42 minute read


How Cannabidiol Benefits Dogs

by Caroline Coile


Struck with severe arthritis, Topper, a 7-year-old Ibizan Hound, was in such pain he could hardly walk. He had to be carried outside to eat or use the bathroom, and medication wasn’t working. On a friend’s recommendation, his owner, Christy Moore, of Florence, Arizona, gave him cannabidiol (CBD). “Within three days, he could walk on all four legs and I was crying tears of joy,” she recalls. “It was the miracle we needed.”

Topper is among the thousands of furry family members that have found relief with CBD, one of 113 cannabinoids found in cannabis (hemp) plants. Success stories abound of how CBD has helped dogs overcome anxiety, reduce seizures and even beat cancer.

Cannabinoids, including CBD and the psychoactive compound THC, are substances that mimic the naturally occurring chemicals produced in all vertebrates. Receptors for these endocannabinoids are found throughout the body, especially in the brain, nervous system and immune system, as well as the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, intestinal tract, muscles, bones and both the reproductive and circulatory systems. They act as master regulators that signal other systems when to speed up or slow down, working to stabilize the body and return it to homeostasis. Cannabinoids from the cannabis plant affect these same receptors,

each in slightly different ways.

Unlike THC, which is toxic for dogs at prescribed human dosages, the most significant, documented side effects of CBD are diarrhea and changes in some liver enzyme values after several weeks. The main concern with CBD is that it inhibits cytochrome P450, a chemical in the body responsible for metabolizing most drugs. That means CBD could affect the effective potency of a prescribed drug.

What Research Shows

While thousands of reports on CBD’s effect on laboratory animals and humans have been published, only a few have been conducted with dogs or cats. Still, CBD seems promising for arthritis, anxiety, itchiness and possibly seizures, cancer and other maladies. ARTHRITIS: In a Cornell University study, some dogs were initially so decrepit that their owners considered euthanasia, but after just days on CBD they were trotting around and even climbing stairs. A Baylor University study found similar improvement. ITCHINESS: An Australian study found CBD reduced itchiness, inflammation and skin lesions by 51 percent after eight weeks of treatment. An American study also found CBD significantly reduced reports of itchiness.

CANCER:Cannabinoids are reported to induce cancer cell death and prevent metastasis. A Cornell University study found that CBD along with a standard chemotherapy drug reduced cancer cell proliferation in vitro more than the chemotherapy drug alone. Anecdotal reports from veterinarians have claimed CBD shrunk cancer cells or put dogs into remission. BEHAVIOR: Despite those reports, no controlled study has shown CBD to be more effective than prescription medications in reducing anxiety. A University of Kentucky study found physiological measurements of anxiety in response to noise were not significantly different for CBD versus a placebo, and were worse compared to trazodone (a drug commonly prescribed for anxiety). A University of Western Australia study found shelter dogs with aggressive tendencies exhibited less aggression toward humans after two weeks of taking CBD. SEIZURES: Many anecdotal reports hail CBD’s success in combatting seizures in dogs, but the single controlled study delivered only moderate results. A Colorado State University study found CBD only worked with some dogs, and it reduced, but didn’t eliminate, seizures. OTHER: Evidence from laboratory animals supports CBD’s effectiveness in promoting bone healing, fighting infection, treating inflammatory bowel disease, slowing degenerative myelopathy, quelling nausea and relieving pain.

Choosing Wisely

Broad-spectrum products work better than isolated CBD because they use the whole cannabis plant. Choose those with thirdparty certificates of analysis of potency and testing for heavy metals, mycotoxins or pesticides. Avoid human edible products that often contain ingredients such as xylitol that are toxic to pets.

Aim for about 0.1 to 0.2 milligram per kilogram of a dog’s weight, given twice daily by mouth. Work up gradually, but beware that more is not always better with CBD, because sometimes the response is biphasic—it doesn’t work if they get too little or too much.

Discuss CBD with a veterinarian, but realize that not all of them are familiar or comfortable with the subject. CBD, like many supplements and drugs designed for humans and used on canines, is not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Overall, the evidence is compelling that CBD can help some conditions. The endocannabinoid system is the largest system in the body and the least explored. CBD is not a miracle drug, but it may be the miracle our four-footed friends need.

Caroline Coile, Ph.D., is an award-winning writer of 34 books, thousands of magazine and web articles, and an app, All About Dogs. Learn more at CarolineCoile.com.

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Online: DFW Solar Tour – 10am-4pm. Learn how your neighbors, homeowners and businesses alike, are using solar energy, wind energy, energy efficiency and other sustainable technologies to save money and consume less of our natural resources. Free. Details: dfwsolartour.org.

9th Annual Round Up FUNdraising Event – 6:30-10:30pm. A fun evening under the stars at the ranch including dinner, music, dancing and silent auction. $60/adult. Paws for Reflection Ranch, 5431 Montgomery Rd, Midlothian. 972-775-8966. PawsForReflectionranch.org. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9

Online: Rain Gardens: Where Beauty Meets Functionality – 10am-12pm. Learn the basics of rain garden design and maintenance along with an overview of the flood of plant material that can thrive in these enticing garden features. Free. Register: RootedIn.com. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12

Virtual Global Conference on Sustainability in

Higher Education – Oct 12-14. Hosted by Dallas College. GCSHE offers three full days of live content and networking, in addition to 80 days of on-demand access through Dec 31. More info: aashe. org/conference.

Virtual: Dallas Sierra Club General Meeting

– 7-8:30pm. Via Zoom. More info: DallasSierra Club.org. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14

Online: Pollinators & Native Plants – 6pm. Learn more about how native plants can attract pollinators to your garden. Registration not required. Free. To attend: Tinyurl.com/adfkev2y.

Online: Replacing Trees and Shrubs with Native

Plants – 6-7pm. Dallas County Master Gardeners will discuss the benefits of native trees and shrubs, as well as which native greenery is best to plant. Via Zoom. Register: Tinyurl.com/pymyk35k.

ongoing events


Carrollton Runners Club Mile + 5K – 7:30am. A low-key 5K and 1-mile race every last Sun. McInnish Park, 2335 Sandy Lake Rd, Carrollton. Carrollton Runners.com.

Sunday Service/Meditation and Purification

– 9-11:30am. Participate in meditation, chanting and readings from the Bible and Bhagavad Gita. 9-9:45am, Meditation and Purification; 10-11:30am, Service. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-2489126. AnandaDallas.org. Vegan Sunday Brunch at Spiral Diner – 9am-3pm. Vegan diner and bakery since 2002. Sunday brunch features vegan pancakes, tofu scramble, breakfast quesadillas and organic mimosas. 1314 W Magnolia Ave, Fort Worth & 1101 N Beckley, Dallas. SpiralDiner.com. Gentle Waves – 9:15-10:15am. A healing meditative practice that moves very slow and intentional. Gaia Flow Yoga, 3000 Blackburn St, Ste 140B, Dallas. Register: GaiaFlowYoga.com. Dynamic Meditation – 10-11am. One of the active meditations compiled by Osho. Breath, jump, scream and shout, let it all go, then be in the bliss of silence and stillness. Cosmic Cafe, 2912 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas. 214-521-6157. CosmicCafeDallas.com. Celebration Service Live – 11am. Meditation, music and lessons on YouTube live: Unity on Greenville Dallas, TX or Cutt.ly/2tzQx4i. Love offering. Unity on Greenville, 3425 Greenville Ave, Dallas. 214-826-5683. DallasUnity.org. Sunday Meditation – 3:15-4:15pm. With Lynne Patterson. Class offers many meditation techniques and styles, with a focus on mindfulness and open awareness. $10. Yoga Mart, 2201 Tucker St, Ste 101, Dallas. 214-238-2433. DallasMeditates.com. Chakra Sound Meditation – 5-6:30pm. Includes chakra sounds and breathing techniques. Cosmic Cafe, 2912 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas. 214521-6157. CosmicCafeDallas.com.

Hike with a Naturalist: Spooky Night Hike

– 6:30-8pm. All ages. Join a naturalist for a “spooky” hike as we try to identify the sounds and sights of natural night life. $15/person. Elmer W Oliver Nature Park, 1650 Matlock Rd, Mansfield. Pre-registration required: Tinyurl. com/r63b89wp. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16

Butterfly Flutterfly – 10am-2pm. The day begins with a gossamer costume parade for kids and pets and is followed by costume and art contests, special exhibits and multiple live butterfly releases. Grapevine Botanical Gardens at Heritage Park, 411 Ball St, Grapevine. GrapevineTexasusa.com. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21

E-Waste Recycling Event – 10:30am-1:30pm. Be able to recycle computers, network and communications devices, CRTs and LCDs, point of sale equipment, wires and cables, other office equipment, consumer goods, batteries, appliances, and audio and video equipment. Free. Dallas College Cedar Valley Campus, 3030 N Dallas Ave, Lancaster. More info: Tinyurl. com/udrzkx5t.


Identification and Lifestyles of Common

Dallas Area Insects – 6-7pm. Learn more about the amazing insects and the incredible diversity in your own yard. Who are they? What are they doing? Why are they important? Free. West Irving Library, 4444 W Rochelle Rd, Irving. Register: CityOfIrving.org.

Online: Awakening Heart Meditation – 5-7pm. Interfaith mindfulness meditation, music and message based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Facilitated by Brother ChiSing. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 727 S Floyd Rd, Richardson. 972-432-7871. DallasMedita tionCenter.com.


Online: Zen to Go – 12-12:45pm. Mon-Thurs. An oasis in the middle of the day offering walking and sitting meditation followed by brief sharing. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 810 We Arapaho Rd, Ste 98, Richardson. 972-432-7871. DallasMedi tationCenter.com.

Hatha Yoga – 7-8pm. A gentle hatha yoga geared for all ages and levels with a special focus on breathing, meditation and a specific intention each sequence. Cosmic Cafe, 2912

Oak Lawn Dr, Dallas. 214-521-6157. CosmicCafeDallas.com. Meditation Mondays via Zoom – 7-8pm. Meditation Mondays focuses on the practice and the experience of various forms of meditation. Free. Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas. 972-2337106. UnityDallas.org.


Daily Harvest – 10-10:30am. Also Thurs. Join our horticulture team as they harvest fresh and seasonal produce in the garden. Included with garden admission or membership. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas. Details: DallasArboretum.org. Online: Ananda Yoga Sadhana Practice – 5:157:30pm. Also Thurs. Time to recalibrate and center through this transformational practice based on the yoga teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-248-9126. AnandaDallas.org.

YES: A Young Adults Meditation Fellowship

– 7-9pm. A meditation series for young adults in their 20s and 30s. Each evening will include a beginner-friendly walking and sitting meditation, Dharma teachings and refreshments afterwards. Donation. Dallas Meditation Center, 810 W Arapaho Rd, Ste 98, Richardson. 972-432-7871. DallasMeditationCenter.com.


Yoga 201 on Zoom – 6:15pm. Open to all levels. This flowing-style class links the fundamental asanas (poses) of yoga linking body, mind and breath with music. Yoga4Love Studio Cabin, Ovilla. Yoga4Love.com. Online: Meditation for Everyone – 7-8:30pm. Classes are great for beginners that want to learn to meditate and great for more experienced meditators that want to expand their meditation. Must register: MeditationInTexas.org. Online: Metaphysics and Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Manifestation and mysticism: 2 sides of the spiritual coin. Let us practice together, while diving more deeply into universal principles and spiritual living. Open to all. Free. A Center for Spiritual Living, 4801 Spring Valley Rd, Ste 115, Dallas. 972-866-9988. CSLDallas.org.


ImpactNights – More info: Inclusive-Economy. org/impactnights. Online: Celebrate Recovery – 6:30pm. A safe community to find support, hope and freedom from the struggles and realities that we all face through transitions, hurt, pain, loss or addiction of any kind. Free. First United Methodist Church, 777 N Walnut Creek Dr, Mansfield. FirstMethodistMansfield.org. Dallas Vegan Drinks – 6:30pm. Meets the 2nd Thurs each month at various veg-friendly locations for fellowship. Currently postponed. Facebook. com/DallasVeganDrinks.


Online: Friday Meditation Happy Hours – 5:30-6:15pm. Sessions begin every hour.Release stress with breath and gentle movements as you withdraw from the external and begin the journey within 15-min guided meditation. $10/session. DallasMeditates.com. Coppell Farmers’ Market – 8am-12pm. Yearround market. 768 W Main St, Coppell. CoppellFarmersMarket.org.

Morning Tai Chi – 8:30am. Join Tai Chi Chuan instructor George Deerfield for this interactive class in developing strength, balance, improved breathing. Unity of Dallas, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas. UnityDallas.org.


Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Publisher@NADallas.com. Deadline is the 10th of the month.


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calendar of events


1st Saturday Nature Walks – 10am-12pm. Monthly naturalist-led nature walk. Each season at LLELA is different. $5/vehicle. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration required: 972-219-3550 or llela.org. MONDAY, OCTOBER 4

Meet the Meadow Introductory Trail Walk

– 9am. An introduction to the meadow guided trail walk led by Texas Master Naturalists and Meadow Volunteers. Free. Rowlett Creek Bridge, Connemara Meadow Nature Preserve, Alma Dr, Allen. ConnemaraConservancy.org. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6

Webinar: Eco-friendly Shopping – 12-1:30pm. Find out about how to improve your eco-friendly shopping habits, drastically reduce your carbon footprint, food waste and decrease your grocery bill. Free. Via Zoom. Register: LiveGreenIn Plano.obsres.com. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8

Calloway’s Canned Food Drive – Oct 8-17. Donate non-perishable canned goods. Collection Boxes will be located at the front of each of our stores. All donations in DFW will go directly to the North Texas Food Bank. More info: Calloways.com. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9

Bird Walk – 7:30-10:30am. Join an expert birder as we explore prime birding locations on LLELA’s nature trails. Ages 10 & up. $5/vehicle. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration required: 972-2193550 or llela.org. Zip Line Day – 9am-12pm. Guests climb a 23-ft tree to our zip platform then proceed to a 487-ft Zip line. Purchase one ticket ($12 each) for each time you would like to travel down the zip line. Pre-registration required. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. HeardMuseum.org. 2021 CCMGA Fall Plant Sale – 9am-1:30pm. Collin County Master Gardeners have carefully curated a collection of drought tolerant, locally grown perennials, ferns, shrubs, grasses, groundcovers and annuals that will perform well in your North Texas garden. The Stall Barn, Myers Park & Event Center, 7117 CR 166, McKinney. ccmgatx.org. Online: Shorebirds – 10am. With Dr. Wayne Meyer. Every Spring and Autumn Hagerman NWR hosts thousands of shorebirds of 30 or more species. We’ll talk about the importance of shorebirds and the importance of NWRs to shorebirds. Free. Via Zoom. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, 6465 Refuge Rd, Sherman. 903-786-2826. Registration required: FriendsOfHagerman.com. Plano International Festival – 10am-5pm. Fitness and Wellness Fair: 10am-1pm. The area’s largest cultural event has food, fun and entertainment from over 100 cultures plus free flu shots and health screenings at the Wellness Fair. The Fitzone will offer interactive fitness demos. Free admission & parking. Haggard Park, 901 E 15th St, Plano. 404-626-5577. planoInternationalFestival.org.

Denton-Collin-Grayson-Cooke counties

Global Village Frisco 2021: Multicultural Festival – 11am-6pm. Focuses on cross-cultural awareness and celebration of cultural diversity. Includes booths sharing culture along with selling world cuisines and artisan crafts. Performers will ignite the stage with energetic performances representing their culture. Free admission. Simpson Plaza, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco. GlobalVillageFrisco.com. Butterfly Walk – 12-2pm. Join North Texas Master Naturalists and discover the winged wonders migrating through the City of Lewisville this Fall. $5/vehicle. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration required: 972-219-3550 or llela.org. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16

A Chance to Hike – 10am-12pm. Free guided nature walk for members of the Special Needs community will take place along the wide and level crushed-granite surface of the Cottonwood trail. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration required: 972-219-3550 or llela.org. Halloween at the Heard – 6-10pm. A safe environment to experience the joy of trick-or-treating along the eerie Dinosaurs Live trail. Includes fun activities including a presentation of a family friendly movie. $15/adult, $10/age 3-12, free/ age 2 7 under. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. Tickets required: HeardMuseum.org. LLELA Owl Prowl – 6:30-8:30pm. Join our guides as they lead a stroll down the trail, listening for owls as we go. Ages 7 & up. $20/person. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration required: 972-219-3550 or llela.org. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23

WaterWise Landscape Tour – 9am-3pm. Visit beautiful, sustainable landscapes in our community in a self-paced, self-guided program. Plano.gov/ landscapetour. Guided Trail – 2-4pm. Experience the ecology, geology, flora and fauna of the Heard Sanctuary led by our trained guides. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972562-5566. HeardMuseum.org.


Arbor Day CCMGA Information Booth – 9am12pm. Come see the Master Gardeners and get questions answered on trees and more. Learn how to properly care for your new tree to get it off to a good start. Glendover Park, 1290 Scottsman, Allen. ccmgatx.org. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31

Zip Line Day – 1-4pm. Guests climb a 23-ft tree to our zip platform then proceed to a 487-ft Zip line. Purchase one ticket ($12 each) for each time you would like to travel down the zip line. Preregistration required. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. HeardMuseum.org. NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email Publisher@NADallas.com for guidelines and to submit entries. No phone calls or faxes, please.


Grapevine Farmers’ Market – 9am-6pm, Sun; 8am-8pm, Mon-Sat. Eat healthy with locally-grown produce and products. 520 S Main St, Ste 203, Grapevine. 817-527-7446. FarmersMarketOfGrapevine.com. Star Coyote Events – Monthly events include gong, Tibetan bowl and crystal bowl sound journeys, shamanic journey with a drum dance, kid’s energy and creativity events, and a Wed morning class series. Please see the calendar at StarCoyoteSoundTemple.com for the exact dates and times as they change each month or call 469-344-6484.


Frisco Fresh Market – 10am-4pm. Also Sat, 8am-4pm. Frisco Fresh Market, 9215 John W Elliott Dr, Frisco. 844-776-2753. FriscoFresh Market.com.

Sunday Celebration Service Agape Center

for Spiritual Living – 10am, meditation; 10:30am, service. Noah’s Event Venue, 5280 Town Square Dr, Plano. Rev Lee Wolak: 972468-1331. AgapeSpiritualCenter.com.

Sunday Worship: Unity Spiritual Center of

Denton Service – 10am, coffee; 11am, service. Unity takes spiritual principles and makes them practical in your life. 6071 New Hope Rd, Krugerville. 214-453-0218. UnityOfNewHope.org. Sunday Brunch –10am-3pm. Serves up farm-to-table shared plates, 72 taps (wine & craft beer), and a welcoming atmosphere to create a unique dining experience. Craft & Vine, 310 S Oak St, Roanoke. 817-464-8181. CraftAndVine.Restaurant. Horizon UU Worship Service – 10:30am12pm. Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church, 1641 W Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton. 972-4924940. Horizonuu.org.


Dairy Farm Tours – Mon-Sat, by appt only. Experience life on a dairy farm with an educational tour including how and what cows are fed, the benefits of grass-crop based feed (silage), the milking parlor, bottle feeding baby calves along with the learning the benefits of drinking raw milk vs pasteurized milk. Everyone gets samples of milk. $7/person age 2 & up. Circle N Dairy, 2074 County Road 446, Gainesville. 940-372-0343. CircleNDairy.com.


Buddhist Sangha Online – 7-9pm. The meeting of Horizon’s Buddhist covenant group. Meditation and study of the 8-Fold Path. Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church: Horizonuu.org.


Mystic Mandala Meditations – 6:30-7:30pm. Guided by Vijay Moksha. A non-denominational mindfulness practice to evolve consciousness; to go beyond the mind using the mind itself. MysticMandalaCenter.com.


Frisco Rotary Farmers’ Market – Thru Oct. 8am-12pm. Local growers offer fruits and vegetables. Also offered are baked breads, meat from local ranchers, honey, arts and crafts and various other products. 6048 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco. FriscoRotaryFarmersMarket.com.

Blackland Prairie Raptor Center First Sat-

urdays – 10am-2pm. Meet raptors up-close. Take guided prairie hikes. Kids activities. Bring a picnic lunch. Blackland Prairie Raptor Center, 1625 Brockdale Park Rd, Lucas. Erich Neupert: 972-442-7607. BPRaptorCenter.org. Frisco Rotary Farmers’ Market – Thru Oct. 8am-12pm. Local growers offer fruits and vegetables. Also offered are baked breads, meat from local ranchers, honey, arts and crafts and various other products. 6048 Frisco Sq Blvd, Frisco. FriscoRotaryFarmersMarket.com.


By Monte Leach and Marc Gregory

Even in these chaotic and perilous times, there is reason for hope.

Humanity finds itself at a major crossroads: Do we choose the path of selfish separatism and inequality based on greed and competition, leading to the destruction of ourselves and planet Earth; or the path of cooperation and sharing leading to global peace and prosperity?

Here to help us make the correct choice stands a group of Teachers unparalleled in their enlightenment and wisdom, unequaled in their ability to love and to serve. They are the Masters of Wisdom. At their head stands a being of the most extraordinary compassion and insight: Maitreya, the World Teacher. As the one awaited under various names by all major religious traditions, and as a Teacher for all humanity, Maitreya is here — along with the Masters of Wisdom — to guide us safely into the future.

The existence of these great Teachers was first made known in the West in the late 1800s by Helena Blavatsky, who lived among the Masters of Wisdom in the Himalayas for three years. In the early 20th century, Blavatsky’s work was continued by Alice A. Bailey, and, more recently, by British esotericist and artist Benjamin Creme. All three of these authors and educators were trained by, and worked directly with, the Masters of Wisdom.

According to the Ageless Wisdom tradition, as it is known, these highly advanced Teachers have lived in the remote areas of the world through the ages, helping and guiding humanity from behind the scenes. Through his work over many years, Benjamin Creme made it known that at this critical time for humanity and the planet, the Masters of Wisdom, headed by Maitreya, are coming forward now to live among us and teach us directly.

The path to peace and justice

Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom are teachers in the broadest sense of the word. They have attained mastery over themselves, and as enlightened individuals devote all their time and energy in loving service to humanity.

They are not here to establish a new religion, but to show us how to live together in peace. This is simpler than we imagine, Maitreya has said. The key is an equitable sharing of the Earth’s resources among all the world’s people. Through sharing we lessen global tensions, generate greater trust and cooperation among the nations — and begin to build a world where all have the basic necessities of life and live in balance with the environment.

Unless we share the world’s resources, there will never be economic and social justice in the world. Without justice, no peace. Without peace, little hope for the future, as we have weapons that can destroy all life on Earth — weapons that almost surely would be used in any future widescale conflict.

With the future of the planet at stake, what will it take for us to abandon competition, conflict and division, and begin to manifest the grand ideals of sharing, justice and peace?

What’s needed is a change of attitude, a change of consciousness — above all a change of heart in humanity. It is that which Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom can inspire.

It is a monumental task to be sure. Fortunately, we have the help of monumental figures living among us now — a circumstance, according to the Ageless Wisdom tradition, that has never before taken place in recorded history. This group of enlightened teachers, as they touch the hearts of people everywhere, will galvanize us into action, helping us to lead our leaders toward the creation of a just and peaceful world. In the millions across the globe who are increasingly voicing their concerns for the health of our planet and demanding change in our political, economic and social systems, we see this needed change of mind and heart already beginning to take place.

At this crossroads for humanity, the path ahead is up to us. Maitreya has said, “Sharing and Justice, Brotherhood and Freedom are not new concepts. From the dawn of time mankind has linked his aspiration to these beckoning stars. Now, my friends, shall we anchor them in the world.”

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In The World Teacher for All Humanity, Benjamin Creme discusses the extraordinary ramifications of

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More patients want alternative methods of treatment that are healthy, holistic and non-invasive. Earning your degree from Parker University in Functional Nutrition, Strength and Human Performance, Integrative Health can put you in position to help them. Offering top level experience and accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Council on Chiropractic Education, and the Commission of Massage Therapy Accreditation.



8011 Douglas Ave, Dallas 75225 SaintMichaelsMarket.com

Market opens every Saturday, from 8am to noon, April 17th through September 25th, plus 3rd Sat. of Oct, Nov, and Dec. Located in west parking lot of Saint Michaels Church. Local vendors and growers with 100% of products grown or made by them. Vendors adhere to CDC safety protocols. Masks provided; social distancing required. See ad, page 35.

713 County Road 610, Farmersville 972-658-0291

A Texas licensed Grade A Raw Milk Dairy providing raw cow milk, raw goat milk, kiefer, homemade chocolate milk, craft raw chocolate, coffee sauces, coffee milk, buttermilk as well as cage-free eggs, pastured chicken, and seasonal vegetables are also available. You can taste milk before buying. Follow product availability and farm happenings on our Facebook page.



3525 William D Tate Ave, Grapevine 76051 817-416-6600 MarshallGrain.com

Nature’s merchant since 1946, providing organic gardening expertise and supplies, plants for our Texas climate, pet supplies including a choice of raw diets, wet meals and kibbles; landscaping design and installation, classes, unique gifts, and the best customer service this side of DFW. Check out our events and weekly promos.


7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas 214-363-5316 NHG.com

Serving Dallas since 1951, NHG has grown into one of the Start Your Victory Gardenmost respected horticultural establishments in North Texas by serving for a Lifetime of Health & Wellnessour customers with quality and value. Offering gardening and plant education, concierge services, DIY classes, video library, gifts and more. See ad, back cover.

Plant For Fall Harvest:

Direct Seed Outdoors (O), Start Seeds Indoors (IN)

Through August 15: August 1 - August 25:

Winter Squash by seed (O) Broccoli by seed (IN) Black Eyed Peas by seed (O) Brussels Sprouts by seed (IN) Southern Peas by seed (O) Cabbage by seed (IN) Okra by seed (IN)/(O) Cauliflower by seed (IN) Black Eyed Peas by seed (O) Corn by seed (O) Cucumbers by seed (O) August 1 - September 15: Kohlrabi by seed (IN) Pinto Beans by seed (O) Snap Pole Beans by seed (O) Snap Bush Beans by seed (O) Swiss Chard by seed (IN) Yellow Bush Beans by seed (O) Zucchini Squash by seed (O) Open Daily 9AM-5PM. Visit NHG.com for more info.

7700 Northaven Rd. Dallas, TX 75230 214-363-5316

HEALTH CARE BAYLOR SCOTT & WHITE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM 1-800-4BAYLOR BaylorHealth.com/CancerCare We have a network of comprehensive cancer treatment centers throughout Dallas-Fort Worth, offering full range cancer-related and integrative medical services. Whether you want to learn about types of cancer, screenings, prevention, healthy living or support, Baylor is here for you. We offer the experience, expertise and technology you can trust. 13 Locations in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex 888-286-4603 PrimaCare.com

With 13 Urgent Care Centers, PrimaCare serves the medical needs of area families with courtesy, convenience and compassion. Open 7 days a week with extended hours. No appointment necessary. Most insurance accepted. Use our Call Ahead Service and wait where your want. Open: Monday–Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday–Sunday 8am–5pm.


LESLIE ALLEN. 982-284-0709 Sedera.community/LeslieAllen

Sedera is a non-profit Medical Cost Sharing community offering an innovative non-insurance approach to managing large, unexpected health care costs. Member contributions are protected in FDICinsured accounts, members save significantly while sharing with others; people helping people is the central focus. Medical cost sharing communities have existed for 40+ years. Call now for free consultation.



Dr. Jeffrey Davies 8222 Douglas Ave, Suite 810, Dallas 214-363-7777 DallasDesignerSmiles.com Offering non-toxic, healthier, metal free, crowns, bridges and implants. Practicing biomimetic, tooth-conserving Dentistry, we can help avoid root canals and eliminate the need for crowns. Mercury filings are removed safely and we offer convenient office hours with after work appointments. Experience a pampering environment in our centrally located office. Call our concierge now to schedule an appointment. See ad, page 5.


Dr. Yoon Chang 3550 Parkwood Blvd, Bldg E, Ste 101A, Frisco 972-242-2040 ElineOrtho.com We believe all human body parts have a specific function. Our teeth and our bite are no exception. We aim at restoring the masticatory organ function so it may support life and radiate a beautiful smile. Our comprehensive orthodontic care includes conventional metal, Insignia, Damon Clear and Invisalign braces,TMJ dysfunction therapy, Sleep apnea treatment and more. 415 State St #800, Richardson 75082 Dr. Toni Engram 469-676-2777 Flourish.dental At Flourish Dental Boutique, we believe the best dentistry is often the least dentistry. We help your body thrive on its own with therapies that enrich and empower its natural healing processes. As a holistic and biological dental practice, we choose safe materials and treatment protocols with special attention to your nutrition and overall wellness. See ad, page 26.


Dr. Philip Kozlow Dr. Josh Rowell 5050 Quorum Dr, Suite 300, Dallas 972-458-2464 DallasDentist.net

We strive to provide healthy, green alternatives for our dental patients by providing digital x-rays, mercury safe restorative options and chemical free dental hygiene products. Committed to total body wellness while avoiding the use of toxic materials, and continuing education to ensure treatments are up to date and effective in a kind and caring environment. See ad, page 41.


Dr. D. Brock Lynn 6190 LBJ Freeway #900, Dallas 972-934-1400 LynnDentalCare.com Practicing dentistry for over 38 years, specializing in periodontics, Dr. Lynn is board-certified and a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontics and Dental implants. He practices dentistry with a holistic approach and is a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine &Toxicology as well as the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health. See ad, page 4.


Dr. Becky Coats, DDS, MAGD, LVIF, FIDIA, FAACP 2631 Ira E Woods Ave, Grapevine 817-481-6888 TMJPlus.com

Instead of focusing just on your teeth, we also look at dental issues connected with other health problems you may be having. We collaborate with Thermography, Lymphatic Drainage, and Osteopathic Medicine practitioners. Call today for TMJ Pain Relief, Sleep Apnea, Frenuloplasty(Tongue Tie), Biological Dentistry, Physiologic Orthodontics, Headache Relief, Mercury Fillings Removal, Metal Free Ceramic Implants.


254-751-7111 AdvancingHolisticHealth.com

The premier school of nurse coaching, offering the cutting edge of health care through the Resilience Paradigm. AHH is a nurse coaching program that meets the continuing education requirements for nurses to apply for national or international certification in nurse coaching and/or holistic nursing through the American Holistic Nurses Certification Corporation.



3535 Victory Group Way, Suite 305, Frisco 972-324-3480 NaturalChoicPediatrics.com

Our focus is integrative pediatrics, which we practice through a combination of traditional, complementary, alternative and holistic approaches to provide the most effective and least invasive way to treat your child. Whether your child is healthy and you’re looking to help them reach their full potential, or sick and you’re trying to find the cause, our team is here to help.



Cathy Lemmon 469-383-8442 Cathy@HPWWC.org HealthyHealingArts.com Homeoprophylaxis (HP), a part of Homeopathy, is a major part of Cathy Lemmon’s practice at Healthy Healing Arts. HP has been used worldwide for hundreds of years with a success rate of over 90% to help fight off disease. Lemmon uses an energetic, nontoxic means of promoting immunity in a safe and natural way. See ad, page 7.



Healthy Kids Pediatrics 4851 Legacy Dr, Frisco 972-294-0808 HealthyKidsPediatrics.com We bridge the gap between alternative and traditional approaches to medical treatment. Teaching principles of good nutrition and prevention of disease and offering a full range of services, including unique ways of determining how to optimize your child's health, including food sensitivity testing, allergy testing, nutritional evaluation testing, which are not offered in traditional medical practices. Kotsanis Institute of Functional Wellness 2260 Pool Rd, Grapevine 817-854-1655 KotsanisInstitute.com

Taking a different approach to medicine. We offer a patient-centered approach to health that combines the best of traditional and complementary functional medicine with nutrition called integrative medicine. We'll listen to your goals, draw a roadmap to help you achieve your goals, and guide your every step to a symphony of health.


Dr. Elizabeth Seymour, MD 8345 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 220, Dallas 214-368-4132 EHCD.COM

A nationally recognized medical facility specializing in the relationship of health and disease to environmental factors. Thorough investigation is made to determine the cause and correlation of the patent’s disease process to environmental factors. A leader in the field treating mold exposure/sensitivity; oil spill, pesticides and chemical exposure; chemical sensitivities, immune dysregulation and much more.


Dr Lida Aghdam, MD 4819 State Highway 121, Ste 14, The Colony 7155 Colleyville Blvd, Ste 101, Colleyville 817-488-7878 NaturalBalanceClinic.com Offering natural treatment of common medical conditions using functional holistic, nutritional medicine. Specializing in bioidentical hormone treatment, weight gain, high cholesterol/blood pressure, thyroid issues, fibromyalgia, arthritis, constipation, IBS, leaky gut, depression, anxiety. We believe many medications are temporary relief of more in-depth medical problems that we determine and treat with serious nutritional attention.


Dr. Jerry Tennant MD, Medical Director 35 Veranda Lane, Ste 100, Colleyville 972-580-1156 TennantInstitute.us

Providing traditional “standard-ofcare” medicine using prescription as well as complementary medicine. Recognizing that the human body is not simply a collection of independent parts but rather an integrative whole -we treat it that way. Conditions treated include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, macular degeneration and glaucoma, as well as thyroid support, adrenal support, hormone replacement. essential oil therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. See ad, page 2. Debra Rossi 817-925-2999 DebraRossi.com Feeling restless, disconnected from yourself, others and the world? Empowering you to find answers from within, I work with a wide range of clients helping you reach a higher level of personal and professional growth, allowing you to choose to see the world in a new way. Live life with more joy, aliveness and worthiness.



Niti Shah 3365 Regent Blvd., Ste 130, Irving TX 75063 972-514-7956 Back2BasicsFXN.com Chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmunity have reached pandemic levels. My goal is to shift our attention away from “disease management”—to addressing the root cause of these conditions with a nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle change. As your health guide I will show you the effectiveness of simple, back to basics functional medicine approach. See ad, page 35.



9901 Valley Ranch Pkwy East, Ste 1009 Irving 972-580-0545 Biomodulator@senergy.us Senergy.us

We are the exclusive distributor of the patented Tennant Biomodulator® PLUS & PRO. These FDA accepted non-invasive devices are designed to offer an affordable, drug free, userfriendly option for the indicated use of symptomatic relief for chronic, severe or intractable pain; and adjunctive treatment in managing post-surgical and post-traumatic pain. See ad, page 2.



8220 Abrams Rd, Dallas 214-349-8000 4904 W. Park Blvd, Plano 972-599-7700 ARP-RX.com

Family owned and operated since 1980, with more than 135 years of combined experience. Our pharmacists work to provide proactive solutions to restore health and wellness. We work as trusted partners with physicians and patients to develop targeted treatment plans and customized wellness programs for your unique needs. Pharmacy Compounding. Accreditation Board (PACB) certified.

4503 West Lovers Lane, Dallas 214-351-5681 CelebrationRestaurant.com The original farm-to-table Food You Can restaurant in north Texas, Feel Good About! including catering and takeDallas’ ORIGINAL farm-to-table restaurant out Market. With a full -service bar, we celebrate years Fresh • Local • Sustainable of serving delicious, affordable, locally sourced food. We offer gluten free al• Local, free-range, 100% grass-fed beef from Springerhill Ranch ternatives, clean water raised salmon and sustainably raised seafood, cage free poultry and 100% • No antibiotics ever, vegetarian grass fed beef. Come in today, order in or take-out. See ad, page 27. fed, cage-free chicken from Perdue Farms • Verlasso salmon raised in the clean waters of Patagonia

Restaurant - 214-351-5681 | 4503 West Lovers Lane Dallas, Texas 75209 Catering - 214-351-2456 • Market - 214-352-0031SPIRITUAL CelebrationRestaurant.com

As Celebration continues to serve delicious, affordable and locally sourced food, we want to thank our friends and customers for your loving and loyal support! CONCORD DALLAS CHURCH 6808 Pastor Bailey Dr, Dallas 214-331-8522 ConcordDallas.tv

Concord Dallas is the church that grows people. Their core values are passion for Christ, passion for people and catalyst for change. Services are Sundays at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm and online at Streamingfaith.com. Mid-week service is Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Reverend Bryan L. Carter, Senior Pastor. 5502 Ben Davis, Sachse 972-984-8946 UnityOfSachse@gmail.com UnityOfSachse.com We teach positive psychology based on Spiritual teachings of Jesus. Services are held Sundays at 11:30am. Join us as we share truths and principles to help along your spiritual journey. Each week’s message and all events are posted on our website for your convenience. Spiritual counseling and positive prayer available.



2145 W Park Blvd, Plano 75075 972-867-8800 PawsAndClawsAnimalHospital.com Offering drug-free treatments, antiaging medicine, holistic anesthesia, and blood testing for early diagnosis of cancer in healthy pets. We focus on natural wellness, detoxification, and vaccine alternatives. We happily accept new patients and continue to help those referred by other doctors, especially those with "untreatable/incurable" diseases that respond well to our unique natural medicines. ROCKWALL COMPLETE HEALING & WELLNESS

2455 Ridge Road, Suite 151, Rockwall 972-771-8900 RockwallColonics.com

“Our goal is to offer our community high-quality wellness services in an exceptionally comfortable and healing environment. We know that time-honored healing traditionsMassage, Young Living Raindrop Therapy, Chiropractic, iV therapy, Juicing and Colonics work. RCW offers all of these things, come visit us and begin your journey to optimum wellness.



Dawn Harris, RYT500 306 W Ave F, Midlothian 214-817-8597 CrescentYogaStudio.com

Ellis county’s premier yoga studio and eco-boutique offers a variety of weekly classes, specialty workshops, private yoga and reiki sessions as well as natural health and wellness events. Come feel your stress and tensions away. New student intro offer: 2 weeks unlimited Yoga for $20. Empowering a healthy lifestyle.

Explore • Enjoy • Protect Explore • Enjoy • ProtectExplore • Enjoy • ProtectExplore • Enjoy • Protect Dallas Sierra ClubDallas Sierra ClubDallas Sierra Club Dallas Sierra Club

Looking for an organization that shares your values of caring for the environment and love of the great outdoors? Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the REI store at 4515 LBJ in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm. Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities, outings and our Memorial Day bus trip to New Mexico at dallassierraclub.org 4th of July trip to Looking for an organization that shares your values of caring for the environment and love of the great outdoors? Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the REI store at 4515 LBJ in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm. Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities, outings and our Memorial Day bus trip to New Mexico at dallassierraclub.org Looking for an organization that shares your values of caring for the environment and love of the great outdoors? Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the REI store at 4515 LBJ in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm. Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities, outings and our Memorial Day bus trip to New Mexico at dallassierraclub.org Looking for an organization that shares your values of caring for the environment and love of the great outdoors? Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the REI store at 4515 LBJ in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm. Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities, outings and our Memorial Day bus trip to New Mexico at dallassierraclub.orgBackpack in the Pecos Wilderness Sierra Club is about conservation, outings, outdoor outreach to children, and more. Find out more about activities and outings at DallasSierraClub.org Come visit one of Sierra Club’s general meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Brookhaven College, Bldg H 3939 Valley View Lane in Farmers Branch, at 6:30 pm.

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EnjoyEnjoy a a tastetaste ofof FallFall

*Seed Outdoors- (O) / Indoors- (IN)

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