The Killer #Fragment By Nadiya Amina Aweys Muhammed Mohado Sheikh Nur 30-11-1995

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# Fragment Oliver, (Arthur Frederik Claasen 27-10-2020) I always want You to Smile And When You Smile The Sun Shines Birds Sing, People talk to Me as they think they can reach out To You ONLY when They Killed You, They started to Love You And so it goes: I understand The Killer when they Killed You, My Sun, Son, Child Like The Sun We never say Thank You To And The One who thinks They are Me When I gave Birth To You As they, in Timezones Do not understand My Brain How Smart Would Her Child be?

And then they Die.

Nadiya Amina Aweys Muhammed Mohado Muhammed Sheikh Nur 30-11-1995 15-09-2022

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