Naenae College Prospectus 2018

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Naenae College

2018 Prospectus

The Enrolment Process 2017 TUESDAY 20 JUNE


Open Evening

Information Evening for parents



Open Day

Orientation Morning

Parents and students are encouraged to attend. Join us in the hall at 6.00pm for a sausage sizzle, followed by the Principal’s talk and a tour of the school.

All students from contributing schools visit, with an opportunity to try out some lessons in a range of subjects. Parents may accompany students.

7.00pm in the College Hall. Information will be given about option choices, Family Guide, uniform and stationery details.

For all enrolled students. Information about option subjects will be given out and students will choose their options. AFTER 31 OCTOBER


Enrolments Due

Post completed enrolment forms to the College or deliver to your current school office. Acceptance letters will be posted within 10 days. You are most welcome to request a personal enrolment meeting. Please contact Nic Richards, Deputy Principal, on 04 576 4547 to arrange this.

Senior staff visits

Senior staff visit contributing schools to gather detailed information about your child.

Family Interviews

These may be arranged in some circumstances if we need more information.

This prospectus does not cover all the rules, regulations, uniform requirements and details of College life. This information will be provided in a ‘Family Guide’ issued to all enrolled students and their families. It is also available on the school website. If you would like further information or wish to visit the College please call 04 567 7175 or email

Welcome to Naenae College Kia ora, suor sdei, Kia orana, malo e lelei, bula vinaka, marhaban, namaste, min-ga-la-ba, kumusta, muraho, talofa, iska waran, selam malo n’e. • In 2013 we achieved an 88% participation pass rate in NCEA Level 1. This was significantly above the national average of 68% for decile 1–3 schools and 81% for all schools. In 2014 these students achieved an 84% pass rate at Level 2 and in 2015 a 70.3% pass rate at Level 3. • In May 2014, ERO published a report called ‘Towards Equitable outcomes in secondary schools: Good practice.’ Naenae College was one of the 7 schools selected nationally for the case studies in this report. • We have received letters two years in a row from the Minister of Education congratulating us on our accelerated progress of students in NCEA. • We are identified as a school of quality practice in raising the engagement and achievement of Maori students under the Kia Eke Panuku development contract. I invite you to come on this exciting journey with us, so that we can learn and grow together. I encourage you to read this Prospectus in detail and come to our Open Evening on Tuesday, 20 June at 6.00pm in the College Hall. There will be a tour of the College and an opportunity to observe students at work.


John Russell PRINCIPAL Mr Russell spent the first six years of his teaching career at Naenae College with his wife Rosemary. He then had 4 years as HOD mathematics at Tokoroa High School before being appointed as Deputy Principal at Mana College. He served in this role for three years before taking over as Principal. After 10 years in this role he moved to be principal of Kapiti College for eight years before deciding to return to Naenae College in 2007. Under his leadership the college has undergone radical change. This was celebrated last year when Mr Russell received the Senior New Zealander of the Year Award in acknowledgment of his transformational work in the College and his ongoing contribution to New Zealand Education. He is the Wellington regional representative on the NZ Secondary Principals’ Council and has represented principals on a wide range of Government advisory committees.

John Russell PRINCIPAL


He is passionate, committed and determined that Naenae College students will get the very best deal possible.

Nic Richards

Tania Campbell

Cornelios Floratos





About our School Naenae College is a co-educational Secondary school with a current roll of 670 students of diverse ethnic and social backgrounds. This diversity is a matter of pride and enjoyment.

What makes us so special? With some 39 nationalities on our roll, we absolutely embrace and celebrate our diversity. Rather than being problematic, it is a rich learning opportunity for us all. Our overriding statement of value is summed up in the phrase ‘Te Whānau Tahi’ (The United Family). This is also the name of our College Marae and our Kapa Haka group. We talk all the time about ‘unity in diversity’. We first acknowledge the Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa and our bicultural heritage. Then we acknowledge the multi ethnic nature of the Tauiwi – all the rest of us who have arrived on these shores over the generations. Everyone is important and valued. Mutual respect is the cornerstone value. We have a wonderful opportunity to learn from one another.

Facilities The school is located on an expansive 12 hectare site with excellent sports fields and courts and pleasant lawns and gardens. We take pride in our environment.

We focus our thinking and our heart commitment on realising the potential of our students. We recognise the cultural capital they bring which is diverse, rich and resilient. We learn with and from our students in a spirit of partnership. We embrace the concept of Ako – the reciprocity of teaching and learning. We have an absolute belief that we can make a difference and are doing just that.

Diversity is Wonderful 35 % Ma ¯ ori


24 % European


% Southeast Asian* % Chinese

15 % Samoan


% Indian


% Tokelauan


% African


% Tongan


% Other Pacific**


% Cook Island Ma ¯ ori


% Other***

* South East Asian: Vietnamese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Thai, Malaysian Chinese. ** Other Pacific: Fijian, Rarotongan, Tuvaluan, Niuean. *** Other: Latin American, Middle Eastern, Columbian, Afghani, Syria.

Our facilities include: • Recently upgraded attractive classrooms • 2 Computer Suites plus 300 Chromebooks • New Performing Arts Centre under construction • Library with supporting IT facilities • 2 Gymnasiums • 5 Science laboratories • 2 Technology workshops and a graphics room

Living and Learning: Big Picture Schooling In 2013 we adopted the ‘Big Picture Schooling’ model which connects our Heart commitment to our core values, our Head commitment to academic achievement and our Hands commitment to attendance and engagement in a full range of activities and service to others to ensure we all live, learn and grow together.





‘Our teachers encourage us to be strong in our own identity and help us to open up our eyes to big possibilities’ • 2 Art rooms and a Photography /design suite • Marae with Wharenui and Wharekai • Modern Special Needs Unit • Learning Support Centre • Student Health Centre with a nurse, doctor and physiotherapist • Careers and Guidance Centre • Student cafeteria ‘Naenae Kai’, and school kitchen • Services Academy.

Daniel Collings HEAD BOY 2017

Naenae College has been a part of my life that I will never forget. I can still remember my first day. I was so nervous because I only saw myself as a little year nine. I did not imagine what I was capable of with the support of the College. Despite my uncertainty, I began to make progress at College in all aspects of student life. The support of my teachers and peers gave me the confidence to believe in myself. As Head Boy, I can now share my journey with you, the next generation of Naenae College students. I can tell you that challenges do not last forever and success will come. The experiences of Naenae College have shaped my perspective on life. In 2017 I want to inspire all year groups to lead by example and to develop a work ethic to take their natural talents to the next level. Naenae College offers students many things. Whether it be playing for the First XV, arguing on the debating team or pursuing an interest or passion you have, I can assure you from experience – the effort is worth it. Every day is an opportunity to develop your potential. Do not let challenges be obstacles, let your work ethic and determination shape your future.

1. Core Values • Whānaungatang: relationships • Manaakitanga: caring • Rangatiratang: leadership • Kotahitanga: working together • Pumanawatanga: atmosphere

IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS: What honestly happened? Who was effected by this behaviour? What steps can you take to put this right? How do we make sure it does not happen again? Do you need help with this?

We call these our Te Whānau Tahi (United Family) values. We actively teach these core values through our whānau system and in all classes. They are the most important thing in the school. This strengthens our engagement and achievement and has made a huge difference to the culture of the school in recent years.

2. Classroom teaching Learning happens when there is a strong relational bond between teachers and students. Learning must be connected to the wider world. Students bring their prior knowledge and cultural understandings to their learning and this is embraced. Teachers are learners and learners are teachers. We learn from one another.

3. Wha ¯nau guidance system

Students are placed into one of four Houses that we call Whānau. • Amo: Strong and steadfast • Maihi: Outstretched, welcoming arms • Koruru: Thinking and acting with wisdom • Tokomanawa: Getting to the heart of the matter

4. Restorative practice We strive to develop and maintain high trust respectful relationships that reflect our core values at all levels in the college. This includes all adults as well as students. All staff are trained to use a restorative approach in dealing with student behaviours. We include parents/whānau in this process whenever appropriate and we accept that sometimes adults get things wrong and have to put things right too. This process demands a high level of personal accountability. If students are not genuinely willing to engage in this process, then we use other formal accountability approaches (including stand-downs and suspensions) to ensure the safety of the school environment at all times.

5. The daily timetable Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

The Whānau Heads are responsible for the pastoral care, guidance and academic progress for all students (Years 9 to 13) in their Whānau. This is a quarter of the school each. Students are placed in year level groups with 16–18 students led by a Learning Advisor who sees their students for 40 minutes 4 days each week and stays with the same group of students throughout their time at College.

8.45am 10.15am 10.55am 11.15am 12.45pm 1.30pm

This Learning Advisory time includes assemblies, a structured learning programme and inter-group activities and competitions. It is active engagement time.

Thursdays only - late start

This model is aimed at ensuring every student has a strong sense of belonging and someone who is ‘committed for life’ to their successful journey through school, constantly monitoring their progress and working in close partnership with the family. It is also aimed at students enjoying a strong identity as part of a Whānau, with leadership and involvement opportunities. Each Whānau has a team of 4 Prefects who provide leadership and 8 mentors who are attached in pairs to the junior Learning Advisory groups.

Analisa Manuel HEAD GIRL 2017

From walking through the gates as a shy year nine in 2013, to now having the honour of being given the role of Head Girl, I am truly thankful for all that Naenae College has taught me. The experiences and opportunities I’ve had over the years have helped me gain not only confidence but have also helped to shape me as a person. The values of “Te Whānau Tahi” have had a big influence in every aspect of my school life. Whether they were displayed at home, in the classroom, or on the sports field – they are ever-present. These values are what contribute to the strong bond that all students and teachers have with one another; creating a strong sense of belonging and a pride in our school. Also, the endless amount of love, guidance and support from my teachers, peers and family over my years at Naenae College have encouraged me to aim high in everything I do and to help others strive for success in their own College journey.

8.25am 9.25am 10.55am 11.15am 12.45pm 1.30pm

Period 1 (90 minutes) LAR (40 minutes) Interval (20 minutes) Period 2 (90 minutes) Lunch (40 minutes) Period 3 (90 minutes) Late start - Staff PD Period 1 (90 minutes) Interval (20 minutes) Period 2 (90 minutes) Lunch (40 minutes) Period 3 (90 minutes)



Junior School The junior curriculum contains a range of exciting opportunities for Year 9 and Year 10 students. Year 9 Learning Programme We have six classes in Year 9: • Six classes are evenly balanced, mixed ability classes based on data and advice from contributory schools. Classes are not based on student or parental choice • One class is smaller and provides Learning Support for students (boys) who need significant help with their literacy and numeracy. A smaller group of girls needing literacy support receive this during Option time. All classes place priority on: • Te Whānau Tahi relationships • Reinforcement of key competencies • A focus on literacy and numeracy in all subjects • Agreed pedagogical practices learning intentions, success criteria, quality feedback • Appropriate use of technology • Sharing student assessment data to improve outcomes

Subjects Everyone studies: • English • Mathematics • Science • Social Studies • Physical Education and Health • Digital Technology and Information Literacy We believe in giving our Year 9 students some choice about what they want to study. Students can choose from the following Option courses. They choose three courses which must include at least one of the Technologies and one of the Arts. Technologies • Hard Materials • Foods • Graphics

Arts • Art • Drama • Music

Languages • Māori • Samoan • Spanish

Students may be identified as needing ESOL, Literacy or Numeracy support which will be provided.


Project-based Inquiry Learning From 2015 all Year 9 students have been involved in a four-week long inquiry learning project each year. For this time, they will stop having separate classes for English, Maths, Science and Social Studies and spend the time supported by all their teachers working on their own selected projects within common class themes. We expect to work in this way on an increasing basis in the years ahead. We are confident that the learning journey in the Junior School is an exciting one and will prepare all students well for NCEA and beyond.

“If you are looking for a place with strong values and an amazing learning atmosphere, Naenae College is the place for you.”

Vaiola Pilitati

YEAR 9 STUDENT 2017 Moving up from Intermediate to College can be a very scary experience, trust me, it was for me. But as soon as you start getting familiar with your surroundings and routine, it’s like the stress slowly goes away. I thought I was going to end up getting lost all the time, or fail most my classes because the work was going to be much harder. I obviously thought wrong because I managed quickly to find my way around the school, with the help of others, and the classes begin easy for us because the teachers are so helpful and welcoming. There are a few things I have joined this year, such as Poly Club, badminton and volleyball. There are also many more opportunities to try other activities that I am excited about. One of the cool things I like about Naenae College is our core values, which encourage me to try harder and set more goals. It also shows me that I am important and so is my education. If you’re thinking about coming to Naenae College, I think that’s a great choice, you have nothing to worry about!

Extension In addition to opportunities for extension within their regular classes, the College runs a gifted and talented programme which includes extension studies, robotics club, mentoring and future problem solving. Students are also encouraged to prepare for and enter competitions and special events such as the Australian Mathematics competition, Young Enterprise, Mathswell, Debating and art and essay competitions. Ignite Sports run an extension programme with groups of Year 10 and 11 students, leading to future leadership opportunities once they reach the senior school.

Students who have done particularly well in Year 9 may be invited to join an extension class in Year 10. Learning support We go to considerable effort to accurately profile students’ learning abilities and needs before they start College so that we can best direct resources and balance classes. The school allocates significant resources to help students who need support with mainstream learning. This includes in-class support with Teacher Aides, modified learning material and withdrawal small group work. This support is coordinated by our HOD Learning Support, Ms Harman.

Year 10 Learning Programme

There are three reports issued and two report conferences held during the year.

Year 10 is comprised of six classes.

The first of these is an Academic Conferencing meeting in Term 1 where each student, along with their parents or caregivers, meets with their Learning Advisor for 20 minutes to discuss progress and set goals for the remainder of the year. We also hold a more traditional parents evening early in Term 3, which gives students and parents the opportunity to talk to specific subject teachers.

• One is an extension class in which the top 30 achievers from Year 9 have the opportunity to work together and make accelerated progress towards being best prepared for NCEA merit/ excellence endorsements • We have a boys only class and if needed, a girls only class • The other three classes are mixed ability classes The teaching teams of each junior class meet regularly to plan the overall learning and discuss progress of individuals and the class as a group. All teachers will be collecting data longitudinally during the year to make sure that students are progressing at the expected rate.

Assessment and Reporting In Years 9 and 10 the emphasis is on acquiring the skills and habits to make sure students will gain good qualifications in the senior school. Students in all classes are regularly assessed against the National Curriculum standards. Results are available to parents and can also be viewed through the parent portal on the College website.


We have a Special Needs Unit that caters for ORS students and others who need significant levels of support. These students are well integrated within the life of the college and a number spend a part of their time in mainstream classes, supported by Teacher Aides. Mrs DaviesColley is the HOD and may be contacted on or phone 5677175 x 855.

Okiwa Takamore-Uatuku-Gray YEAR 9 STUDENT 2017

My first day at Naenae College was a great experience especially for a kura kaupapa student like myself. Coming from a kura kaupapa school was really rough for me because it was difficult having new teachers and having to make new friends. Growing up in a small village of Ruatoki where everybody knew each other and I felt comfortable, was hard to leave behind. But this was a step into a new world which I knew I had to make. I made the decision because my main interests were graphics, design and art and Naenae College seemed like they had it all. After the welcome on my first day and meeting my teachers and other students, I felt confident that I have made the right decision. I am looking forward to my future at Naenae College.

Our reporting is a Merit Award system placing emphasis on academic achievement and the key competencies as set out in the New Zealand curriculum document. These are: • Managing self • Relating to others • Participating and contributing • Thinking • Signs, symbols and texts The emphasis is on celebrating achievements, identifying needs and planning to meet those needs.

Parents can expect: • Contact from the Learning Advisor, both in person and through the student diary • Access to any information held by the school including period absences, pastoral notes, incident reports and academic progress details not included on summary reports. This access can be gained either by contacting the College, or via a ‘parent portal’ link on the College website • Regular homework • Prompt assistance from teachers, Whānau Head, Guidance Counsellor, Health Nurse or Senior Staff when there are concerns.



Courses by Learning Area and Year Level Area Languages

The Arts



NCEA Level 2

NCEA Level 3

Year 10



– ori Ma

– ori Ma

ENG Modules ENG201 ENG202 ENG203 MAO101 MAO201

Spanish Samoan English Language Learning Painting Photography Design Music Drama – ori Performing Arts Ma Graphics Furniture/Building Engineering Food Technology Digital Technologies

Spanish Samoan ELL Art

SPA101 SAM101 ELL123 ART101/102

Music Drama

MUS101 DRA101 MPA101 GRA101 TEF102 TEE202 FDS102 DIT101 DIT102

SPA201 SAM201 ELL123 ART201 PHO201 DES201 MUS201 DRA201 MPA201 GRA201 TEF202 TEE202 CAH212 DIT201 DIT202


COM101 COM101

BUR202 COM201 COM201

BUR302 ECO301 ACC301

MAT101 MAS101 MAT102 SCI101 SCI102

TOU212 MAT201 MAS201 MAT202 SCI202 BIO201 CHE201 PHY201 HIS201 GEO201 PED201 SPD202 EPS212 GAT232 LFS202

TOU322 MAC301 MAS301 MAT302

Business and Retail Studies Commerce (Combined Business, Accounting, Economics)

Graphics Hard Materials Foods


Tourism Studies/Travel Mathematics





Social Sciences Physical Education & Health Other

NCEA Level 1


History Social Studies Geography Physical Education PE & Health Sports Development Employment Skills Gateway Life Skills NZ Certificate in Foundation Studies (SPEC) Service Academy Trades Academy

HIS101 GEO101 PED101 SPD102


ENG301 ENG302 MAO301 MAO401 SPA301 SAM301 ELL123 ART301 PHO301 DES301 MUS302 DRA301 MPA301 GRA301 TEE302 CAH322 DIT301 DIT302

BIO301 CHE301 PHY301 HIS301 GEO301 PED301 SPD302

Please note: Subjects in blue are compulsory.

Alex Greenfield


Coming from Intermediate through to College was a nerve-racking time, not just for me but all the year 9’s as it is a new school environment and a whole lot of new people. It was a shaky start but once I found my groove I could look to the future and what was to come. There were so many opportunities for me to grow as a person and while I quickly chose to focus on my schoolwork and football, I am becoming more familiar with College life. Here at Naenae College we have a lot of activities that may suit you including sports such as: Athletics, Badminton, Football, Rugby, Basketball, Softball, Netball, Hockey, Touch, Morning Fitness, Tennis, Volleyball, Small-bore Rifle Club and much, much more. If you are not really into sport you can try out some of our other activities including: The Big Sing (Choir), Poly Group, Kapa Haka, music tuition, debate team and more. There is something for everyone. You will also be able to pick four options to take part in throughout the year. I chose: Drama, Spanish, Graphics and Music. The first couple of months of my College life have been great. I am immersed in different cultures and have been welcomed with open arms by the students and staff. I have no doubt that Naenae College will provide the same opportunities for you as well.

Years 11 to 13 and Adult Students Achieving Academic Success Academic success is really important for everyone. Many students are currently achieving very well and we are well on track to meet the 85% national target. We strive to ensure that: • All students have a well-planned pathway through the senior school to ensure they gain at least a Level 2 qualification and have clear next steps. This includes a very effective careers and guidance programme focused on the qualifications pathways • All students complete their literacy and numeracy standards • At least half of our students complete Level 3 and gain their University Entrance

To help students achieve we offer: • Multi-level study at senior level (any combination of Level 1–3 that fits within the timetable) • A balanced mixture of Achievement and Unit Standard courses • Distance learning courses through universities, polytechnics and The Correspondence School • Off-site learning opportunities through STAR courses, the Gateway preapprenticeship programme, the Trades Academy at Weltec, our own Service Academy and Internships • A homework Centre throughout the year and tutorials for examination students • The Power-Up programme to support Pasifika students and fono • The Victoria University mentoring programme • Regular monitoring of student progress and ongoing mentoring by an exceptionally dedicated teaching staff always willing to do that bit extra

Leadership Naenae College offers its senior students leadership experience through: • The Prefect team • Mentors for Junior Learning Advisory Roopu • Sports and Arts Councils • Positive Behaviour for Learning School Wide Team • Coaching and managing junior sports teams. Refereeing. • Attendance at regional leadership training days and other forums • Russell McVeagh Mentoring Programme. • Outward Bound, Spirit of Adventure scholarships • Ignite Sports leadership programmes

Adult Students We believe in life-long learning. Adults are welcome to enroll as either full time or part time students and have full access to any course in the senior school. We also have an excellent full time adult ESOL course. For further details email, phone the College office for a brochure, or check the website

Hayden Andersen Dux Winner 2016



Co-curricular Engagement The Arts

Cultural Activities

Naenae College encourages all students to engage in the Performing Arts and is proud of the success achieved.

• Cultural day to celebrate the richness and diversity of students’ ethnicity • Proud history of performance by our Kapahaka group who maintain an impressive record in the National Kapahaka competitions • Strong Polynesian Group who take part in festivals and cultural activities in the Wellington area

Music • Outstanding Performing Arts facilities, including the ability to record your own compositions or create your own DVD’s, CD’s and movies • Instrumental music programme for personal and group lessons • Instruments available to hire • A range of music groups including junior choir, senior choir, jazz band and various other bands • Opportunities for public performance at school events and interschool competitions both regionally and nationally, including Big Sing, Smokefree Rockquest and Pasifika Beats

Drama, Debating and Speech • School and regional speech and debating competitions • Ngā Manu Kōrero speech competitions • Pacific Language regional speech competitions

Zadie McDowell

BOARD OF TRUSTEES STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE 2017 Starting out at Naenae College, I was immediately welcomed into our Te Whānau Tahi family. Straight away, I formed bonds with students and teachers who all encouraged and motivated me to get where I am today. I have made unforgettable memories in the classroom and on the sports field, where everyone is welcomed and accepted. Our teachers are supportive and committed, and strive to help all of us students get the most out of our learning. Naenae College has amazing opportunities including cultural groups and sports. I love how anyone can give things a go, get involved and are supported by our whānau. I am proud to say that Naenae College has helped teach me to take as many opportunities as I can, and to stand tall and be proud of who I am. Through our Te Whānau Tahi values, we students learn to support and grow with one another, and we are all in it together. I really hope you will join our Te Whānau Tahi family, and help us continue to make our school a better place, here at Naenae College.


Outdoor Education

Many of our students are involved in one or more sports. We cater for those with different interests and abilities by offering the widest choice possible. Mainly Summer

Mainly Winter





Cross Country









Rugby League


Small-bore Rifle Shooting



School sports teams participate in local inter-school competitions. In many sports top boys, girls or mixed teams compete in the National competitions held once a year. We are proud of the many successes of our sports men and women who have represented themselves ably at Regional, National and International level. We place emphasis on the manner in which our students conduct themselves on the sports field. It is important that students do their best and play fairly.

In Term 4 Outdoor Education programmes run for all junior students. Year 10 students have the opportunity for challenging tramps including in the Nelson Lakes, Queen Charlotte Sounds, Tongariro and Rimutaka national parks. Our Outdoor Education experiences allow students to develop self-confidence and leadership skills. In the Senior School specific programmes are related to areas of the curriculum, eg. Geography field trips to Rotorua and Tongariro, Biology to the Rimutaka Forest Park and Sports Education to Mount Holdsworth.

“Our teachers are dedicated to helping students succeed in all aspects of school life; in the classroom, on the sports field or in a cultural setting.�



Restorative Chat


Board of Trustees Naenae College 910 High Street, Lower Hutt Phone: (04) 567 7175 Fax: (04) 567 3009

Chair: Parent reps: Student rep: Staff rep:

Robyn Cormack Andy Soper Karen Shepherd John Manuel Sarah-Jane McCosh Tia Turahui Loudeen Parsons Zadie McDowell Kamaia Renata

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