nadia alborghetti - portfolio 2015

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NADIA ALBORGHETTI portfolio 2015

NADIA ALBORGHETTI Date of birth: 1st February 1988

Nationality: Italian

Postal address: Via Mazzini 23, 24030, Ambivere (BG), Italy Telephone number: +39 340 0064402 , +39 035 4945605 Email address: French address: 1 rue de l’Hotel Saint Paul, 75004, Paris, FR French number: +33 0640535977


Work experience

DPA. Dominique Perrault Architecture, Paris, France. [ ] September 2014 - Ongoing OAB. Carlos Ferrater & Partners, Barcelona, Spain. [ ] January 2013 - May 2013 DeOtto Architetti, Bergamo, Italy. [ ] August 2010 - October 2010 arch. Ronzoni Maurizio, Bergamo, Italy. July 2006 - August 2006

Teaching assistant

Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Società Prof. Marco Bovati “Abitare il luogo - Spazio architettonico, forma urbana, contesto ambientale” Architectural Design Studio I - Architecture degree (Bachelor) Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Società Prof. Ilaria Valente “Architetture per l’abitare contemporaneo - Nuove forme dell’isolato urbano” Architectural Design Studio II - Master Architecture degree


2011 - 2013. - Architecture degree (Master) _ vote 110L/110 Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Società, Milano, Italia Thesis: “ARCHITETTURA DEGLI SPAZI INTERCLUSI. Progetto lungo l’asta del Sempione a Gallarate” 2009 - 2010. - Overseas studies. Complementary studies in Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura, Valencia, Spain. 2007 - 2011. - Architecture degree (Bachelor) _ vote 110/110 Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Società, Milano, Italia Thesis: “LUCI e OMBRE. La luce naturale come elemento compositivo nell’architettura contemporanea” 2002 - 2007. - Scientific High School Diploma _ vote 93/100 Liceo Statale Scientifico G. Maironi da Ponte, Presezzo, Bergamo, Italia


Italian (native) ∙ English (level C1 - TOEIC certificate) ∙ Spanish (level C1) ∙ French (level B1)


Autodesk Autocad 2015, Suite Adobe CS6 (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator), Sketch-up, Rhinocéros, Microsoft Office suite.




2014. - Cornelius Hertling - Leonardo da Vinci PLM / Grant for a post-graduate internship in Paris. 2012. - Erasmus Programme LLP / Grant for an academic internship in Barcelona. 2009. - Erasmus. European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. 2009. 2011. 2013. - Scholarships by Cassa Rurale di Treviglio. 2012. - “Milano, nuovi spazi per il riuso temporaneo.”, architectural design workshop, organized by Temporiuso and Politecnico di Milano, in collaboration with Architetti Senza Frontiere Italia, AIAB, Controprogetto, Kcity and Legambiente. 2014. - Casabella Competition / meno di 31 update, Villa Belpoggio-Baciocchi, Bologna, Italy. with Marco Formenti 2013. - New Frankfurt School campus, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. with OAB Carlos Ferrater & Partners


2011. - Architectural Preservation Studio project published in: “Il cuore dell’antico Ospedale Maggiore di Milano. I luoghi dell’archivio e la chiesa della Beata Vergine Annunciata”, Carlessi Mariangela - Kluzer Alessandra, Silvana Editore. 2013. - Architectural Design Studio 2 project published in: “PAESAGGI DELLA MOBILITÀ Fornovo: il telaio infrastrutturale come occasione di riqualificazione intermodale, insediativa e di paesaggio” , a cura di Dario Costi, Mup Editore.


Nodo di interscambio, stazione dell’alta velocità, Gallarate (VA). Project exhibited at BIENNIALE DI VENEZIA /13. Mostra internazionale di Architettura Common Ground, directed by David Chipperfield. 29 August - 25 November 2012, Arsenale, Venice, Italy. Photos of the models exhibited at the photography exhibition “33 modelli di architettura”. 12 - 23 November 2012, Spazio mostre Guido Nardi, via Ampère 2, Milan, Italy.

Abilities and competences Other information

predisposition to teamwork ∙ attitude to work towards objectives ∙ excellent communication skills ∙ good organizational skills ∙ high flexibility Qualification to Architect Profession in Italy (Milan, 2013). Joining the “Ordine Architetti P.P.C. di Bergamo” in March 2014. High model making experience. Deep knowledge in analogical and digital photography. Volunteer activities (since 2002). 2001/2006 ∙ exchanges with German students (Sasbach) and Dutch students (Arnhem). Driving licenses B.


TATAMI HOUSE Waterfront row house (2009 ∙ Borneo Sporenburg, Amsterdam, Nederland)

BAMBOO PAVILION Architectural pavilion (2010 ∙ Valencia, Spain)

SCOPRIRE, SENTIRE, VIVERE IL PAESAGGIO Agrifood dissemination and exhibition centre (2011 ∙ Parco Tecnologico Padano, Lodi, Italy)

VIVERE LA CORTE OGGI Social housing and co-housing (2012 ∙ Vimercate, Milan, Italy)

ARCHITETTURA DEGLI SPAZI INTERCLUSI Project along the Sempione shaft in Gallarate (2013 ∙ Gallarate, Varese, Italy)

33 MODELLI DI ARCHITETTURA Exhibition design (2013 ∙ Milan, Italy)

NEW FRANKFURT SCHOOL CAMPUS International competition project ∙ OAB internship (2013 ∙ Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

OFFICE BUILDING Office tower ∙ OAB internship (2013 ∙ Guadalajara, Mexico)

LA POSTE DU LOUVRE Restoration project ∙ DPA internship (2014 ∙ Paris, France)

2009 ∙ Borneo Sporenburg ∙ Amsterdam (Nederland)

TATAMI HOUSE waterfront row house with Stefano Banfi

The subject of this project is a row house situated on a long and narrow lot - 16,00 mt depth and 6,60 mt width - in an urban contest with high building density. The building has only two fronts, a street front and a waterfront. The row house was designed for a family of at least four people. According to the project, the lot has to be divided into three spaces in order to create a central vacuum. Every room in the house is directed toward the vacuum and this solution allows a better lighting of the internal spaces.

The tatami room is the peculiar element of the project: a double-height space, a projection on the canal. The size of the room is given by traditional Japanese floor modules. The room is peculiar because of the tatami modules position, in fact the elements are set at different levels in order to optimize the room height and enjoy the view on the canal. In addition, the structure of this space is made of steel covered by wood, while the rest of the building is made of exposed concrete.









2010 ∙ Valencia (Spain)

BAMBOO PAVILION Architectural pavilion ETSA Universidad PolitĂŠcnica de Valencia

It involves the design of an architectural pavilion in an area between two very busy roads. The area is currently used as a parking. The curvy shape is the answer to the dynamism and the monotony of motion that dominate the infrastructure hub, one of the main entrances to the city of Valencia. The curved surfaces created by the repetition of vertical elements of different length and inclination define spaces covered or opened to the sky. In the construction of the pavilion are employed natural

materials. The wood, the bamboo and the intense Mediterranean sunlight arise an atmosphere characterized by deep shadows, reflections, textures that is aimed at an emotional sensitivity proper to the human being . The light structure and dry assembly confer flexibility to the construction of this temporary exhibition pavilion. The only restriction imposed was the prohibition to occupy more than 15% of the available land, giving importance to the open space design.





2011 ∙ Parco Tecnologico Padano ∙ Lodi (Italy)

SCOPRIRE, SENTIRE, VIVERE IL PAESAGGIO Agrifood dissemination and exhibition centre with Stefano Banfi e Guya Poli

The guidelines of the project are the results of the researches and surveys we made to understand this place. Inside the Parco Tecnologico Padano people are working for and with nature. For this reason the project has an holistic approach, in order to make people live nature and landscape. The PTP nature and architectural system depend on the relations between these two elements and can’t be considered only a sum of the parts. According to the previous observations, we chose to separate the functions in order to give more relevance to the above mentioned relations and enrich them

thanks to the connection with the ground and the air. This decision is based on the idea that people should enjoy every aspect of nature. Giving relevance to the relations also implies giving them a value. Inside the project, the position of the volumes and the presence of hedges closes the view to the landscape from north to south. This closure expresses the idea that the landscape has to be discovered and won. The wall is a metaphor for separation, it divides and links at the same time. The position of the buildings generates backdrops and perspective giving value to the space.


DIFFERENT TISSUES ∙ built system


RELATIONSHIPS ∙ historic center of the city of Lodi and PTP

NOTABLE SPACES ∙ measures empty / full

NEW RELATIONSHIPS ∙ inversion empty / full



2012 ∙ Vimercate ∙ Milan (ItalY)

VIVERE LA CORTE OGGI Social housing and co-housing with Stefano Banfi e Simone Marmori

The concept is based on the reinterpretation to the building type of the court. Three buildings, the southern one is a cohousing building and the others two are social housing buildings, placing defining a semi-public open space around which revolves the project. The aim is to connect the courtyard with the park in order to make this open space continuous. The buildings are situated next to the most consolidated part of the urban context and this solution determines an increase of the park area. The courtyard is at the same time a space shared by residents and a public space. Since there will be a new flow for vehicles – given by the new buildings and the related car parking - relevance has been given to viability and traffic control. The project is designed on a modular grid that change direction in order to connect with the axes of the urban context and to allow the green permeability. The main theme of the project was the techno-typological

flexibility in response to the rapid changes and the variety of lifestyles that characterize contemporary society. The modules of the buildings permit a more flexible internal organization. The social housing buildings have a different orientation but they both have loggias on the internal part of the courtyard and a more solid front on the opposite side. The direction of the living area is toward the courtyard while the bedrooms are situated in the western and the northern parts of the building. The buildings distribution depends on stairs and lifts orthogonal to the front of the building. This solution gave us the opportunity to situate all the service spaces next to stairs and lifts and made it possible to create different combinations of internal spaces and change the dimension of the apartments. While designing the green spaces, a lot of attention has been given to the surroundings. The main element of the urban project is the continuity of the green public spaces.



2013 ∙ Gallarate ∙ Varese (Italy)

ARCHITETTURA DEGLI SPAZI INTERCLUSI Progetto lungo l’asta del Sempione a Gallarate Thesis of Master Degree in Architecture. Supervisor Prof. Ilaria Valente with Stefano Banfi e Simone Marmori

The project started after the researches made during the design labs and the integrated courses on the following topic: relation between infrastructure, city and architecture. The propose suggests an intervention in a peripheral district of Gallarate and was developed after a meeting with the public administrators of the city. The project area is situated at the southern limit of the city and it is characterized by the intersection between the railway, the new layouts for the Pedemontana project, the Sempione and the Malpensa routes. The intervention is on an existing closed space between the railway and the Sempione and on a new interstice created by a connecting layout between Pedemontana and Malpensa route. The aim of the project is to give a new interpretation of the relation between infrastructure,

city and architecture. The method used for this project permitted to develop a strategy in order to obtain the increase of the different scales relations and the rise of correspondences between different means of transport. The base of the project is the infrastructure itself. This work wants to create a relation between the buildings and the urban space in order to obtain a positive transformation of the closed spaces. Indeed, the aim is to give birth to a huge dynamic center strongly included into the landscape and the territory. The project wants to demonstrate that it is possible to make interventions in the areas surrounding infrastructures or between them. The strategy gives value to the relation between infrastructure and city, protects the existing open spaces and creates connections beyond the infrastructural layouts.


2013 ∙ Milano (Italia)

33 MODELLI DI ARCHITETTURA Exhibition design with Filippo Abrami, Giuseppe Giuliano and Valentina Rao

In spring 2012, the “Scuola di Architettura e Società” of Politecnico di Milano has been invited to contribute to the project 40,000 Hours, during the 13. International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale - Common Ground directed by David Chipperfield. 29 projects were selected. Projects have been developed for the thesis of master degree or during the workshops. The program included the construction of models exclusively on white cardboard. models could not measure more than 500 x 500 x 500 mm. The exhibition would have been without the accompanying texts and preserving the anonymity of the authors: the models

would be prepared “out of context” and together with those made by students from other international schools. The exhibition was a testament to the impressive work, to the research, to the intelligence that architecture students from all over the world dedicated to the issues of contemporary living: common ground, indeed. We took pictures before the models left for Venice. This exhibition aims to reconstruct the thread, returning through the collected and ordered images of the models a significant segment of the research of our School. The authors of the projects are revealed and, with them, the teachers who followed them in their design process.

CARLOS FERRATER & Partners Office of Architecture in Barcelona Balmes 145 Bajos 08008 Barcelona. SPAIN.

2013 ∙ Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

New Frankfurt School campus international competition project OAB internship ∙ my role: model-making ∙ design proposal ∙ cad drawing ∙ graphic support

The chance to work at the design of such a project came during the internship at the office OAB - Carlos Ferrater & Partners, in Barcelona. In fact, the office had been invited to take part in a competition for five international firms including Rem Koolhaas, Sanaa, Henning Larsen and Dominique Perrault. The new design concept aims to develop a dialogue between the new Frankfurt School campus and the surrounding area in the Adickesallee, while at the same time paying tribute to the old regional tax office (OFD) building. Like the former OFD building, the new campus building will be 120 metres long, forming the kind of homogenous, compact structure that best reflects and embodies the Frankfurt School philosophy. The exterior of the new structure is simple and bold. Its interior, on the other hand, is multi-layered and complex, to reflect the equally diverse and complex activities that will take place

there. Light-filled atria, internal corridors, double-height floors and galleries together create a separate world, or microclimate, inside the building. This combination of compact exterior with multifunctional interior is a defining feature of the “vertical campus”. The spacious atrium on the west side of the building, with its abundance of natural light, opens up full vertical access to the building, so users can quickly find their bearings and travel between the different floors by a series of escalators. The agora is the beating heart of the campus, a large lounge where users can meet, share ideas, network, and let their thoughts run free. The inspiring atmosphere of the agora is created by natural light from a variety of sources: diffuse light from studio-type windows; direct sunlight from the skylights in the main atrium, and from the large glazed area in the southfacing facade.



VIEW OF THE old regional tax office (OFD) building

VIEW OF THE NEW Frankfurt School campus





2013 ∙ Guadalajara (Mexico)

OFFICE BUILDING OAB internship my role: model-making

2013 ∙ L’Escala ∙ Girona (Spain)

WATERFRONT OAB internship My role: design proposal ∙ model-making ∙ cad drawing ∙ graphic support

6, rue Bouvier 75011 Paris, FRANCE.

2014 ∙ Paris (France)

La Poste du Louvre projet de restructuration DPA internship ∙ my role: cad drawing ∙ graphic support

At present I am working on the restoration project for the Poste du Louvre building in central Paris. In phase PRO I was involved in the design of the four main building sections (scale 1: 100) and in the design of the stairs’ core details (scale 1: 50). Currently I am developing the permis de construire modificatif (PCM), focussing on fire security, disabled access, demolition plans, and the dossier for the comparison of plans, sections and elevations of the building of Julien Guadet, the existing and the project. « … Restructurer c’est se positionner, prendre parti pour une historie plutôt qu’une autre. Restructurer c’est faire des choix, juger les éléments du passé pour retenir ceux qui composeront les bases d’une nouvelle historie. Si l’architecte de prend pas position pour une historie, il ne restructure pas, il conserve, il

réaménage. La restructuration au sens plein du terme, telle que nous la comprenons dans le cadre du projet, possède une doble dimension : la dimension médicale du rétablissement, de la remise aux normes, elle vise la santé de l’édifice, son bon fonctionnement. Mais la restructuration est également prospective car en même temps qu’elle soigne, elle prolonge la vie, offre de nouvelles voies, élargit le champ des possibles pour écrire de nouvelles histories. L’histoire que nous racontons est celle de la transformation d’un ilot a vocation unique, industrielle, en un ilot urbain, opération rendue possible grâce aux qualités patrimoniales intrinsèques de l’immeuble de Guadet et à son insertion au cœur d’une séquence urbaine remarquable, donnant tout son sens au projet de restructuration. » Dominique Perrault, extrait de la notice de concours, avril 2012

Photography points of view IT FR

+39 340 0064402 +33 0640535977

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