nlc introduction

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00 about me introduction education level language ability internship experiences software skills education exchange awards experience

關於我 基本介紹 學歷 語言能力 實習經驗 軟體能力 交換學生 獎項 經驗

nai-lun,chen 陳乃綸

birth in 16/07 1994 live in taipei city, taiwan

;出生日 台北;居住地


bachelor of archtecture chung yuan university dept. of architecture

建築学学士 ;中原大学建築学系



chinese, english, japanese(studied about one year) skill;技能、軟體


autocad / photoshop / illustrator / sketchup model skill advanced


intern experience;實習經驗


lianhua architeture company, shanghai 2017 inflate design office, tokyo 2016 grow-architecture, taipei 2015

実習 上海聯華建築事務所,上海 実習 インフレイトデザイン,東京 実習 禾重建築事務所,台北

education exchange;交流經驗 -

exchange student in universidad san pablo, madrid




thesis design get the special excellence award architecture design get the first price of five years emerging talent award of architecture rookie awards thesis design get the publication of TA magazine

卒業設計 特別優異賞(中原大學) 建築設計 第一名(中原大學) 建築新人戰 潛力賞 TA建築雜誌刊登 卒業設計作品



art director of graduation exhibition 2017 chief editor of graduation publication 2017 participated in europe travel plan 2016 captain of volleyball team 2016 deputy convener of architecture camp 2016 participated in the camp | 外帶國家館 2016 art director of christmas party 2015/2016 participated in the camp | 來去鄉下做設計 2014 exhibition of x-site in taipei fine art museum

畢業展覽美宣長 畢業專刊總編輯 參與歐陸移地教學計劃 系排球隊隊長 建築營營隊副召 參加營隊;米蘭世博提案 聖誕舞會美宣長 參加營隊;嘉鄉築藝 2014



internship in lianhua architeture company, shanghai [ 2017 ] 実習生 上海联华建筑事務所 thesis design get the award special excellence award [ 2017 ] 卒業設計特別優秀賞(中原大學) architecture design get the first price in five years [ 2012-2017 ] 五年建築設計 建築設計一番賞 internship in inflate design office, tokyo [ 2016 ] 実習生 株式会社 インフレイトデザイン exchange student of san pablo university in spain [ 2015 ] スペインで 交換留学生 participate in europe travel plan [ 2015 ] ヨーロッパ 旅行計劃 designed work [ the power of insensitivity ] participate shinjinsen, asian architecture rookie awards get the award emerging talent award [ 2015 ] 建築新人戰;設計作品 鈍感力;潛力賞 designed work [ foot feel ] participate the school exhibition and tku exchange [ 2014 ] 展覽、設計交流;設計作品;步感 captain of volleyball team [ 2014 ] バレーボールチームのリーダー exhibition of x-site in taipei fine art museum [ 2013 ] 《x-site 邊緣地景》


01 awards thesis design get the special excellence award architecture design get the first price of five years emerging talent award of architecture rookie awards thesis design get the publication of TA magazine

獎項 卒業設計 特別優異賞(中原大學) 建築設計 第一名(中原大學) 建築新人戰 潛力賞 TA建築雜誌刊登 卒業設計作品


photo record of the third time thesis design presentation Every time when I pined up the drawing paper onto the wall, It is the time I will become very nervous and serious. I always forget to enjoy the conversation and dicussion with the professors, and draw a blank when standing on the stage. Always after I pined off the drawings, I would think some things and images, but that the presentation time was already passed. 18


photo record of the project, the power of insensitivity This project get emerging talent award of architecture rookie awards, 2015


02 intern experience 2017 lianhua architeture company, shanghai 2016 inflate design office, tokyo 2015 grow-architecture, taipei

實習經驗 2017 北京聯華建築分公司,上海 2016 株式会社 インフレイトデザイン,東京 2015 禾 重建筑,台北


photo record of the street in shanhei, rapid developement of china -

Because of the high-speed developement, when I was traveling in Shanhei, I could find some weird scenery. In this picture, I could find a row of small houses about two floor height and there are many high buildings and skyscrapers behind them. I imaged behind the metal palings. It is a high contruction which is built, and soon it would be finished. This row of low houses would be trapped in the surrounding concrete jungle.

grow-architecture, taipei, taiwan 2015 07-08

inflate design office tokyo, japan 2016 07-09

lianhua architeture company shanghai ,china 2017 07-09

This is my first architecture intern experience. In this opportunity, I experience the real work situation of a company. They let me learn about some practical architecture drawings, for example, power distribution system, the calculating the area of the material etc.

This internship was working in an office which is focus on the wood house design. In this experience, I got many special opportunities to visit construction sites. Luckily, there were different conctruction degree of wood houses building at the same time. Therefore, I almost understand whole the construction process of a wood house. In office time, I usually helped the basic architecture drawings and the model making. When I was reading the drawing, I could find that Japanese are really concentrate on the scale and the living behavior which is interested me.

This company is focus on the hospital and institutional care of the elderly. In China, the scale of almost every projects are really large. Therefore, I could find out some specific working rules. For example the work specialization, I probably worked for the statistics and proofreading the number of windows and doors in a whole week. Or in the other week, maybe I just participate into the adjustment of a project’s elevation. Otherwise, with the rapid economical development in China, the construction time is really quick and short, so that every projects had finished under the staggered time of different projects.

禾 重建築 台北,台灣 2015 07-08

株式会社 インフレイトデザイン 東京,日本 2016 07-09

北京聯華建築上海分公司 上海,中國 2017 07-09

這一次的實習經驗是我第一次接觸建築 師事務所的工作環境和狀態。 在這次經驗之中,事務所的員工嘗試讓 我接觸關於建築實務層面上的圖面,比 如關於室內空間的配電系統、建築物材 料上的面積計算等。

這一次的實習我到了東京一間專注於木 造住宅的小型事務所。 在一回的實習經驗中,最令我印象深刻 的是關於木造住宅現場的見習經驗。因 為事務所的案子正剛好在不同時期的工 程進度,因此我很幸運的在短短的兩三 個月中就幾乎看遍了木造住宅的不同工 程狀態。 在事務所中我主要協助不同案子在基礎 圖面上的幫忙,還有模型的製作。在閱 讀事務所住宅圖面時,讓我對這些尺度 和人使用行為上特別感興趣。

選擇在自己畢業這一年的暑假來中國實 習,這是一間專注於醫療養老的建築事 務所。在這離學習的兩個月,我意識到 了中國大陸目前的狀態,我感受到案子 尺度的龐大。也因此在事務所裡協助的 內容偏向於分工的狀態,每個人各自負 責著案子中的各個環節。 因為建案的尺度大,每個環節上的工作 量都變得很龐大,可能我一週的協助內 容只完成了此案子門窗尺寸數量上的校 正統計、另一週可能協助另一個案子立 面上的核對。實習工作的日子因此過去 的很快。 中國正在快速的發展,在這裡所有事物 包括建築每天都是不一樣的。


photo record of the negotiation between architcts, engineers and carpenters in the construction building I think it is a both interesting and serious scenery in the construction site. When I follow the architect to see the site, I could see the architect checking every detail and material with the drawing paper, and also recheck everying with the engineer and carpenters. This sense is really attract me. 12

photo record of the different process of wood contruction Every time, I brought my camera to the site, I always can took click the shutter hundreds of time. Although the construction site is not the finishing appearance of a building, there are still many pictures worth to record. 14

03 education exchange exchange student in universidad san pablo, madrid

交換學生 西班牙聖保羅大學,馬德里


photo record of the design class in san pablo university, madrid In my fourth years of collage time, I choosed to be exchange student in spain. At that time, teachers made us to think the architecture by hand-drawing section as many as we can and no matter the skill is good or bad. Teachers thought that our images of section and perspective are the most direct thing reacted our thinking in brain.

san pablo university madrid ,spain 2016 09-12

I think this half year affect myself vision lot. As an exchange student, the impression wasn’t as hard as in Taiwan. When I was at there, I found myself to decide or think without hesitationa and become positive. No matter when I was learning or traveling, my thinking become more independent and I was positive for the surroundings. And, I would minimize myself, and maximum the environment. Finally, I think these experience not only effect me at that time, but also when I back to my daily life, I can choose to look at things from a different perspective.

san pablo 大學 馬德里,西班牙 2016 09-12 我想在西班牙交換的這半年對於我看事 情的態度是影響很大的一個階段。 作為一個交換學生,儘管課業上的緊繃 程度不如待在台灣來的大,但在國外的 我卻能夠少去許多猶豫的時刻,能夠更 準確與積極的去體驗許多未曾接觸過的 人事物。 而不管是在學習上、閒暇時間或是旅行 上,都變得能夠更獨立的思考與敏感於 周遭的變化,這讓我在這趟交換生學習 與旅行生活上,縮小自己的存在,放大 著每個到訪過的地方,而這些經驗與感 受,不單單存在於那半年的時間,回到 原本習以為常得生活時,我認為也讓我 有另一種看待當下的態度。


photo record of the design class in san pablo university, madrid In my fourth years of collage time, I choosed to be exchange student in spain. At that time, teachers made us to think the architecture by hand-drawing section as many as we can and no matter the skill is good or bad. Teachers thought that our images of section and perspective are the most direct thing reacted our thinking in brain.

take part in the 2014 exhibition of x-site in taipei fine art museum

04 experience 2017 art director of graduation exhibition 2017 chief editor of graduation publication 2016 participated in europe travel plan 2016 captain of volleyball team 2016 deputy convener of architecture camp 2016 participated in the camp | 外帶國家館 2015 2016 art director of christmas party 2014 participated in the camp | 嘉鄉築藝 2014 exhibition of x-site in taipei fine art museum

經歷 2017 畢業展覽美宣長 2017 畢業專刊總編輯 2016 參與歐陸移地教學計劃 2016 系排球隊隊長 2016 建築營營隊副召 2016 參加營隊;米蘭世博提案 2015 2016 聖誕舞會美宣長 2014 參加營隊;嘉鄉築藝 2014 參與x-site邊緣地景


chief editor of cycu 2017 graduation projects

cucy 53th graduation exhibition tauyuan ,taiwan 2016 09-2017 05

In cycu 53th graduation exhibition, I am the art director and the chief editor. I am responsible for the main vision, graphic design and exhibition visual design. In the exhibition, we choose a special space near our department which is an old, forgotten military dependants' village. We try to use our profession to realize a practical action, so we design some public space to open this place. Residents who lives near also participate in us. I think it’s a meaningful exhibition action better than usual exhibitions.

中原53屆 畢業展覽行動 桃園,台灣 2016 09-2017 05 在這場畢業展覽中,我是負責關於美宣 及畢業刊物上的編輯,主要負責展覽中 主視覺的設計與平面設計及刊物上的製 作。 而在這場展覽中,有別於一般展覽場地 的選擇,我們挑選了平日工作與生活的 建築系館旁的一個被時代遺忘的眷村, 我們試圖藉由我們所學來實現一場實際 性的行動。藉由創造一些開放性空間與 這場展覽系列活動的介入,不僅我們切 身的參與,並邀請周遭居民一同加入。 我認為這樣的展覽行動能夠更具意義。


art director of graduation exhibition In cycu 53th graduation exhibition, I am the art director and the chief editor. I am responsible for the main vision, graphic design and exhibition visual design. In the exhibition, we choose a special space near our department which is an old, forgotten military dependants' village. We try to use our profession to realize a practical action, so we design some public space to open this place. Residents who lives near also participate in us. I think it’s a meaningful exhibition action better than usual exhibitions. 34

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