Men 31 May/Mei 2022 Ancient Dutch Men Their Paradise Was gone into Ice Melted away By our Name Our Estate The World they havent seen Dont have to see Now they know
Watch back 80's madness stopped 70's madness stopped Every decade we stop And then Europe Reborn No Myth wants to see How a Myth is like Ancient Dutch Ancient Mythical like Ancient They crave for as Cold Ice on a Hot Summer day I watch back Documentaries they have made And shared With The Past And now The Present Also Men Feel Need to Feel Not Knowing what to do When I feel like How can this happen? Tell your Mother Tell your Father
Visit them Even if eyes can not be looked at I, Look up Always up And question my Grandfather Grandmother I could only see on Billion Dollar portaits Of the Killers Been praised
Prayers been heard I try to be there For The Old The Youth For My Family at First What is easy I wake up As if I am born 30-11-1995 Not crying But breathing Slowly Nadiya Amina Aweys Muhammed Sheikh Nur 30-11-1995
Den Haag, 31-05-2022 The Netherlands