Amina And The Pure W o m e n True ones Where are they? They never make a sound My eyes do With love Born out of love I only have Eye For Love Humanity I fight for 100 years of Communism Started Is about to end Miss Light born where I should be born The Netherlands, Oss, Wizard of Oz, Or fairytales they again write
A Orange Disaster is failing this time To rewrite Adolf I keep at heart Einstein was left alone For Americans he brings The African here A's, as always and big names when he is after your estate Ending up to Marry how Maryam got ended Jesus, David and Muhammed saved the world Pure Always pure My Daddy named a woman Amina Me The Thrown belongs to The Mother Of The Pure Feminism they destroy Father and Daughters What about your son? What about seeing Nature? The Sun? Do you see The Sun? Biggest Star, The Biggest Always They destroy Names The Sun is no game We are here, in style, not too late We look like Gods
Alone, Confused, Lost, Found, By me But Alone I have suffered Walked hundreds of kilometers Crossed whole Deutschland two times I have seen Paradise I have never seen here One time there was One time He erased it out of our minds Along with incredible minds we still save Not to tell But to show We all write this together A poem Poetry With knowlegde and empathy
Two Duchess, A's; A. Aweys and A. Taylor To a planet full of Dukes He wants to slave
True Women should make you feel safe Think about someone and feel I do, We do, Without the touch The delay for years shows me true love I see beauty I see I think about someone I am surrounded by White Pigeons for days Freedom To The Pure And So Love Honesty Humanity Love 10-01-2022 With love for Mark Rutte I wish you a great years ruling Politics again (Nadiya) Amina Aweys Muhammed Sheikh Nur (Mohado) 30-11-1995
Megen, The Netherlands
With love to Mark Rutte Minister President van Nederland 10-01-2022 Nadiya