Pkwy, Plano. 972-769-4130. Register: LiveGreenInPlano.obsres.com.


Early Bird Walk – 8-9:30am. Master Naturalist Jack Chiles will lead this Early Bird Walk, weather permitting. Free. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-786-2826. FriendsOfHagerman.com. Eastern Bluebirds – 10am. With Kathy Whaley. Free. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-786-2826. FriendsOf Hagerman.com. Holistic Festival Market Roadshow – Jan 1415. 10am-6pm. Presented by Human Embrace and Mystic Mandala, in association with The Crystal Corner Plano. Focusing on our continued goal of providing wellness products, resources and talks to the community. $5. Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve, 5901 Los Rios Blvd, Plano. 469-401-4777. HolisticFestivalOfLife.com.


Vegetable Gardening for North Texas – 7-8:30pm. Get tips for successful vegetable gardening in North Central Texas. If you are a beginning gardener, learn how to set up your spring garden for maximum results, even in containers. Free. Environmental Education Center, 4116 W Plano Pkwy, Plano. 972-769-4130. Register: LiveGreenInPlano.obsres.com.


Zip Line Day – 1-4pm. Guests climb a 23-ft tree to our zip platform then proceed to a 487-ft Zip line.Purchase one ticket ($12 each) for each time you would like to travel down the zip line. Pre-registration required. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. HeardMuseum.org. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25

Webinar: Understanding Your Water Bill – 12-1:30pm. Is your water bill a mystery? Want to learn how your charges are calculated each month? Let us walk you through the process. Will also share guidance on customer resources and empowering sustainable behaviors. Free. Register: LiveGreenInPlano.obsres.com.


Night Hike – 6pm. Explore the thrilling sights, smells, and sounds of night with Heard Trail Guides. $12/member, $14/nonmember. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. Heard Museum.org.

Denton-Collin-Grayson-Cooke counties


Denton-Collin-Grayson-Cooke counties

Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Publisher@NADallas.com. Deadline is the 10th of the month.

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NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email Publisher@NADallas.com for guidelines and to submit entries. No phone calls or faxes, please.


Grapevine Farmers Market – 9am-6pm, Sun; 8am-8pm, Mon-Sat. Eat healthy with locally-grown produce and products. 520 S Main St, Ste 203, Grapevine. 817-527-7446. FarmersMar ketOfGrapevine.com.

Star Coyote Events – Monthly events include gong, Tibetan bowl and crystal bowl sound journeys, shamanic journey with a drum dance, kid’s energy and creativity events, and a Wed morning class series. Please see the calendar at StarCoyoteSoundTemple.com for the exact dates and times as they change each month or call 469-344-6484. (silage), the milking parlor, bottle feeding baby calves along with the learning the benefits of drinking raw milk vs pasteurized milk. Everyone gets samples of milk. $7/person age 2 & up. Circle N Dairy, 2074 County Road 446, Gainesville. 940-372-0343. CircleNDairy.com.


Buddhist Sangha Online – 7-9pm. The meeting of Horizon’s Buddhist covenant group. Meditation and study of the 8-Fold Path. Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church: Horizonuu.org.


Mystic Mandala Meditations – 6:30-7:30pm. Guided by Vijay Moksha. A non-denominational mindfulness practice to evolve consciousness; to go beyond the mind using the mind itself. MysticMandalaCenter.com.


Frisco Fresh Market – 10am-4pm. Also Sat, 8am-4pm. Frisco Fresh Market, 9215 John W Elliott Dr, Frisco. 844-776-2753. FriscoFreshMarket.com.

Sunday Celebration Service Agape Center for

Spiritual Living – 10am, meditation; 10:30am, service. Noah’s Event Venue, 5280 Town Square Dr, Plano. Rev Lee Wolak: 972-468-1331. AgapeSpiritualCenter.com.

Sunday Worship: Unity Spiritual Center of

Denton Service – 10am, coffee; 11am, service. Unity takes spiritual principles and makes them practical in your life. 6071 New Hope Rd, Krugerville. 214-453-0218. UnityOfNewHope.org. Sunday Brunch –10am-3pm. Serves up farmto-table shared plates, 72 taps (wine & craft beer), and a welcoming atmosphere to create a unique dining experience. Craft & Vine, 310 S Oak St, Roanoke. 817-464-8181. CraftAndVine. Restaurant. Horizon UU Worship Service – 10:30am-12pm. Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church, 1641 W Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton. 972-492-4940. Horizonuu.org.

live your saturday healthiest 2nd Saturday Bird Walk – Sept-June. 8-9:30am. Helps beginning and intermediate birders with bird spotting and identification techniques. Included in general admission; free/Heard Museum members. Heard Natural Science Museum & Life on a Healthy Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972562-5566. HeardMuseum.org. 1st Saturday Nature Walks – 10am-12pm. Monthly naturalist-led nature walk. Each season Planet at LLELA is different, and we never know what we’ll find. All ages. $5/vehicle. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration required: 972-219-3550 or llela.org.

Blackland Prairie Raptor Center First Satur-

days – 10am-2pm. Meet raptors up-close. Take guided prairie hikes. Kids activities. Bring a picnic lunch. Blackland Prairie Raptor Center, 1625 Brockdale Park Rd, Lucas. Erich Neupert: 972442-7607. BPRaptorCenter.org.


Dairy Farm Tours – Mon-Sat, by appt only. Experience life on a dairy farm with an educational tour including how and what cows are fed, the benefits of grass-crop based feed

Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email NAadvertising@NaturalAwakenings.com to request our media kit.



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A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. ~James Keller CHIROPRACTIC


Dr. Zhangping Lu, DC, LAc, MD (China) 425 Maplelawn Dr, Ste 101, Plano 75075 972-519-8488 DFWAcupunctureChiropractic.com

Whole-body wellness center providing chiropractic care, spinal decompression, allergy testing, NAET, IMAET, detoxification, weight loss, hormone balancing, wellness programs and more. All-natural healing, no medication, no surgery. See ad, page 25.



1601 South Lamar, Dallas 214-378-1824 DCCCD.edu

Dallas College has seven campuses, including El Centro, Brookhaven, Mountain View, Eastfield, Richland, Cedar Valley and Northlake. Dallas College serves the region with accredited one and two year certificates, degrees and core credit courses guaranteed to transfer to Texas colleges and universities. 11600 Welch Road, Dallas 214- 363-6311 Hockaday.org

Established almost 100 years ago, The Hockaday School provides a college preparatory educa-tion for girls; from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade, including Boarding school for grades 8-12. With an approximate enrollment of 1,000 students and a 10:1 student teacher ratio, Hockaday students enjoy a 100% acceptance rate to college.


12345 Inwood Rd, Dallas 972-387-8700 JesuitCP.org

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas is a private Catholic institution for young men under the direction of the Society of Jesus. Located in North Dallas, it provides a student-centered education to approximately 1,000 students, grades 9-12. Our students’ average SAT scores exceed the national average by over 200 points.


2540 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas 75229 800-637-8337/214-902-2429 AskAdmissions@parker.edu Parker.edu

More patients want alternative methods of treatment that are healthy, holistic and non-invasive. Earning your degree from Parker University in Functional Nutrition, Strength and Human Performance, Integrative Health can put you in position to help them. Offering top level experience and accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Council on Chiropractic Education, and the Commission of Massage Therapy Accreditation.



8011 Douglas Ave, Dallas 75225 SaintMichaelsMarket.com

Market opens every Saturday, from 8am to noon, April 17th through September 25th, plus 3rd Sat. of Oct, Nov, and Dec. Located in west parking lot of Saint Michaels Church. Local vendors and growers with 100% of products grown or made by them. Vendors adhere to CDC safety protocols. Masks provided; social distancing required.

7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas 214-363-5316 NHG.com

Serving Dallas since 1951, NHG has grown into one of the most reStart Your Victory Gardenspected horticultural establishments in North Texas by serving our cusfor a Lifetime of Health & Wellnesstomers with quality and value. Offering gardening and plant education, concierge services, DIY classes, video library, gifts and more.

Plant For Fall Harvest:

Direct Seed Outdoors (O), Start Seeds Indoors (IN)

Through August 15: August 1 - August 25:

Winter Squash by seed (O) Broccoli by seed (IN) Black Eyed Peas by seed (O) Brussels Sprouts by seed (IN) Southern Peas by seed (O) Cabbage by seed (IN) Okra by seed (IN)/(O) Cauliflower by seed (IN) Black Eyed Peas by seed (O) Corn by seed (O) Cucumbers by seed (O) August 1 - September 15: Kohlrabi by seed (IN) Pinto Beans by seed (O) Snap Pole Beans by seed (O) Snap Bush Beans by seed (O) Swiss Chard by seed (IN) Yellow Bush Beans by seed (O) Zucchini Squash by seed (O) Open Daily 9AM-5PM. Visit NHG.com for more info.

7700 Northaven Rd. Dallas, TX 75230 214-363-5316

HEALTH CARE BAYLOR SCOTT & WHITE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM 1-800-4BAYLOR BaylorHealth.com/CancerCare We have a network of comprehensive cancer treatment centers throughout Dallas-Fort Worth, offering full range cancer-related and integrative medical services. Whether you want to learn about types of cancer, screenings, prevention, healthy living or support, Baylor is here for you. We offer the experience, expertise and technology you can trust.


13 Locations in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex 888-286-4603 PrimaCare.com

With 13 Urgent Care Centers, PrimaCare serves the medical needs of area families with courtesy, convenience and compassion. Open 7 days a week with extended hours. No appointment necessary. Most insurance accepted. Use our Call Ahead Service and wait where your want. Open: Monday–Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday–Sunday 8am–5pm.



Dr. Toni Engram 415 State St #800, Richardson 75082 469-676-2777 Flourish.dental At Flourish Dental Boutique, we believe the best dentistry is often the least dentistry. We help your body thrive on its own with therapies that enrich and empower its natural healing processes. As a holistic and biological dental practice, we choose safe materials and treatment protocols with special attention to your nutrition and overall wellness. See ad, page 5. Dr. Philip Kozlow Dr. Josh Rowell 5050 Quorum Dr, Suite 300, Dallas 972-458-2464 DallasDentist.net

We strive to provide healthy, green alternatives for our dental patients by providing digital x-rays, mercury safe restorative options and chemical free dental hygiene products. Committed to total body wellness while avoiding the use of toxic materials, and continuing education to ensure treatments are up to date and effective in a kind and caring environment. See ad, page 37.


Dr. D. Brock Lynn 6190 LBJ Freeway #900, Dallas 972-934-1400 LynnDentalCare.com Practicing dentistry for over 38 years, specializing in periodontics, Dr. Lynn is board-certified and a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontics and Dental implants. He practices dentistry with a holistic approach and is a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine &Toxicology as well as the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health. See ad, inside front cover..


Dr. Sonya Reddy 3000 FM 307, #300, Bartonville 940-301-0947 SmileUpDentistry.com

Dr.Reddy believes oral health leads to overall health and function has to coincide with form. With 15 years of experience, providing quality and compassionate care for whole family. Dr.Reddy is an expert in sleep, apnea, implant and orthodontic care along with regular checkups and cleanings. We provide Smart protocol in removing toxic silver fillings.


Dr. Becky Coats, DDS, MAGD, LVIF, FIDIA, FAACP 2631 Ira E Woods Ave, Grapevine 817-481-6888 TMJPlus.com

Instead of focusing just on your teeth, we also look at dental issues connected with other health problems you may be having. We collaborate with Thermography, Lymphatic Drainage, and Osteopathic Medicine practitioners. Call today for TMJ Pain Relief, Sleep Apnea, Frenuloplasty(Tongue Tie), Biological Dentistry, Physiologic Orthodontics, Headache Relief, Mercury Fillings Removal, Metal Free Ceramic Implants. Cathy Lemmon 469-383-8442 Cathy@HPWWC.org HealthyHealingArts.com Homeoprophylaxis (HP), a part of Homeopathy, is a major part of Cathy Lemmon’s practice at Healthy Healing Arts. HP has been used worldwide for hundreds of years with a success rate of over 90% to help fight off disease. Lemmon uses an energetic, nontoxic means of promoting immunity in a safe and natural way. See ad, page 7.



1320 W. Walnut Hill Ln, Irving 18601 LBJ #501, Mesquite 972-444-0660 DrChapa.com

Trained in Asia, graduated from a Korean University, Dr. Chapa holds a Naturopathic Doctorate Degree and a PhD in Eastern Medicine specializing in Neurological issues. A former medic/nurse since 1995, this unique training has given confidence from many Physicians to refer their patients. Dr. Chapa is founder and medical director of AIMC established in 2009.


Dr. Elizabeth Seymour, MD 399 Melrose Dr., Suite A, Richardson 214-368-4132 EHCD.COM

A nationally recognized medical facility specializing in the relationship of health and disease to environmental factors. Thorough investigation is made to determine the cause and correlation of the patent’s disease process to environmental factors. A leader in the field treating mold exposure/sensitivity; oil spill, pesticides and chemical exposure; chemical sensitivities, immune dysregulation and much more.


Dr. Alfred R. Johnson, D.O. 997 Hampshire Lane, Richardson 972-479-0400 JohnsonMedicalAssociates.com Johnson Medical Associates is a state-of-the-art medical clinic offering comprehensive medical services aimed at finding the cause not just treating the symptoms. Dr. Johnson is a doctor of internal medicine with 35+ years of experience in areas of chronic illness, toxic exposures, allergies and the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to address a multitude of conditions. See ad on page 5.

Dr. Jerry Tennant MD, Medical Director 35 Veranda Lane, Ste 100, Colleyville 972-580-1156 TennantInstitute.us

Providing traditional “standard-ofcare” medicine using prescription as well as complementary medicine. Recognizing that the human body is not simply a collection of independent parts but rather an integrative whole -we treat it that way. Conditions treated include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, macular degeneration and glaucoma, as well as thyroid support, adrenal support, hormone replacement. essential oil therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. See ad, page 47.


Dr. Phyllis Gee, MD 4601 Old Shepard Pl, Bldg. 2, Ste. 201, Plano 469-361-4000 WillowbendHealthAndWellness.com With 30 years of practice, empowerment and whole health are centerpieces of our care. Our goal is finding and treating the root cause of your symptoms to restore your health utilizing regenerative medical practices. We address functional wellness, sexual wellness, weight management. We do functional health testing. Call for appointment. See ad on page 3.



Niti Shah, PT, MS, CNS, LDN 3365 Regent Blvd., Ste 130, Irving TX 75063 972-514-7956 Back2BasicsFXN.com Chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmunity have reached pandemic levels. My goal is to shift attention away from suppressing symptoms with drugs—to addressing the root cause of conditions with nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle change. As a Board-certified Clinical Nutritionist, I will show you the transformative power of a back to basics approach.



9901 Valley Ranch Pkwy East, Ste 1009 Irving 972-580-0545 Biomodulator@senergy.us Senergy.us

We are the exclusive distributor of the patented Tennant Biomodulator® PLUS & PRO. These FDA accepted non-invasive devices are designed to offer an affordable, drug free, user-friendly option for the indicated use of symptomatic relief for chronic, severe or intractable pain; and adjunctive treatment in managing post-surgical and post-traumatic pain. See ad, page 47. ABRAMS ROYAL COMPOUNDING PHARMACY

8220 Abrams Rd, Dallas 214-349-8000 4904 W. Park Blvd, Plano 972-599-7700 ARP-RX.com

Family owned and operated since 1980, with more than 135 years of combined experience. Our pharmacists work to provide proactive solutions to restore health and wellness. We work as trusted partners with physicians and patients to develop targeted treatment plans and customized wellness programs for your unique needs. Pharmacy Compounding. Accreditation Board (PACB) certified.



Dr. Tricia Seymour, PhD, EdD, ND, LPC-S 1201 International Parkway, Ste 200, Richardson 972-792-9900 Entelechea.org

Dr. Seymour integrates mindbody-spirit into her holistic psychotherapy practice. She utilizes rapid psychotherapy methods such as EFT, ETT, Hypnotherapy, and EMDR to assist clients in releasing old patterns and creating a better life. Dr. Seymour has been a licensed psychotherapist for 30+ years. See ad, page 34.



4503 West Lovers Lane, Dallas 214-351-5681 CelebrationRestaurant.com The original farm-to-table Food You Can restaurant in north Texas, inFeel Good About! cluding catering and takeDallas’ ORIGINAL farm-to-table restaurant out Market. With a full -service bar, we celebrate years Fresh • Local • Sustainable of serving delicious, affordable, locally sourced food. We offer gluten free al• Local, free-range, 100% grass-fed beef from Springerhill Ranch ternatives, clean water raised salmon and sustainably raised seafood, cage free poultry and 100% • No antibiotics ever, vegetarian grass fed beef. Come in today, order in or take-out. See ad, page 25.. fed, cage-free chicken from Perdue Farms • Verlasso salmon raised in the clean waters of Patagonia

As Celebration continues to serve delicious, affordable and locally sourced food, Restaurant - 214-351-5681 | 4503 West Lovers Lane Dallas, Texas 75209 Catering - 214-351-2456 • Market - 214-352-0031 CelebrationRestaurant.com We know that food is a medicine, perhaps the we want to thank our friends and customers for your loving and loyal support! most powerful drug on the planet with the power to cause or cure most disease. ~Dr. Mark Hyman

6808 Pastor Bailey Dr, Dallas 214-331-8522 ConcordDallas.tv

Concord Dallas is the church that grows people. Their core values are passion for Christ, passion for people and catalyst for change. Services are Sundays at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm and online at Streamingfaith.com. Mid-week service is Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Reverend Bryan L. Carter, Senior Pastor.


5502 Ben Davis, Sachse 972-984-8946 UnityOfSachse@gmail.com UnityOfSachse.com We teach positive psychology based on Spiritual teachings of Jesus. Services are held Sundays at 11:30am. Join us as we share truths and principles to help along your spiritual journey. Each week’s message and all events are posted on our website for your convenience. Spiritual counseling and positive prayer available.



2455 Ridge Road, Suite 151, Rockwall 972-771-8900 RockwallColonics.com

“Our goal is to offer our community high-quality wellness services in an exceptionally comfortable and healing environment. We know that time-honored healing traditions-Massage, Young Living Raindrop Therapy, Chiropractic, iV therapy, Juicing and Colonics work. RCW offers all of these things, come visit us and begin your journey to optimum wellness.



Dawn Harris, RYT500 306 W Ave F, Midlothian 214-817-8597 CrescentYogaStudio.com

Ellis county’s premier yoga studio and eco-boutique offers a variety of weekly classes, specialty workshops, private yoga and reiki sessions as well as natural health and wellness events. Come feel your stress and tensions away. New student intro offer: 2 weeks unlimited Yoga for $20. Empowering a healthy lifestyle.

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