Humanity And Me
Get to think about you lately Do you think about me too? # How did it felt? For you When I Strong like a magnet Strong Felt it Strong? Time and I Where were you? I think about you But I only feel
Strong you seem Did i’ve made you weak? When you left You came back I lay here I think about you What I could say When I showed my face A mask in between some possible hey's You came back Did i made you weak? Love and caring Isnt it all about fighting for the same when Love, time and being shy Caused you there to stay again With me in mind I kept you in mind I felt it strong What if time will bring you there with me again? A memory of you Images A sound? I have no idea how you sound The seat was too small My body, as if made for you I imagine sharing one seat Do I make you weak? Danger came across I almost felt like going up and being pulled down to the past Trust you left along on my line? How could I otherwise survive?
Can I come back too maybe? In front of you Next to you Being close Magnet like pulling me back Will you hold me when I? I, never left I was still sitting there When you came back
Would you dare to hold me? Lay down and care Share with me a time Together on our line? Patient we are Always Delays Always Alone along with these delays The next time I just hold you When I feel you feel like it too Are you okay? I worry about Someone he made me feel like Being together with a time we imagined Love: He made me weak. About you, American Soldier ICE train from Deutschland to France during Hurricane Henri, New York, USA. I can't speak French. Teach me?
Nadiya Amina Aweis Mohamed Mohado Sheikh Nur In shelter, The Netherlands
November 3th, 2021