1 minute read
Next Steps: What Other Materials Could We Use?
AL: We need to use cardboard [on top] to prevent rain and thunder. YN: Cardboard is not good, because it is paper. AY: Wood is better. It’s not paper, so it’s good. AL: Wood is not good for thunder. The lightning will hit the wood (tree). I think cardboard is good...but I’m not sure. Maybe cardboard and wood! Y: I think something hard. HU: When a typhoon comes, it may fall down. We should put heavy rocks around the house. They discovered they needed to test some materials against heavy rain, strong wind, and hot sun.


Testing Cardboard: Rain Meets Paper
Because some students thought cardboard might be a good material to use, and others thought it wouldn’t hold up to rain, they decided to test this idea.

First, they tested cardboard by simulating light rain using water in spray bottles.