National Title

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'Rogues' Gallery' of hooligan fans

Dunstone wins bonspiel loot Jimmy Dunstone cashed in for $1,200 by taking advantage of every opportunity this past weekend in the annual Heather CashspieL Dimstone and his mates, in providing the host club with its victor, defeated clubmate Clare DeBlonde 64 in the grand finale Sunday night of the 32-team affair. Actually, just eight rinks qualified for the cash playdowns. Dale D u g u i d defeated Mark Franklin, Barry Fry ousted Hal Tanasichuk, Dunslone eliminated Len Boduer and D e B l o n d e sidelined Brent Clark in the quarterfinals. DeBlonde then scored a 4-3 decision over Duguid while D u n s t o n e was making a freeze to the button with last rock to eliminate Fry on an extra end in the other semifinal. With the score tied 4-4, Dunstone was able to hit and roll out on the ninth end to maintain last rock advantage a g a i n s t DeBlonde on the 'home' end. A nose hit on a guard by

Dunstone third Gary Smith started the tension. DeBlonde third Don Finkbeiner promptly buried his first rock in the four-foot ring, forcing Smith to remove the guard with his last rock. DeBlonde, however, replaced the guard with his first rock and Dunstone decided to go after the shotrock. But, he chipped the guard aside and rolled to the 12-foot ring. DeBlonde failed to replace the guard with his last rock when it curled too much after picking up a straw halfway down the ice. That left Dunstone with an open hit and he made no mistake. Sharing the big prize with Dunstone and Smith were second Kelly Moss and lead Del Stitt. Joining DeBlonde and Finkbeiner in a $500 payday were second Gary WilUs and lead Doug Finkbeiner. Third and fourth place was worth $250 per rink while the o t h e r four finalists were awarded $125 each. A consolation event final saw the veteran Dick Van W a l l e g h e m defeat Billy Walsh Jr. 9-6.

IT STRIKES To begin with, let me thank the fine people who took the time out to bring their league scores to the paper. It makes me realize how much the column needs friends when circumstances prevent communication under normal conditions. Keep up the good work. A note from Brian Butler, tournament director for the Winnipeg Five-Phi Bowling Association, asks league secretaries to deposit entry forms and other communications in the mail box located at the Saratoga Lanes on Donald near Portage. .Brian will also be busy with the Manitoba Five-Pin open tournament which takes place at the Village Inn Bowl Nov. 89. Butler reports 105 entries to date, an increase of 55 over last year at this time. The event had a full entry of 160 last year and proprietor Ken Kh'ppenstein is expecting the same situation this year. Ken would like those bowlers who mailed in entries to contact him for verification. Saratoga's Bernie Britten has an idea there may be bowlers interested in bowling while others sleep. Starting Saturday, the Saratoga will have midnight to dawn bowling (12 to 9 a.m.). In other words, the institution will be open for 24 hours for league and casual play. Incidentally, the ad in the Free Press contains a free game good for the-new hours.

LONDON (AP) _ Police Soceer writers suggested announced new plans Monday s e g r a t i o n of Manchester to catch the brawling, hooli- United fans at one end of the gan soccer faas of Man- grounds. Others said admischester United when they sion should be by tciket n e x t come rampaging to onlyJv.iti no tickets sold to town. Manchester supporters. A "Rogues' Gallery" of Tom Jenkinson, chairman known thugs is being set up to of West Ham supporters' help policemen identify trou- club, admitted some of the blemakers before the start of trouble was caused by West a game. Ham fans. Soccer hooliganism in Lon"Both West Ham and Mandon reached a new peak at chester nited have their last Saturday's game between share of thugs," he said. West Ham and Manchester "These people have warped United at West Ham's Upton minds. All they want is rePark Stadium. venge. It is like war. You see The game was held up for gangs of youngsters, mostly 19 minutes when fighting 12 and 14 years old, rampagbroke out on the terraces and ing around, and it makes you hundreds of fans spilled on to feel sick and scared." the field. By the end of the day, 38 persons had been arr e s t e d , another 132 were ejected from the stadium and 102 were injured. Police seized weapons, inMorden Collegiate defeated cluding a 72-inch butcher knife, a length of chain and a Winkler 1-0 recently to win the Zone 4 soccer chamMike Williams, Greg Gardiner, Ian Lunn, N e i l steel-tipped boot. Wherever Manchester Unit- pionship. Morden reached the Meadmore, R o b e r t Grant. Front row: William ed plays, extra police are on final by downing Sanford 1-0, Litschke, Greg Lalier, Andy Nagy, Bob Kussy. duty to try to keep Man- while Winkler beat Carman David Fasano, Scott Watson, Keith Addison and chester fans In order. Shop- 3-1. Frank Mak (manager). Final league standings folkeepers close for the day and barricade their doors and low: North Division w i n d o w s . The pubs don't W L T F A Pll open. It is as if Jesse Jamas Sanforfl ... 24 ? 11 .. 14 10 7 and his friends were coming Carmen A. Melghsn 4 15 4 Miami Darren Wilson and Brian to town. Michael Jassoh and Phil 5 13 2 South Division United's next match in LonDrew each scored a pair of Katchnoski each scored two Winkler 5 1 2 11 212 goals Monday night to lead goals as the Royals blanked don is against Arsenal on Morden 5 2 1 13 8 11 MCI ... 2 3 3 8 9 7 the Warriors to a 9-3 Mani- the Saints 6-0 in a minor-ban- Nov. 22. Vita ... 2 4 2 713 6 "We already have lists of Altona . toba Minor Hockey League tam game. Jeff Olynyk and 1 5 2 2 9 4 names of troublemakers," a victory over the Saints in Guy Popeil added goals for police spokesman said, "and the Royals. atom action. In an Atom game played officers who specialize in reB r i a n McDonald, Brett BANQUETS Hull, Linden Johnson, Butch Friday, North West Vikings cognizing them. • WEDDINGS "Now we will have phoZacharias and Andrew Earth defeated River East Royals • WIND-UPS tographs of them, too. They added goals for the Warriors 5-3, • DISPLAYS Tim E o r a l placed the will make our job easier and while Allan Briscoe, Lindsay • SOCIALS Dyck and Mark Mackay re- winners with two goals while we hope to nip the trouble in M a r k De Brincat, Mike the bud before it starts." plied for the Saints. After the scenes at Upton In peewee action, Bob Jet- V i n s k y and Barry Babry GORDON HOTEL ,fery and Ken P e t r a s c h added singles. Paul Tataryn Park, West Ham secretary scored goals as the Royals scored two goals for the Eddie Chapman demanded Ph. 269-1406 edged the Saints 2-1. Mike Royals and Mike Boychuk that Manchester United fans be banned from away games. notched a single. Ridley scored for the Saints.

Morden wins zone soccer

Sir John Franklin won Hit 16-yaar-and-undcr title in the Canadian Miner Soccer AsMcation championships Saturday. Members of the team are back row (left to right) John Addison (coach). Mike Strant, Frank Bekkerin|, Neil Oddleifson,

Soccer kings crowned Sir John Franklin won the 16-years-and-under t i t l e in the Canadian Minor Soccer Association finals Saturday at Crescentwood Community Club, with a 3-1 victory over M a p l e Leaf Olympics, of Scarborough, Ont. In the 10-years-and under f i n a l , Beaconsfield, Que. e d g e d Charleswood 2-1. Downsview, O n t . defeated Fort Rouge 3-2 to capture the juvenile championship. , Keith Addison and* Neil Oddliefson scored for Sir John Franklin while Semi

C a 1 v e d o replied for the Olympics. Coach John Addison took over Sir John Franklin in 1973 and the team has won 67 to 69 games since then. The Sir John Franklin coach felt the victory was due to a team effort and some outstanding defensive Rob Dewart scored a pair of goals to pace Beaconsf i e l d 's attack. Pete Cunn i n g h a m added a single while Jason Jack replied for Charleswood.

whip Saints


OCT. 22 TO 31


Melnyk 722; Chum Glutlng 679; Jean fivt-PIN SCORESi Campbell 676; Larry Thauberger •tors* Marsh went all out In th* Coronation Imperial Men's League at 673; Ruby Talt 653; Ruth Musack 64* ind Irene Dyck 643. the Coronation Lanes to lead som« Eaton's Mixed (Saratoga Lanes) — pretty hot shooting. Marsh rolled 901 Jean Meal 765; Ted Black 763 (307); (364,305), followed by Bob McEachern H7 (361, 304); Bill Ferguson Bill Taggart 736; Henry Guenther 720; Stan Prlngla 714; Jim Llewellyn HO (301, 305); Dennis MacPhail 787; Howie Molyneux 77?; Dan Bush 741; 709; John Penner 706; Ernia Wall 697 Mika Krawitz 736; wally Krawitz ind Ann Qlynick 685. Galaxy Mixed (Roxy Lanes) — 721; Roy Polvin 726; Rick MalcHarry Kube 778 (3$B); Roger Harron zewski 720; Bob Shakespeare 714 and 750 (308); George Prince 732; Barry John Bryk 703. Leaders — Pepsi Cola 167Va; Advance TV \lVh; Mon- Curtiss 729; Gord Goy 695; Ray arch Coin l&IVa and Ken Catton En- Dann 690; Don Dauptllnals 687; Randy French 680; Roy Dauphlnalt terprises 152. Mosienko senior Men — (Bowery 650; Allan Harasymuk 646 and Barry Nygren 643. Boys) Tom. Sweet 834 (303); Ian Ladies — Bev Dann 654 and Rita Sweet 773; Brian Sweet 772; (CarPrince 648. berry Wlnlts) Peter Bartel 784; CUAC Mixed (Mosienko) - Bill Rendy French 774; Dieter Bartel 467; (Five Ares) Ron Hector 754; Malynyk 778, 710; Lee Chochlnov 762, 691 (303); Bill Kuzik 752, 689; Dennis Larry Rosenberg 696; Ron Oige 687; (Display Photographic) Glen Der- Braun 743; JoAnne Sawchuk 735 back 763; Andy Kolodka 720; Brad (301); Rose Cushnit 718, 664; Steve Carr 699; (Five Only) Max Kraitberg Medwick 695 (301); Norrha Sol 695; 746; Bill Naften 718; Joe SarnicM Adam Zeaton 693, 689; Mike Buregft 688; (Keglers) Bob Nebone 742; Ted 692; Mary Humniskl 673; Al Shefller Kinal 729; Gerry Dyck 707 (308); Jo» 668; Ed Lukle 661; John Klassen 659; Welyki 691; (Hamsters) Alex Cowie Steffie Holowchuk 658; Jim Motrluk 720; John Hamm 686; George Har- 655 and George Grabowskl 654. Mosienko sun. Niters Mixed —.Jim rison 672; (Mosienko Lanes) John Sanderson 686 (333); Don Helntzman Kuslak 777; Brian Mosienko 759; Billy Mosienko 748; Bob Cowie 741 »72 (309) and Tony Herold 672. (300); Bob Naften 72B; Ted Klnal Safeway Mixed (Mosienko Lanes) -Tom Hussey 824 (325); Liz Milder- 727; Wendy Mosienko 722 (313); Bill man 785; John Gensorek 759; Dennis Blackburn 711; Tony Shistowski 709; Tom Sweet 706; Dennis Barchuk 704; Barcru 726; Clarice Fitzpatrick 725; Bill Wozny 711; Darlene Wolfreys 701 Bob Rosencrans 703; BUI Kryschuk (32S); Mary Barchuk 697; Josie Sa- 694; Alex Cowie 687 (308) and Nessie lome 689; Carol Melnyk 686;' Albert Koffman 684. St. James Commercial Mixed —. Ley 661; Gisele Buror* 659; Del Webb 653 and Gordon Corke 641. Gary Riopka 772; Bob Wastle 765; Terry Parsons 745; Jean Stevenson Keep trying, Bill. You'll make it. • I OF Court Atomic — Grace Creran 735; Muriel Johnston 713; Gord Ste808; Bill Critchley 754; Harvey Ly- venson 710; Peter Riopka 698; Bill sack 731; Harold Richardson 721; Forsyth 692; Ed Hamel 688; Gord Joe Lenard 679; Joe Stevens 677; Plyley 674 and Stan Ingram Ml, CPR Yardmen (Mosienko) — Sam Dempsey Aune 670; Freda Krueger 670; Sheila iMcMullan 663; Ed Mon- Burns 771, 736; Bart eoon 729; Jim aster 662; Orville McGregor '650 and Earls 718; Ed Carlson 710 (316); Alex Cowie 720, 685; Billy Mosienko Fred Critchley 650. IOF Court Shining Star (Mosienko) 671; Andy Watt 765; Phil Zubryckl — Pete Campbell 807 (301); John 733; Neil Leach 718; Frank Stiles Dyck 769; Jacquie Paul 728; John 703; John Wikeem 702; Mike Harris 695 and Les orlncz 691. Senior Ladies (Saratoga) — Hudson Bay Specials won the first quarter with 881/2 points, followed by Bob's Fringing 85 and Dakota Lanes 81. Elsie Zayels holds high three 815 and Pat Arrowsmith high single 355. High average - Marlene Chaika 236. Good scores — (Saratoga Lanes) Cec Sanderson 747 (301),- (Old Dutch) Allison Burns 724; (Bob's Fringing) EiKirton 717. Carling's Standard, East- leen Dakota Winn-ApToba: John Dyck ern Sales and Kelekis Res- 745; Elsie Zayels 734, 656; Ken Mittaurant climbed into a three- chell 719; Peter McRae 718; Kitty 718; Bill Brown 712 (308); Pat way tie for first place 28 Lamb Arrowsmith 710, 652; Earl Harris points after six games of 710, 669; Bill Toyne 700; Cec Kirton play in the Winnipeg All- 686; Dick Lamb 680; Eileen Kirton Joan Tanner 674 (300); Don CorStars Scratch Men's Five-Pin 675; rigal 670; Doris Brown 666; Jim B o w l i n g League's second Shawcross 666 (316); Jackie Shearer 664,- Alf Ouellette 642; Richard Wilquarter. 661 (305), 654 (3255; Jean K e l e k i s clicked for 22 liams Campbell 661; Mike Belot 660 and Bob Arrowsmith 654. Bowled at Dapoints, tops for the fourLanes. game series. Al Harder led kota Windsor Tuesday Mixed — Monnie the winner's with 1,115 (300) Rudd 724; Derek McKay 715; Jim following Wally Krawitz 1,098 Rudd 698; Kay Fonseca 670; Margaret Hemming 669; Carter McKay (318-309), Ray Lamb 1,069 665 and Walter Askew 650. Bowled at (335-315), and Bill Naften 1,- Windsor Lanes.Molson's Mixed (Coronation Lanes) 024 (318). Armand Thompson 720; Rudy The carmen collected 21 — Sorokowskl 703, 449; Fred McMullan points behind the efforts of 651; Larry Frechette 647 and Garnet John Hamm's 1,091 (338), Tait 644.

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Three-way tie for top

George Harrison's 991 and Bill Emslie's 987. Al Enns with 1,071, Brian Sweet 1,022 and Lloyd Garbutt S94, paced the brewmen to an 18-point pickup. K-Tel Motor Inns, in fourth spot with 24 points, are followed by Western Paint with 13Vi points, Winnipeg Wholesale Grocers and Confectionery 18V4. PepsiJCola 12 and Kern-Hill Furniture 10. M a r c e l Gloux of the grocers was the top man of the series as he posted singles of 264, 286,260, 325, for a 1,135 total. Other fine individual efforts came from Don Bain 1,084; Ernie Enns 1.060 (300); Gordy Robinson 1,054; and Al Rouse with 1,028 (342) series.

Sisters prevail in senior event L a u r a and Debra Kerr dominated the senior figures competition recently at an o p e n figures synchronized s w i m ml n g meet at the YWCA. Laura finished first with 7 8 . 5 1 points, followed by Debra, 74.49, and Jan Anderson, 74.26. Jennifer Land placed first in the junior class with 44.26, Laurel Moore was second with 42.20 and Karen Podgurny finished third with 39.97.

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