Lost On Love By Nadiya Mohado June, 2021 COVID-19 CORONA cold times
When did I found myself lost? Love, what is going on? I question a feeling I barely get to experience Kept locked away from human rights I rather fantasize Love, When did I found myself lost? Refusing fast love Waiting for love that touches me before I feel it touching me (falling in love) When did I found myself lost? People barely look me in the eye Here around me emptiness I mostly find Love, what is going on? What does it mean to feel without feel? Seconds of imagined pleasure I rather wait for forever soulmate treasure Love, When did I found myself lost? How can I ever fall in love when no one
looks me in the eye? Or when no one´s eyes here around me seems truly alive? Being 25, being no one´s wife, fighting to stay alive, as I choose the equal and lovable side, Will I ever fall in love again? I wait for love that finds me unites Everything valuable takes time So I wait
Nadiya Mohado 30-11-1995 June,2021, Covid Corona cold times