nlc protfolio
nlc portfolio
architecture projects 01 the power of insensitivity 02 recognition of place
housing design 2015 the power of insensitivity emerging talent award of architecture rookie awards
集合住居設計 2015 鈍感力 建築新人戰 潛力賞
design year program advisor issue keywords
2015 housing teacher yen-hui hou dwelling housing the power of insensitivity/ persenality/ housing
時間 項目 指導 議題 關鍵字
2015 集合住居 侯彥卉 老師 集合住居的空間探討 鈍感力/ 性格/ 集合住宅
| 07
the power of insensitivity 鈍感力
Watanabe Junichi 渡辺 淳一
The power of insensitivity desribe a kind of personality written from Watanabe Junichia. It is a kind of life wisdom and attitude. Compared with the positive, making widely known and negative, those who have the power of insensitivity are easier to survive and achieve success in this complex modem society. Therefore, they live harmoniously with society and other people.
鈍感力,一個描述性格的詞彙。 這個詞源於日本作家渡邊淳一 《鈍感力》一書。 鈍感族群其實和一般人不無不 同只是他們敏感了些,而敏感的 他們面對外在人事物時有著能 選擇性遲鈍的能力,如此的生活 態度無非是現代生活壓力下所 演變出來的性格行為,以求適應 這不斷變化的社會。
鈍感力 the power of insensitivity | 09
| 11
yongkang street 永康街
Yongkang business area is notable for its numerous local refined cuisines and exotic restaurants.Therefore, there are thousand of tourists visit here everyday. Local residents who lived neighbor are used to passing by this street and so many tourists. Sometimes, people would become deaf and dumb to face them.
永康街擁有繁榮的商業行為, 吸引著各地觀光客來訪。 對生活在周遭的居民,每日經 過這繁華的街道,對於這些燈 光、聲音的刺激影響,久而久 之疲乏的他們,漸漸地對這些 商業行為產生了無視與選擇性 忽略的生活狀態。那這段回家 的路又會是什麼模樣?
| 13
site model with collage 1/600
street elevation of business
street elevation of facade
street elevation of window opened
| 15
insensitivity 鈍感力 -
local personality 在地性
sensitivity / be sensitive to anything. choosing obtuse /control their sensitive feeling, and be obtuse to something. following their mind / definitly know his or her fevorite, and follow their mind. be theirselves / keep theirselves areas, and won’t disturb others. following some implicit rules / follow some social and implicit rules.
label / when something is be marked, there will be some impacted of it. hypocrite / there are many differents between the interior and exterior. following the public / follow some public attitudes and be impacted to each other.
敏感性格/對於事物有一定的 敏感程度。 選擇性遲鈍/發展出控制自身 敏感程度的能力。 心有所向/心中已有嚮往的事 物,明確的追隨心中嚮往應,選 擇性的對事物忽略。 自掃門前雪/管理好自身的領 域範圍,產生不互相干預的行 為模式。 依循淺規則/依循著社會、生 活中的潛在規則模式。
標籤化/事物一被貼上標籤後, 會對於人有標誌性的影響。 表裡不一/建築物的內與外,常 常顯露出不一樣的表情。 從眾化/跟隨著社會、生活中 人們的行為及生活模式,彼此 相互影響。
following the public
choosing obtuse
following their mind
be theirselves
following some implicit rule
| 17
the group of insensitivity people
feeling the different beyond the city
10 the
the description of the way to home
gradually tired out by the environment
11 the
pretend as indifferent in the group
keeps others at a distance
12 the
8 4
everything become similar gradually
focus on their target and ingore other things
disappear at a corner
courtyard between the housing units
from city to housing to unit
14 the
distence between the housing units
interior is very different from the outside
15 create
changing between the outside and inside
their own utopia
1 鈍感力族群
5 有感於城市之中些微不同的事 物,處於敏感的狀態
10 中央庭院成為住居單元之間的 曖昧空間
13 意識到從外界環境轉變到集 合住居再到個人空間的轉變
2 關於返家路徑的描述 6 對於外在環境的疲倦與忽視 3 隱身於外在族群之中,偽裝與 他們並無不同
11 住居單元之間的距離,錯位的
14 極大差異的內外環境
視線與接觸的狀態 7 與他人、外在事物保有一定的 距離
15 內心的樂土 12 外在空間與內部空間的轉化
4 外在事物逐漸趨於一致 8 專注於心中所向的目標 9 消失於轉角之中 | 19
| 21
housing design 集合住居
In this housing design, I try to think between the city and the housing. Living in this bustling commerical area, residents sometimes may feel frustrated about their daily and enviornment. Therefore, they become to pursue their own utopia, which is hiden in the city. After working, although they still need to pass by the business and tourists, but they start to ignore what they don’t care, and only focus what they concentrated. It would become a new kind of life style for them to live in this rapid changing city.
集合住居; 在不斷變化的社會中,鈍感力 這樣的性格我認為是生活在都 市漸漸形成的一種面對生活的 方式。人們逐漸對於外界紛擾 的事物無感,轉而追求自我生 活空間的樂土。 這個實驗性的集合住居,我試 圖描述一段回家的過程及每個 居住單元如何在城市、集合住 宅體、單元住居、樂土空間之 間的介面轉換。
south elevation 1/500
east elevation 1/500 / Above the second floor, The facade is start to be different with the environment,and the opened holes on the facade are staggered with the interior space. It would make the residents wouldn’t be disturb by the outside world.
1/50 design model
| 23
I try to make the 1st floor like the surrounding commercial space to pretend into the environment. Above the second floor, the square wall is made by concrete and about 30cm, it would make the dweller feel safety and within the wall is their living area not the outside world. The holes on the facade are staggered the interior space to make the dweller living without the disturbance from the outside. But it doesn’t means they live in bad quality. Big windows and self-living areas face the middle courtyard to make a good air circulation and enough sunshine. Between the housing units, there are some trees to block the sight and also create the private and ambiguous neighbor relation. The dweller can peep the outside world by some angle and penetration between the facade and the housing. And every home, I create different specific space as their utopia.
設計操作;刻意在一層平面中 維持沿街面上的商業行為,融 入周遭現有的基地樣貌。 而在二層以上的立面及平面安 排上操作為單人及小家庭型態 的住居空間,立面上的開口刻 意與住宅室內空間錯開,因此 居住者在其室內生活空間中有 著與世隔絕的生活。但並非引 此而缺乏光線與空氣。對內部 的中庭空間開放大面積的開窗 與生活空間,中庭裡的植栽配 置成為住居單元之前的曖昧關 係。量體與立面上的開洞,在 某些角度與穿透之間,形成了 居住者窺視外界的窗口。
1 1
a-a’ section 1/500
b-b’ section 1/500
| 25
first floor plan / pretend as the surrounding commercial space to hide into the environment.
second floor plan / One outside stair provides for three house units. The second floor is actually the first floor of them, and here is always the livingroom, diningroom and their own courtyard.
third floor plam / In this plan, we can clearly see that every housing units separated, and the distance, closed concrete wall, and the opened windows. The through sight between each of them is what I mainly consider. And in the courtyard, I also control the location of each trees to create the ambiguous relation between them.
fourth floor plan / their are some gardens and grass land on the roof.
4 N
scale 1:500
1 一層平面圖 / 刻意將地面層設定與周遭環境的商業行為相同,隱藏於環境行為之中。 2 二層平面圖 / 每一個戶外樓梯單純的對應二至三個居住單元,使居住者進入集合住宅後能有各自返家的路徑。而對於居住 者來說,二層平面其實才是他們住居空間的開始,配置設定為生活空間、廚房及庭院空間。 3 三層平面圖 / 從平面圖可以看出每個居住其實是分散開來且保有一定距離,希望彼此之間的生活是相對隱私的因此對於混 凝土牆的對應及開窗上的錯位是我在這個設計中有刻意思考的部分,並且,中庭數的位置的配置也是刻意創造在大面積開 窗之下,戶戶相對距離與視線之間產生的曖昧關係。 4 四層平面圖 / 部分為小家庭為臥室空間,單人住宅為頂上庭院等休憩空間。 | 27
beside the balcony a scuttle to enjoy sky
there is a cherry tree outside the ceiling window
by the small hole to peep the outside world
cultivating some vagetables and fruit for myself in roof garden
a platform toenjoy tea with family
taking a deep breath in my small bamboo forest
1 高牆之間獨自抬頭望向天空。 2 落地窗外的櫻花樹。 3 藉著厚牆上的小洞窺探著外在世界的渺小變化。 4 屋頂上的栽種與收成。 5 和家人共享天倫的起居室。 6 漫步於竹林間。 | 29
| 33
thesis design 2017 recognition of place get the special excellence award get the publication of TA magazine
卒業設計 2017 捕霧 卒業設計 特別優異賞 TA建築雜誌刊登 卒業設計作品
design year program advisor issue keywords
2017 tourism hotel system teacher m.t.lee recognition of place ,human geography nostagic symbols/ in place/ dwelling/ hostel system
時間 項目 指導 議題 關鍵字
2017 旅宿空間系統 李明澤 老師 地方感,人文主義地理學 鄉愁符號/ 位居地方/ 擇居/ 旅宿系統
| 37
Do you believe someone who live in the same place ever since he was little, he still feel a kind of nostalgic in his mind? Nostalgia is not described the homesickness only, even more it’s a strong expectation for a desirable place. “Place” in human geography is emphasized. When a space which is given its meaning and interpretation by a person, space become place.
如果一個人從小到大都生活在 同一個地方,你相信他心中仍 然存在著一股鄉愁嗎? 「鄉愁」並非純粹描述對於故 鄉的思念之情,更多的是對於 另一個場域所寄託的期盼,而 期盼在被化作實際行動後,藉 著旅行經驗來滿足心中空缺的 情懷。 「地方感」在人文主義地理學 中強調地方(place)有別於空 間(space),當空間被一個主 體賦予其意義、情感、詮釋之 後,地方在其心中就此建立, 因此地方必然是一個主體的,體 而非獨立存在的概念。
捕霧 recognition of place | 39
tourism gaze / the space was chosen, because people have expectations, but that was based on symbols which are not related to the place.
place deviation / the space evolved to fulfill the needs of tourism,but locals lose their memories, thus lost their identity of space.
1 觀光凝視 / 地方之所以會被選擇凝視是因為人們對地方有所期待,但期待往往建立在種種與地方 無關的事物之上,導致地方充斥著各種觀光消費性的符號 2 地方偏移 / 指地方為了滿足觀光而逐漸失去其應有的模樣,以致當地居民失去了辨識其歸屬感的 樣貌 | 41
nostalgic symbols 鄉愁符號
Person who reject the longtime false tourism impression try to follow their imagination and cognition to experience the settlement. Their trip would become different ever and ever. Even more their expectation and imagination would become a kind of elements during their trip so that they can experience a place where they never image.
我認為地方認知的建構如果 擺脫了觀光凝視所塑造的符 號假象,而純粹的回歸到以 每個人(主體)為出發點所產 生的認知與想像,我稱之為 「鄉愁符號」。 那它就不單單只是呈現地方 的真實樣貌和地景,更多的 畫面會是來自於主體在行動 前、旅途中對地方所寄託的 期待及移情作用之下所轉化 成的空間遊歷經驗;也就是 前述的space轉變成place的 過程。
prototype of nostalgic symbols
| 43
don’t know wheather this road can lead me to the top of the mountain
2 There 3 there 4 go
are too many unlimited in the deep of the mountain
through the mountain, deep and deep
5 dead 6i
is a big stone on my mountain road
not sure this road could lead me to where
7 maybe 8 see
there is a white tree in the deep of the mountain
mountains over and over
9 missing 10 walk
into the unknown place
11 stand 12 how
in the mountain
under the trees
could i climb cross a big stone
13 moss
wall near the road that i had passed by
14 similer
space, space swap
15 instant
16 walk
around and around, the footprint is like a circle drawn in the mountain
17 chalet 18 the
on the top of mountain
top of the mountain is far away
19 there 20 find
is a straight road
| 45
concept model of nostalgic symbolsls
| 47
raifung 瑞芳
Raifung is a rainy and foggy mountain village. It was once a vibrant town because of the construction of railways and developement of the mining industry. With the help of tourism the decaying town has been given a rebirth. Nowadays, People always take trains to Raifung station then transfer to Jiufen or Pingxi. Therefore, Raifung become a short-stay transfer station. People can recognize this place by symbols from other places, therefore, lacking the sense of localism.
瑞芳是一個多雨易起霧的山 城聚落,曾經繁榮的礦產聚 落,在衰落後又再度因觀光 產業而再次興起。 而現在的瑞芳,人們總是到 這裡轉乘到九份或平溪這些 觀光勝地,導致瑞芳成為一 個短暫停留的轉運站,也使 旅人失去了對瑞芳原本應該 有且獨特的地方認知。
1 4
suburban district / city
mountain dwelling
railway and train tunnel
rainy and foggy
narrow alley and road through houses
mining industry in the pass time
2 5
| 49
3 6
| 51
site analysis 分析
a-a’ section / from the station to the street
b-a’ section / site of parallel alley
c-c’ section / parallel alley area
d-d’ section / using tunnel road
e-e’ section / abandoned tunnel to mountain
f-f’ section / site of village behind tunnel
site a / parallel alley settlement
site b / village behind railway tunnel
C’ A’
F’ 6
| 53
site a / parallel alley settlement
site b / village behind railway tunnel
raifung train station
| 55
1 3 2
123 45678
photo record of parallel alley settlement, raifung photo record of village behind railway tunnel, raifung
| 57
4 5 6 7 8
strategy 設計操作
In my designed strategy. Raifung is my experimental site and I try to create a hotel living system. You will find the sense and place which is similer to your image and nostagic symbols in this mountain trip. Then the place would become the place where you gonna live in. I try to operate two different site which are unique in mountain living experience. In these two kinds of living attitude in the settlement, you would find what you desire and emptiness.
我嘗試建構一套旅宿行為來挑 戰這個必經卻路過的場域,瑞 芳作為我操作的實驗場。在建 構地方感的過程中,那些被你 所移轉的情緒、情感在尋找過 程中開始產生相對應的場景。 而符合你所期待的場景將成為 擇居旅宿的可能選擇點,擇居 是對於符合寄託期待的場景所 產生渴望停留與定居的選擇行 為,是真切的反應自身所渴望 的地方樣貌。 基地位於瑞芳火車站周遭兩處 聚落,因山城條件下造就的獨 特樣貌與氛圍,嘗試以不同的 生活方式與態度介入這兩個聚 落,使旅宿者藉由滿足這樣的 旅宿經驗滿足他心中的那股渴 望。
| 59
site a parallel alley settlement 平行巷聚落
This parallel allay is situated between the mountain. Their living space is crowded, therefore the sense of local life is lively and close.
處在山凹之中的平行巷弄,狹窄的巷道隨著地形 及量體的擠壓而平行排列,居民間生活門對門往 來密切,生活感尤其彰顯。
| 61
parallel alley settlement 平行巷聚落
I try to put the hotel living function patchily. In the alley, there are a shared kitchen, bookhouse, bath house and some living units. Shared kitchen is at the lane entrance and they can communicate with each other here. Then, you will find a book house. When you walk into the bookhouse narrow lane, you direction would be change to vertical way to close the nature. Bathhouse is at the final. Following the topography and the walking experience, you will feel the enviornment which is reality.
此處設計的旅宿系統嘗試以散 落的旅館機能分佈在聚落中, 分別為共享廚房、書屋巷、澡 堂與居住單元;設計操作上,巷 仔口的廚房作為序列開頭與交 流的凝聚點,書屋巷以垂直路 徑脫離平行向度的方式使人切 換到接觸環境的軸向,澡堂作 為序列上的尾端,伴隨地形與 澡前澡後的身體感迫使人感知 到山城環境的真實存在。
| 63
parallel alley settlement plan
Bathhouse In the end of hotel area, bathhouse has two part, the upper one is for male, and the lower one is for female. 澡堂 作為旅宿系統的最後,主要區分 為路徑向上與向下兩部分澡堂。
Bookhouse The bookhouses have three main units to create some small lane to connect the behind road. And I design the bridge system to connect each other to create a different height vision on the second floor. 書屋巷 主要由三個書屋組成,書屋可供 旅宿者查詢的簡易場所,也可作 為當地居民閱讀的空間。以書屋 彼此間產生的小巷創造出垂直向 度的串流。二樓的空橋系統彼此 連接試圖在擁擠的巷弄間創造出 不同高度上的視覺經驗。
Shared kitchen Especially, I put this most public space in the begining of the settlement to make this area become their commen house door as an entrance when they are back to here. Therefore, they would communicate with each other, and also share their meal here. 共享廚房 將這個開放性最強的機能設定在 巷仔口,藉此使這區域成為如同 平行巷的大門,旅宿者與居民能 夠在此寒暄談天或者共享晚餐。
shared kitchen section
bookhouse alley section
bathhouse section
serial section / When you arrive the entrence of the settlement, you would smell the tasty food. Here is the dining space for travelers and residents sharing their dinner. The light stream out through the windows. It’s make the resident know that there are some visitor coming here today. Then, walking to the middle of the alley, there are some bookhouses. When you pass the small lane between the bookhouse, maybe you would smell moldy from books. After, you get a novel to read on the second floor. Siting down and looking into the story through the corner of your eyes which saw the moss roof in front, you start to know that the environment is moist. Evergthing stay in the wet air long time here are moldy. In the evening, you follow the lane up and down and enter the bath house. After taking a bath, when you get back to the outside environment, your body shiver with cold automatically. 平行巷連續剖面 / 離開老街再走上一段路後來到了巷仔口,菜香飄散在整個巷口廣場,居民與旅人在此切磋著 自己拿手的菜餚,這裡的共享廚房和小廣場可以算是這巷子裡居民的另一個家門口,也算是旅行者進入旅館的大 門。二樓窗戶中透出的床頭燈暗示著今日有旅行者的來訪,這個廚房成為了居民、旅宿者相聚、寒暄的聚集點。 逐漸走往巷弄中段的書屋,拐了個彎走進書屋巷中,在狹窄屋巷穿梭著,時不時能聞到一股書霉味;在書屋中翻 出了本遺忘已久的小說後,尋了個位子,翻起了書;餘光飄向鄰居屋頂上的青苔痕,腦中屋巷的書霉味與青苔痕 產生了對應而意識到這裡的日常生活存在著環境因子的強烈影響。晚間拿著衣服走往後巷,連續上了幾個坡後來 到了澡堂之間,往上或往下隨著地形和屋頂的空間壓縮進入到澡堂中;脫去衣物後踏入濕熱的水氣中,洗去一天 下來的疲倦;而當重新回到澡堂門口時,冷冷的空氣使身體不自覺地打了個冷顫。
| 67
the entrance of the alley / shared kitchen
vertical lane between parallel alley
the way to the bathhouse
the sight on the second floor of bookhouse
the psssed-home lane behind the bookhouse
semi-outdoor space of the bookhouse / the light of the lane
| 69
2 3
top view of 1/00 model
1/50 bookhouse model of the semi-outside space
1/50 section model of bookhouse | 71
site b village behind railway tunnel 隧道後聚落
This village behind railway tunnal is surrounded by the mountain and an abandoned tunnel. Therefore, people who live in here must pass the tunnel to go outside everyday. The village stay unknown and independent.
聚落因為地形與鐵路的包圍使其只能以一個廢棄 的鐵路隧道與外界交流,因此造就聚落的氛圍孤 立而遺世獨立。
village behind railway tunnal 隧道後聚落
In this site, I hope the hotel system been minimize, because the traveler is just like a temporary neighbor for the residents. Living in the village, you would hear the voice of the train, pass the water dripping tunnel, go up to a ramp, face the chatting neighbors and grow your own vegetables everyday. This kind of local lifestyle can make the traveler clearly experience the village.
設計操作的旅宿系統嘗試以一 個單位做為介入的方式,使影 響最微小化。當旅行者進入聚 落後,他對當地居民來說不過 是個暫時的鄰居,居民的生活 同樣持續進行著。住宿者的家 在聚落的最深處,藉由每天經 過的廢棄隧道、火車聲、爬坡 路、居民會面寒暄、菜園的行 走路徑,使旅行者能切身的經 驗這個聚落獨有的生活模式。
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village behind railway tunnal section
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There is only a hotel unit in the end of the village and I hope this traveler can be minimize for here. 這裡的旅宿系統只以一個單元作 為介入,並挑選在聚落路徑的最 末端,希望以最微小的影像與聚 落共生。
village behind railway tunnal plan
storyboard / Following an unknown way of an abandoned tunnel, you must feel scared but excited and slowly get close to the exit with faint light. There are about only four or five family in this village. When you are walking up, you may walking in on the neighborhood chatting in front of their houses. Then, you keep walking up to bcak to your room. In the dinner time, you share your meal with them, and enjoy the evening scenery. 場景分鏡圖 / 隧道引領著一個未知的經驗,抱著期待卻又膽怯的心情踏入隧道,猶豫著每個前進的步伐緩慢的走向 另一端微弱的陽光。走出隧道口迎面而來的是一段向上的緩坡和僅僅四五戶人家的矮房。在這裡生活的每天都須經 過這個不斷滴水的隧道回到聚落,爬上坡後時常可以撞見鄰居在這裡曬衣服、聊天,再往裡頭走一段路就能回到旅 館。開放的廚房成為旅行者邀請居民共享晚餐的聚會點,前面的菜園是旅人和當地居民共同栽種的收成。夜晚依著 微弱的桌燈閒話家常、坐在平台邊眺望出去的是層層的山巒和隨著天氣變化的霧色,在這個生活的日子不自覺地也 過去了半個多月。
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the entrance of the tunnel / city side
walking through the tunnel
the first sight of this unknown village
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1 1/00 2 top
model / view from hotel to city
view of 1/00 model
projects records small house 2013 connection & block 2013 the spirit of alley 2014 foot feel 2014 insensitivity 2015 living in daily life 2015 mass movement 2016 thesis design 2017
project design year program issue
small house 2013 [the second year] addition architecture 6m*6m small house
project design year program issue
connection & block 2013 [the second year] addition architecture publicity
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project design year program issue
the spirit of alley 2014 [the second year] community center publicity
project design year program issue
foot feel 2014 [the third year] learning center folded plate structure
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project design year program issue
the power of insensitivity 2015 [the third year] housing dwelling
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project design year program issue
living in daily life 2015 in spain [the fourth year] housing vertical architecture
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project design year program issue
mass movement 2016 [the fourth year] thertre & square crowd consciousness
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project design year program issue
recognition of place 2017 [the fifth year] tourism hotel system recognition of place ,human geography
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architecture thinking
photo record in shibuya
After the basic architecture training, I try some design work about the personality, consciousness and behavior to think about the connection between individuality and space. In the first case the power of insensitivity, I try to design a period of way back to home. The people with this personality create him or her own living attitude and have there own utopia beyond this unstable society. The second, my thesis design recognition of place, I want to challenge about the nostalgia and homesickness. I found there is a balance between the enviornment and the personal consciousness. Therefore, I create a serial of nostalgic symbols to test this hotel system. Finally, I find that myself is interested in the ambiguous connection between the controllable architecture design and the uncontrollable personal behaviors.
在建築學習的過程中磨練過對 於 建築圖面的基礎訓練後,我 嘗試 操作我所感興趣的人格、 意識、 個性,這些比較個體性 的事情如 何和空間產生交互的 影響。 所以在鈍感力的集合住居案子 中我嘗試以一個回家的序列安 排來形容一個擁有如此性格的 人如何在紛擾的都市中建立一 片屬於自己的樂土,擁有自己的 生活態度。而在自己的畢業設 計裡,進一步的 去描述對於鄉 愁這類情感性的題 目設定,在 畢業設計裡我發覺地 方感這件 事情是能夠隨著自我意 識和環 境而相互對照呼應的,而有了鄉 愁符號的創造與地方感連接所 操作的旅宿空間設計。 隨著這些設計的操作,我發現自 己也特別有意思於這些意識行 為上與空間之間的關係。建築 空間是可控制的,而意識是不可 控制的,這之間曖昧的、卻又 息息相關的狀態是令我特別感 興趣的。
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nlc portfolio edited by nai-lun,chen 201711