Nadia Saki

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ReDeďŹ ne




Floating-C ity





2018 2017


















Final Project Thesis Children Community Centre Site Location : Ahvaz,Iran Individual Academic Winter 2018 Supervisor : Dr Sedigheh Masaeli Creating equal space and opportunities for children with disabilities and regular children . Seeing them as one community and not splitting them from other chi ldren .

Vision , as a ďŹ rst step in this design process , became the mandatory purpose for this challenge . Unfortunately , we all inherently consider ourself as the model when making design decisions . In doing so , we assume various needs , desire or even capabilities similar to our own without considering few percent of population including disabled . as an statement to this thesis , lost sight strives for humane design and not speciďŹ ed design .

Phase 0 : Understandable and clear movements for children Designing a space for children at the same time needs to have simple planar movements , complex and joyful spaces 00 : Site introduction

01 : Introducing planar movements

03 : Main path introduction

Phase 1 : Understanding each place & introducing 4 different spaces for disabled & normal children interaction .

04 : Outdoor Space

05 : Introducing 4 different yards

06 : Combining Paths and Yards

Phase 2 : Creating related spaces to the main existing four and combining them in terms of use .

07 : Introducing 2 outdoor and 2 in-between spaces

08 : Mass vs Space Alternative

09 : Space vs Mass Alternative

Phase 3 : Climatical impacts on the structure led to creating a specific roof for most of the areas

10 : Latice Ceiling ( Bringing in light in a pleasant way )

11 : Creating openings in the roof based on entry of an specifi space

12 : Final result of the roof


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O u t

GLOBAL SUMMER SCHOOL IAAC Tehran, Inside Out Site Location : Tehran , Iran Group Workshop Summer 2017 Supervisors : Mehran Davari , Zubin Khabazi , Mani Nilchani

W h a t d e f i n e s a s m a r t c i t y ? The fluent t r a n s m i s s i o n o f i n f o r m a t i o n ? The level of a wa r en es s of w h a t h a p p en s i n i ts mu lti pl e l a y er s of l i f e/ d a t a? T h e w a y su ch d a ta i s b ei n g an al y z ed an d m a kes fe e d b a ck? An



b e t w een


s e rv i c es , en er g i es an d p eop l e ? Th e se a r e a l l v a l i d p h e n o m e n a f o r a s mart city but h o w s u c h c i t y w o u l d i n t e r a ct with its c i t i z e n s i n t h e i r d a y - t o - d a y l i v es, for their fe e l i n g s an d em ot i on s ? How su ch ci ty wo u l d c om m u n i c at e w i t h p eop le ’s “ J oy” o r “S ad n e ss ” ? How “A n g er ” , “F ea r” or e v en “ D i s g u st” i s g o i n g t o be observed a n d r e f l e c t e d b a c k ? W h a t i f our future s m a r t c i t i e s c o u l d f e e l u s , a n d reflect our c o l l ec t i v e em ot i on s ?

Challenges and Solutions

Smart City : Striving to find the right definition of a smart city was one of the challenges we faced . Our response was that a smart city is a reflective city that can interact with its citizens . Therefore, to make a city smarter and interactive , specially cities like Tehran, demolishing the built up particles and elements is impossible.Therefore,we chose to add interactive particles or better to use the term installations so the project that we’re presenting would be one of those that can communicate with its audience in order to collect data and be able to analyze it .

Collecting Data : The Evolution of built up areas in Tehran can show us the organic

growth of the city in which it can be driven that its growth has a continuous and repetitive pattern . This Type of growth which is resembled in aggregations which structures are complex, flexible and free in form but in order to integrate into our project we had to think of the right growth pattern . We created aggregations based on this growth pattern based on location ( altitude - Longitude) & education of people in each area .

Data & City:

Tehran Inside Out is a step towards that level of smartness and believes that a city could have interactions with its citizens emotionally, measure it and reflect it back to their lives.

Fabrication Aggregation

We created aggregations based on the growth pattern and as you can see the amount of growth each generation is restricted as in each generation modules should not intersect . Each generation in the image represents the data gathered through the previous process . Our ďŹ nal model (generation 16 ) consisted of an approximate amount of 1700 pieces . All pieces are of translucent Plexiglass and from assembling them octahedrons are formed and as a result the aggregation is made of numerous octahedron itself . Here is the detail on how these pieces are assembled .

B auhaus

S ummer

S chool

A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n Location : Weimar , Germany Workshop Summer 2017 Supervisor: Marie Ulber + Published on

The course explores architectural concepts through hands-on modelling, class presentations, on-site visits, and studio practice. Each class examined particular design principles and methodologies, leading to practical design techniques. In daily tasks spatial strategies were applied in artistic ways and hands-on modelling. Design principles such as Open Plan, Inner Courtyard, Shifting Storeys, and Mass and Space, were explored in architectural model making and hands-on sculpturing by usi ng a variety of materials.



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Archasem Competition HYDE PARK LIBRARY S ite L o c a t i o n : L o nd o n , En g lan d Group Work Spring 2017 My Contribution to this project : Conceptual design , Design development , Drawings A s w e a l l h a v e e x p e r i e n c e d through our l i v e s , e v e r y t i m e a b o o k i s b e i ng read, our mi n d f l ow s i n t o t h e b ooks ’ w or ld , we i ma gi n e e v e r y t h i n g t h a t i s h a p p ening in its c o n t en t s . T h a t ’ s w h a t ou r t ar g e t b e ca me i n d es i g n i n g T h e G A T E . In tr o d u ci n g a who l e people. e v er y

n ew

i m ag i n a t i on

Architecture d i m en s i on


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E n gla n d ’s

should s h ou ld





pred i c t ab l e. T h i s i s w h y w e n ee d to str i ve t o f r e e o u r m i n d s o f a l l p r e c onceptions. The G a t e r ep r es en t s a d i f f er e n t e xp e r i e n ce o f l i b r a r y b y u s i n g v i r t ual reality . A s v i s i t i n g t h e w or l d s c r ea t ed b y p o p u la r a u t h or s i s n ot p os s i b l e, t h e le a r n e r ca n e xp l or e a p l ac e ou t s i d e h i s i m a gi n a ti o n i n this library .

Section and specifications

Over the years architecture has been influenced by various factors apart from which era and when it has been established. Various influences that we see are in the way a building has been construct- ed, i.e. the form of the building, the various structural elements of the building, etc. Nature has been one of the most evident influenc- es in architecture and in various forms over the years.


Route Transparant Media Center


VR Technology


Cafe’ Offices

The GATE’s structure is one of the inspiring modern time Architec- ture takes its inspiration from Ostrich’s skeleton. Free standing struc- ture of the building is inspired from this special toe joint. As resulted the construction has suffered various interventions, at both aesthetic and stability and endurance levels.


and Solutions

9:15 AM

9:15 AM

Shopping Experience :

Redefinition of the act of shopping in terms of experience . Getting the chance to observe and have an overview of what is going on in the whole area without being obligated to pass every store in every level of the mall in order to get to where you want . Moreover , you can have the chance to explore every store of the mall with elevators and escalators provided .

9:00 AM


4:00 PM


Browsing vs Shopping :Window shopping, sometimes called browsing, refers to an activity in which a consumer browses through or examines a store's merchandise as a form of leisure without intention to buy. If the intention of the individual is whether passing time , obtaining information about brands differences, or even sale prices this is the place for them where they can gather general information in no time . Illusion on the Outside: The exterior of this structure is made

of semi-Transparant contoured glass which helps to create an illusion from the outside . Therefore , you will be able to observe people’s motion’s way from the outside which creates an interesting scenario starting from the outside and keep going deeper and deeper inside in which there’s plenty of natural light .

Formal Distortion : Another definition of voids in shopping malls . bringing the voids on the sides of the structure : function as terrace , Cafe’ and lighting voids .


and Sections




Section A-A

Section B-B

Section C-C


and Solutions

Void Formation :Introducing

the evolving void as an intraction channel between the interior and the outdoor space, creating an isolated zone for a semi-crowded environment with a sense of gap entering from an extended exterior into a neutral in-between space ending at the heart of the structure in auditorium .

Introversion vs Extroversion :

The interior elements of the design create an inner peace and function as a concealed introverted architecture which tends to create quiet moments inside a must-be crowded centre While the outside is the representor of movement , excitement and contrast . With this in mind , the design as a whole introduces a unique and simple structured architecture to the audience .

Contrast : In terms of contrast and as

the heart of the the project , the centre seeks the element of unity , simplicity , and stability within itself .

F l o a t i n g - C i t y Site Location : MotelGhoo , Iran Proffessional 2018 Kamran Heirati Architects Building Status : UnBuilt CONTRIBUTION to the project : V i s u a l ization




The project is located on a beach town, Salmanshahr, in the north of Iran in a context where traditionally, most building have sloped roofs due to the climate of the region with heavy rainfalls. The main income of this region is relied on fishing and agriculture. This mixed-use complex is a floating city where all sort of functions happen. Fishermen, farmers, tourists, business-men, local people, buyers, seller and every other men or women meet here to live together in a city which is floated on the Khazar sea. Based on the local performances of the region this complex is designed with boat channels, local markets, floating fish markets, sloped roof houses, public courtyards and etc. all with the pleasant view of the sea. Gathering the fishermen and the farmers of the city will add to the value of the region, helping the recent poor economy situation of the locals.

D a r y a - K e n a r Site Location : Daryakenar , Iran Proffessional 2017 Kamran Heirati Architects Building Status : Under Construction

Da r y a- ken ar v i l l a i s l oc a t ed on a r e si d e n t i a l b eac h t ow n i n t h e n or t h o f Ir a n i n a c o n t ex t w h er e t r a d i t i on al l y , m o st b u i ld i ng h a v e s l op ed r oof s d u e t o th e cli ma te o f th e r eg i on w i t h h ea v y r a i n f alls. T h e c l i e n t w i s h e d t o h a v e a v i l la of around 1000 SQM in three levels . T h e b e d r o o m s o n t h e g r o u n d floor with mo r e p r i v ac y , t h e l i v i n g s p ace s o n th e f i r s t f l o o r w h i c h h a v e g r e a t v iew towards t h e s e a a n d a l i n e a r s w i m pool on the second floor.

Challenges and Solutions

PoolSide : The upper level belongs to a private pool, directed to the sea which connects the core of the villa to the courtyards on the east and west sides. The northern-southern voids inserted in the sloping roof giving a sea view to the pool.

IntrovertExtrovert : The building is a pure mass on the ground floor with an introverted spatial organization, allocated to the bedrooms with openings to the courtyards. The first floor level is dedicated to the living spaces settled in a vast wide horizontal void, looking towards the sea which extends itself towards the exterior, connecting the whole level to the surrounding area defining itself as an extroverted organization.

Active Sections :This villa is active in its sections through the vertical and horizontal voids running in different parts of the building, creating and connecting different interfering phantom spaces.

S a f a - D a s h t Site Location : Tehran , Iran Proffessional 2 0 1 6 -2 0 1 7 Kamran Heirati Architects Building Status : Constructed CONTRIBUTION to the project : Presentation Documents , Diagram , Visualization

V i l l a S a f a - d a s h t i s l o c a t e d i n the suburbs o f K a r aj c i t y w i t h 1100 S Q M a r ea, i n a si te o f 2400 S Q M . A c c o r d i n g t o c lient wishes a nd ou r d es i g n c on c l u s i on , we i n tr o d u c ed t h e P A S S A GE , s t a r t i ng from the s i t e en t r an c e, p as s i n g t h r ou g h th e sp a ce u n d e r t h e e l e v a t e d v o l u m e a nd ending at t h e c a n o p y . T h i s p a s s a g e e m phasizes on t h e p r es en c e of t h e s i t e, n ot o n ly a s th e e x t e r i o r b u t a l s o a s a s t r e a m which flows a r o u n d an d i n s i d e t h e b u i l d i n g. + Publi s hed on Ar c hi ti z er , Ar c hD ail y , D e zze e n + Awarded as the WINNER of Iranian Architecture Award of the Year

Requests and Solutions

Client Wishes : The Client of the project was a very lively person working in the food industry who wanted this project to be his weekend residence.His main request was that performances of family and friends would not interfere during different times of the day . ( Gray colour explains family function as the Red indicated Friends behaviour . )

Performance Devision : He asked

us to fully divide the project into separate sections . As a result , the villa consists of two parts, the main living area and the semi-private,separated at the same level, which are connected by the second part of the building, an elevated component which includes the private spaces so that multiple functions in the house would not interfere at any time .

Privacy : In terms of privacy , as an individual , he asked for one speciďŹ c area for him self without any disturbance( Red colour represents his private area ) . As for the grey areas , they show which spaces are mostly active in Day and night . ( ďŹ rst diagram : DayLife / second : Nightlife )

Thank You


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To Be


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