May I take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to NAHT, the school leaders’ union.
NAHT is the definitive voice of school leaders in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, with more than 50,000 school professionals in membership.
Together, we make the case for school leaders and education as a whole, campaigning on key issues such as funding, pay, assessment and well-being to name but a few. We’re evidence-based and solutions-focused, and known by decisionmakers for our professional, yet candid, approach to securing change for members.
Beyond our campaigning work, we’re also focused on providing school leaders with the first-class membership experience they
deserve. From our specially designed CPD to our unrivalled advice service, we cover all aspects of school life. Our website has more support resources than any other education trade union, and our weekly newsletter is filled with invaluable links to information, advice and other opportunities for members.
Joining NAHT also gives you the chance to make a real difference in your local area, by getting involved with your branch or region. Our volunteers are central to our success, so please talk to your regional officer and they’ll point you in the right direction.
I want NAHT to remain at your side throughout your career as a school leader. Whatever you need—whether it’s personal development, specific help with a problem or protection while in your role—we’re your first phone call. And, if there’s something you need but you’re not sure we can help, please ask - if it’s about school leadership there’s a good chance we can.
Thank you once again for choosing NAHT. We’re thrilled to have you with us.
Best wishes

Paul Whiteman | General secretary

So, you’ve joined NAHT… but where do you start?

There are many benefits to your NAHT membership and to help you work out where to start, here are twelve things we think you should do first. Grab a cup of tea, find a quiet spot and take five minutes to find out more.
If you joined online, you’ll already have a login for the NAHT website. However, if you joined us at an event or via one of our team, you’ll need to register online. Visit the NAHT website and under ‘membership’ select ‘manage your membership’. If you need help, email us at membersupport@naht.org.uk or call 0300 30 30 333.
After you’ve registered online, you can control your account and see all your details in ‘manage your membership’. It’s worth checking that these are correct and all your permissions are switched on, so we can share the latest news with you. If you need to change anything at any time, like your address, this a quick and easy way to do so.
You can find us on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter). Search NAHT to find our accounts and follow us. We share news, content and important membership information on these platforms, and we wouldn’t want you to miss out.
There is more information on the next page about our branches and networks. When you join, you’ll be added to your local branch and receive emails about its activities. Explore our networks to discover which ones are of interest and get in touch directly. Find out more by turning the page (after you’ve read the other eight points below of course).
As a member, you now have access to our peer-to-peer mentoring scheme. Whether you’re looking to be a mentor or mentee, our members are ready to be part of your growth journey. There’s more information about the scheme on page 30.
If you want to know more about our latest priorities and what we’re campaigning on, visit: naht.org.uk/our-priorities. We update this page regularly, so it’s a great one to pop back to frequently.
Save money on everyday purchases with NAHT Extras. After 14 days of being a member, you’ll receive an email from us explaining how to set up an account. Once you have a login, you’re ready to go. We also have an app you can downloadsee page 20 for more details.
On page 14, you can read all about the differences between the NAHT website and our dedicated resource site – The Hub. We recommend favouriting or bookmarking this site. It’s packed full of short reads to support you.
Did you know you can get tax relief on your membership fees? It’s simple to do and you claim up to four years back. We’ve put together information on how to claim: naht.org.uk/taxrelief
We’re here to listen whenever you need us. Our advice team can help with a range of work-related queries, from pensions to pay, on 0300 30 30 333 from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. We also have a 24/7 support helpline, which you can access at any time. Save 0800 917 405 into your phone.
There’s no time like the present to kick-start your development. See page 18 for details of all our current courses and conferences. And you can find out more information on our website.
Now you’ve registered online, please take a moment to complete your personal characteristics form, which can be accessed under ‘my personal characteristics.’ Whilst this is voluntary, having this information helps ensure that NAHT is providing support and representation for all of our members.
Whether it’s through your local branch or via a dedicated network with members nationally, we can support you in your role.
As a member-led union, democracy is central to our structure, and our achievements have been reached as a representative, democratic union where everyone has an equal voice.
Our members determine the issues and policies that we take forward through our conferences, which are then highlighted locally, regionally and nationally. Our local branch meetings, regional meetings, networks, councils and committees are crucial in providing insights on where we should focus our attention.
We have three equality networks: Leaders for Race Equality, LGBT+ and Disabled Members, offering another source of support, information and networking within NAHT.
As a member, you’re now able to attend your local branch meetings and become involved. Our networks, councils and committees provide further opportunities to get more engaged in NAHT as a member.
Find out more at naht.org.uk/representatives and naht.org.uk/networks or contact your elected regional secretary below.
Roger Blackburn roger.blackburn@nahtofficials.org.uk
Caroline Rodgers caroline.rodgers@nahtofficials.org.uk
Jeff Conquest jeffconquest2@nahtofficials.org.uk
Dean Taylor dean.taylor@nahtofficials.org.uk
Sharron Morton sharron.morton@nahtofficials.org.uk
Richard Rule richard.rule@nahtofficials.org.uk
Dave Woods dave.woods@nahtofficials.org.uk
Debra de Muschamp debra.demuschamp@nahtofficials.org.uk
Katrina Moore katrina.moore@nahtofficials.org.uk
Simon Hague simon.hague@nahtofficials.org.uk
Alasdair Black alasdair.black@nahtofficials.org.uk
Vic Logan vic.logan@nahtofficials.org.uk
Make the most of our invaluable support and advice.
Have a question? Need legal support?
Want advice? Whether it’s something big or small, we’re here to help with whatever comes your way. We’ve been doing this for more than 125 years, so there’s nothing that surprises us, and nothing we haven’t heard or seen before.
On average, we receive 18,000+ calls, emails and online enquiries from our members each year.
We’re constantly updating our website with the latest information on legislation, government changes and education news, but sometimes you might need a little more help and guidance – so don’t hesitate to get in touch.
You can talk to us about anything and everything!
Common queries we receive include:
- conditions of service,
- pensions (general queries, ill-health retirement and early retirement),
- relationship difficulties,
- sickness and
- complaints.
This list isn’t exhaustive. What’s important to you won’t be the same as the next person. That’s why our dedicated team has varied experience to make sure we can cover what you, our members, need to know in relation to your employment.
I need support.
What should I do?
Firstly, contact us as soon as possible
Tell us as much detail as you can via phone 0300 30 30 333 or email membersupport@naht.org.uk
We’ll then triage your query
Our specialist assistants will review the notes and act depending on the issue and urgency.
If a role is at risk or a matter is urgent, the advice team will contact you as soon as possible, usually on the same working day you get in touch*.
If your job is at risk, we’ll appoint a regional officer to take on the case at a local level.
Requires a professional conversation
If your query isn’t urgent, but requires a longer professional conversation, you’ll be able to book an appointment with a specialist adviser (whose professional background relates to the query) at your convenience.
If anything arises, we recommend getting in touch as soon as you can. The advice team can often help members at an early stage before an issue develops.
With some guidance or tactical options, we can usually help resolve the situation before it escalates. This means you’re in control, so you can focus on your day job.
2024 was a big year for us. We were busy driving progress for our members, and working alongside our sister unions to collectively make an impact on the education sector across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We ran successful industrial action campaigns and surpassed government thresholds across all nations and in the crown dependencies.
An above inflation
5.5% pay uplift for school leaders
£1.2bn additional funding from DfE to fund the pay award
The scrapping of single word / phrase overall inspection judgements
An end to the requirement for performance related pay progression
consideration of the need for inspectors to make reasonable adjustments for those with disabilities and other protected characteristics
A 5.5% uplift for leaders pay; protected leave and improved pay, terms and conditions for ALNcos
Successful grassroots campaigning on forced federations, school taking on additional responsibilities like childcare and catering provisions and plans to make school staff swear an ‘oath of office’
Highly publicised funding campaign which has promoted a Welsh Parliament debate and review of school funding formulas
Following a very successful industrial campaign, in which NAHT members took unprecedented strike action, the initial teacher starting wage was increased by 24.3% and a three-year consolidated backpay deal was struck, culminating in an average pay uplift of 12% across all leadership pay scales.
Additionally, a workload framework and implementation plan was agreed and a new inspection framework was introduced, which saw the removal of all gradings and single-phrase judgements a new focus on school improvement rather than data-based accountability.
*At the time of going to print, we have entered formal pay negotiations with the employing authorities.
of our campaign
I grew up as a free school meals child in West Yorkshire in the 1970s and 80s. The first twenty years of my life had a number of challenges, but I was fortunate to have people around me who believed in me, supported me, nurtured me and helped me to believe in myself. I had opportunities to succeed and achieve –and yes, I had to make the choice to grasp those opportunities –but for many young people, those chances just aren’t there.
Buttle UK’s Chances for Children grants are targeted at those living in financial hardship, and dealing with multiple challenging social issues. Their grants are targeted and personalised to what that particular child needs at that point in their life to be able to move forward in a positive way.
Every child is precious and unique. Every child should have the opportunity to thrive, prosper and achieve their potential. This is where Chances for Children grants can make a difference. I strongly encourage you to read the stories that are on Buttle UK’s website to get a flavour of the amazing work that they do.
As school leaders, we see the impact of child poverty every day: children coming to school hungry, tired, worried, unwashed, and wearing uniform that doesn’t fit any more. They have so many hurdles to get over before learning is even a possibility.
Chances for Children grants are up to £2,400 and can fund things like: laptops, books, wi-fi; clothing and school uniform; social and leisure activities; furniture for the child’s bedroom and other household items. Improving a young person’s home life, selfesteem and self-worth in this way can have a positive impact not just in the short-term but also lifelong.
Applications for these grants must be made by a frontline professional working with the child or young person – this includes staff in schools and colleges. It is very likely that you or one of your pastoral staff can instantly think of a learner who would benefit from a bit of extra support – why not start looking at the application process right now?
Finally, I would greatly appreciate the support of you, and your staff and pupils, in helping to raise money for such a worthwhile cause.
As school leaders, we see the impact of child poverty every day

Huge thanks go to everyone who attended the NAHT Annual Conference in May 2024, where the fabulous sum of £8,632 was raised for Buttle UK. You can help to boost this amount even further by making a donation via their dedicated webpage, or by selecting them as one of your school’s chosen charities this year. 100% of donations made to Buttle UK goes directly to help children and young people in poverty right across the UK – thank you in advance for your support. buttleuk.org/naht
Kind regards
Rachel Younger | NAHT President
Rachel Younger has worked in schools for over 20 years and is currently the Business Manager at St Nicholas C of E Primary School in Blackpool. She is a Fellow of the Institute of School Business Leadership and a governor at a local all-through special school for pupils with Autism.
Rachel has been an active member of NAHT since 2012, becoming branch secretary for Blackpool in 2015. She was NAHT regional president for the North West in 2018, the first school business leader to be elected to that office in any region. Rachel has been a member of NAHT’s National Executive Committee since 2017 and is the first school business leader to be elected to the role of President in the union’s 127-year history.

Our website is regularly updated with important information, our priorities as a union and dedicated member-only content.
Provided by a team of NAHT specialist advisors, we have a series of guides on key topics and issues for school leaders, covering everything from pay and
We recommend you start by exploring the following web pages:
naht.org.uk/advice-support Your one-stop shop for advice.
All the latest information about our campaigns and focuses for the year.
keeping children safe to school websites and inspections. As soon as new advice from the government is shared, we start communicating it to you.
The current list of all courses we have on offer for you to grow professionally.
Keep up to date with the latest news and information from us.

The Hub is a curation of short reads, videos and resources for school leaders.
With new content published every week, we suggest you bookmark this website for when you’ve got five minutes spare to explore our latest advice. The site covers a host of topics, but you can filter content to quickly find what you’re looking for.
Make the most of this free content, which includes information about management
and leadership, MATs, events, pupils, curriculum and much more.
There’s also specially selected content from education companies, which we think is too good not to share.
With so much to see, we suggest starting here:
Key resources for all managers or school leaders.
Specific content relevant to MATs.
thehub.naht.org.uk/category/ pupils-curriculum
Advice to help students flourish, and information about new curriculum updates.

We want you to make the most of your membership and use all the benefits that come with being part of NAHT. So, we’ve split our benefits into two categories – benefits for you and benefits for your school.
Over the next few pages, you’ll find out more about these benefits and if you’d like additional information, visit our website or use the QR code on the corresponding page.

PAGES 18-19
CPD – courses and conferences
Let us help you grow professionally.
NAHT Extras
PAGES 20-21
PAGES 22-23
PAGES 24-25
A range of discounts to help members save on everyday essentials.
NAHT Life Membership
Keep your NAHT member benefits into retirement.
Invite a friend to join and reap the rewards
Help your union grow and we’ll reward you for every colleague or friend who joins.
PAGE 30 NAHT Mentoring Scheme
Share best practice or gain invaluable guidance with our free mentoring platform.
PAGE 33 Wesleyan Financial Advice
Personal financial advice and guidance to help you reach your goals.
NAHT Wellness and Protect
PAGES 26-27
Staff absence protection with complimentary well-being and leadership support.
NAHT Recruiter
PAGES 28-29
A ready-to-use recruitment software tool, specifically designed for schools.

Grow as

a school leader
with CPD
designed to unlock new skills and evolve your existing ones.
Our courses will give you the tools to manage your professional responsibilities with confidence and include:
- Ofsted Update
- Safeguarding/DSL Update
- Leading Investigations
- Appraisals and Di cult Conversations
- Successful Subject Leadership

New courses are added each term in response to developments in the education sector and feedback from our members.
To explore our full CPD programme and book your place, please visit: naht.org.uk/CPD/ Professional-Development

Two days of inspiration for you, 365 days of inspiration for your school
Thursday 12 June – Friday 13 June 2025
ICC, Birmingham

The Inspiring Leadership Conference will give you access to a programme packed with inspiring keynote speakers, expert practitioners and hundreds of senior leaders – for opportunities to reconnect with existing networks and make new ones.
Visit naht.org.uk/inspiringleadership to find out more and book your place.
“A fantastic opportunity to give yourself space to reflect, be inspired and challenged.”
2024 delegate

NAHT’s Tailored Training uses our event management and educational expertise to help you achieve your plan training bespoke to the needs of your team.
With access to multiple resources across the education sector including specialist consultants, our experienced team will work closely with you to provide expert, results-focused training tailored to meet your requirements.
Bespoke to your requirements

Excellent value for money
Hand-picked, high-quality facilitators In person at your choice of venue or online Fully flexible timings, including twilight


Make the most of the weekend with up to 27% off great-value days out and cinema tickets.

Don’t fancy cooking? Save on your favourite food and drink, with up to 15% off high street restaurants, pubs, gift cards and takeaways.
*All partners are correct at the time of publishing. Make savings with hundreds of your favourite brands and retailers

Save on your weekly shop with discounts from 4% to 6% on reloadable cards and e-vouchers.
If you’re looking for a new wardrobe, you can save up to 14% on your favourite brands.

Holidays don’t have to cost the earth with up to 19% off hotels, car hire, experiences and flights.

• Retrospective cover for your former career in education
• A professional community where you can speak and vote on the issues that affect life members locally and regionally
• Discounted benefits through negotiated rates with our preferred partners
• Expert advice and guidance on any issue you face concerning your pension, retirement and NAHT volunteering
• Become a mentor with NAHT mentoring scheme
• Representation by the National Life Members Committee who actively work on your behalf to protect your current and future needs
• National Executive Committee representation
• The opportunity to join or help establish a life members’ group in your area
• A spring, summer, autumn and winter life member newsletter, a termly Leadership Focus magazine and access to the members’ area of our website.


Did the start of the new year bring a new leadership role for you, a friend or colleague? Refer a fellow school leader to join us, and you’ll both receive a £30 M&S voucher.
As you settle in to the start of the new school year and enjoy some of the benefits that come with NAHT membership, can you think of a friend or colleague who could also benefit from union membership?
When someone joins through your referral, you’ll both receive a £30 M&S voucher* – with no limit on the number referrals you can make, as we’re stronger together.
Visit naht.org.uk/referral today for more details and full terms and conditions.
Scan to find out more

Do you know someone who’d benefit from NAHT union membership this new year?
Set yourself and your referee up for success this school year. Whoever you refer into membership will receive all the same benefits you currently enjoy, such as:
• Instant access to advice: As a member, you have access to expert advice whenever you need it. Whether you have questions about your career or need guidance on schoolrelated matters, NAHT is there to support you
• Legal support: With NAHT membership, you have access to legal support throughout the duration of your membership. This can be valuable in case you encounter any legal issues related to your profession
• Useful downloads: NAHT provides valuable resources to help you in your career and in your school. These downloads can be a great asset in your professional development
Referring couldn’t be simpler
• Savings on everyday essentials: Membership with NAHT also comes with a dedicated savings platform - NAHT Extras. These discounts can help you budget and make your money go further
• Tailored leadership support: NAHT offers tailored leadership support to help you grow professionally. You have access to training, courses and resources that can enhance your leadership skills
• Discounts on industry-leading courses: As a member, you also receive discounts on upcoming courses offered by NAHT. These courses are designed to keep you up to date with the latest trends and developments in your industry.
When your colleague or friend signs up, they just need your name and your school’s name to take advantage of this offer. Plus, we’ve made it even easier for them to join – please share this information with them: they can either apply online or by calling us on 0800 542 5930.
Remember – there’s no limit to how many people you can refer, and as long as they give your name and we can match your details, you’ll receive a £30 voucher every time.


absence protection that reinvests in education.

Enhanced sta absence protection with personalised health and well-being services for your school or trust.




star rated on Feefo

Staff absence protection for your school or full MAT/academy
We extend cover beyond accidents and illness absences, to ensure you also have protection against the costs of:
• maternity cover (up to £10,000)
• suspension cover
• compassionate leave

• stranded sta cover

• parental leave (up to £3,000)
• major incident cover
• jury service
• phased return
• adoption leave (up to £10,000)
• bereavement leave
• covid-19.

Whole school well-being and leadership support
• free flu vaccines
• menopause counselling
• financial well-being coaching

Included for all sta at no extra cost:
• health care services including a 24/7 GP service, nurse support services, physiotherapy and a surgical assistance programme
• occupational health services, including assessments, a support line and a well-being hub.
• Five days’ absence cover for NAHT CPD days when supply cover is engaged
• Access to an exclusive NAHT Wellness and Protect well-being portal that provides health, well-being and lifestyle advice for your sta

• A whole-school well-being day for your school (or per school for academies and MATs).

Our mentoring platform provides a space for school leaders to share and gain knowledge that will benefit those starting their leadership journey as well as seasoned leaders.
It’s a chance to help strengthen the profession by sharing your experience and knowledge.
It’s a great way to explore less familiar areas and establish a strong working mentor relationship that will inspire you.
Working together and tapping into this knowledge, we can help make education the best it can be.

Products and Services we think you might like …
The following advertisers are not endorsed by NAHT, and their products and services are provided to you direct from them.

Receive expert advice on managing your school and benefit from individual legal support. Call 0300 30 30 333 (option one) from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
We help nearly 2,000 members every month with advice and legal support. Call us to see how we can assist in your day-to-day role or with any difficulties you may face in your career.
As well as our advice hotline, members can benefit from individual consultations, support from regional officers and help with litigation casework.
You can also use the Education Support 24/7 counselling line on 0800 917 4055. Calls made to this number are completely confidential and access to this service is included as part of your membership.
NAHT Centenary House, 93-95 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1NL
If you need to let us know about a change of role or circumstance, please email membersupport@naht.org.uk or call the member support team on 0300 30 30 333 (option three) from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. We respond to over 1200 emails and more than 750 calls from members every month, ensuring they have the right membership to suit their role.
Last year, we trained more than 1,000 members on our professional development courses. Call the events team on 01444 472405 to find out how our training can bring you up to date.

Call: 0300 30 30 333
Email: info@naht.org.uk
Visit: naht.org.uk
General secretary: Paul Whiteman