size matters?
New Year’s Brunch @ Perseo Art Foundry
AT T E N Z I O N E ! Q ue sto è il wo rk in pr og re ss de l ca ta lo go pe r il N ew Ye ar ’s Br un ch de lla Pe rse o Ar t Fo ud ry.
p u n t i, p o s t p a e t e r e v o r T iv i e t e s t i it in f e d i t s e t it , #NYB15 im m a g in i , e r e g g e r r o c da e a lt r e o t s iu g o t s o al p somma, in . .. ie r o is v v pro e t u t t a la p o t r e t e s e g u ir l c a t a lo g o , e d e n io z a z z r e a li le! i n t e m p o re a
A pro posito :n che fi el frattem niamo po ... Tw i t t ate #N YB15
a cura di | curated by Stefano Pesce
Q ui ci va il co lo ph on ...
Q ue sto è lo sp az io ris er va to ag li sp on so r
della a i r o t s breve ce la n Ma una o n o e a Pe r s Fo n d e r i ere??? t t e m o vogliam
St e f a d i q n o Pe s u che esto v ce è il o c r pag iempia lume e urator e i su t ne... di queste si sper a witt t er @ egli qu due al stef ano cosa _pe sce
ui??? q o v i r sc Che ci
Q ui co m in cia la se zio ne de di ca ta ag li ar tis ti. .. qu alc un o c’è gi à, qu alc un o sta ar riv an do ... .
Gabriela Spector Gabriela Spector was born in 1968 in Tucumán, a city in the nord of Argentina. She earned her degree in Fine Arts from the National University of Tucumán. From 1990 to 1991 she was employed a san assistant in the drawing atelier. After graduation she won a scholarship and relocated to Italy to specialize in sculpture. In Milan, she worked in the artistic Foundry Battaglia, using the bronze fusion technique. Simultaneously, she attended the academy of Fine Arts of Brera. She furthered her studies over a period of two years at the academy of Fine arts of Carrara, where she specialized in marble. Since 1995 she lives and work in Ticino, Switzerland.
radotto t o t s e t per Colonna no i n It a l i a
Work and projects The principal theme of her art is the human figure. She developed over several years the theme of pregnancy. The exhibit was entitled “The desire of maternity” at the hospital in Mendrisio, Switzerland. We printed a catalogue of photographs and interviews with the models during 2002. On the subject of travel migration and identity she used antique maps as a back round for paintings particularly vast in size. The project, entitled “Maps” was presented in Italy, Switzerland and Argentina.
Gabriela Spector Equilibrio 1998 Bronzo cm 54x15x12
Gabriela Spector Figura 2008 Bronzo cm 84x18x21
Gabriela Spector Figura uomo Bronzo cm 170x56x46 15
Sara.H Sara.H was born in 1968 In Fribourg, Switzerland. Captivated by art in her childhood, she was early interested in paintings thanks to the influence of her grandmother, an art restorer. She was brought up in a natural and musical environment. Later, the idea of being a sculptor became imperative and gave her life a new challenge. Already at the age of 13, her skills and interests took form through illustrations of story tales she wrote with her sisters. Then, encouraged by her family and friends as well as by professionals, she exhibited her paintings and drawings. Her encounter with the artist DeLaPerouze led her to the opening of her fist workshop. At 29, sculpture became a necessity to express her art. She discovered the world of modelling and bronze. Passionate by the desire to instil the fantasy and magic she feels in nature, music and Life, Sara.H has tamed the earth for countless hours to finally manage to transmit her emotion. "My goal is to be increasingly truthful in my art, and I think this will easily take a lifetime." she explains. In 2000 she met Etienne Chatton (Curator of The International Center of Fantasy Art), who gave her his shrewd advice and brought her to create monumental pieces. Since then, the workshop contains large sculptures and both artists give support to each other in their mutual creations. Diverse institutions and Communes regularly ask them to create important art pieces. For Sara.H, her art of predilection can be described in this unique saying: "Sculpture is a music that is listened to with the eyes and played with the fingertips. "The major project she is currently working on is the creation of a sculpture place in the city of Lausanne.
radotto t o t s e t per Colonna no i n It a l i a
Sara.H Je T'aime Hauteur : 2m50
Sara.H L'Escarpin EnchantĂŠ Hauteur : 37cm
Sara.H La FĂŠe des Vignes Hauteur : 3m
Flavio Paolucci Flavio Paolucci was born in Torre in Val di Blenio, Canton Ticino, in 1934. After having learned the basics of painting at the cantonal school in Lugano and having practiced at the atelier of Oscar Bölt in Locarno, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan. In 1964, lived in Morocco. In 1984 the Kunstmuseum Olten dedicated an exhibition to him. In 1988 represents Switzerland at the Biennale exhibition in Tokyo. Three major retrospectives exhibitions have been dedicated to him at the Museo Cantonale d’Arte in Lugano (1988), the Pinacoteca Casa Rusca Locarno (1993), and the Foundation Mudima of Milan (1995). In 1999 he was awarded with the Prize Gimmi at the Museum Jenisch of Vevey. In 2000 he was newly proposed at the Kunstmuseum Olten. In 2007 he had a retrospective exhibition at the Foundation Mudima of Milan In 2014 he had a retrospective exhibition at the Museo Cantonale d’Arte in Lugano.
Flavio Paolucci è nato a Torre nella Val di Blenio, Cantone Ticino, nel 1934. Dopo aver appreso i primi rudimenti di pittura alla scuola cantonale di Lugano e praticato presso l’atelier di Oscar Bölt a Locarno, ha frequentato l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera a Milano. Nel 1964, soggiorno in Marocco. Nel 1984 il Kunstmuseum di Olten gli dedica una mostra. Nel 1988 rappresenta la Svizzera alla Biennale di Tokyo. Tre importanti esposizioni antologiche gli vengono dedicate al Museo Cantonale d’Arte a Lugano (1988) e dalla Pinacoteca Casa Rusca di Locarno (1993), alla Fondazione Mudima di Milano (1995). Nel 1999 gli viene conferito al Museo Jenisch di Vevey il Premio Gimmi. Nel 2000 viene riproposto al Kunstmuseum di Olten. Nel 2007 mostra retrospettiva presso la Fondazione Mudima di Milano Nel 2014 mostra retrospettiva presso il Museo Cantonale d’Arte di Lugano.
Flavio Paolucci 240x30 cm 21
Flavio Paolucci particolare 240x30 cm
Flavio Paolucci particolare 240x30 cm
Alfredo Battistini 1953 Alfredo Battistini nasce a Uznach in Svizzera. I genitori, Alearda di Traglia e Alfredo Battistini, erano nativi rispettivamente di San Piero in Bagno e Sarsina nella Romagna. Crebbe assieme alle sorelle Maria-Luisa e Claudia a Rapperswil sul lago di Zurigo. 1971 Nel programma relativo all’incontro di pugilato tra Muhammad Ali e Jürgen Blin fa la sua apparizione. 1976 Diventa campione nazionale Svizzero di pugilato nella categoria dei pesi mediomassimi. 1976-1977 Risiede a Parigi diventando assistente del famoso fotografo e amico Lothar Schmid 1978 Ritorna in Svizzera per intraprendere un apprendistato dallo scultore svizzero Hans-Jörg Limbach di fama internazionale. Fa domanda d‘ammissione all’Accademia d‘Arte di Parigi e viene ammesso. 1979 In seguito a un grave incidente stradale di ritorno dall‘Italia diventa paraplegico. Nella disciplina sportiva del sollevamento pesi dalla panca diviene cinque volte campione del mondo, due volte campione europeo e venticinque volte campione Svizzero. Prese parte alle Olimpiadi degli handicappati di Barcellona e Seoul, come anche a campionati di mondo in Inghilterra e Sidney. 1980 Viaggio di studio in Cile, frequenta la scuola d‘arte e mestieri di Santiago. 1983 Prima grande mostra delle sue opere a Basilea. Ne seguono molte altre. 1994 Crea la scultura di bronzo per gli Open di Stoccarda, trofeo sostenuto da personaggi come Boris Becker, Edberg, Muster, e Corda. 1996 Riceve l‘incarico dalla città di Rapperswil per la creazione di un monumento in onore del ‘75esimo anniversario del Circo Nazionale Svizzero Knie. Marzo 2009 Il grande riconoscimento: la sua scultura “La Creazione”, che fece in onore del suo grande ispiratore Michelangelo nel 1996, viene esposta nel Museo Michelangiolesco in Caprese Michelangelo, luogo di nascita di Michelangelo.
1953 Alfredo Battistini was born in Uznach/Switzerland. His parents, Alfredo Battistini and Alearda Di Traglia were from San Piero in Bagno, and Sarsina, Romagna, Italy. He grew up with his two sisters Maria-Luisa and Claudia in Rapperswil at the lake of Zurich. 1971 Boxes in the support act of the fi ght between Muhammad Ali and Jürgen Blin in Zurich. 1976 Alfredo becomes International Swiss Champion in light heavyweight boxing. 1976 – 1977 Alfredo goes to Paris and becomes a photographer assistant to the well known photographer and friend Lothar Schmid. 1978 Alfredo returns to Switzerland for further education with the internationally famous Swiss sculptor Hans-Jörg Limbach. He applies for the Academy of Arts in Paris and is accepted. 1979 Alfredo suffers a portentous accident on the way home from Italy. Diagnosis: paraplegia. Rage and grief nearly drove him to despair. In bench press he becomes World Champion fi ve times, two times European Champion and 25 times Swiss Champion. Alfredo also participated in the Olympic Games for the handicapped in Barcelona and Seoul and at the World Championships in England and Sidney. 1980 Alfredo travels to Chile and visits the school of art in Santiago de Chile. 1983 His first exhibition of sculptures in Basel and many more in the following years. 1994 Alfredo creates the bronze sculpture of the Stuttgart Open for the tennis players Boris Becker, Edberg, Muster and Corda. 1996 Alfredo is asked by the city council of Rapperswil to create a monument in honour of the 75th anniversary of the Swiss National Circus Knie. 2009 the highest honour: His sculpture “la Creazione” which he had created in 1996 in honour of is archetype Michelangelo, is being inaugurated in the Museum Michelangiolesco in Caprese Michelangelo, Michelangelo’s place of birth. 24
a. r e op va! e r i er o arri sto... s n I e and o pr u Q riam Sp e
ndo a u a q tto a r e op o de o! e r ri nn riam e a s In v a ! H Sp e . i arr naio.. gen
do uan a q tto a e per e o nno d mo! erir a ia In s v a ! H Sp e r . i arr naio.. gen
Finito di stampare da Grafica Metelliana (Cava de’ Tirreni - SA) per conto di con-fine edizioni nel mese di ................. Printed in Italy
con-fine rispetta l’ambiente. Questo volume è stampato su carte Fedrigoni certificate. con-fine respect enviroment. This book is printed on Fedrigoni certified papers.
ito... n i f e r e d lete ve Se lo vo arci!!! v o r t a tornate