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AR conduct medical camp, various activities

on the introduction of the online voting for the PwDs and senior citizens and encouraged the PwDs and senior citizens to come and participate in the election processes. He also appreciated the tireless efforts of the election branch Tuensang BLOs for enabling all eligible voters to be enrolled in the latest eroll and also congratulate the newly enrolled voters of the district.

On the occasion, DC also felicitated the best performing BLOs under Tuensang district. ADC and ERO Tuensang, Thungchanbemo


Tungoe conducted the NVD pledge while AEO Tuensang, Nilo Katiry delivered the welcome address in the programme and message from Election Commission of India was also displayed in the programme.

KIPHIRE: The day was also observed in Kiphire at the DC’s Conference Hall Kiphire. Addressing the gathering, DC and DEO Kiphire, Wati Aier said that “National Voters Day” has been celebrated every year across the country to mark the foundation day of the Elec-

aC kno WL e D gement

tion Commission of India, which was established on January 25, 1950. He also informed the gathering on the summary revision of Electoral rolls on matters relating to the correction of names, ages, or addresses for the final draft of the E roll. He also led the pledge-taking ceremony.

Earlier, opening remark was delivered by ADC & ERO Kiphire, D. Robin followed by a special song performed by Tsapichum LDA, while a short speech was delivered by T. Luthong Yimchunger PA to DC Kiphire. During the programme, the best BLOs were felicitated.

1st Death a nnive R sa Ry of our beloved father Late y evoho s ema

Date : 30/01/2022

A year has passed since you left for your heavenly abode. No longer by our side but for ever in our hearts.

We love you and miss you dearly.

Loving Wife, Children and Relatives


“They can no longer die; for they are like the angels.” Luke 20:36

DIMAPUR: Assam Rifles under the aegis of Headquarters Inspector General of Assam Rifles (IGARNorth) conducted various activities across Nagaland.

Jalukie Bn: Jalukie battalion of Assam Rifles extended assistance to minority Heraka Community by distributing essential commodities at Jalukie B Village in Peren district on January 28.

According to PRO Defence, apart from providing essentials, awareness on importance of education, maintaining health and hygiene, sanitation was also imparted to the villagers.

Earlier, in a seperate event, the battalion organised interaction programme with minority Heraka Community on January 25 at Tening Village Peren. PRO Defence said the interaction programme was organized to commemorate birthday of Rani Gaidinliu, a Naga spiritual and political leader who led a revolt against British rule in India. During the conduct of the interaction programme, various grievances faced by the Heraka community were discussed.

Jalukie battalion also conducted an awareness lecture on menstrual health on January 24 at Assam Rifles Public School (High), Jalukie in Peren district. During the conduct of the event, girls from 5-9 classes were made aware of menstrual hygiene, associated topics and use of sanitary napkins. In addition, boys from classes 5-9 were also educated about menstruation.

In a separate event, the Jalukie battalion of Assam Rifles conducted an awareness lecture on importance of nutrition and health for women society members of Athibung and Azailong villages of Peren district on January 24.

PRO defence informed that the lecture cum interac- tion programme highlighted on balanced nutrition and a healthy diet to support and fuel their day-to-day activities and fulfils various deficiencies during pregnancy.

Mokokchung Bn: Mokokchung battalion of Assam Rifles conducted free medical check-up of senior citizens residing in “Aonglar Elderly Care Home”, Sungratsu Village, Mokokchung District on January 24.

In a separate event, the battalion also organised painting competition among students of Assam Rifles High School, Mokokchung on January 25.

Shamator Bn: Shamator battalion of Assam Rifles organised a free blood group test at St Xavier’s School, Shamator Town on January 24. The battalion also organised Lecture cum drive keeping in view of the International Education Day.

Tuensang Bn: Tuensang battalion of Assam

Rifles organised a security meeting on January 25 at Wangti village, Mon district. PRO Defence said the meeting was organised in presence of village council, GBs, student union and local population. In a separate event, the battalion coordinated conducted a free medical cum dental camp for welfare of ex- serviceman on January 25.

Dimapur Bn: Dimapur battalion of Assam Rifles organised security meeting and interactive session with GBs and chairman of Dhansiripar area villages on January 24 at Doyapur. PRO Defence informed that during the interaction, the present security scenario in the area, the hot spot of extremist activities, came up for discussion.

In a separate event, the battalion conducted poster making competition on January 25 at Herbert Spencer School, Angami Colony, Dimapur.

Zu L unungsang Jami R

Born : 17.12.1983

Died : 24.01.2023

Grief is not what humans would want but the Lord’s plan is always perfect. As we are saddened by the demise of Late. mr. Zulunungsang Jamir

We are also overwhelmed by the concern, love and care of the well-wishers all around. Though we couldn’t thank each and every individuals personally for the support since his sickness till the untimely demise. Our family prays that the Almighty Lord’s grace and blessings be upon each and every one. Our heartfelt gratitude towards the relatives, neighbours, friends churches, various unions, medical teams for their constant prayer and support during our family’s tough times.


From Family members


07th May 1966 – 16th January 2023

We the family of Late Mrs. Lanukala of Aliba Village who died on 16th January 2023 would like to thank most sincerely to all those who sympathised with us on our great loss.

We offer our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours, relatives and well-wishers who visited us, attended the wake, service and burial, sent messages of condolences, helped us financially and provided prayers, emotional and practical support for us at this difficult time.

To those who helped in any way, your contribution made our loss more bearable. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.

May the good Lord bless you all.

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