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Assisi, AIDA observe ‘Workers Day’
from 2 May 2023
No tobacco zone: raid conducted in Mon town
DIMAPUR: Enforcement Squad under National Tobacco Control Programme, Mon carried out a surprise raid on sale of tobacco products near school areas of Mon town on April 29.
According to a DIPR report, the raid was to strengthen Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) 2003 in the district. As per Section 6 (b) of COTPA 2003 selling and kind of tobacco products within 100 yards of school area is strictly prohibited.
The team penalized 16 defaulters and seized tobacco products from the shops falling within the restricted area. Later, the team destroyed the seized products at the premises of Police Station, Mon.
DIMAPUR: Along with the rest of the world, Assisi and AIDA-SBI Gram Seva observed “International Workers’ Day” on May 1. Assisi: Observing the “International Workers’ Day” at Assisi auditorium, speaker, superior of Assisi Campus, Salomi Rongmei highlighted that the day is observed to commemorate the hard work, dedication of labours irrespective of their roles and positions and to appreciate and acknowledge their great contributions.
Rongmei stressed on the importance of self-re- spect, where she opined that “work in itself does not give them respect or dignity”, but maintained that it was how they consider their work to be of equal importance adding that every work is important.
She said “if we carry out our job with respect, then automatically, we gain respect”. In this, she urged them to give respect to others just as they respect themselves, for they are all dependent on each other.
The programme was chaired by Vanbeni, while coordinator of Child Right
INTCWS inspects private medical colleges
DIMAPUR: As part of its annual activities, India
Northeast Tribal Community Welfare Society (INTCWS) Notun Bosti, Dimapur under its education wing Libra Consultancy had recently inspected some private medical colleges (for NEET qualified students under management seats) and engineering colleges, in some part of North and South India.
A press release from INTCWS chairman, Atsei Sekhose informed that so far, the society has inspected 501 universities, colleges and schools in India. The release said that inspection was conducted as part of its part of its 15th annual activities and for the welfare and benefit of tribal students who wished to pursue professional courses outside the state. It mentioned that through these visits, the society endeavors to reach out to tribal students by bringing in correct and verified status of colleges with regards to its affiliation of colleges, courses, fees, faculties and other important information so that students and parents can avail proper counselling and plan for further studies.
Movement, Geeta Lakra emphasized on the importance of the day. Around 40 people attended the programme.
Seva: ANMA Integrated Development Association (AIDA) - Don Bosco, SBI Foundation Gram Seva programme, Dimapur, observed “International Workers Day” with the five adopted villages - Khriezephe, Diezephe, Urra, Bade and Tsithrongse.
A press release from PRO AIDA informed that AIDA, through SBI Gram
Seva with the five adopted villages celebrated the day by conducting mass cleanliness drive, honouring the workers by coming together and creating unity and togetherness within the community. It also informed that the day was observed to remember and reflect oneself and appreciate the beauty of nature and the importance of community and also remembering peoples’ struggles for social justice and workers’ rights. The activity was led by the village council members and the community.