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Table of Contents Project Overview. . . . . . . . . . .


Terms & Conditions. . . . . . .


Market Research. . . . . . . . .


About Us. . . . . . . . . . . . .


E-Commerce Industry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Target Audience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


About F(X) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Our Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Etsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Threadless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Competitive Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14 16 18 20

Project Scope . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Measure of Success. . . . . . .


E-Commerce & Web Hosting . .


E-Commerce & Web Hosting . . . . . . . . . .


Widgets & Extensions for Magento CE. . . . .


Design & Development Process. 41 Our Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Billing Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Our Portfolio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

References. . . . . . . . . . . .




FashLab Introduction

Project Objectives

FashLab is a new start-up dedicated to designing,

FashLab aims to be recognized as the number one

selling, and celebrating the fusion of graphics and

supplier of personalized apparel and as a provider

fashion. It provides a way for artists to express

of superb customer service. In order to do so,

themselves through fashion and for others to enjoy

FashLab plans to stand out among their competitors

these artists’ works. FashLab also serves as an online

by offering a unique assortment of artists and items.

community that unites artists; bringing together a

Their online experience will be top-of-the-line.

circle of people with similar interests.

Project Summary

to accrue revenue through sales. To be successful, they must establish a strong web presence, attract

FashLab is currently seeking a web design firm to

large numbers of users, effectively promote their

design and develop an e-commerce website flexible

products, and provide excellent and economical

enough to meet their needs. Because of FashLab’s

customer support. Establishing these things will

creative nature, a creative, yet functional, approach

allow FashLab to develop an extensive customer

is best.

base and spread brand recognition.

FashLab has requested that the website caters to their target customers by providing the capability

Purpose of Proposal

to create and customize graphics, as well as

The purpose of this proposal is to express our interest

opportunities to be part of an artistic community. The

in acquiring a contract for service with FashLab, and

website is to run properly across current platforms

to state our qualifications in regards to this service.

and devices, meeting all design, technical, and functional requirements. Since the website is an e-commerce site, all functionality and security of the payment process is expected. f(x) Design Studio will design and develop a solution to meet FashLab’s needs.


As an e-commerce site, FashLab’s primary goals are


E-Commerce Industry This section covers an overview of the e-commerce

each customer based on their past shopping record

industry. First, we will look at e-commerce as a whole

and behavior, and what they liked on social media

by reviewing some of the current trends that are

sites. Personalization improves customer experience,

driving the industry. Then, we’ll look more specifically

leading to a higher conversion rate.

at the trends within the e-commerce fashion industry, which relates directly to FashLab. Lastly, we will look

Data will be the driver for capturing more customers,

at some of the market research, including data and

upselling to existing customers and retaining them

graphs, relating to customer base, online shoppers,

for the long term. Big Data analytics will become a

and e-commerce revenues.

core business practice that e-commerce firms use to understand their business and their customers in fundamentally new ways.

E-Commerce Trends E-commerce is constantly evolving. This evolvement is dependent on current technologies. As technology advances, so does the approach to e-commerce. After our research, we found three consistent e-commerce trends: Big Data analytics, a more personal shopping experience, and the growing importance of mobile.

Big Data Analytics E-commerce merchants collect and analyze data to discern shopping patterns that have predictive value and to understand consumer experiences in digital and physical contexts. For example: The online fashion industry have begun to personalize each customer’s shopping experience, like in flash sales. Products are recommended to


A More Personable Shopping Experience The more data a company has on their customers, the more personable of an experience they will be able to offer, from personalized product suggestions to completely customizable products. Businesses are also focused on providing a more engaging customer experience beyond making the actual purchase, such as saving favorite items, product displays, and tracking orders. These types of additional perks and services will play a major role in driving customer loyalty and demonstrating value to the consumer.

The Growing Importance of Mobile An increase in purchases of smartphones and tablets means an increase in e-commerce – this is an opportunity you want to take advantage of. Shoppers use mobile devices to make purchases and research products and prices before making a purchase,


making it an important channel for both earning sales and engaging potential customers.

Fashion E-Commerce Trends The fashion industry is an ancient industry, and yet when it comes to e-commerce, they are ahead of the game. Consistent industry trends include virtual reality retail, online stylists, curation, social, and data-driven innovation.


Customer Base

Curation is a way to organize, sort, and select items

It is important to note that demographic studies,

in a collection. It offers a more seamless shopping

even if it’s a general one, will give you a good basis to

experience and makes a site more useful through the

understand your customer base.

use of innovations such as “search by image” and algorithms that “learn” users preferences.

Social Being social has become a big part of the fashion industry’s marketing effort. It allows businesses to listen to their customers, collect feedback, and customize the experience. It is a powerful tool.

Virtual Reality Retail To





businesses are trying to bring the real-life shopping experience to e-commerce. For example, recreating the texture, feel, and fit of garments for an online shopper; and providing a 360-degree view of a product. Businesses are also revising the purchasing process to fewer clicks, which speeds up the process of making a visitor a customer.

Online Stylists

Data-Driven Innovation

Who Shops Online? Women usually leads the shopping trend since they control majority of household spendings. However, when it comes to e-commerce, men takes the lead. Recently, men in both age groups, 18-34 and 35-64, leads most e-commerce activities compared to women of similar age groups. Men ages 18-34 have the highest activity percentages.

Data helps businesses evaluate consumer responses through social media and online product reviews, and consumer behaviors. These evaluations help businesses see the direction of fashion trends and react to it.

E-Commerce Market Reserach

Just as physical stores have stylists to dress you,

As mentioned earlier, e-commerce is always evolving.

e-commerce stores do the same. Online stylists

As e-commerce evolves, consumer behavior also

provide an organic element in the shopping

evolves. Technological advances lead to new needs

experience, which is human interaction. The trend of

and expectations from consumers, which then

having an online stylist makes the online shopping

affects how businesses strategize for e-commerce to

experience feel like a physical one. Not only do these

meet these needs. Market research helps businesses

online stylists pick clothes for you, they customize

gauge their strategies.

them to your comfort level and personality. They do all the work in making you look fashionable.



American Attitudes Toward E-Commerce

Popular Online Shopping Categories

January 2013

June 2014

Typically shop on auction sites


22% 23% 23% 27%




Have requested a price match using mobile phone

15% 9%

Typically use mobile phone to scan and find the best price in town for a specific item

15% 11%

Typically shop for and buy items on mobile phone

13% 7%


Male 18-34



Attitudes Toward E-Commerce

Attitudes Toward E-Commerce


Typically use retail store apps





An extreme couponer


Digital Content






Typically use shopping apps on mobile phone





Ideally would buy everything online


31% 31%

25% 21%

25% 20%


Household Electronics

37% 28%

Cosmetics & Personal Grooming Items


Prescription Medication


Specialty Food & Beverages







General Food Purchases (e.g. Groceries)


Male 35-64


Over the Counter Medication 24%



Personal Electronics


Female 18-34



16% 15%









Female 35-64




In general, men are more likely to shop online, use e-commerce apps, are more

If e-commerce was broken down into specific shopping categories, we can see

price-conscious, and are more likely make to purchases on their mobile phone. The

that men and women have different preferences. Women shops more in categories

following graph is provided by BI Intelligence to analyze American Attitudes Toward

such as clothing, accessories, and cosmetics and personal grooming items; while

E-Commerce (Smith).

men shops more in categories such as digital content, personal electronics, and household electronics according to Statista’s report.



Online Shopper Projection

E-Commerce Revenue Projection

The number of online shoppers have increased every year. The graph shows the

E-commerce revenue is expected to keep rising. In 2010, the total revenue was

number of online shoppers since 2010, and the prospective growth by 2018. Since

167.3 billion U.S. dollars (Lupec). It is projected to grow to $361.9 billion by 2016.

2013, 191.1 million online shoppers have browsed products, compared prices, or

Within this projection, the online fashion industry has been the second sector in

brought merchandise online at least once. The figures are projected to surpass

retail e-commerce sales in the U.S. for the last 4 years and it is predicted to almost

200 million in 2015. This increase in online shoppers is mainly due to the fact

triple the sales number by 2016 ($73 bilion) compared to 2010 ($28 bilion). Computer

that online platforms have become more stable and reliable, improving the online

and consumers electronics takes first place with a sales growth from $35.7 billion

shopping experience.

(2010) to an estimated $80.2 billion dollars in 2016.

Number of Online Shoppers in the United States

U.S. Retail E-Commerce Sales (in billions)

2010 – 2018

2010 – 2016

2010 2011




2013 Year

Product Category

























Computer & Consumer Electronics








Apparel & Accessories
















Auto & Parts








Furniture & Home Furnishings








Health & Personal Care








Office Equipment & Supplies








Toys & Hobby








Food & Beverage

























Number of online shoppers (in millions)

Note: eMarketer benchmarks its retail ecommerce sales figures against US Department of Commerce data, for which the last full measured was 2011; excludes travel and event tickets.



Social Media

Percentage of Social Orders Originating from Facebook

When it comes to e-commerce, being social matters.

40k Photography

to create an online presence. Through this presence, businesses can increase their customer base, build loyalty, built relationships with customers, and advertise to specific demographics; all of which allows businesses to gain value in their customers’ eyes. With all the hype about social media, it is Industry

important to understand that social media is a tool


Sports & Rec


Pet Supplies




Jewelry & Watches


Clothing & Apparel



Food & Beverage


The graphs to the right illustrate social media’s

Home & Garden

that then leads to purchases, not to directly drive

contribution to the e-commerce industry. Data analysis of twelve social media websites shows that about 85% of all orders came from Facebook alone, dominating industries such as Photography, Sports & Rec, and Pet Supplies by 95% (Macdonald).



Social media offers an opportunity for any business

used to build awareness and reputation of a business

Long-Term Orders Growth (Quarterly)



Web Design


Health & Beauty


Music & Movies



0k 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percentage Percentage of social orders originating from Facebook(by industry)


Q2 2009 Quarter Long-term orders growth(quarterly)

Q3 2013


Target Audience Understanding the target audience for FashLab site and knowing how to effectively reach them is vital. f(x) Design Studio will refine a target audience analysis after receiving the FashLab contract and help the site to best meet the goals and needs of the expected users. There will be three primary dimensions in the refined analysis document: demographic

Demographics Gender Women and Men Age 18 to 35 Characteristics

psychological audience analysis to discover what

• • •

the audience may be thinking about your site,


contextual audience analysis to understand contexts

• •

audience analysis to define group characteristics,

the audience will be faced with. In this section, we will briefly explain target audience demographics, personas, user scenarios, and key tasks

Creative and tech-savvy Very hip and knowledgeable about fashion Has a very original style

Look for unique ways to express themselves Has expectations of fast turnaround designs, high-quality products, and trendy designs Eager to create designs, upload their artwork, and purchase personalized items designed by themselves and others.

Internet Usage High/Fluent • Love social media services • Be online everyday Technical Comfort Level High/Fluent • Fluent with various desktop or mobile apps •

Seek new tools to help them day-to-day

Size of the Average Purchase $25 to $35 Language English Location The United States



Persona 1: Shopper The shopper primarily shops for other people’s design to customize their shopping items.

“I am eager to create fashion items designed by myself.” Name: Jessica Age: 20 Occupation: College Student Location: San Francisco, CA Activities: Photography, Drawing, Painting

User Scenario Jessica recently found that one of her favorite artists is registered on the FashLab website as an artist. Now, the artist is continuously uploading his artworks on the site. She wants to place one of his artworks on her new fashion item. The customized item will be only one in the world.

Goals •

Find an artwork to place on her new item

Customize the item with her selected artwork

Outcomes •

Enable users to provide a filter to search fashion items and artists they like

Enable users to scale and position a selected artwork on a fashion item

Key Task •


Buy a customized item designed by herself

Task flow


Persona 2: Artist

Task flow

The artist uploads his designs on the website to sell.

“I want to sell my artworks and make some profits.” Name: Joe Age: 25 Occupation: Graphic Designer Location: Mountain View,CA Activities: Swimming, Cycling

User Scenario Joe is a freelance graphic designer living in the SF bay area. He is looking for an e-commerce website to sell his artworks and thinks that FashLab is good for him. Because he wants to upload as many artworks as possible, a widget to upload a file will be easy to use. In addition, he wants to add a description and tags to improve search results so that customers can access his artworks more frequent. He also wants to keep track of whether his artworks are approved from FashLab.

Goals •

Sell his artwork on the FashLab site

Keep track of FashLab approval

Outcomes •

Enable users to upload their artworks

Enable users to check FashLab approval

Key Task •

Upload one of his artworks



Persona 3: FashLab Staff The FashLab staff reviews and approves all new files; as well as manage product inventory and posts on the FashLab Blog.

“I review and approve all new files before they can be posted on FashLab.” Name: David Age: 30 Occupation: FashLab Staff Location: San Francisco, CA Activities: Reading Books, Jogging

User Scenario David is one of FashLab staffs. His role is to review new files to check whether they are appropriate for FashLab site or not. After reviewing the files, he will delete or approve the files. His other roles are managing product inventory and customer orders. He regularly updates new products and edits product details. In addition, he reviews and confirms customer orders.

Goals • •

Review and approve new files Manage product inventory and customer orders

Outcomes • •

Enable users to approve/decline new files Enable users to manage products and details.

Key Task •


Review all new files and manage products and customer orders

Task flow


Etsy (etsy.com) Etsy is one of the premier e-commerce marketplaces for artists on the internet. This site is where people around the world come together to buy and sell unique goods focused on handmade or vintage items and supplies. Many artists, or craftsmen, choose Etsy because they can create small home-based businesses to sell items online.



Menu Navigation for an Individual Shop

Focus Area

they also can enter words to create a menu

Individual Shop

navigation for the shop. This causes inconsistent

Mobile Services (iOS and Android)

issues such as font style. For example, some

Curated Collection

shops use all caps for the navigation, but some

Social Media Website: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram

shops use all lower case letters for it. •

There is no main menu bar on the homepage and

Artist Profile: Facebook, Twitter

Page to Browse Who Favorited This

No Main Menu Bar other pages that generally is designed for other


websites at the top or left side. Instead of the

the users confused when navigating.

This website was developed based on a gridbased layout, making it visually organized. The

Insights from Etsy

user interface looks clean, structured, readily

intelligible, and streamlined. •

menu bar, there is a search bar, which can make

Grid-Based Layout

A grid system offers a certain level of stability

Curated Collection

to the structure of web design that establishes

The users can browse curated collections created

visual unity. In addition, it helps to develop a

by Etsy members. They can get inspirations from the collections and contribute to a community as well. •

Who Favorited This The website provides a page to browse “Who Favorited This” so that a user can follow other users or artists who are similar to one’s

Grid Approach

scalable responsive site. •

Widget to Customize Products f(x) Design Studio will sort a list of key options that FashLab users use to customize their items. We will customize a widget platform to meet their goals and needs.

artistic interests.

Social Media Integration

Cons •

Request Custom Order The users can request their own custom order when contacting with a shop owner, but they cannot customize items by themselves.

Not Consistent Because the users can create their own shops,



Threadless (threadless.com) Threadless is an online creative community of artists and e-commerce website based in Chicago, Illinois. Threadless designs are created and chosen by an online community.

Users can create a

creative and collaborative community that supports artists. They can vote on original designs and follow inspiring artists.



Participate - to Vote Top Designs

Focus Area

Vote on Original Design

Though Threadless provides a native app that

Mobile Services (iOS only)

can be used for iOS platform. It supports only

Featured Designers and Artworks

iOS 7.0 or later, and the website for desktop is not responsive, making it difficult for users to access

Social Media Website: Facebook, Twitter Artist Profile: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

the site. •

caps, it becomes illegible. Also, there is a sharp color contrast between background and font,

Pros •

Social Media Integration for Artist

which makes it hard to read.

Profile Page

Insights from Etsy

Artists can choose and integrate the social media

services they use. •

designs are popular and most funded. This menu helps users to understand current trends and to

services, it will be better to let the users choose social media services to create their profile page. •

products using various payment methods, the

Mobile Apps

users’ information should be protected in the

There is not a particular widget to customize iPhone app, Type Tees, to create a slogan through

Social Media Integration

text to be printed on a t-shirt.

Strong Site Security Because FashLab’s site is to buy and sell

find high-quality artworks.

products on the website, but they provide an

Social Media Integration for Artist Page Since there are huge number of social media

Participate Menu Participate menu enables users to browse what

Bad Readability Because some text are very small and uses all

Behance, Tumblr, YouTube, Vimeo, Linkedin, etc.

Custom T-shirts iPhone App

Not Responsive

most secure way. •

Responsive Website f(x) Design Studio plans to make FashLab site responsive as a hybrid application that can be


used in both mobile and desktop devices. The

that it can improve user experience.

Password Security A user can create an account with a password

site will support all platforms and browsers so

with only 4 characters. The site does not even recommend how to make a strong password.That makes the site security unreliable and insecure.



District Lines (districtlines.com) District Lines is an online merchandise store that sells various fashion items and customized items designed by the user. They provide various vendor categories such as music, pop culture, geek, gaming, and so on so that users can browse their products of interests.



Widget to Customize an Item

Focus Area

No Wish List

Widget to Customize an Item

There is no wish list on this website, so it is hard

Various Vendors

to keep one’s favorite products.

Insights from Etsy

Social Media Website: Facebook, Twitter Artist Profile: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr

FashLab site should speak the users’ language, with words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the

Pros •

users, making all content appear in a natural and

Widget to Customize an Item The users can customize a blank item with their own graphics. The widget is simple and easy to

Dropdown Menus for Shop

logical order. •

simple as possible. The site will not provide too

is easy to find on the homepage.

much information at once. Unnecessary features

Icons to Define Item Categories Instead of words, they use icons to define their multiple categories in a well-defined way.

Aesthetic and Minimalist Design The user interface for FashLab’s site will be as

use. Also, the yellow button to access this widget •

Content Strategy

and elements will be omitted. •

Wish List Menu FashLab’s site will have a wish list menu to save


users’ favorite products. It also allows users to

that are not currently in stock.

keep track of items that they wish to purchase

Content Organization and Word Choice There are eight categories, such as music,

Social Media Integration

youtube, vine, fashion, pop culture, geek, and so on, on the main menu bar. They are supposed to represent various vendors to browse products, but word choices like youtube or fashion can make the users confused to understand the purpose and meaning of these vendors. •

Inconsistent and Busy User Interface Each page for a vendor has a complex layout and a variety of colors

though it generally

keeps a basic grid system of the site. The background images for all vendor pages lower users’ readability.



Competitive Matrix COMPETITORS

Etsy User Interface Grid-Based Layout Aesthetic & Minimalist Intuitive Navigation Easy to Ease to Use Use

Readability Slideshow

(We recommend slideshow that features new items and special events on Home) (We recommend slideshow that features new items and events on the homepage.)

Function Filters to Browse Products Responsive Web Design Customization Widget

(We recommend recommend buying FashLab to buyofaalicense of a widget pre-made widget to (We license pre-made platform toplatform reduce design reduce design andtime.) development time) and development

Shop Guest Shopping Abandoned Shopping Cart Wish List/Adding to Favorite

Social Writing Comments & Reviews Following Artists Blogging

(We recommend recommend adding to add Featured Online Stylists on Blog in order to trends.) suggest (We to suggest current current trends)

Social Media Integration

(We recommend FashLab to make users customize social media links they frequently use.)

Curated Collection

(We recommend FashLab to have a section for curated collection on Home in order to browse and follow specific communities they like)

Security Password

(We will encode all passwords in the most secure way, the andsite the will sitesuggest will suggest how how to make secure passwords to users registering) to make secure passwords to users whenwhen registering.)

Secure Tran saction

(We recommend FashLab to add premium SSL Certificates ($69.99/yr) and Site Lock Web Site Security service ($83.33/yr) from Godaddy hosting service that we suggest for FashLab.)




District Lines



Project Scope f(x) Design Studio will provide responsive web application development services to FashLab in

User Scenarios, Tasks, and Flows f(x) Design Studio will create and refine user

a collaborative environment to meet the business

scenarios based on the specific personas who come

objectives of FashLab. The application should be

to FashLab. The scenarios will specify how users

interactive, easy to use and meet the marketing

carry out their tasks in specific contexts. In addition,

requirements of FashLab. f(x) Design Studio will

we will finalize task flow diagrams before all technical


features and functions are developed.





analyze, design, develop, implement, test and integrate the application according to the guidelines and schedules stated in the booklet. The following are descriptions of the services that f(x) Design Studio provides.

Wireframes and Sitemaps for the Site Estimated total number of navigation menus: 11 Key features for each menu is the following: Home

Usability Specifications

3 Personas

Featured online stylists

Featured curated collection

f(x) Design Studio will conduct additional user research, such as interviews and surveys, to validate key target audience groups stated in the booklet. Based on this research, we will refine one persona for each group . The personas for FashLab are: •

Shopper who primarily shops for other people’s design to customize their shopping items

Artist who uploads his/her design on the website for sale

FashLab Staff reviews and approves all new files and updates posts on the FashLab Blog

Slideshow that features new items and special events

Shop •

Product filters to browse items by categories and artists

Create •

Widget to customize user’s product

Widget to upload artist’s work

Artist •

List of artists

Artist profile

Blog •

Uploaded posts by FashLab

Community-building features (including user comments, favorites, social media sharing)



Shopping Cart •

Order summary

Proceed to checkout

product photography. •

contents are needed,

Wish List •

Collection of items a customer desire

If any modification of the branding, images, and f(x) Design Studio will

provide high-quality images for the slideshow on

FashLab’s story


the homepage so that the user interface looks

FashLab contact info

consistent according to f(x) Design Studio’s

Links to social media

solutions. FashLab can update a slideshow every

Login •

FashLab staff account

Administration •

Management of all accounts and products

Usability Testing

week during one month.

Design Unique Positioning Strategy Our competitive analysis on the booklet will help FashLab encapsulate how FashLab’s site is unique

We will conduct and analyze usability testing after

and innovative with respect to similar products in

Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3.

the industry. After discussing the unique positioning

*We will conduct usability testing with TryMyUi that provides online usability testing services. 10 testers will be selected from FashLab’s target audience. TryMyUi will send us a video screencap including mouse clicks and keyboard input, real-time audio captured from the user’s microphone, and written comments.

Site Contents •

FashLab will provide their corporate identity, as well as guidelines including logo, fonts, color palette, graphic treatments, and all copy and

strategy with FashLab, f(x) Design Studio will start analyzing the examples of the sites that FashLab has provided so that we can help FashLab find their particular design preference in terms of color palette, font, layout, and so on within their corporate identity.

The most appropriate and applicable open source e-commerce platform and widgets are suggested for modification or enhancement by

20 high-quality images Under FashLab’s approval, f(x) Design Studio will

User account

discuss it with FashLab.


Technical and Infrastructure

anyone •

The most economical and reliable hosting service is suggested

Scalable solutions (responsive app) across all browsers and devices are offered

Functionality/Programming E-Commerce Platform The decision to go with an e-commerce platform is top priority. f(x) Design Studio suggests currently well-known e-commerce platforms and compares their pricing, functionality, user experience, and overall values in order to find the best platform to match FashLab’s goals and needs. 11 Key e-commerce platform features: •

Database/Inventory for user accounts and products

Secure online payment processing

Shopping cart/Wish List

Clean, contemporary, innovative, creative

Shipping details


State sales tax inclusion

Intuitive navigation with a site structure

Email confirmation receipts to customers

Scalable solution to keep a consistent interface

Widget to customize and upload products

that matches FashLab’s identity

Function to scale and position artwork on a

User Interface •

selected item •

360-degree view of a product

Product color option extension is provided



Big Data analytics and reporting of selling

links so that the users choose the links they


need and integrate with their profile page

to track and better understand a variety of information about target customers

to create personalized offers

Link to subscribe for newsletters

Social media integration

Administration •

website for search engine results, so that the site

Online marketing campaign

Social media marketing

Mobile marketing

All copywriting All printing services Branding identity and stationary system

Product database/inventory is designed not

This service will include the following:

Product photography to be used for Shop

only to help FashLab’s staff easily manage all

Architecture Decisions Relevant to SEO

Slideshow photography after the first thirty days

Long-term maintenance support

FashLab staff can manage this menu to review

File/directory structure and naming

Navigation schemes

Password protected areas

Note: f(x) Design Studio reserves the right to confirm

Error trapping

provided materials from FashLab fit within the environment of the current project.

Automatic statistics on the use of the site

f(x) Design Studio recommends the following:

Technology and Source Code Decisions Relevant to SEO •

Tracking systems


Entry/splash pages

Site Maintenance Plans

Twitter to promote new events and to create a sense of community and closeness between FashLab and users Facebook to allow users to follow and to keep up to date with updates and news Instagram to share images of artworks and items customized by others

Artist Profile


License fees for widgets and extensions

Social Media Integration

E-commerce platform license fee

visible to others

the words correct.

and approve all new files before they become

Web hosting fee

opening an account, accepting user agreement,

product category or by artist

This service is for optimal placement of FashLab’s

Domain name registration

gets the architecture, technology, source code, and

accounts and products, but to sort items by •

SEO consulting is provided at no extra charge.

A secure user database is created to manage setting password, etc.

Search Engine Optimization Consulting

What’s Not Included

FashLab site will provide all social media service

The overall product manual and instructions specific to the FashLab site is provided

Training for key staff members is scheduled prior to launch

After the launch, short-term support for any technical issues that come up during the first thirty days is included


Measure of Success f(x) Design Studio plans to add Google Analytics to provide FashLab a wealth of information about your site and your visitors. All this information can be used to find new customers and increase conversions1. To measure the success of FashLab, we have decided to look at key factors such as: •

Number of unique visitors monthly

Completed transactions monthly

Number of repeat visitors

Abandoned Carts

Note: All expected outcomes are based on the RFP. FashLab expects a total sales of about three million dollars in the first year with the average purchase being in the range of $25-$35. We assume that FashLab expects to have 7,991 actual buyers per month. We set $30 as the value of one item.

Increase Number of Unique Visitors2 1. Expected Outcome 305,000

335,500 unique visitors

per month 2. Sales Forecast $263,700 per month How to Measure The average conversion rate for e-commerce is about 2.62%, according to Monetate (15). FashLab might have about 305,000 visitors monthly based on this report. This report also found that the website traffic growth rate for e-commerce between Q2 2013 to Q2 2014 is about 10%. We expect that FashLab will get a 10% increase of the website traffic within three months and keep the number of visitors. The estimated number of visitors per month is about 335,500. We assume that this number is a minimum size of unique visitors. If the site is successful to keep this number in average, FashLab will earn about $263,700 per month.

Our Approaches For growing a successful business, FashLab needs to have a steady stream of visitors who they can turn into customers. f(x) Design Studio recommends solutions to increase website traffic without having to spend a lot on advertising.

1. Conversion: Completed Transaction/Number of Unique Visitors


2. Unique visitors: Distinct individuals requesting pages from the website during a given period, regardless of how often they visit


1. Enable social sharing through mobile-optimized user interface design

Social Media Metrics

3. Improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Our free, but highly-qualified, SEO consulting will


How to Measure

e-commerce businesses. We believe that providing

Conversation Rate

Comments per Post

FashLab with a responsive user interface will allow

Amplification Rate

Shares per Post

Applause Rate

Favorite Clicks per Post

Economic Value

Sum of Short and Long Term Revenue and Cost Savings

We understand how important social media is to

users to easily read, view, and share your content via social platforms.

Conversation Rate understanding of who FashLab’s target audience is, what FashLab’s attributes are, what FashLab’s good at, what value FashLab can add to followers, and the ecosystem FashLab participates in.

We will be glad to discuss about integrating social media marketing activities, such as adding social

what pieces of content cause amplification and understand times, geo-locations, and topics. •




participate in for FashLab.






they don’t.

exposure, website traffic, and engagement. The created by TrueSocialMetrics in order to measure


understand what the audience likes and what

team. This will help to increase your business following table explains four social media metrics

Applause Rate The

media buttons to your website with your marketing

Note: All approaches will be rediscussed after a contractual agreement between FashLab and f(x) Design Studio.

Increase Completed Transactions 1. Expected Outcomes • 7,991

10,065 completed transactions

per month (Conversion Rate: 3%) • Lower bounce rate3: 33.9% to 20% • Increase pageviews4: 8.2% to 10%

Amplification Rate The amplification rate helps FashLab measure

2. Integrate social media marketing

increase the average website traffic as well as unique visitors.

A high conversion rate requires a deeper

Image: Responsive Website - folksy.com

improve your search engine ranking; leading to

Economic Value The economic rate helps quantify the economic value created through social media.

2. Sales Forecast $301,950 per month How to Measure 1. Conversion Rate We are positive that FashLab will be able to keep the average conversion rate, 2.62%, or increase up to 3% monthly. By doing so, we expect that there will be 10,065 transactions per month. If the site is successful to keep a 3% conversion rate, FashLab will earn about $301,950 per month.

3. Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who view just a single page of website and leave without taking any further action. 4. Pageviews: The number of pages viewed by visitors



2. Bounce Rate and Pageviews

collection on the homepage in order to encourage

According to Correll, the average bounce rate of

customers to browse and explore featured products,

e-commerce websites is 33.9%, which means that

as well as follow specific communities that they like.

approximately 103,395 visitors per month will leave

expects to reduce the bounce rate of FashLab up to

2. Sales Forecast

20% and increase the average pageview rate from

$59,933 per month (Increase 25% on the

8.2% (Monetate, 19) to 10%, so that it will increase

average profit per month)

potential customers.

How to Measure

Our Approaches

Studies by Bain & Company, along with Earl Sasser

Improving FashLab’s conversion rate can be one

Image: Etsy - Recent Favorites

of the most effective ways to improve FashLab

1. Improve the content quality Our content specialist will help FashLab improve the content quality of the site. In addition, visual content will be improved through tools such as the customizable widget that allows users to do a 360-degree view of a product. 2. Think about user experience We believe that the most important thing to think about from a user experience point of view is simplicity. We make all pages in the site intuitive

61,000 repeat visitors per month

(Repeat Visitor Rate: 14% to 20%)

the second interaction on FashLab, f(x) Design Studio

to help turn casual visitors into paying customers.

1. Expected Outcome 42,700

FashLab without further action. Since pageview is

e-commerce sales. Our solutions will be guaranteed

Increase Number of Repeat Visitors

4. Speed up page loading time Page loading time is an important part of any website’s user experience and affects conversions. One out of four customers will abandon a webpage that takes more than 4 seconds to load on the web (Čandrlić). We will build FashLab to load faster than

of the Harvard Business School, have shown that even a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to an increase in profits of between 25% and 95% (Stillwagon). However, 86% of all online shoppers had only placed one order ever, according to RetentionGrid in 2013. It represents a giant missed opportunity. We assume that FashLab will increase the average repeat visitor rate per month

other competitors.

from 14% up to 20%.

Note: All approaches will be rediscussed after a

Our Approaches

contractual agreement between FashLab and f(x) Design Studio.

Great e-commerce sites reward their repeat visitors. Visitors who repeatedly visit your site signals a level of connection and relationship with FashLab, so a reward endears FashLab to those visitors.

and easy for customers to understand, in order

We suggest the following ways to reward frequent

to effectively guide them through the decision-


making process. 3. Suggest featured products We recommend FashLab to have a section for curated


1. Improve email customer service marketing We recommend FashLab send post-purchase, events, and reminder e-mails. If a customer has


just made their first purchase, this is a good time to follow up with a welcome email and some up-sell and cross-sell suggestions.

Reduce Abandoned Shopping Cart Rate 1. Expected Outcome 207,125

1. Before Cart Abandonment •


152,500 visitors who might

loyalty. The program should make it easy for visitors to determine the value of their points. 3. Send a retargeting advertisements Retargeting is a useful tactic for retaining customers.


before they buy an item. •

Allow customers to purchase products without signing in Customers may not have the time to create an

putting items in their online shopping carts, but never

visitors earn points is a great way to reward visitor


FashLab to show at least shipping price options

Shopping cart abandonment refers to customers

A point-based loyalty program where frequent


taxes are included in the total. We recommend

$136,562 per month

2. Create a point-based loyalty program


surprised by the price spike when shipping and

2. Sales Forecast

Image: J.Crew - email marketing


abandoned shopping cart is that they become

abandon their shopping carts

How to Measure

Show hidden prices up front

account. We recommend FashLab to give them

completing the purchase. According to Baymard

the option of making their purchase without

Institute in March 2014, 67.91% of online shopping

creating an account.

carts are abandoned. The average conversion rate for e-commerce is about 2.62% in Q2 2014, according to Monetate (15). For example, you might have about 305,000 visitors per month; among them, about 207,125 visitors might abandon their shopping carts. If FashLab is successful to reduce the abandoned shopping cart rate from 67.91% to 50% in the first year, you will earn $1,638,750.

A well-timed and well-executed offer can be enough to attract customers back to FashLab to purchase items they were looking at. Note: All approaches will be rediscussed after a contractual agreement between FashLab and f(x) Design Studio.

Image: Threadless - Checkout without signing in

Our Approaches We design and build FashLab’s website with effective approaches to reduce the number of abandoned carts so that the site leads to higher store revenue. FashLab can also take advantage of the “Abandoned Cart Alerts” extension in Magento CE to track abandoned carts and orders, enabling customers to recover their shopping carts with just one click.

Display security logos Customers are extremely cautious about payment security and want to feel safe when making online purchases. Setting a highly-secured checkout process and displaying security logos will allay their concerns.



Offer price guarantees and refunds By






customers can be confident that they’ve found the best deal and not have the need to compare prices with FashLab competitors. •

FashLab Success Scenario f(x) Design Studio is convinced of FashLab’s success in the e-commerce fashion business. With our unique approaches to the site, not only will FashLab achieve the goal of three million dollars in the first year, but also you can earn extra profits. The FashLab success scenario is as follows:

Speed up overall loading time

Unique Visitors (per month)

Conversion Rate

Completed Transaction

Average Purchase

Sales Forecast by Month

Sales Forecast by Year





$25 ~ $35

$200,000 ~$280,000

$2,400,000 ~$3,360,000

FashLab Studio Success Scenario




$25 ~ $35

$251,625 ~$352,275

$3,019,500 ~$4,227,300

Many customers do shopping online in a rush. Fewer steps and fast checkout process would enhance customers’ willing to complete their purchases. f(x) Design Studio will build FashLab with “Fooman Speedster” and “One Click Checkout” extensions in Magento CE to speedup overall loading time, and bring down processing time within a few minutes. 2. After Cart Abandonment •

Send abandoned cart emails We set up personalized emails that get sent to the shopper if they don’t complete their purchase.

Note: All approaches will be rediscussed after a contractual agreement between FashLab and f(x) Design Studio.



E-Commerce & Web Hosting One of the most important thing to powering an e-commerce site is to choose the right e-commerce platform that best matches the business’ needs, goals, and objectives. There are two major categories with e-commerce platforms: hosted and self-hosted. Hosted simply means that the company will host your store, while self-hosted means they will provide you with software, but you have to get your own web hosting. f(x) Design Studio has performed a thorough competitive analysis on both hosted and self-hosted e-commerce platforms with web hosting services. Among numerous platforms in the market, f(x) Design Studio narrowed them down to three platforms: BigCommerce, Shopify, and Magento Community Edition, and compared their pricing, functionality, user-experience,






FashLab’s needs and long-term potentiation. The following spreads will show f(x) Design Studio’s competitive analysis of these three platforms, as well as hosting service.



E-Commerce Platform Comparison FashLab

BigCommerce Next (Gold)

Shopify (Unlimited)

Magento (Community Edition)



Whole Product Search

Secure Shopping Cart

Social Media Integration

Automatic Taxes


Order Tracking

Add-on Apps / Extensions

Order History


Abandoned Cart Recovery


Built-In Marketing

Estimate FashLab Annual Cost

Payment Payment Gateways

Monthly License 60+



(including PayPal)

(including PayPal)

(including Paypal)

Visa/Master Cards 3rd Party Cards (AE, Discover)




with BlueHost Pro

Disk Space








Dedicated IP



BigCommerce Next (Gold)

Shopify (Unlimited)

Magento (Community Edition)




of $3,000,000 USD (100,000 Based on FashLab’s annual goal $3,000,000 USD 100,000 transaction) transactions, $30 USD per transaction




Estimated Average Credit Card Transaction Rate




Estimated Average 3rd Party Payment Gateway Transaction Rate







Estimated Average Monthly Payment Transaction Fee Monthly Add-on Functionality Fee Estimated Total Monthly Fee

$19.99 $9,980



Annual SSL Certificate





Annual Web Hosting Fee (BlueHost Pro)




General Features

Extension for Magento

24/7 Support

Annual Cost




Search Engine Optimization

1st year Cost




DNS Management Database SSL Certificate

Built-In Blog





$990 (Lifetime)

Free as extension

Mobile Commerce Analytics & Reports



Web Hosting Comparison iPage (Optimum)

Godaddy (Deluxe)

BlueHost (Business Pro)













Features Disk Space Website & Website space Bandwidth Easy Application Installer Site Statistics 24/7 Phone/Email Support MySQL Backup

DNS Management External Domains




Subdomains, Alias Domains




$0.00 (included)



Data Security SSH Access(Secure Shell) FTP over SSL(FTPS)

SSL Certificate /yr



$0.00 (included)

SiteLock Website Security /yr




Annual Total Price




Annual Price




4 34

f(x) Design Studio compared three popular hosting service in the market, iPage, f(x) Design Studio compared three popular hosting service in the market, iPage, Bluehost, and GoDaddy to work along with Magento CE. Since the three hosting Bluehost, and Godaddy to work along with Magento CE. Since the three hosting services have similar general features, such as unlimited website and website space, services have similar general features, such as unlimited website and website unlimited bandwidth, domain and database, providing 24/7 Phone/Email Support space, unlimited bandwidth, domain and database, providing 24/7 Phone/Email and easy Application Installer, f(x) Design Studio focused on the data security and Support and easy Application Installer, f(x) Design Studio was focusing on the annual price to determine the perfect candidate for FashLab. Because of BlueHost’s data security and annual price to value the candidates for FashLab. Because compact service package and reasonable price, f(x) Design Studio recommends BlueHost’s compact service packaging along with reasonable price, f(x) Design BlueHost as the web hosting service to work with Magento Community Edition. Studio recommends BlueHost as the web hosting service to work with Magento Community Edition.


Dedicated IP /yr

f(x) Design Studio recommends BlueHost as the Web Hosting Service to work with Magento CE


Shopify vs Magento Community Edition

f(x) Design Studio recommends FashLab to


Both Shopify and Magento meet FashLab’s needs.

Shopify can save FashLab a lot of trouble with its compact e-commerce solution. Its highlights are its simplicity and ease of use. Anyone, both familiar and unfamiliar with coding, can easily use it. It is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, so if FashLab has massive inventories, the management of these inventories may be cumbersome. If FashLab’s ultimate goal is to scale up into a large-sized business, Shopify may be too limited. More add-on apps means less functionalities, so why pay more for less features?

Magento Magento Community Edition is one of the most capable open-source software solution on the market, built with a more dynamic structure, helps in creating refined business mechanisms, and building dynamic wholesale, B2B and marketplace websites. Magento can be easily integrated with ERP and CRMs which helps in simplifying order management no matter what the number of products or categories are. Above all the potential Magento has, it comes

work with Magento Community Edition

Shopify is a safe card, easy to use and rich with relevant features, but comes with limitations. In contrast, Magento is capable of creating a complex and highly sophisticated online store that is fully customizable and flexible, allowing FashLab to expand when desired. f(x) Design Studio is a high-level web design studio, advanced in both visual design and web development. We can provide FashLab with a welldeveloped website with full functionalities that will fit all the needed criterias. Do consider that Magento Community is an open-source platform, so there will be no direct tech support available for FashLab. FashLab is more than welcome to take advantage of the abundant resources in Magento Forum. We recommend that FashLab hire 2-3 IT personnels to maintain and update data. The investment in these personnels may result in exceeding Shopify’s total annual cost. Because FashLab’s ultimate goal is to scale up into a large-sized business, we suggest Magento Community Edition.

with a high learning curve. As Magento’s code base is complex in structure, technical knowledge is needed to maintain the website.





also be imported and exported for batch updates

Gain further control by using Magento’s URL Rewrite

offline. Magento’s Core API allows for integration

tool to specify the exact structure of specific product

via web services with existing back-office systems

pages, and take control over the Meta information

to make the management of online channel even

using Magento’s intuitive administration interface.

more efficient.

Marketing Promotions and Tools Offering

Core Features

Magento’s flexible pricing rules enable the efficient creation of a variety of promotions to increase

Analytics and Reporting

conversion rates. Coupled with powerful tools such

Magento’s included reporting suite provides

as Up-Sells, Cross-Sells, and more to increase

visibility into the store performance to enable

Average Order Value, Magento’s suite of powerful

actionable changes in response to customers’

Marketing Tools provide the functionality and

needs, and out-of-the-box integrations with Google Analytics and Website Optimizer allow for further insight into store performance and the ability to run A/B and multivariate tests.

ease-of-use to increase your online sales.

Payment Magento is integrated with major out-of-the-box payment gateways, as well as alternative payment methods from PayPal, Amazon and Google. Customers also have the option to pay via check, money order, purchase order, or other payment extensions.

Mobile Commerce

Checkout Magento





process and the ability to integrate with a variety

Catalog Browsing Magento’s robust feature-set and flexible frontend templating allow for highly usable sites with 100% customizability. Features such as Layered Navigation, Product Comparison, and Review & Ratings allow

of payment gateways and alternative payment methods. Allow customers to ship items to multiple addresses, input gift messages and more, all in a secure checkout process.

customers to find the product that is right for them.

Search Engine Optimization

Catalog Management

Magento auto-generates SEF (search engine friendly)







options for the display of items, while products can

Enable M-Commerce with mobile-optimized version site to attract and convert customers on the go. Automatically detect mobile browsers and show the mobile-optimized version site and provide either the full site catalog or a smaller selection of products tailored for the mobile customers.

URL, even down to the links in the Layered Navigation, sitemaps for search engine submission as well as for display on site, and a popular search terms page.



Success Cases



Widgets & Extensions for Magento CE Product Designer Pro $799.00 USD (one time fee only)

Price Setting for Each Product Custom Option

A solution for online product design tool integrated

The price can change at every option, eg color, size,

with Magento CE. Allow users to customize products by transforming artwork, adding new text & using

material, product type, etc.

personal graphics or images. Applies to numerous products, including T-shirt/apparel, sign board, stamp, smartphone/tablet/laptop skin, bottle label, bags, and stickers/label. Free installation, all source files included, and available updates for life.

Features •

4 Views of product

Price setting for each product custom option

Artwork Libraries

Text Editor

Upload images or use artwork libraries

Upload Artwork

Text Editor




Facebook Connect & Like

Fooman Speedster




The Magento Blog extension helps in creating

Allow customers to log into store just using

Fooman Speedster combines, compresses and

relevant and valuable content to attract and engage

Facebook account. Fast, safe and reliable, only a few

caches multiple Javascript and CSS files into a single

target audience. Gives noteworthy opportunity

clicks instead of filling the forms, which increase the

one, reducing the total size of all files to be loaded



number of successful registrations. The Login button

for empty and primed caches. The number of HTTP

casual visitors. Blog can create an interactive two-

can be customized in the backend in order to suit

requests is also reduced. As a result, speeds up total

way communication platform to provide official

store design.

site loading time.





information on store news, upcoming products, promotions, and get customers’ feedback.



Our Methodology Our streamlined web design and development process has been developed over many years of working and gaining experience in the web design industry. We have put it to practice in a various range of projects, and it has proven to be an effective and efficient method. We believe following this process will help us efficiently manage our development of your website in a timely manner. This section introduces and describes f(x) Design Studio’s unique methodology via four phases: structure, design, develop, and finalize. You will find that each phase section includes a brief description, steps, and milestones; as well as an overview of each phase’s development length and cost. At the end of this section, you will find a schedule and financial summary of all phases.



Here is a brief overview of our process:

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4





Determine the right solutions

Create user interfaces

Implement front-end & back-end development

Verify the project and launch





Content Strategy

Final User Experience Brief

Refined User Interface Mockups

SEO Consulting

Information Architecture

Refined FashLab Branding Guide

Beta Site

Website Manual and Instructions

User Experience Brief

High-quality Images

Final Website Launch

User Interface Mockups

All Files Used for the Project



Phase 1 - Structure


Since f(x) Design Studio already analyzed FashLab’s

1. Assess and Outline Content

target audience, competitors, and current trends

We will determine how to deliver key messages and

within e-commerce industry through primary and

the types of content that support project objectives.

secondary research, we are able to move to Phase One as soon as we receive the FashLab contract. Once the FashLab contract is signed, we are going to hold a kickoff meeting to articulate how the project will be managed before starting Phase One. This phase is where we will start from assessing and planning for content that meets project goals and intended messaging. Based on the content analysis, we develop information architecture, refine key personas, scenarios and task flows, and create sitemaps and wireframes.

2. Develop Information Architecture We will identify and define functionality of FashLab.

3. Refine Key Personas, Scenarios and Task Flows We






FashLab’s primary personas in a specific situation of need, and then rethink key tasks they go through to accomplish their goals. The tasks define the essence of the project (goal, outcome, steps), and user flows contain all of the views users would see to accomplish the tasks.

4. Sitemap and Wireframe We will build a sitemap and computer-sketched wireframes of eleven main templates: Home, Shop, Create, Artist, Blog, Shopping Cart, Wish List, About, Contact, Login, Administration.








Number of Revisions

All milestones will be delivered at the end of a specific

FashLab is able to ask f(x) Design Studio to refine

step. Once a milestone is approved, we will move to

milestones up to three times.

the next step or phase.

1. Content Strategy and Information Architecture Report

This document provides schematics that structure the design and development of FashLab. It includes

Note: Once you sign off with your final approval, no more refinement will be done. f(x) Design Studio will reserve the rights to charge extra for any changes requested after approval.

the following: •

Summary of Stakeholder Interviews, User Interviews, and Surveys

Summary of User Personas and User Scenarios

1 Information Architecture

Delivery Time: At the end of Step Two Format for Delivery: PDF format

2. User Experience Brief This document is to provide FashLab a sitemap, refined user task flow diagrams and wireframes. •

1 Sitemap

3 Sets of User Task Flow Diagrams (11 pages each)

3 Sets of Wireframes (11 pages each)

*3 sets - smartphone, tablet, desktop *11 pages - Home, Shop, Create, Artist, Blog, Shopping Cart, Wish List, About, Contact, Login, Administration

Delivery Time: At the end of Step Four Format for Delivery: PDF format

Total Weeks

3 weeks Fees

$28,800 Expenses


$28,800 45


Phase 2 - Design


Once all milestones for Phase One are approved, we

1. Conduct the 1st-Round Usability Testing

will start to build visual elements of FashLab. Our first

10 participants who represent the intended user

round of user testing will be conducted in this phase.

communities will conduct the 1st-round usability

After the first-round usability testing, we will refine

testing. Low-fidelity paper prototypes will be used.

the sitemap to ensure all the key pages in the site, showing their relationship to each other and defining how the sites overall menu navigation should be structured. In addition, we will update wireframes to provide a detailed view of the content that will appear on each page. Once the sitemap and wireframes define, we will start creating visual styles and refine FashLab’s current branding.

Note: We will conduct usability testing with TryMyUi that provides online usability testing services. TryMyUi will send us a video screencap including mouse clicks and keyboard input, real-time audio captured from the user’s microphone, and written comments. Our user experience strategist will review and analyze all deliverables from this company.

2. Refine Sitemap and Wireframes After conducting the user testing, we will refine the organization of content and interactive behavior of the website at the page level. Detailed content strategy and information architecture including user scenarios, user tasks, user task flows, sitemap and wireframes are developed.

3. Refine Creative Ideas and Set Up Style Guides

Once we finalize step two, we will analyze what FashLab wants for visual styles and ask FashLab to identify the site they like. Various visual exploration work (typeface, color palette, moodboards, concept sketches, etc) will be created to set up style guides for the site.

4. Create Branding 1





Based on our style guides, we will create FashLab’s branding in order to make it fit into an e-commerce


site. In addition, we are going to hire a professional photographer to achieve a consistent aesthetic throughout FashLab site. We will provide FashLab with 20 high-quality images for the launch during the kickoff so that they can update a slideshow every week during one month.

5. Create User Interface Mockups We will bring together information architecture, style guides and refined current branding into mockups that closely mimic the final website.

2. Refined FashLab Branding Guide Delivery Time: At the end of Step Four Format for Delivery: PDF format

3. 20 High-quality Images for the Site Delivery Time: At the end of Step Four Format for Delivery: JPG format

4. 3 Sets of User Interface Mockups (11 pages each)

*3 sets - smartphone, tablet, desktop *11 pages - Home, Shop, Create, Artist, Blog, Shopping Cart, Wish List, About, Contact, Login, Administration


Delivery Time: At the end of Step Five

All milestones will be delivered at the end of a specific

Format for Delivery: PDF format

step. Once a milestone is approved, we will move to the next step or phase.

1. Final User Experience Brief This document finalizes user experience research, sitemap and wireframes. All contents are refinements. This document includes the following: Summary of User Personas and User Scenarios •

1 Information Architecture

1 Sitemap

3 Sets of User Task Flow Diagrams (11 pages each)

3 Sets of Wireframes (11 pages each)

*3 sets - smartphone, tablet, desktop *11 pages - Home, Shop, Create, Artist, Blog, Shopping Cart, Wish

Number of Revisions FashLab is able to ask f(x) Design Studio to refine milestones up to three times. Note: Once you sign off with your final approval, no more refinement will be done. f(x) Design Studio will

Total Weeks

reserve the rights to charge extra for any changes

4 Weeks

requested after approval.


$36,000 Expenses


List, About, Contact, Login, Administration

Delivery Time: At the end of Step Two Format for Delivery: PDF format


$41,220 47


Phase 3 - Development


Phase Three is where FashLab site is coded. After the

1. Conduct the 2nd-Round Usability Testing

2nd-round usability testing, we are going to refine the

10 participants who represent the intended user

user interface mock-ups, and then start customizing

communities will conduct the 2nd-round usability

the e-commerce platform and widgets, and coding


pages. In addition, we will set up the database for

prototypes will be used.

user accounts, products, and customer reviews. We will carefully design the administration pages so that FashLab’s staff can easily manage the database.





Note: We will conduct usability testing with TryMyUi that provides online usability testing services. TryMyUi will send us a video screencap including mouse clicks and keyboard input, real-time audio captured from the user’s microphone, and written comments. Our user experience strategist will review and analyze all deliverables from this company.

2. Refine User Interface Mockups Based on the 2nd-round user testing, we will refine user interface mockups.

3. Create the Production Plan We will define development environments, outline how features and interactions will be completed, and consider technical and creative details.

4. Implement Front-End Development with Style Themes

We will develop front-end templates that create the fully-developed end product, using style themes that are the intersection of content, design and user experience.







5. Outline the Development Plan We will define technical explanations of how each requirement from the requirements definition will be implemented in the software and databases that FashLab needs.

6. Implement Back-End Development We will build back-end, databases and administration pages to manage databases.

Number of Revisions FashLab is able to ask f(x) Design Studio to refine milestones up to three times. Note: Once you sign off with your final approval, no more refinement will be done. f(x) Design Studio will reserve the rights to charge extra for any changes requested after approval.

7. Integrate Front-End Development with Back-End Development

We will complete a beta site.

Milestone All milestones will be delivered at the end of a specific step. Once a milestone is approved, we will move to the next step or phase.

1. Refined User Interface Mockups Delivery Time: At the end of Step Two Format for Delivery: PDF format

Total Weeks

2. A Fully Working Beta Site Uploaded to

7 Weeks

Delivery Time: At the end of Step Seven


Format for Delivery: The link to the beta site


the Server



$69,220 49


Phase 4 - Finalize


Phase Four is where the website is completed and

1. Conduct the 3rd-Round Usability Testing

is launched to the public. We will review all content

10 participants who represent the intended user

that will be published in the final website and conduct

communities will conduct the 3rd-round usability

many rounds of Quality Assurance (QA) testing to

testing. The beta site will be used.

find bugs and confirm site security. In addition, we will provide Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consulting so that FashLab gets the architecture, technology, source code, and the words correct. Though we don’t provide a long-term maintenance service to FashLab, we will train FashLab’s staff and provide them with an instructional website manual so that they will understand all the features and functions of the FashLab website.

After launch,

f(x) Design Studio will discuss about FashLab’s short-term maintenance plan.

Note: We will conduct usability testing with TryMyUi that provides online usability testing services. TryMyUi will send us a video screencap including mouse clicks and keyboard input, real-time audio captured from the user’s microphone, and written comments. Our user experience strategist will review and analyze all deliverables from this company.

2. Update and Check All Content We will make sure to update and check all content that are in place when the final website goes public at launch time.

3. Debug Through many rounds of QA testing, we will review codes and fine-tune the site to achieve the highest quality website possible.

4. Confirm Site Security We will check and review site security issues.

5. Optimize for Search Engine We will provide FashLab a unique approach to Search Engine Optimization to uncover hidden opportunities at the consumer level. 1






6. Prepare the Announcement Plan

1. Website Manual and Instructions

f(x) Design Studio will work together with FashLab to

Delivery Time: At the end of Step Eight

prepare the announcement plan.

Format for Delivery: PDF format

7. Develop the Maintenance Plan

2. SEO Consulting

We will develop the overall website manual and

Delivery Time: At the end of Step Five

instructions specific to the project.

Format for Delivery: PDF file

8. Train Key Staff Members

3. All Files Used for the Project

In advance of the launch date, we will develop a

Delivery Time: At the end of Step Nine

training plan for FashLab’s key staff and train them.

Format for Delivery: 1 DVD

9. Launch the Final Website

4. A Fully Working Final Website Uploaded

Once the final website is approved after checking

to the Server

bugs and security issues, FashLab is ready to launch

Delivery Time: At the end of Step Nine

the site to the public.

Format for Delivery: The link to the final website

10. Post-Launch Meeting We will review the project from a post-launch perspective in order to give f(x) Design Studio and

Number of Revisions

FashLab the chance to assess how the project

FashLab is able to ask f(x) Design Studio to refine

unfolded. In addition, FashLab can discuss about

milestones up to three times.

short-term support of the site with our team.

11. Short-Term Support

Note: Once you sign off with your final approval, no more refinement will be done. f(x) Design Studio will

Short-term support for any technical issues that

reserve the rights to charge extra for any changes

come up during the first thirty days after the launch is

requested after approval.

Total Weeks

8 Weeks Fees

provided at no extra charge.




All milestones will be delivered at the end of a specific step. Once a milestone is approved, we will move to the next step or phase.


$69,620 51


Schedule f(x) Design Studio carefully crafts a detailed success plan for the FashLab website. The Gantt Chart is used to keep track of project phases and steps. It will show


Steps 1. Assess and Outline Content

3 days

2. Develop Information Architecture

3 days

3. Refine Key Personas, Scenarios, Tasks and Task Flows

5 days

4. Sitemap and Wireframe

4 days

the amount of work done and milestones in certain

Phase 1 Total Duration

process. This Gantt Chart is an effective and efficient way to hlep manage this project by visually displaying


periods of time in relation to the amount planned for f(x) Design Studio’s design and development

our order of process. The work flow will occur only in the sequence shown. If any phase is delayed, it will

as scheduled.


both FashLab and f(x) Design Studio’s responsibility

2 days

2. Refine sitemap and wireframes

2 days

3. Refine Creative Ideas and Set Up Style Guides

3 days

4. Create Branding

3 days

5. Create User Interface Mockups

10 days



Phase Duration


2 days

2. Refine User Interface Mockups

4 days

3. Create the Production Plan

2 days

4. Implement Front-End Development with Style Themes

8 days

5. Outline the Development Plan

2 days

6. Implement Back-End Development

15 days

7. Integrate Front-End Development with Back-End Development

8 days

Wk 3

7 Weeks

1. Conduct the 3rd-Round User Testing

2 days

2. Update and Check All Content

3 days

3. Debug

12 days

4. Confirm Site Security

5 days

5. Optimize for Search Engine

3 days

6. Prepare Announcement Plan

3 days

7. Develop Maintenance Plan

5 days

8. Train Key Staff Members

3 days

9. Launch the Final Website

3 days

10. Post Launch Meeting

1 day

11. Short-Term Support

30 days Phase 4 Total Duration

Wk 2

4 Weeks

1. Conduct the 2nd-Round User Testing

Phase 3 Total Duration

Wk 1

3 Weeks

1. Conduct the 1st-Round User Testing

Phase 2 Total Duration

affect the schedule for the rest of the project. It is to follow this process in order to complete the project


8 Weeks + 30 days short-term support

Wk 4

Wk 5


Wk 6

Wk 7

Wk 8

Wk 9

Wk 10

Wk 11

Wk 12

Wk 13

Wk 14

Wk 15

Wk 16

Wk 17

Wk 18

Wk 19

Wk 20

Wk 21

Wk 22

Wk 23

Wk 24

Wk 25

Wk 26



Billing Plan f(x) Design Studio closely analyzed the business needs of FashLab, and concluded with the billing

Phase Recap Fees



Phase 1: Structure




f(x) Design Studio requires a 10% advanced deposit

Phase 2: Design




of $20,886 after the contract between FashLab and

Phase 3: Development




Phase 4: Finalize









Progress Billing at the end of Phase 1



platform, product-customization widget, and hosting

Progress Billing at the end of Phase 2



service will not be covered in the contract. FashLab

Progress Billing at the end of Phase 3



is responsible to acquire the e-commerce platform,

Progress Billing at the end of Phase 4



plan as follows.

f(x) Design Studio is signed, and before Phase 1. The remaining balance of $46,993.50 will be paid after the approval of the last milestone of each phases, which is 22.50% of total budget.



Fees for three rounds of user testing, high-quality photography for a slideshow on the homepage, shortterm support for dealing with any technical issues

Billing Plan

that come up during the first thirty days after the

Advanced Deposit

launch, and training fees have been included in the contract. Understand that fees for the e-commerce

product-customization widget, and hosting service before the start of the project.





Basic Terms & Conditions

to Client by Designer as described and otherwise further defined in

Payments will be credited first to late payment charges and next to

the Proposal.

the unpaid balance. Client shall be responsible for all collection or


1.11 Third Party Materials means proprietary third party materials

As used herein and throughout this Agreement:

which are incorporated into the Final Deliverables, including without

1.1 Agreement means the entire content of this Basic Terms and

limitation stock photography or illustration.

Conditions document, the Proposal document(s), Schedule A, together with any other Supplements designated below, together with any exhibits, schedules or attachments hereto. 1.2 Client Content means all materials, information, photography, writings and other creative content provided by Client for use in the preparation of and/or incorporation in the Deliverables.

1.12 Trademarks means trade names, words, symbols, designs, logos or other devices or designs used in the Final Deliverables to designate the origin or source of the goods or services of Client. 1.13 Working Files means all underlying work product and digital files

and enforceable under U.S. Copyright Law. 1.4 Deliverables means the services and work product specified in the Proposal to be delivered by Designer to Client, in the form and media specified in the Proposal. 1.5 Designer Tools means all design tools developed and/or utilized

other than the format comprising the Final Deliverables.

Web authoring tools, type fonts, and application tools, together with any other software, or other inventions whether or not patentable, and general non-copyrightable concepts such as website design, architecture, layout, navigational and functional elements. 1.6 Final Works means all creative content developed by Designer, or commissioned by Designer, exclusively for the Project and incorporated in the Final Deliverables, including, but not limited to, any and all visual elements, graphic design, illustration, photography, animation, motion design, audio-visual works, sounds, typographic treatments and text, modifications to Client Content, and Designer’s selection, arrangement and coordination of such elements together with Client Content and/or Third Party Materials. 1.7 Final Deliverables means the final versions of Deliverables

of any current work if accounts are not current or overdue invoices are not paid in full. All grants of any license to use or transfer of ownership of any intellectual property rights under this Agreement are conditioned upon receipt of payment in full which shall be inclusive of any and all outstanding Additional Costs, Taxes, Expenses, and Fees, Charges, or the costs of Changes.


4.1 General Changes. Unless otherwise provided in the Proposal, and


The terms of the Proposal shall be effective for 30 days after presentation to Client. In the event this Agreement is not executed by Client within the time identified, the Proposal, together with any related terms and conditions and deliverables, may be subject to amendment, change or substitution.

by Designer in performing the Services, including without limitation pre-existing and newly developed software including source code,

reserves the right to withhold delivery and any transfer of ownership

utilized by Designer to create the Preliminary Works and Final Works

1.3 Copyrights means the property rights in original works of authorship, expressed in a tangible medium of expression, as defined

legal fees necessitated by lateness or default in payment. Designer


3.1 Fees. In consideration of the Services to be performed by Designer, Client shall pay to Designer fees in the amounts and according to the payment schedule set forth in the Proposal, and all

except as otherwise provided for herein, Client shall pay additional charges for changes requested by Client which are outside the scope of the Services on a time and materials basis, at Designer’s standard hourly rate of $100 per hour. Such charges shall be in addition to all other amounts payable under the Proposal, despite any maximum budget, contract price or final price identified therein. Designer may extend or modify any delivery schedule or deadlines in the Proposal and Deliverables as may be required by such Changes. 4.2 Substantive Changes. If Client requests or instructs Changes thatamount to a revision in or near excess of fifty percent (50%) of the time required to produce the Deliverables, and or the value or

applicable sales, use or value added taxes, payment schedule.

scope of the Services, Designer shall be entitled to submit a new and

3.2 Expenses. Client shall pay Designer’s expenses incurred in

on the revised services until a fully signed revised Proposal and, if

connection with this Agreement as follows: (a) incidental and out-ofpocket expenses including but not limited to costs for telephone calls, postage, shipping, overnight courier, service bureaus, typesetting, blueprints, models, presentation materials, photocopies, computer expenses, parking fees and tolls, and taxis at cost plus Designer’s standard markup of twenty percent (20%), and, if applicable, a mileage reimbursement at .50 cent per mile; and (b) travel expenses including transportation, meals, and lodging, incurred by Designer

separate Proposal to Client for written approval. Work shall not begin required, any additional retainer fees are received by Designer. 4.3 Timing. Designer will prioritize performance of the Services as may be necessary or as identified in the Proposal, and will undertake commercially reasonable efforts to perform the Services within the time(s) identified in the Proposal. Client agrees to review Deliverables within the time identified for such reviews and to promptly either, (i) approve the Deliverables in writing or (ii) provide written comments

provided by Designer and accepted by Client.

with Client’s prior approval.

and/or corrections sufficient to identify the Client’s concerns,

1.8 Preliminary Works means all creative content including, but not

3.3 Additional Costs. The Project pricing includes Designer’s fee

to request written clarification of any concern, objection or correction.

limited to, concepts, sketches, visual presentations, or other alternate or preliminary designs and documents developed by Designer and which may or may not be shown and or delivered to Client for consideration but do not form part of the Final Works. 1.9 Project means the scope and purpose of the Client’s identified usage of the work product as described in the Proposal. 1.10 Services means all services and the work product to be provided


only.Any and all outside costs including, but not limited to, equipment rental, photographer’s costs and fees, photography and/ or artwork licenses, prototype production costs, talent fees, music licenses and online access or hosting fees, will be billed to Client unless specifically otherwise provided for in the Proposal. 3.4 Invoices. All invoices are payable within fifteen (15) days of receipt. A monthly service charge of 1.5 percent (or the greatest amount allowed by state law) is payable on all overdue balances.

objections or corrections to Designer. The Designer shall be entitled Client acknowledges and agrees that Designer’s ability to meet any and all schedules is entirely dependent upon Client’s prompt performance of its obligations to provide materials and written approvals and/or instructions pursuant to the Proposal and that any delays in Client’s performance or Changes in the Services or Deliverables requested by Client may delay delivery of the Deliverables. Any such delay caused by Client shall not constitute a breach of any term, condition or Designer’s obligations under this Agreement.


4.4 Testing and Acceptance. Designer will exercise commercially


reasonable efforts to test Deliverables requiring testing and to make all necessary corrections prior to providing Deliverables to Client. Client, within five (5) business days of receipt of each Deliverable, shall notify Designer, in writing, of any failure of such Deliverable to comply with the specifications set forth in the Proposal, or of any other objections, corrections, changes or amendments Client wishes made to such Deliverable. Any such written notice shall be sufficient to identify with clarity any objection, correction or change or amendment, and Designer will undertake to make the same in a commercially timely manner. Any and all objections, corrections, changes or amendments shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the absence of such notice from Client, the Deliverable shall be deemed accepted.

of fees paid to said person if engaged by Client as an independent


Each party acknowledges that in connection with this Agreement it may receive certain confidential or proprietary technical and business information and materials of the other party, including without limitation Preliminary Works (“Confidential Information”). Each party, its agents and employees shall hold and maintain in strict confidence all Confidential Information, shall not disclose Confidential Information to any third party, and shall not use any Confidential Information except as may be necessary to perform its obligations under the Proposal except as may be required by a court or governmental authority. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include any information that is in the public domain or becomes publicly known through no fault of the


Client acknowledges that it shall be responsible for performing the

receiving party, or is otherwise properly received from a third party without an obligation of confidentiality.

following in a reasonable and timely manner: (a) coordination of any decision-making with parties other than the Designer; (b) provision of Client Content in a form suitable for reproduction or incorporation into the Deliverables without further preparation, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Proposal; (c) final proofreading and in the event that Client has approved Deliverables but errors, such as, by way of example, not limitation, typographic errors or misspellings, remain in the finished product, Client shall incur the cost of correcting such errors ; and (d) ensuring that all information and claims comprising Client Content are accurate, legal and conform to applicable standards in Client’s industry.


percent of said person’s starting salary with Client, or (b) 25 percent


8.1 Independent Contractor. Designer is an independent contractor, not an employee of Client or any company affiliated with Client. Designer shall provide the Services under the general direction of Client, but Designer shall determine, in Designer’s sole discretion, the manner and means by which the Services are accomplished. This Agreement does not create a partnership or joint venture and neither party is authorized to act as agent or bind the other party except as expressly stated in this Agreement. All rights, if any, granted to Client are contractual in nature and are wholly defined by the express written agreement of the parties and the various terms and conditions of this Agreement. 8.2 Designer Agents. Designer shall be permitted to engage and/or use third party designers or other service providers as independent

contractor. In the event of (a) above, payment of the commission will be due within 30 days of the employment starting date. In the event of (b) above, payment will be due at the end of any month during which the independent contractor performed services for Client. Designer, in the event of nonpayment and in connection with this section, shall be entitled to seek all remedies under law and equity. 8.4 No Exclusivity. The parties expressly acknowledge that this Agreement does not create an exclusive relationship between the parties. Client is free to engage others to perform services of the same or similar nature to those provided by Designer, and Designer shall be entitled to offer and provide design services to others, solicit other clients and otherwise advertise the services offered by Designer.


9.1 By Client. Client represents, warrants and covenants to Designer that (a) Client owns all right, title, and interest in, or otherwise has full right and authority to permit the use of the Client Content, (b) to the best of Client’s knowledge, the Client Content is accurate, legal, conforms to ethical standards of the Client’s industry, does not infringe the rights of any third party, and use of the Client Content as well as any Trademarks in connection with the Project does not and will not violate the rights of any third parties, (c) Client shall comply with the terms and conditions of any licensing agreements which govern the use of Third Party Materials, and (d) Client shall comply with all laws and regulations as they relate to the Services and Deliverables. 9.2 By Designer (a) Designer hereby represents, warrants and covenants to Client that Designer will provide the Services identified in the Agreement in a professional and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all

All displays or publications of the Deliverables shall bear accreditation

contractors in connection with the Services (“Design Agents”).

and/or copyright notice in Designer’s name in the form, size and

Notwithstanding, Designer shall remain fully responsible for such

location as incorporated by Designer in the Deliverables, or as

Design Agents’ compliance with the various terms and conditions of

(b) Designer further represents, warrants and covenants to Client

otherwise directed by Designer. Designer retains the right to

this Agreement.

that (i) except for Third Party Materials and Client Content, the

reproduce, publish and display the Deliverables in Designer’s portfolios and websites, and in galleries, design periodicals and other media or exhibits for the purposes of recognition of creative excellence or professional advancement, and to be credited with authorship of the Deliverables in connection with such uses. Either party, subject to the other’s reasonable approval, may describe its role in relation to the Project and, if applicable, the services provided to the other party on its website and in other promotional materials, and, if not expressly objected to, include a link to the other party’s

8.3 No Solicitation. During the term of this Agreement, and for a period of six (6) months after expiration or termination of this Agreement, Client agrees not to solicit, recruit, engage or otherwise employ or retain, on a full-time, part-time, consulting, work-for-hire or any other kind of basis, any Designer, employee or Design Agent of Designer, whether or not said person has been assigned to perform tasks under this Agreement. In the event such employment, consultation or work-for-hire event occurs, Client agrees that Designer shall be entitled to an agency commission to be the greater of, either (a) 25

reasonable professional standards for such services.

Final Deliverables shall be the original work of Designer and/or its independent contractors, (ii) in the event that the Final Deliverables include the work of independent contractors commissioned for the Project by Designer, Designer shall have secure agreements from such contractors granting all necessary rights, title, and interest in and to the Final Deliverables sufficient for Designer to grant the intellectual property rights provided in this Agreement, and (iii) to the best of Designer’s knowledge, the Final Works provided by Designer and Designer’s subcontractors does not infringe the rights of any



party, and use of same in connection with the Project will not violate

any settlement agreement without the indemnified party’s written

the rights of any third parties. In the event Client or third parties


modify or otherwise use the Deliverables outside of the scope or for any purpose not identified in the Proposal or this Agreement or contrary to the terms and conditions noted herein, all representations and warranties of Designer shall be void.

party shall return or, at the disclosing party’s request, destroy the

Designer are sold “as is.” In all circumstances, the maximum liability

Confidential Information of the other party, and (b) other than as

of Designer, its directors, officers, employees, design agents and

provided herein, all rights and obligations of each party under this

affiliates (“designer parties”), to Client for damages for any and all

Agreement, exclusive of the Services, shall survive.

causes whatsoever, and Client’s maximum remedy, regardless of

this Agreement, Designer makes no warranties whatsoever. Designer

the form of action, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, shall be

explicitly disclaims any other warranties of any kind, either express or

limited to the net profit of Designer. In no event shall Designer be

implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or

liable for any lost data or content, lost profits, business interruption

fitness for a particular purpose or compliance with laws or government

or for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or

rules or regulations applicable to the Project.

punitive damages arising out of or relating to the materials or the services provided by Designer, even if Designer has been advised of

10.1 By Client. Client agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless Designer from any and all damages, liabilities, costs, losses or expenses arising out of any claim, demand, or action by a third party arising out of any breach of Client’s responsibilities or obligations, representations or warranties under this Agreement. Under such circumstances Designer shall promptly notify Client in writing of any

the possibility of such damages, and notwithstanding the failure of

mutual agreement of the parties, or for cause if any party:

under this section. Client will reimburse the reasonable out-of-pocket

assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or

finding of fact which is inconsistent with Designer’s representations and warranties made herein, except in the event any such claims, damages, liabilities, costs, losses or expenses arise directly as a result of gross negligence or misconduct of Client provided that (a) Client promptly notifies Designer in writing of the claim; (b) Designer shall have sole control of the defense and all related settlement negotiations; and (c) Client shall provide Designer with the assistance, information and authority necessary to perform Designer’s obligations under this section. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Designer shall have no obligation to defend or otherwise indemnify Client for any claim or adverse finding of fact arising out of or due to Client Content,

continuing waiver or as a waiver of any other breach.

writing either by facsimile or electronic mail with return confirmation of receipt or by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, and shall be sent to the addresses identified below, unless notification of change of address is given in writing. Notice shall be effective upon receipt or in the case of fax or email, upon confirmation of receipt (by automated confirmation or substantive reply by the recipient). 12.3 No Assignment. Neither party may assign, whether in writing or orally, or encumber its rights or obligations under this Agreement

this Agreement, which breach is not remedied within ten (10) days

or permit the same to be transferred, assigned or encumbered by

from receipt of written notice of such breach.

operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the

11.3 In the event of termination, Designer shall be compensated for the Services performed through the date of termination in the amount of (a) any advance payment, (b) a prorated portion of the fees due, or

other party except that this Agreement may be transferred or sold as part of a transfer or sale of the assigning party’s entire business or portion thereof relating to the Project.

(c) hourly fees for work performed by Designer or Designer’s agents

12.4 Force Majeure. Designer shall not be deemed in breach of

as of the date of termination, whichever is greater; and Client shall pay

this Agreement if Designer is unable to complete the Services or

all Expenses, fees, out of pockets together with any Additional Costs

any portion thereof by reason of fire, earthquake, flood, hurricane or

incurred through and up to, the date of cancellation. In the event of

other severe weather, labor dispute, act of war, terrorism, riot or other

termination for convenience by Client, Client shall pay in addition to

severe civil disturbance, death, illness or incapacity of Designer or

the above an early termination fee equal to 25% of the total project

any local, state, federal, national or international law, governmental

fee, Schedule A shall not be effective, and Client shall not have rights

order or regulation or any other event beyond Designer’s control

to use Deliverables except upon written consent from Designer

(collectively, “Force Majeure Event”). Upon occurrence of any Force

provided after such termination.

Majeure Event, Designer shall give notice to Client of its inability to

11.4 In the event of termination for convenience by Designer or for

update or maintain any Deliverables provided by Designer.

cause by Client, and upon full payment of compensation as provided


construed as a waiver of such rights nor shall a waiver by either party

(b) breaches any of its material responsibilities or obligations under

any unauthorized content, improper or illegal use, or the failure to 10.3 Limitation of liability. The indemnifying party may not enter into

of extreme time sensitivity. Failure by either party to enforce any right

12.2 Notices. All notices to be given hereunder shall be transmitted in


(a) becomes insolvent, files a petition in bankruptcy, makes an

all damages, liabilities, costs, losses or expenses arising out of any

expenses or costs that Client authorizes by electronic mail in cases

and shall remain effective until the Services are completed and

11.1 Term. This Agreement shall commence upon the Effective Date

information and authority necessary to perform Client’s obligations

agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless Client from any and

except that Designer’s invoices may include, and Client shall pay,

of default in one or more instances be construed as constituting a

at any time by either party effective immediately upon notice, or the

representations and warranties provided in this Agreement, Designer

theparties. Any modification of this Agreement must be in writing,


settlement negotiations; and

10.2 By Designer. Subject to the terms, conditions, express

12.1 Modification/Waiver. This Agreement may be modified by

or seek to remedy any breach under this Agreement shall not be

11.2 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated for convenience

expenses incurred by Designer in providing such assistance.


essential purpose of any limited remedy.

claim or suit; (a) Client has sole control of the defense and all related

(b) Designer provides Client with commercially reasonable assistance,

11.5 Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement: (a) each

10.4 Limitation of Liability. The services and the work product of

(c) Except for the express representations and warranties stated in


provided to, and accepted by Client as of the date of termination.

perform or of delay in completing the Services and shall propose revisions to the schedule for completion of the Services.

herein, Designer grants to Client such right and title as provided for

12.5 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution. The formation,

in Schedule A of this Agreement with respect to those Deliverables

construction, performance and enforcement of this Agreement shall


be in accordance with the laws of the United States and the state of

shall inform Client of all Third Party Materials to be procured by

California without regard to its conflict of law provisions or the conflict

____ ____ Supplement 2:

Designer that Client may need to license at Client’s own expense, and

of law provisions of any other jurisdiction. In the event of a dispute

unless otherwise arranged by Client, Designer shall obtain a license

Interactive-specific Terms and Conditions

arising out of this Agreement, the parties agree to attempt to resolve

for Client to use the Third Party Materials consistent with the usage

any dispute by negotiation between the parties. If they are unable

By their execution below, the parties hereto have agreed to all of the

rights granted herein. Client shall indemnify, save and hold harmless

to resolve the dispute, either party may commence mediation and/

terms and conditions of this Agreement effective as of the last date

Designer from any and all damages, liabilities, costs, losses or

or binding arbitration through the American Arbitration Association,

of signature below, and each signatory represents that it has the full

expenses arising out of any claim, demand, or action by a third party

or other forum mutually agreed to by the parties. The prevailing

authority to enter into this Agreement and to bind her/his respective

arising out of Client’s failure to obtain copyright, trademark, publicity,

party in any dispute resolved by binding arbitration or litigation

party to all of the terms and conditions herein.

privacy, defamation or other releases or permissions with respect to

shall be entitled to recover its attorneys’ fees and costs. In all other circumstances, the parties specifically consent to the local, state and federal courts located in the state of California. The parties hereby waive any jurisdictional or venue defenses available to them and further consent to service of process by mail. Client acknowledges that Designer will have no adequate remedy at law in the event Client uses the deliverables in any way not permitted hereunder, and hereby agrees that Designer shall be entitled to equitable relief by way of temporary and permanent injunction, and such other and further relief at law or equity as any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction may deem just and proper, in addition to any and all other remedies provided for herein. 12.6 Severability. Whenever possible, each provision of this

materials included in the Final Works at Client’s request.

Schedule A: Intellectual Property Provisions


Assignment of Rights

rights and Copyrights, in and to all Preliminary Works and Working


IP 2.2 Original Artwork. Designer retains property ownership in any

assigns to Client all of Designer’s Copyrights in and to the Final Works, including Trademarks, and Designer shall deliver to Client all with Client and shall execute any additional documents reasonably

is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement

requested by Client to evidence such assignment, and Client shall

shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect and the invalid or

reimburse Designer for Designer’s reasonable time and out-of-pocket

unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid or enforceable

expenses in connection therewith. IP 1.2 Trademarks. Client shall have sole responsibility for ensuring that Trademarks do not infringe the rights of third parties, and

are solely for convenience and reference only and shall not affect

Client shall indemnify, save and hold harmless Designer from any

the scope, meaning, intent or interpretation of the provisions of this

and all damages, liabilities, costs, losses or expenses arising out

Agreement nor shall such headings otherwise be given any legal

of any claim, demand, or action by a third party alleging trademark


infringement, or arising out of Client’s failure to obtain trademark

original artwork comprising Final Works, including all rights to display or sell such artwork. Client shall return all original artwork to Designer within thirty (30) days of completion of the Services. IP 2.3 Designer Tools. Designer Tools and all intellectual property rights therein, including Copyrights, shall be owned solely by Designer. Designer hereby grants to Client a nonexclusive, nontransferable (other than the right to sublicense such uses to Client’s publisher, web hosting or Internet service providers), perpetual, worldwide license to use the Designer Tools solely with the Final Deliverables for the Project. Client may not directly or indirectly, in any form or manner, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise disassemble or modify any Designer Tools comprising software or technology.

clearance or permissions, for use of Trademarks.

of the parties hereto on the subject matter herein contained, and

IP 1.3 Client Content. Client Content, including pre-existing

supersedes and merges all prior and contemporaneous agreements,

Trademarks, shall remain the sole property of Client or its respective

understandings and discussions between the parties relating to the

suppliers, and Client or its suppliers shall be the sole owner of all

subject matter of this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between

trademark, trade secrets, patents, Copyrights, and other rights

the Proposal and any other Agreement documents, the terms of the

in connection therewith. Client hereby grants to Designer a

Proposal shall control. Any other ambiguities shall be resolved with

nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use, reproduce, modify,

the most reasonable and legally valid construction, without regard to

display and publish the Client Content solely in connection with

authorship of such provisions. This Agreement comprises this Basic

Designer’s performance of the Services and promotional uses of the

Terms and Conditions document, the Proposal, Schedule A, and the

Deliverables as authorized in this Agreement.

following documents as indicated by the parties’ initials:

and Working Files in Client’s possession within thirty (30) days of completion of the Services.

and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement

12.8 Integration. This Agreement comprises the entire understanding

Files, and Client shall return to Designer all Preliminary Works

conditioned upon full payment of all fees and costs due, Designer

Working Files related to the Final Works. Designer shall cooperate

12.7 Headings. The numbering and captions of the various sections

proprietary rights, including property ownership, intellectual property

IP 1.1 Final Works. Upon completion of the Services, and expressly

Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective


IP 2.1 Preliminary Works/Working Files. Designer retains all

IP 1.4 Third Party Materials. Intellectual property rights in Third Party Materials shall be owned by the respective third parties. Designer

Supplement 2: InteractiveSpecific Terms & Conditions I 1. SUPPORT SERVICES

I 1.1 Warranty Period. “Support Services” means commercially reasonable technical support and assistance to maintain and update the Deliverables, including correcting any errors or Deficiencies, but shall not include the development of enhancements to the Project or other services outside the scope of the Proposal. During the first 1 months following expiration of this Agreement (“Warranty Period”), if



any, Designer shall provide up to 36 hours of Support Services at no

any third party, and use of same in connection with the Project will not

additional cost to Client. Additional time shall be billed at Designer’s

knowingly violate the rights of any third parties except to the extent

regular hourly rate, then in effect upon the date of the request for

that such violations are caused by Client Content, or the modification

additional support.

of, or use of the Deliverables in combination with materials or

I 1.2 Maintenance Period. Upon expiration of the Warranty Period and at Client’s option, Designer will provide Support Services for the following 1 months (the “Maintenance Period”) for a monthly fee of $8800 [or Designer’s hourly fees of $100 per hour]. The parties may extend the Maintenance Period beyond one year upon mutual written agreement.

equipment outside the scope of the applicable specifications, by Client or third parties.


Designer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that all Final Deliverables shall be designed to comply with relevant rules and regulations known to Designer; however, Client, upon acceptance of the Deliverables, shall be solely responsible for conformance with all


During the Maintenance Period, Client may request that Designer develop enhancements to the Deliverables, and Designer shall exercise commercially reasonable efforts to prioritize Designer’s

rules, regulations, and laws relating to Client’s use thereof, including without limitation, relating to the transfer of software and technology, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act.

resources to create such enhancements. The parties understand that preexisting obligations to third parties existing on the date of the request for enhancements may delay the immediate execution of any such requested enhancements. Such enhancements shall be provided on a time and materials basis at Designer’s then-in-effect price for such services.


I 3.1 Deficiencies. Subject to the representations and warranties of Client in connection with Client Content, Designer represents and warrants that the Final Deliverables will be free from Deficiencies. For the purposes of this Agreement, “Deficiency” shall mean a failure to comply with the specifications set forth in the Proposal in any material respect, but shall not include any problems caused by Client Content, modifications, alterations or changes made to Final Deliverables by Client or any third party after delivery by Designer, or the interaction of Final Deliverables with third party applications such as web browsers other than those specified in the Proposal. The parties acknowledge that Client’s sole remedy and Designer’s sole liability for a breach of this Section is the obligation of Designer to correct any Deficiency



180 New Montgomery St.

180 New Montgomery St., Fifth Floor

San Francisco, CA 94115

San Francisco, CA 94105

Signed: _______________________

Signed: _________________________

Date: _________________________

Date: ___________________________

f(x) Design Studio


identified within the Warranty Period. In the event that a Deficiency is caused by Third Party Materials provided or specified by Designer, Designers sole obligation shall be to substitute alternative Third Party Materials. I 3.2 Designer Tools. Subject to the representations and warranties of the Client in connection with the materials supplied by Client, Designer represents and warrants that, to the best of Designer’s knowledge, the Designer Tools do not knowingly infringe the rights of



About F(X) Who We Are “We turn our clients’ imaginations into reality!”

What We Do Creative We create meaningful new ideas for our clients. We understand the importance of creatively delivering

f(x) Design Studio is a digital user experience design and technology agency specialized in branding, web/mobile application, and e-commerce based in San Francisco, CA. The design team’s name, ‘f(x)’, is inspired by a function formula from mathematics, which defines the relationship between the input and the output. The ‘x’ stands for our clients’ needs. The design team carefully analyzes our clients’ individual needs to come up with an effective solution based on those needs.

your message to the world. Depending on the level of creativity you desire and the size of your project, we offers a variety of options for the design of your website.

Interactive We






collaborative processes between clients and our team. Our experienced ux strategist, creative designers,





specialist work together to define and develop a custom and creative design. Our best design solution reveals your company’s personality and facilitates your marketing objectives.

Analytic We do logical reasoning based on user experience research. We go way beyond traditional web analytics, providing detailed insight across all of your website. Based on many years of experience in web design and development, we suggest a highly optimized design solution that delivers more revenue and greater Return On Investment.



Our Team

Yunji Ha

Chessey Kong

Joe Rong

[ Producer ]

[ User Experience Strategist ]

[ Visual Designer ]

Yunji is a producer of f(x) Design Studio. She has

Chessey has a working experience in Google since

been putting into motion everything from design

2006 and recently joined our team as user experience

and development, to meeting and working with a

strategist. She always walk miles in users’ shoes.

diverse array of intelligent and motivated clients, to

She shapes unique, online experiences without

developing creative strategies for web processes.

sacrificing user need, technology capabilities, and

Yunji manages every aspect of the project definition

business objectives. She creates user experience

and delivery. She is not only the primary contact for

documentation that include sitemap, wireframes,

clients but also the “go-to” person in the team. She

and user flows. She is also responsible for usability

determines actual needs of a project and educates

testing, user research and persona development.

clients on requirement to meet goal and budget.

She tests and redesigns a project for usability issues

He has been working with great design companies such as AKQA and Meta Design for more than 6 years. Joe is responsible for brainstorming concepts, developing original designs, executing visuals based on established design direction, putting together design specifications for production and pitching in on any design-related tasks. He is a visual design expert to have a solid understanding of designing with grids and design for user interface and navigation.

in all phases.



[ Front-end Developer ] Naif is a recent transplant to San Francisco, joining f(x) Design Studio as a front-end developer. He loves Javascript, CSS and “Interwebs� in general. He supports our team in bringing complex user interface to life through a compelling display, paramount quality with any device or browser. He has both aesthetic sensitivity and programmatic rigor in building the client-side of a web development. He converts all mock-ups, designs, and wireframes into HTML pages and validates page code and works closely with the back-end developer.


Chi Zhang

Kai Hsu

Naif Tamaihi

[ Back-end Developer ]

[ Content Specialist ]

Kai has spent the better part of a decade solving

Chi is responsible for creating and acquiring

problems with technology in a variety of locations.

content for website, email newsletters and other

She has been working on the web since 2008, and

online communication media. She also outlines

been focusing on back-end development. She has

and evaluates all contents for a project, in order to

a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a

provides strategic guidance to ensure that content

concentration in database and search optimization.

is clear, concise, and focuses on business and user



goals. She informs the user experience architecture,

environments, web development languages and

design and site development. She also creates a long-

frameworks, web database options and network

term plan for content maintenance and development.







technology. She analyzes a project and provides technical specifications that will support website’s framework.


Our Portfolio Trail’s End Ranch Radio Show

(www.ranchradio.com) Responsive Website for Concert Promotion

Walking in SF

(www.walkinginsf.com) Responsive Website for Travel Agency



Client: Trail’s End Ranch Band

Client: SF Travel

Date: Nov, 2014

Date: Sep, 2014

Category: Entertainment Trail’s End Ranch Radio Show

Category: Travel, Business



La Creperie Cafe



(www.lacreperie.com) Responsive Website for Restaurant

(www.adriatic.com) Responsive Website for Restaurant



Client: La Creperie Group

Client: Adriatic Cafe

Date: Jun, 2014

Date: Jun, 2014

Category: Restaurant, Business

Category: Restaurant, Business


References Baymard Institute. “28 Cart Abandonment Rate Statistics” Baymard Institute. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://baymard.com/lists/ cart-abandonment-rate>.

Stillwagon, Amanda. “Did You Know: A 5% Increase in Retention Increases Profits by Up to 95%” Small Business Trends. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://smallbiztrends.com/2014/09/increase-in-customer-retentionincreases-profits.html>. TrueSocialMetrics: www.truesocialmetrics.com

Čandrlić, Goran. “How Website Speed Affects Conversion Rates” GlobalDots. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://www.globaldots.com/ how-website-speed-affects-conversion-rates/>. Correll, Jon. “How Does Your Bounce Rate Match Up to Others in Your Industry?” ConversionVodoo. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://www.conversionvoodoo.com/blog/2013/04/ how-does-your-bounce-rate-match-up-to-others-in-your-industry/>. Hathaway, Sandy. “86% of Online Shoppers Order Once and Never Again” RetentionGrid. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://blog.retentiongrid.com/ the-customer-retention-problem/>. Lupec, Loana. “Optimization Ideas for Fashion E-commerce Industry to Inspire You” Marketizator. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://www.marketizator. com/blog/fashion-ecommerce-industry.html>. Macdonald, Mark. “Which Social Media Platforms Drive the Most Sales?” Shopify. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://www.shopify.com/ blog/12731545-which-social-media-platforms-drive-the-most-salesinfographic>. Monetate. Ecommerce Quarterly EQ2 2014: M-Commerce Today: Opportunity & Challenge. Monetate, 2014. 29 Nov. 2014 <https:// drive.google.com/file/d/0B1QfLk3Bra6-blpoeG56bXBSeE0/view>. “Most Popular Online Shopping Categories of Internet Users in the United States as of June 2014, by Gender” Statista. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://www.statista.com/statistics/311406/ us-online-shopping-categories-gender/> Prickett, Kirby. “Who is Shopping Online and on Mobile in the US? The Answers might Surprise You” Prospress. 29 Nov. 2014 <http:// prospress.com/who-is-shopping-online-and-mobile/>. Smith, Cooper. “The E-commerce Demographics Report: Men are Actually More Likely to Shop on Mobile than Women” Business Insider. 29 Nov. 2014 <http://www.businessinsider.com/ the-surprising-demographics-of-who-shops-on-mobile-2014-8>.




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