Who Dares To Show Care To That Girl Named Nadiya from '95? I gave up there Where I fought for Imagination In the end Dreams and desires
I start here where I fight for life Reality seems hard to look for When kept isolated I imagine how to not be left alone with insanity How it would be to love Have a future Have a job or profession I can help others with They need me to improve Every score they get kills me more I keep on smiling?
Every simple selfie could mean the end Every livestream could be the last one Every tweet could be my last word One single honest gaze or touch I wait for But I am kept alone How to come with other forms of love? I refuse and disobey Get tortured and bullied It brings in money for the state I gave up today and wait and see again Is it too late? Honesty, I crave for it I don't do drugs Where Human Rights made me high the last time I keep waiting for it to touch me
I make love to desires I can not share I am just human Touch me Warmth I share Even through a gaze I dare you reader: Love. To a isolated life To a future I can not predict To a love I wish for One day to be united.
Keep on loving. Nadiya Amina Awei(y)s Mohamed Mohado (Sheikh Nur) 30-11-1995
I didnt gave myself away for a pseudo name. I dont want to be fake. I never give up on life or love.