He has a Alien he makes love to And a confess, he seems a mess But I love Him Cause he can Love Dictator to be But he seeks for me Save me As if, But how, My Love? How? You can be everywhere but I want You You can be next to me but I want You If i only knew I would never let it happen Parts of you In the air And along consumed by people around me Tragic Catastrofe Drama But I care Even when Drama Is here I care Aliens and Bailey's They hate Taste Pleasure is like poision to them So I tease them Wanna?
Mostly, when they are only there around To eat me I look at them Do you really eat People? Ever questioned that you are a Person yourself? Why would you be around me for years? Even in shelter Even at trainstations Looking so Dutch and innocent Why?
And he goes Even riding on Alien Women I am crazy, but He He makes then His Versions of Emanuel Alien I wish i could walk in And give you Breath Clean Air My lips Touching yours Stop the scares Nightmares Care To share Future Time Mr President Are you in The Present?
To Emmanuel Macron President Of France
Nadiya Amina Aweys Mohamed Mohado Sheikh Nur
30-11-1995 27-04-2022
Shelter. Oss.