# Closing me Breath Closing me Open me up Open This curse I am in To be closed Free me Dear Lover dear I need You here My wanting is filled in the atmosphere The air People feel my need For you
All I want All I see Closing me To come and come While I end up alone Without the touch of You Imagining You How it would be with You Can not get enough of You But closing You are closing me Breath Open me up I need to breathe To make When The World wants us dead Because of Kingdoms and Diplomacy Rules and Royalty We are born with Born for To keep it going on Ukraine should be free As you protect them against The Devil Who only pretend Leave countries failed. Lost and gone. All you do I see is protect And Propaganda is there When The World wants us dead For The Name they need to make Like a race To create chaos and then to save Like a Hero For The Zero When The World wants us dead
I am closing Myself From all what is not mine You have a wife And I have my Time That keeps ticking I have to be sharp Be The Current The Present My Lord My Guard My steady My ready Me I am closing me While I imagine you on top of me Kissing me Like no other
When that imagined touch is so pleasing That I could die in pleasure but wake In chaos Of Russia been almost vanished History I protect And
You are there In the mind Come again with me in the night
When I will be open to be Free You and me Without Closing me
Nadiya Amina A.M. Mohado Sheikh Nur 30-11-1995. To Poetin