Nagazasshi 6.1 - See the Sights

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See the Sights Kyushu Travel Guide

Events | Japanese Alcohol | Blood Types | Beat Takeshi nagazasshi │ March/April 2012


nagazasshi Volume 6 Issue 1 July/August 2013

Editor-in-chief Audrey Akcasu

Deputy Editor Qi Yang

Assistant Editors Douglas Bonham Matthew Jones

Copy Editor Jasmine Francois

Japanese Editor Asami Kobayashi


Susan Fogarty

Layout and Design Douglas Bonham Laurel Williams

Contributors Hannah Conklin Katelyn Schwartz Hiroko Shirayama Niel Thompson


Andrew Morris Matthew Nelson


Cover photo: Yakushima, Kagoshima by Remco Vrolijk


tsukabai! 暑かばい

Have you been hearing this around lately? It’s Nagasaki dialect for “It’s so hot!” That only means one thing: We are in the thick of a hot, humid summer. The pools are open, the kids are (almost) out of school, the cicada chorus is humming non-stop and the scent of yakitori fills the air. Summer. With Marine Day (7/15) and the Obon holidays, summer is a great time to explore Nagasaki and our fellow Kyushu prefectures (Pg 10). Like Nagasaki, our neighbors are also bursting with scenic views, cool attractions, and famous foods. If you don’t feel like venturing out, Nagasaki still has lots to offer in the summer months. If you get tired of the festivals (but really, who gets tired of fireworks?), there are plenty of beaches and other events (Pg 4). If you do head out this summer here are some tips: - Wear sunscreen. Maybe you don’t need UV-blocking long-sleeve shirts and parasols, but at least remember your sunscreen! - Don’t swim in the ocean during or after Obon. Take this as Japanese folklore if you will, but jellyfish are not forgiving. - Use katori senko (蚊取り線銙) to keep the mosquitoes at bay. - Use joshitsuzai (陀湿剀) to keep your house a little drier. - Wipe down your shower room often to prevent molding. - Don’t forget your sweat towel! Enjoy the summer!

Audrey Akcasu, Editor-in-chief March/April 2012 │ nagazasshi

photo 25516401@N05



Contents Events


Umeshu in the Morning


Blood Type and Love


Kyushu Travel Guide


The Two Faces of Beat Takeshi


Kanji of the Month


A primer on Japanese booze

Know your As, Bs, and Os of romance Staff recommendations on where to go from Saga to Kagoshima and back Bilingual introduction to the famous Japanese film director


nagazasshi | July/August 2013

photo Remco Vrolijk


Event of the Month Dragon Boat Races July 27-28, Nagasaki City In this exciting event that dates back 350 years, 26-member teams race special longboats in Nagasaki Bay to the beat of a gong and drum. You can catch many races throughout the day and also try out rowing a dragon boat.

Events Isahaya Mando Festival July 25, Isahaya Start the festival season out right in Isahaya by honoring the victims of the 1957 flood. Over10,000 candles will illuminate the riverbed, while a great fireworks show and the usual festival food and attractions will entertain you. Gion Yamakasa Festival July 27-28, Iki Iki’s summer attractions don’t end with the pristine beaches; they’ve been hosting this boisterous festival for over 270 years. A parade of men carrying huge portable shrines snakes through the streets in honor of Yamakasa, who ended a sickness that plagued the area long ago. Marine Festa July 27-28, Minami Shimabara Kuchinotsu harbor, a famous historical port, will light up this weekend with tons of activities, such as a fishing boat parade, traditional arts, a brass band competition, sailing experience and best of all, dolphin watching. The event concludes with a vivid fireworks show. Hamagurihama Beach Festival July 13-14, Minami Matsuura This two-day beach party promises beautiful beaches, warm water, treasure hunts, a sandcastle-making experience, competitions and games for kids, and more. Shimabara Water Festival Early August, Shimabara City Starting along the samurai house waterway, bamboo lanterns light the path of this nagazasshi | July/August 2013

whimsical festival celebrating the fresh spring water and brief revival opening of Kanzarashi “Silver Water” shop, after a ten-year hiatus. Nagoshi Festival August 1-3, Omura Kicking off this three-day festival is a spectacular fireworks show, but the real excitement is during the following two days. Don’t miss the taiko and dance performances, which conclude with a line of over 2,000 dancers parading through the street in unison. Seaside Festival August 3-4, Sasebo Kyushu’s biggest fireworks display is a mustsee for hanabi lovers. In the daytime you can participate in beach volleyball and other sports contests or just enjoy the performances and festivities. Hatsubon (Obon) Festival August 15, Nagasaki City As dusk approaches, a long parade of floats is marched down the main streets of Nagasaki toward the sea to cast off the souls of the year’s deceased. While it may sound like a solemn event, Nagasaki does it loud and lively, with copious firecrackers and amusing floats. Sentoro Festival Emukae August 23-24, Emukae Not only is this festival famous for its 10,000 lanterns and 25 m high lantern tower (the tallest in Japan), but also its secondary Mizukakejizou festival, where children carry portable shrines honoring Jizou, while getting drenched in water. The crowd is not spared, so be prepared!


Not sure what’s in your glass? Let Katelyn Schwartz take you on a tour of alcohol in Japan


t was about 4:30 in the morning when my jetlag refused to allow me any more sleep. With nothing else to do, I decided to make a nice nutritional breakfast. I made beautiful sunny-side-up eggs, buttered toast, and to top it off, a refreshing glass of juice.

poured myself a nice big glass and dove right into my breakfast. As I was sipping my new Japanese juice, I detected an odd, yet familiar note on my palate. It had that slight blowback sting of whisky, yet the fruity sweetness of it led me to dismiss any hints of alarm. As I finished my breakfast (and my juice) I was ready to get going. It was going to be a fantastic second day at work, I could just tell.


Umeshu in the Morning


Everything seemed wonderful, but then The girl who One of the things she I just wanted to nap had my job left was a carton of what to rid myself of a and apartment I could only presume was slight headache. As before me had fruit juice... I arrived home that done a bit of evening, I decided shopping and to further investigate this mystery juice. I left some food, so I wouldn’t starve inquired with my neighbor what particuwhen I arrived. One of the things she lar sort of juice it was that I had so freely left me was a carton of what I could ingested that very morning. She looked at only presume was fruit juice, given the the carton and just laughed, “You see this tantalizing illustrations of plums. I had kanji down here? This means alcohol. This no real idea what it was. Prior to arrivis umeshu, plum wine, my friend.” ing in Japan, I had no concept of what the country, its culture, its people, or its Navigating alcohol in Japan can be a bit food was like. tricky. Here’s a nice little guide to learn your shus. New land, new culture
 new juice? I



July/August July/August 2013 2013 | | nagazasshi nagazasshi

焌酎 (shouchuu)

ビヌル (beer) and 発泡酒 (happoushu) Real beer, typically referred to as nama (生), contains at least 67% malt. It is like beer anywhere in the world, but a bit on the lighter side. Real beer will always say ビヌル on the can or label. Happoushu is a low-malt beer-like drink that is sold at a lower price. It has less than 25% malt and is taxed lower than actual beer.

Shouchuu is like Japanese vodka. It can be made from rice, sweet potatoes, wheat, sugar cane or a variety of other bases depending on what is famous locally. The alcohol content is usually 20-40% and is typically served mixed with hot or ice water, fruit juice, sparkling water, or oolong tea. This tends to be more popular than nishonshu on Kysuhu.

日本酒 (nihonshu)

チュりハむ (chuhai)

Nihonshu is what the West typically calls sake; however, in Japan, the umbrella term for all alcohol is sake. The alcohol content is usually 10-20% and can be drunk hot or cold.

Chuhai is shouchuu mixed with soda water and fruit flavor. The alcohol content is usually 3-8%. Don’t confuse them for soda pop, as they are dangerously delicious. In restaurants you’ll often seen these drinks as “sours,” サワヌ (sawa).


She looked at the carton and just laughed. “This means alcohol. This is umeshu, plum wine, my friend”


梅酒 (umeshu) Umeshu is commonly called plum wine in the West; however, it is not wine at all. It is white liquor soaked in Japanese plums and sugar for a minimum of three to six months. The alcohol content is usually 12-16% and is typically drunk on the rocks or mixed with soda water. It is commonly made at home in the spring. Ask around and you can find someone to teach you how to make it, too. If you can’t remember all the different alcohols, at least remember this kanji: 酒. It means alcohol. If you see it, I highly recommend not drinking it right before going to work. n


nagazasshi nagazasshi | | July/August July/August 2013 2013


What does your blood type say about you and your future love prospects? Niel Thompson brings some insight on this aspect of Japanese culture

Type A’s are the main characters in romance stories. They are calm, collected, shy, and are generally honest. They are often secretive and usually come off as very strong-willed, when in truth they are very nervous. They are lightweights and can be very belligerent when drunk.


Type B’s are those annoying people in your class who were good at everything and anything they got around to trying. They are very passionate and curious about a lot of things. This causes them to have the attention span of a six year old. They are extremely individualistic and often don’t care about what other people think of them. They can be selfish, unpredictable, and lazy.

eople will often tell you that the best way to know if someone is right for you is to talk to them, get to know their values and who they are, and be honest about what you want in a relationship. Who has time for that? I know I don’t, which is why when I want to know my compatibility with someone, I steal some of their blood and send it off for testing to learn their blood type. Knowing a person’s blood type is a much simpler and less convoluted way of determining compatibility.


Type O’s are the people who manage to win every election even though nobody has any idea what their platform was, but do remember that they have a charming smile and really great hair.

July/August 2013 | nagazasshi


Blood Type and Love

probably. They are the natural politicians and athletes of the world. They love bePeople of the Type AB persuasion ing the center of attention and often don’t have this problem. They can have control the dynamics and workings a successful relationship with anyone. of any group they are a part of. They Type AB’s are the bipolars of the world. are generally loveable like Mr. RogThey have a different persona for both ers, but unlike Mr. Rogers, they can the people they also make huge Knowing a perare close to and gambles that can son’s blood type is a much the rest of the turn into large simpler and less convoworld. They are mistakes. They luted way of determining friendly, considcan be greedy, erate, and kind, clumsy, and loud- compatibility but also easily mouthed. offended and prone to cause conflict. All the above blood types are most Knowing the implications of both your compatible with people of a similar own blood type and your love interest’s genetic disposition. Any attempt to will help you to not waste time in the contamin
I mean, mix the blood types will result in a long and unhappy dating scene and ensure a happy ending. n



Let’s study


the most effective way!

nagazasshi | | March/April January/February nagazasshi 2013 2013



Instructor Kiyoko Hayashi


2-19-22 Haiki Sasebo City Nagasaki






Kyushu Travel Guide SAGA — 䜐賀 Our friendly neighbor to the east, Saga Prefecture, is easy to look past when making travel plans. After all, it’s one of the smallest prefectures in all of Japan and full of nothing but farmland. Right? Maybe not -- there’s plenty to explore.

If you’re looking for a summer getaway, no need to stray far from home. Nagasaki’s neighboring prefectures offer a variety of fun and delicious options. Let Nagazasshi’s staff guide you to your next adventure

those looking for onsen, Ureshino City is a must-visit. The two most famous festivals in Saga are both in the fall: the Saga International Balloon Festival and Karatsu Kunchi. Hundreds of hot-air balloons fill up the autumn skies at the world-famous balloon


photo ri-ten

First and foremost is the Yoshinogari Historical Park in the town of Kanzaki. The ruins located there, spread throughout three current towns, provide one of the best glimpses at ancient Yayoi-era Japanese life. The park is open year-round and is a great spot for Japanese history buffs. If you’re into traditional arts, the towns of Arita and Imari are the birthplace of some of the most famous Japanese pottery. For July/August 2013 | nagazasshi


Below left: Yoshinogari Historical Park in Saga. Above: Squint and you can see yatai lining the river near Tenjin in Fukuoka festival near Saga City starting in late October. Karatsu Kunchi is arguably the most-attended festival in Saga. Groups from each of the traditional neighborhoods of Karatsu pull huge floats from the 19th century. Being an agriculture-based prefecture also has its perks. Saga is famous for its green tea, soybeans and soybean products, like tofu. Head to Ogi for a very special treat of carp 鯉 (koi) sashimi. Saga may be small and it may be rural, but it has its charms.

FUKUOKA — 犏岡 Fukuoka Prefecture is home to the largest city in Kyushu. Fukuoka City began as a prosperous port city, and when it merged with Hakata in 1889, it became the grand Fukuoka we know today. nagazasshi | July/August 2013

The city is still a place of international exchange, hosting monthly events and shows from artists and performers from all over the world. Be sure to visit the Fukuoka Art Museum in Ohori Park and while you’re there, enjoy the beautifully designed landscape. Fukuoka boasts two major shopping areas, Tenjin and the Canal City mall, where you can find the latest fashion trends. You can also get a great view of the city from Fukuoka Tower and watch baseball or a concert at Fukuoka Dome. For the history buffs, visit the Fukuoka Castle Ruins, Dazaifu or Shofukuji, Japan’s first Zen temple. Fukuoka is famous for its yatai (food stalls) along the Tenjin and Nakasu streets. Enjoy Japan’s version of street food and lively conversation while sitting under the night stars. This city is also famous for Hakata tonkotsu ramen (pork rib noodles), so try Ippudo and Ichiran for a taste.


KUMAMOTO — 熊本 Kumamoto Prefecture, located in central Kyushu, is home to one of Japan’s most popular mascots, Kumamon. It possesses both mountainous and coastal regions, making it a diverse place in which to explore Kyushu’s natural beauty. The most popular tourist attraction is Mt. Aso, an active aqueous sulfur volcano. The Aso area is great for hiking, rolling green pastures, and delicious dairy products from the local livestock. Also, be sure to visit the expansive grounds of Kumamoto Castle. With the scent of 600 year-old cinnamon trees and cherry blossoms it is the perfect place to visit in the spring. For an active tour, climb the longest stone staircase in Japan, all 3,333 steps. The hike for 日本䞀の石段 (nihon ichino ishidan) takes about two hours at a steady pace and includes a stone marker and a great view of Kumamoto at the top. Those who love beaches may visit Amakusa (倩草). This

island to the west of mainland Kumamoto is famous for dolphin watching and beautiful coastal scenery. You can enjoy kayaking, diving, surfing or just laying out. Kumamoto’s special eats include 銬刺し (basashi), raw horse meat, 蟛子レンコン (karashi renkon), lotus root stuffed with raw horse meat and spicy mustard, and 豚 骚ラヌメン (tonkotsu ramen), Kumamoto’s own version of boiled pork rib noodles.

OITA — 倧分 Oita Prefecture is home to two sites of extreme natural beauty: the Harajiri Falls and the Inazumi underwater caves. The Harajiri Falls are ranked among Japan’s top 100 waterfalls, and the view from the top is breathtaking. Then there are the Inazumi limestone caves. The unique shape of the caves maintains a comfortable swimming temperature, as well as a fantastic vista, all year round.

photo Remco Vrolijk


July/August 2013 | nagazasshi


photo beppu-nav

Left: The rolling plains of Kumamoto from Mt. Aso. Above: Local dishes in Beppu, Oita. Below: Takachiho Gorge in Miyazaki Many of Oita’s cities have lovingly restored castle towns to visit, and these provide excellent sightseeing opportunities. For the more spiritual visitors, Rakanji Temple, on Mt. Rakan has almost 4,000 different Buddha statues. It is said that amongst these, there will be one that looks like you. Also the stone Buddhas in Usuki are well regarded and 59 of them have been declared national treasures.

Miyazaki Prefecture, located in the southeast corner of Kyushu, is the perfect destination for a summer getaway. Setting it apart from the other prefectures is Takachiho-kyo, a stunning gorge located in the northwest of the prefecture. The remarkable cliffs, surrounding foliage, and sparkling water of the Gokase River make for a really spectacular view. For 2,000 yen, you can rent a three-person boat for 30 minutes and get a close-up view of the cliffs and Minainotaki waterfall. Or you can explore by following a path along the edge of the gorge and leads to a local shrine. Traveling further south, you will find Aoshima, a tiny island connected by a

Finally, on the third Sunday of every month, you can rent traditional kimonos in the town of Kitsuki. Any visitor who is wearing a kimono will have free access to all public tourist spots. From the gourmet Kokonoe Yume burger and bungo beef, to a variety of cold noodle dishes for those warm summer months, Oita has the die-hard foodie covered. Beppu, a city famous for its onsens, has its own specialty: Jikoku mushi, seafood, vegetables or pork cooked in the steam vents from the onsens. nagazasshi | July/August 2013

Vrolijk photo Remco


Sakurajima in Kagoshima bridge to the mainland, just south of Miyazaki city. Explore Oni no Sentakuita, or Devil’s Washboard, a natural formation of basalt rock surrounding the island. Nearby shops sell local specialties, such as mango, charcoal-grilled yakitori (grilled chicken skewers), and cheese manju (steamed bread). A 40-kilometer drive south of the city will bring you to Udo-jingu, a shrine uniquely placed in a cliff-side cave overlooking the ocean. For a small fee, you can purchase some undama, small ceramic balls, which visitors can throw at a target for good luck.

KAGOSHIMA — 鹿児島 Located on Kyushu’s southern tip, Kagoshima’s diverse scenery, rich history and mouthwatering delicacies make it a perfect summer destination for hikers,


photo Jon Arnouts

history buffs and foodies alike. The 2011 extension of the Kyushu shinkansen (bullet train) has made it even easier to explore. Home to Sakurajima, one of Japan’s most active volcanic islands and Kirishima, honeymoon spot of samurai Ryoma Sakamoto, Kagoshima hardly lacks in tourist hot spots. This summer, however, try escaping to the stunning islands off Kagoshima’s southern coast. Both Tanegashima and Amami Island beckon surfers with beautiful beaches and some of Japan’s best reef breaks. Many will skip these islands because of the required travel, but consequently miss out on some of Japan’s best surf and surfing atmosphere. For a different kind of adventure, you can’t beat Yakushima. Take the hike to Jomon Sugi, kayak at the foot of a waterfall, or July/August 2013 | nagazasshi

stargaze while relaxing in a seaside hot spring. Regardless of what itinerary you choose, this World Heritage Island never falls short of unforgettable. On top of ravishing nature, Kagoshima adds great dining. Kurobuta 黒豚 (literally, black pork) has put Kagoshima on the map as a culinary prefecture with popular variations such as shabu-shabu and tonkatsu. However, shirokuma, a Kagoshima classic, is arguably Japan’s top summer treat. The origin of this fruit-filled variation of shaved ice, Mujaki, is conveniently located within the shopping district of Tenmonkan, so stop there for a delicious break from Japan’s brutal summer heat and be sure to ship some home so you can enjoy a taste of Kagoshima even after you’ve left. n

nagazasshi | July/August 2013


The Two Faces of Beat Takeshi ビ  ト た け し の 二 足 の 草 鞋

Hiroko Shirayama on the critically acclaimed and multitalented Beat Takeshi


ave you ever heard the phrase “Nisoku no waraji”? It has the same meaning as “wearing two hats,” and it describes a person who has talents in two areas. It is the best phrase to describe Takeshi Kitano, who is a Japanese film director and comedian commonly known as Beat Takeshi. He began his career as a comedian with Beat Kiyoshi as a comedy duo. Kitano and his partner are important in the history of Japanese comedy because they led the manzai (two-man comedy act) boom in the 1970s.

He has acted in many films, but in 1989 he directed his first film, Violent Cop. After his directing debut, his films were acclaimed not only in Japan, but in many countries. For example, A Scene at the Sea (1991) and The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi (2003) won prizes at the Japanese Academy Awards. One of his most successful films, HANA-BI (1998) earned the Golden Lion Award at the Venice International Film Festival. The fans of his works call themselves “Kitanists,” and their number is especially great in France. There are many adjectives to describe his


films including violent, unique, silent, funny, and critical. His films let us think deeply, and this is exactly what makes Kitano Takeshi different from other directors and allows him to attract a wide audience. When we compare his films to others, especially Hollywood films, we notice that the characters in Kitano’s films do not talk much. This is why many people describe his films as silent. This is one of the techniques Kitano uses to make us think about his film topics deeply. In his third film, A Scene at the Sea, the two main characters are both hearing and seeing impaired. It forces us to guess at what they are thinking and feeling from only what we see. This also happens in real life, especially in Japan with its very high-context culture. It is this culture in which people value what is not spoken, such as atmosphere, facial expression, or social hierarchy, more than what is spoken. From this perspective, Kitano’s films seem to be very Japanese and real.

Also, films usually draw us into their world, but Kitano’s do not. Generally speaking, films make the audience identify with the main characters. However, Kitano often uses very long shots so that the camera does not focus on his characters’ facial expressions. This is also a unique technique of Kitano’s to make the audience think deeply. We do not lose ourselves in Kitano’s films, July/August 2013 | nagazasshi


Beat Takeshi in his film HANA-BI but watch them very calmly and objectively from the perspective of the third person. This allows us to think critically. For an example of this, we can look again at A Scene at the Sea. After a scene in which the two main characters (who are a couple) get back together after an argument, they are sitting on the sea wall. It seems romantic, but soon after that, a man riding a bicycle falls into the sea and breaks the mood. This scene seems to be poking fun at other romantic films, or pulling us out of our absorption in the film. The romantic atmosphere is broken by the man riding his bicycle and we watch this scene from a third person’s view, totally as a detached member of the audience. Kitano is a rather unique man in Japan, who plays big roles not only as a comedian, but also as a film director. His style of directing, such as using silence and making the audience an objective third person, makes his films outstanding. nagazasshi | July/August 2013



さんは、 「二足の草鞋」 を履い おいる芞胜人ず蚀われお、誰 を想像するでしょうか私は、 お笑い芞人でもあり、 そしお映画監督で もあるビヌトたけし、別名、北野歊を衚 すために、最も適切な蚀葉だず思いた す。圌がツヌビヌトずしお、 ビヌトきよし ず共に 「挫才ブヌム」 を匕き起こし、 お笑 い界で掻躍したのは皆さんご存知でし ょう。 そしお圌は今もなお、 お笑い芞人そ しおタレントずしおテレビで掻躍しおいた す。 しかし、圌はそれだけでなく、映画界 でも重芁な存圚でしょう。圌は映画を䞻 に監督する際には、北野歊ずいう名前を 䜿い、二぀の名を䜿い分けおいるようで す。䟋えば、圌の初めおの監督䜜品であ る 「その男、凶暎に぀き」 では、監督は北 野歊であるものの、 出挔の欄にはビヌト たけしずありたす。 たた圌が海倖でも評 䟡され、 「䞖界のキタノ」 ず呌ばれるのも 北野歊ずいう名が䜿われおいるからでし ょう。圌の䜜品には倚くの海倖ファンが

いたすが、圌らファンは自分たちのこずを 「キタニスト」 ず呌びたす。 「キタニスト」 が海倖でも倚いのは、第54回のノェネ チア囜際映画祭で圌の監督・出挔䜜品 である 「HANA-BI」 が金獅子賞を受賞 したこずでも理解出来るでしょう。

はずおも日本らしく、 そしお珟実に忠実な ものだず蚀えるのではないでしょうか。

曎に、北野映画がハリりッド映画ず異 なる点は、芳客の芖点にも珟れおいた す。映画ではしばしば、芳客は映画の䞻 人公ず同じ芖点に匕き蟌たれたす。䟋え 圌の映画は、 「暎力的だ」 ずか 「過激だ」 ば、皆さんは、 ヒヌロヌものを芳る際、悪 、 「䌚話が少ない」、 「独特すぎる」、 「批 圹に察しお反発意識を持぀でしょう。 キ 刀的」 などずどちらかずいうず吊定的なむ レむな女優さんが恋愛をする映画を芳 メヌゞを持たれおいるこずが倚いように れば、 ファッションを真䌌し、運呜の盞 感じたす。 しかし、 このような吊定的なむ 手を探すこずさえあるかも知れたせん。 メヌゞの䞭に実は、北野歊らしさが珟れ これは圓然のように思えたすが、芳客が おいたす。 日本文化を発信する意図ず映 䞻人公に圱響されおいる、 もしくは同調 画の芳方を意識した北野歊の監督䜜品 しおいるからに他なりたせん。 これらは、 はどれも、芳客である私たちに考えさせ ハリりッドでよくみられる、䞻人公の衚 る映画であり、 だからこそ圌は 「䞖界の 情を重芖する映画の撮り方にも関係が キタノ」 ず呌ばれ、 どこか特別な存圚であ あるかも知れたせん。䞀方、北野映画で り続けるのではないでしょうか。 は、遠くの颚景なども含む遠写しがよく 䜿われたす。 「あの倏、 いちばん静かな 圌の映画は特にハリりッド映画ずは倧き 海」 でも、䞻人公の衚情よりも、 その空 な違いを有しおいるず思いたす。 たず、北 間の党䜓像を写す堎面がありたす。䟋え 野映画では圧倒的に、 出挔者たちはあた ば、 カップルである茂ず貎子が喧嘩をし り蚀葉を発したせん。 これによっお芳客 お、仲盎りをした埌のシヌン。防波堀で である私たちは、映画の登堎人物たちが 二人は時間を共に過ごしたす。䞀芋ロマ 䜕を考えおいるのか、 そしお䜕を感じおい ンチックなシヌンのように思えたすが、 す るのか考えさせられたす。䟋えば、1991 ぐに、 自転車に乗った男性が海に萜ち、 幎の 「あの倏、 いちばん静かな海」 は、登 その雰囲気が壊されおしたいたす。 これ 堎人物の茂ず貎子は互いに聟唖ろう は、 ビヌトたけしらしいおふざけのシヌン あ者ずいう蚭定です。 この映画では、私 にも思えたすが、私は、 これは映画の䞖 たちは茂ず貎子の行動や行動の“間”に 界に倢䞭になる芳客を小バカにするず 泚意を向ける必芁があり、“蚀葉ではな 共に、第䞉者的に映画を芳るきっかけを い郚分”を重芖しなければなりたせん。 芳客ぞ䞎えおいるようにも思いたす。 こ これは、 ずおも日本らしいのではないでし の結果、私たちはその映画の意味を冷 ょうか日本の文化はしばしば”High静にか぀客芳的に捉えられるのです。 Context Culture”ず呌ばれたす。“KY” ずいう蚀葉があるように、堎の雰囲気や 北野歊ずは、 お笑い界だけでなく映画界 衚情、先茩埌茩や䞊叞郚䞋などの瀟䌚 でも倧きな圹割を担う人物です。 それだ 階玚などを重芖する文化です。察照的に けでなく、実は日本らしさに富む、沈黙や 捉えられるのは、蚀葉でハッキリず瀺す 芳客の第䞉者的芖点を匕き出すずいっ 西掋の文化です。北野映画は過激で独 た圌らしさは、北野歊を他ずは比范の出 特だず蚀われがちですが、 この点から、実 来ない存圚にするのでしょう。n


July/August 2013 | nagazasshi

nagazasshi | July/August 2013


A short walk from Sasebo Station

Nomihoudai party plans available

The best Mexican food in Nagasaki Open

Contact 0956-24-2704

Address 長厎県䜐䞖保垂䞋京町4-8

17.00-22.00 11.30-14.00 Sat/Sun

Sasebo, Shimokyo-cho 4-8



x Shidax

Homemade salsa and guacamole

x Family Mart

International beers and specialty margaritas


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en Ko


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Taco Salad

Hungry Hombre Special

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