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Eating at home? Here's a guide to take outs in Nagasaki

Not quite up to cooking your meals every day? Every week? Is your recipe repertoire growing . . . stale? Do you wish you could find a solution, but don’t know how? A great way to get your eating-out cravings satiated is by ordering take-out. Although Japan, and the countryside in particular, has never been known for this custom, with the novel coronavirus situation, many businesses have recently started offering take-out and/or delivery services. Ordering take-out (テイクアウト or お持ち帰り/o mochi kaeri) or delivery (デリバリー, 出前/de mae or 宅配/taku hai) is a great way to enjoy a meal without having to cook or increase your chances of exposure, all while supporting your local businesses.

To find such places near you with more ease, here are some hashtags and website catalogues that list up your options. Most resources are in Japanese, and they might take a little getting used to. Some Japanese knowledge (or a healthy dose of Google Translate) is helpful.


https://take-out-nagasaki.com/ https://twitter.com/nagasakikanko https://nagasakicci.jp/publics/index/294/ (Nagasaki, Nagayo, and Togitsu) NAGAYO + TOGITSU http://hot-takeout.jp/ https://webtown.nagayo.jp/topics/eats.pdf Shimabara Peninsula https://m.uchi-gohan.com/ (Minamishimabara and Shimabara) https://crowdtechlab.com/shima-mesi/ (Shimabara, Minamishimabara, and Unzen) #島原半島エール飯 and #島原半島テイクアウト ISAHAYA

http://www.isahaya-portal.com/ OMURA #大村テイクアウト SONOGI

https://touhi-takeout.amebaownd.com/ #東彼エール飯

Dig into your take-out order while Facetiming a friend for extra productivity points. Not only do you get to eat delicious food, but you can also meet your social needs at the same time. After all, meals are always best when shared. TEXT: Sara Magugliani

Sasebo http://taketake-sasebo.com/ https://www.naradewa.com/takeout https://peraichi.com/landing_pages/view/sasebotakuhai (delivery) SAIKAI http://varygood.jp/archives/24387 HIRADO https://www.pref.nagasaki.jp/shared/uploads/2020/05/1588315433.pdf TSUSHIMA https://takeout-tsushima.com/ Iki https://ikimeshi.localinfo.jp/ KAMIGOTO https://kamigoto-takeout.amebaownd.com/ #上五島エール飯 GOTO https://takeout-dish.com/goto/ MATSUURA http://matsuura-takeout.jp/ SAZA http://matsuura-takeout.jp/

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