14 minute read
Farms to be big budget hope
from 30 Jan 2023
The Union Budget 2023-24 is likely to be a great mix of stress on agriculture, higher capital expenditure and borrowings.
The revenue, elements are no more secret. With GST its relevance to indirect taxes are lost. The direct taxes after slashing of corporate taxes should better have been abolished. It has a higher collection cost.
Opportunities for levying new taxes are limited in the supposedly last full budget of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Total receipts, excluding borrowings, for 2022-23 are estimated to be Rs 22,83,713 crore, slightly (4.8 percent) above that of 2021-22 at Rs 19,34,771. Devolution to states is estimated at Rs 8,16,649 crore in 2022-23. It increased by Rs 79,222 crore last year. Approximately this might rise by Rs 9.20 crore in 2023-24.
The borrowings swelling to Rs 166.5 lakh crore in 2022-23 will rise further. It will not be easy sailing for a government in an election year, when it has to boast of performance.
Nominal GDP or GDP at Current Prices in 2022-23 is estimated at Rs 273.08 lakh crore. The growth is estimated at 15.4 per cent as compared to 19.5 per cent in 2021-22.
So agriculture apart from infra might remain mainstay of Sitharaman’s budget seeing stepping up on capex with major thrust on Gati Shakti and National Infrastructure Pipeline targets.
The agriculture sector may be having big hopes from this year’s budget, hints Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India (ICRA).
The global food grain crisis has revealed the importance of the Indian agrarian economy. World food market as well as the domestic doles to 81 crore people may lead to major policy changes. The sector may be on the highpriority list with stress on irrigation, seed quality and availability, and agritech, among others. In order to enhance production and productivity of food crops, the Government is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Food Security Mission (NFSM). The mission aims at increasing foodgrain and food crop production through area expansion in niche regions and productivity improvement.
The ICRA expects the focus on initiatives for improving crop realisations. The increased budgetary al- location towards Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) would also be used for farm purposes. The ICRA hints at initiatives for improving non-farm incomes like livestock farming and food processing. Milk is 5.2 percent of the total GDP. for development of several new high yielding, biotic/ abiotic stress tolerant, disease/ insect resistant and bio-fortified varieties of seeds.
Agriculture employs about 54 percent of the population and the highest number of jobs at 23.3 crore of the total employment of 53.6 crore. It may give sops to farm sector and also industries dependent on it. Loans and defaults are the least for this sector against 19.8 lakh crore by the large houses since 2013 (now written off). The country may treat this differently in run-up to 2024.
Shivaji Sarkar
It also needs to look at edible oil imports and manipulations that have hiked prices severely. Similarly the milk cooperatives requiring subsidies now despite higher milk prices do not augur well for the milk economy.
The Government has increased allocations by six times since 2014 from Rs 21933 crore to Rs 124000 crore in 2022-23 for farms sector and farmers welfare. Besides, Rs. 8513.62 crore allocated for farm research
In order to enhance production and productivity of food crops, the Government is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Food Security Mission (NFSM) in the country. The mission aims at increasing foodgrain/ food crop production through area expansion in niche regions and productivity improvement. The mission also provides support to Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) & State Agriculture Universities (SAUs)/Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKS) for transfer of technology to the farmers. The research organizations are supported for undertaking research projects that can help enhancing production and productivity of crops. For welfare of farmers, more initiatives on the lines of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN), Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY), Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Ab- hiyan (PMAASHA), Price Support Scheme (PSS) for pulses and oilseeds, Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS), Interest Subvention Scheme, Kisan Credit Card (KCC) are possible.
A government facing challenges stresses more on visible quotients for giving more jobs, helping industry sell more and pushes for options that may not be useful for long term. Toying with expanding insurance either for health or jobs is not viable but that heavily weighs on advisors.
With median age being comparable with Bangladesh, India still accounts for a higher rate of unemployment. What is more significant is that Bangladesh has a higher per capita GDP as well.
It is likely to have dedicated allocations for specified large infrastructure projects such as highspeed rail, Jal Jeevan Mission, Bharat Mala, Sagar Mala, Smart Cities, and Inland Waterways. After the seizures on the Himalayas review on infra is not ruled out.
Sitharaman may also address demand-side issues at a time when the world may soon shift their sights from taming inflation to keeping recession at bay. There may be a push for electric vehicles (EV). In reality, EV and electrified rail routes increase coal pollution and carbon footprint. As per the draft report of NITI Aayog, the coal demand is expected to rise to over one billion tonnes (MT), in the range of 1,192 – 1,325 MT by 2030. A better decision could have been to withdraw the order for junking cars at 10 or 15 years. This is creating severe problems for farmers and the middle class and exacting avoidable government finance. This is not an area where the government should involve itself at all. Car pollution is the least of all problems and the planners ignore that junking of cars add to pollution. Replacing it with EVs should not have been a priority as it unnecessarily forces the government to spend more on coal mining and burning. Electricity generation increases by 10.81 percent to 82.87 million tons (MT) in December 2022 against 74.79 in 2021-22. Power generation increased by 15.3 percent to 98,443 million units. Despite these possibilities, the Budget 2024 is likely to unfold many surprises to perk up the path to a preparation for assuaging the people and woo them.
The biblical criteria to choose the right candidate in order to form the right government (Deut.1:13). The context of the text portrays that Moses, “commissioned Judges to assist him” (Deut 1:1515).John Hamli, argues the narrator emphasizes the responsibility of the people for choosing their own leaders as a preparation for their journey through the wilderness toward the Promised Land.” For Daniel l.
1:13, “the emphasis is on the wisdom they are to be wise, understanding and known or experienced.”
These judges are to administer justice with equity in any giving human society.
The context of the chosen passage denotes that the people of Israel also faced a similar challenged compared to the challenges we are facing today. We see that Deuteronomy 1:
13, is an opened door to a new stage in the history of administration in Israel, particularly looking into the qualities for appointing the politicians for the people of Israelites. Not only whose persons were well known, but their characters and qualifications which enable them to be headship. Political-ship is not primarily seniority, and based on human power but with the inner qualities.
The chosen or selection of the politicians is to be made by the people themselves that shows that people are giving privilege to be God’s faithful stewards even in the field of politics. Thethree qualities to be a good politician in the context of a crucial situation. They are:
1 Quality of being Wise
The first quality is hakhamim in Hebrew, which means wise ones, such as who had gained knowledge with the divine power and also selfdedication. The key word over here is that Leaders, especially politicians need to be wise to face all the challenges with a wise decision. It is not enough to be good or talented but wise is also necessary for leadership in any field as taking the right decision that will impact many peoples’ life. The text clearly indicates that a wise person is not just talking about intellectual, capacity, but it is associated to good moral life along with the talented skills. This quality comes through the knowledge of God’s word to minister the people as a good politician so as to other leadership in the different department. In today’s context, we need to have a good politician who is wise for good cause in order for the smooth functioning political administration. For the prudence in the management of affairs. Good governance connotes that leaders ought to be a man and a woman of wisdom and character, and good governance has a mandate to ensure the progress, development, and well-being of all the citizenry without discrimination. And also “Good governance should nurture the combination of good leadership guided by an ethical, moral compass as a prerequisite for progress and peace in society.”We need to select a wise person for the good government of the people as we live in a confusing world today. A person who is wise that has to be considered in the process of selecting the political leaders. We need to look for a person who is being true to the principles, keeping promises and competence which is associated with the skill, effectiveness, getting things done by focusing human dimension, able to understand everyday life issues. According to Paul, government is ordained by God to promote good and restrain evil. To this effect, God authorizes the government to exercise for the administration of justice for the protecting life with God’s giving wisdom.
A political leader who is having the gift of wise in the midst of all confusions while exercising the power they will be overcome over the foolish decision in a confused world. So Christian should be able to exercise the Christian stewardship to find out a person who is having the quality of having wise mind, wise thought, wise vision, and wise scope to lead the society and the nation today. Christians are entrusting their responsibility to officials who will govern on their behalf. As seen this wise quality from biblically perspective, it covers in all dimensions, chosen the right person, who is having the godly characters turned out to be a matter of good stewardship to exercise God’s given authority.Therefore, it is not enough for Christian ministers to inform about candidates and issues to the congregations, but to participate in the process of selecting the new upcoming leaders in the political arena. On the part of Christians, we should exhort fellow Christians to be involved in the political process and to find out the right candidates. Moreover, they should help, educate and equip their church members to think biblically about political issues, candidates, and party platforms. Much of this equipping and educating should be affected through the regular rhythms and liturgies of the church. Having the quality of wise leadership and Good Governance are two sides of the same coin. The two have many elements in common, without the quality of wise in leadership we may not envisage Good Governance in its totality. Good governance and having the quality of being wise is the essential requirements for an organization.
2. Qualityof Understanding (discerning) The second quality is nebonim in Hebrew, which means discerning or understanding ones, a person who is able to understand and distinguished thing even in a crucial situation. This nebonim is another important quality that the leader must possess. An understanding of the political system and experience in running a campaign gives a candidate a big edge over an inexperienced opponent. A proper understanding of state and local issues is a necessity for a candidate to move to greater heights. For having the quality of understanding in a leader’s life, it would contribute lots to the life of the community. This quality is considered to be one of the supreme among all the qualifications for the leaders. People who have the right skill of understanding they are wise in their decision for which people are respected, acknowledge their leadership and look up to them in all the aspects of life. Knowledge is power, so also and understanding. The more you learn, the better you will be able to understand and make decisions about the direction of your life and for the society at large. Christians have a biblical obligation to choose an understandable candidate in political endeavour.
The quality of understanding helps the leader to distinguish what is right and wrong. It also helps them to fear God and hate what is wrong and evil. As a result this will help the political leaders especially for the smooth functioning to their administrations for the wellbeing of the people in the state and the nation at large. As Christian, we must follow the true political theology of its logical approach by supporting the godly candidates and parties that support of clear biblical values. The principle of politics is to secure power so as to maintain law and order. The aspect perspective on politics holds that ‘politics’ is one of the aspects of human relations and interactions in all different domains of life. This perspective, therefore postulates that politics do not only exist in the domain of the state, the government and public administration, but also in sport, education, health care, business, personal relations, and so on. It also postulates that we can distinguish this aspect of behaviour and interactions from other aspects, such as the social, economic, and artistic. In other words, not everything is political, but politics is everywhere. This perspective can be used, it is necessary to specify what the specific nature of this political aspect is, and how it is to be discussed in the next section.
Nonetheless, identifying these common elements does help to develop a better sense of the nature of politics. Politics is a social phenomenon, it exists only in the relations and interactions between people, and it pertains therefore to groups, collectives or societies. The politics is the status and expression of power to the distribution of resources for the betterment of the citizens. The main purpose of politics is to enforce laws to govern citizenry for their betterment, growth and development of such natives. Thus, the government must show love, kindness and make an equal distribution of resources to the people. In secular politics, people normally mount platform to campaign for their parties to win power. In Church system, many Christians run representative system of government to select the leaders which is also a form of democratic politics. Good governance requires good government, i.e. an effective public service and effective public service institutions, which are more productive, more transparent and more responsive.
3. Quality of Respect
The third quality is, duim in Hebrew word, which means ones being respected and also knowledgeable. Man and woman of good repute in the community. Whose godliness and uprightness is known by the people. The Biblical requirement for the leaders is to select capable persons, who fears God, a man and a woman of truth, hating dishonest games. These people are to place them to be the leaders of the people. According to Exodus, 18:21-22, describes to choose who are capable and fit to control.People have lost their faith in the administrators and politicians because of the rampant practice of injustice, favouritism and unfair means in every aspect. Transformative leaders have great and significant roles to play in the public square; they could play a pivotal role in conscientizing the citizenry to ensure that rulers adhere to the triune principle namely “good governance, good lordship, and leadership guided by a moral compass.” They could enlighten the citizenry that in a democratic set up, good governance and leadership imply a bond of relationship between citizenry and leaders.The present generation demands a respected person to be the leader and guide for the state and the nation at large. Demanding a respected leader should be the voice of the Christian today. The games of corruption has become a branded tag in the field of politics and also reaching to the churches in our generation. We have to uproot the inefficient government and inequality method prevailing in our state today.” There is a visibility that if a particular tribe becomes the head of any office, that particular tribe gets more opportunity than the other tribes. I assume that the spirit of nepotism, manipulation and bribery have become a common practice. This is a sign lack of God fearing politicians and Christians. Looking from this perspective until and unless we develop a guilty feeling and realize that the misuse of power is wrong and it is an unchristian way of handling the power, we cannot have a just and efficient government. The church so called Christians can play a great government that is accountable to the people can be achieved only through effective participation of the people. Therefore, in order to promote peace and development in the state it is important to elect God fearing persons to form people centred government owned by the people role in imparting and influencing this moral attitude” of the people.
(To be continued...)
By: Husazulu Chuzho Khamo DBC:Dimapur
AirAsia flight
aborts take-off
LUCKNOW, JAN 29 (PTI): A Kolkata-bound
AirAsia flight aborted its take-off after a suspected bird hit at the Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport here, officials said. “The pilot of an AirAsia flight aborted take-off after a suspected bird hit on the runway at around 11 am. This occurred before the flight could lift off. The aircraft returned to the bay and all the passengers were deboarded safely,” spokesperson of the airport Rupesh Kumar said. He said there were over 180 passengers on the flight.
“Alternate arrangements were being made by the airline for the passengers,” Kumar said.
West Bengal my second home: Gov KOLKATA, JAN 29 (PTI): West Bengal Governor C V Ananda Bose on Sunday offered prayers at the Dakshineswar Temple and the Missionaries of Charities’ ‘Mother House’ here and called the state his “second home”. Bose, known for his fondness of the state and its people, had also recently performed ‘Hate Khari’ (a ritual to learn Bengali alphabet ), on the occasion of Saraswati Puja this Thursday. “West Bengal is my second home... I wish to soak and imbibe the rich culture and language of this state, which is the soil of so many luminaries,” he told reporters at the Dakshineswar Temple. The governor later offered floral tributes at Mother Teresa’s tomb, located within the premises of the Mother House. He also took part in the afternoon prayers and interacted with the nuns. “Saint Teresa had dedicated herself for the poor. She had shunned all comforts of life in her mission,” Bose, who assumed charge as the Governor of West Bengal in November last year, said.
3 held for installing Ambedkar’s statue
BALLIA (UP), JAN 29 (PTI): Three people were arrested and 45 others were booked for allegedly installing Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar’s statue on government land in the Rasda Kotwali area illegally, police said on Sunday. Police have been deployed to ensure peace in the village. Station House Officer (SHO) of Rasda Kotwali, Himendra Singh said a case has been registered against 10 named and 35 unknown persons under sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) on Saturday and the police arrested three of the named accused on Sunday. According to police, a statue of Dr Ambedkar was illegally installed on government land in Lohta village of Rasda Kotwali area on Friday night. As soon as the incident was reported, the police reached the spot and removed the statue.
Punjab police arrests man for drug trafficking
29 (PTI): Punjab police on Sunday arrested a man for his alleged involvement in drug trafficking and recovered 5 kg heroin and Rs 12.15 lakh cash from his possession. The arrest was made by the Punjab police’s counter-intelligence wing in Amritsar.
“In a major breakthrough against trans-border narcotic smuggling networks, CI Amritsar arrested Rashpal @Pala engaged in drug trafficking and recovered 5 kg heroin and Rs 12.15 lakh drug money from his possession,” Punjab Police Director General of Police, Gaurav Yadav said in a tweet.