Activity Description
KG3 Jungle Club
This CCA is exclusively limited to students from KG3. Students will take part in a range of activities throughout the week delivered by our exceptional Early Years staff, including Arts and Crafts, Dance and Drama, Construction, Mulitsports, Ball Skills and much more.

KG4 Jungle Club
This CCA is exclusively limited to students from KG4. Students will take part in a range of activities throughout the week delivered by our exceptional Early Years staff, including Arts and Crafts, Dance and Drama, Zumba, Mulitsports, Ball Skills and much more.
Infants /Grade 1 Safari Club
Safari Club is the CCA provision offered to Infants and Grade 1 children. Safari Club is delivered by our passionate Early Years practitioners as well as our subject-specialist teachers. Children can take part in sessions that are tailored to their passions and interests. Safari Club offerings include Cooking, Construction, Puzzles and Games, Multisports, Ball Skills, Dance and Drama, Arts and Crafts, Yoga and more.
Infants, Grade 1
Gymnastics (Paid CCA)
This CCA will be run by Ms Chloe Byrne, a Gymnastics Ireland qualified instructor. She has a carefully constructed beginners’ program for primary students that includes an introduction to skills/areas such as balance, coordination, teamwork, performance, flexibility, strength, key gymnastics shapes, jumping, landing, falling, and getting children comfortable with turning upside down.
Infants & Grade 1
Cooking (Paid CCA)
This is a chance for our younger students to develop their cooking, fine motor and recipe skills. Students will be making different dishes each week. Please note that recipes from Term 1 and 2 will be repeated in Term 3. If your child has already signed up for Cooking CCA, they should choose an alternative option this term to avoid repetition of content.
Infants & Grade 1
Fencing (Paid CCA)
This CCA will introduce students to the fundamental skills and movements of Fencing. The coach will be Mrs Olga Velma who has won numerous titles in her native Estonia and is currently coaching with Fencing Ireland and Pembroke Fencing Club.
Infants & Grade 1
Taekwondo (Paid CCA)
This CCA will introduce students to TKD and will teach them all the basic skills. This CCA will be led by Mr Chris McCabe, a world champion and highly decorated coach here in Co. Dublin and Co. Wicklow. Infants & Grade 1
STEAM Academy
STEAM Academy provides Robotics’ extracurricular after school activities. During our classes, children learn in pairs how to create functional robots from scratch and learn how to program, using LEGO Education kits and iPad tablets. We combine steam subjects with playful experience using LEGO robots and students absolutely love it. Every lesson is different and challenging so children are constantly learning, experimenting and growing together with the help of amazing teachers and a purposeful curriculum.
Infants & Grade 1
Junior Einsteins (Paid CCA)
Tennis (Paid CCA)
This STEM related paid CCA is very hands-on, and students get to make and take home something most days including their own SLIME, FOSSILS, MODEL GLIDERS, RAINBOW GLASSES and MORE! Infants & Grade 1
Infants & Grade 1
This CCA will be led by Mr Ciaran Crowe, a qualified Tennis Ireland coach. PHE kit is required.
Activity Description
Taekwondo (Paid CCA) This CCA will introduce students to TKD and will teach them all the basic skills. This CCA will be led by Mr Chris McCabe, a world champion and highly decorated coach here in Co. Dublin and Co. Wicklow.
Junior Einsteins (Paid CCA) This STEM related paid CCA is very hands-on, and students get to make and take home something most days including their own SLIME, FOSSILS, MODEL GLIDERS, RAINBOW GLASSES and MORE!
Farm to Fork Club (Paid CCA) This CCA club is for young gardeners and young chefs. We will engage in different outdoor and indoor activities that will include sowing, planting, weeding, watering, harvesting and cooking different herbs & vegetables. We will learn about where our food comes from and we will learn to make our own butter, bread, omelettes, salads, muesli bars and biscuits using local Irish produce.
Animation Club
Children will learn basic animation techniques, including how to create animations using Scratch and how to animate still photos using Stop Motion.
G2-3 Soccer Open to all students. This is a great chance to learn the fundamentals of the game in a noncompetitive environment. Students must have football boots/shin pads and long white socks to play.
Arts and Crafts
Primary Origami
The Arts and Crafts Club will focus on fun, creativity, exploring new materials and new techniques.
This club is for primary students to discover the ancient art of origami. Students will make an arrange of origami pieces throughout the term.
Lego Challenge Club Come to Lego Challenge, where you'll get to play and practice your LEGO skills! In this CCA, you’ll get to practice your creativity and problem-solving skills, as well as making new friends and connections while having fun along the way!
Minecraft Learn while playing with Minecraft education edition.
Fencing (Paid CCA)
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Grade 2, 3
Grade 2, 3
Dance and Drama Club
This CCA will introduce students to the fundamental skills and movements of Fencing. The coach will be Mrs Olga Velma who has won numerous titles in her native Estonia and is currently coaching with Fencing Ireland and Pembroke Fencing Club.
This CCA will be led by our Diploma students in conjunction with Ms Collette Fardella, one of our early years teachers. Engage your children in an active performing arts and theatre club, children will have fun with many activities and prompts to allow them to let their creativity out and learn how to collaborate and shine with the help and support of their fellow schoolmates.
Fine Motor Skills Development of fine motor skills and bilateral coordination using fun craft activities and games, including Lego challenges, origami, playdough, and handwriting instruction.
Grade 2, 3
Grade 2, 3
Grade 2, 3
Grade 2, 3
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5
Activity Description
Gymnastics (Paid CCA) This CCA will be run by Ms Chloe Byrne, a Gymnastics Ireland qualified instructor. She has a carefully constructed beginners’ program for primary students that includes an introduction to skills/areas such as balance, coordination, teamwork, performance, flexibility, strength, key gymnastics shapes, jumping, landing, falling, and getting children comfortable with turning upside down. Please note there is a charge for this CCA. You will receive an email regarding payment once successfully registered. This CCA will run depending on student numbers.
G2-5 Morning Basketball
Book Club
Open to all students. This is a great chance to learn the fundamentals of the game in a noncompetitive environment.
Students will be reading set books or those of their own choosing. They will also practice illustrations for the books they read as well as exploring chapter books.
Green Schools
If you are part of the Green School Committee, you must take this CCA. This is where you will plan your actions, act to improve the school and reflect on how to have the best impact.
Student Voice
STEAM Academy (Paid CCA) STEAM Academy provides Robotics’ extracurricular after school activities for children in G2-7. During our classes, children learn in pairs how to create functional robots from scratch and learn how to program, using LEGO Education kits and iPad tablets. We combine steam subjects with playful experience using LEGO robots and students absolutely love it. Every lesson is different and challenging so children are constantly learning, experimenting and growing together with the help of amazing teachers and a purposeful curriculum.
Italian for Beginners (Paid CCA) A fun filled approach to a new language that includes a lot of group activities through songs, theatre, poetry, board games, recipes etc.
French Mother Tongue Support (Paid CCA)
This club is for students who speak French at home. This club provides opportunities for children to communicate in French. We do not follow a specific language curriculum. Students will engage in games & activities to expand their vocabulary, read and write stories while consolidating their spelling and understanding of grammar. Students are supported to develop their literacy skills in French while exploring their cultural heritage.
Spanish Mother Tongue Support (Paid CCA)
This club is for students who speak Spanish at home. This club provides opportunities for children to communicate in Spanish. We do not follow a specific language curriculum. Students will engage in games & activities to expand their vocabulary, read and write stories while consolidating their spelling and understanding of grammar. Students are supported to develop their literacy skills in Spanish while exploring their cultural heritage.
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Activity Description
Tennis (Paid CCA)
This CCA focuses on acquiring the basic skills of tennis. The session is coached by Tennis Ireland qualified coach Mr Ciaran Crowe. Students will learn about different grips and how to play offensive and defensive shots. PHE kit and water bottle required for this activity.
Grade 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
U11 Boys and Girls Soccer
This team will participate in the Nord Anglia Global Games European competition in Prague. Note: This team has already been selected. PHE kit, football boots, shin pads, long white socks and water bottle required.
U19 Boys Basketball Training Students must have astro trainers/football boots, shin pads, long white socks and their PHE kit to participate. Jacket and water bottle recommended also.
U11 Boys Basketball
This team will participate in the Nord Anglia Global Games European competition in Prague. Note: This team has already been selected. Students must have their PHE kit and water bottle to participate.
Grade 4, 5
Grade 4, 5
Grade 4, 5
U11 Girls Basketball Training
This team will participate in the Nord Anglia Global Games European competition in Prague. Note: this team has already been picked. Students must have their PHE kit and water bottle to participate.
G4-7 Volleyball Morning Training Students must have their PHE kit and water bottle to participate. Open to all abilities.
Volleyball Morning Training
Volleyball for those seeking to represent the school next season. Students must have their PHE kit and water bottle to participate.
Intermediate Irish Irish language class for students who have conversational Irish and want to continue to improve their Irish.
Music Club Students will have the opportunity to play music with others, develop their musical skills and explore various genres, styles and techniques. Whether you are interested in honing your musical abilities, making new friends, or simply having fun, Music Club provides a supportive and enjoyable environment to do so
Beginners Irish Irish lessons for students who have never studied the language before or those who only did it in primary school before coming to Nord Anglia.
Grade 4, 5
Grade 4, 5, 6, 7
Grade 4, 5, 6, 7
Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11
Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Intermediate Irish Irish language class for students who have conversational Irish and want to continue to improve their Irish. Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
School Newsletter Students will work together on creating the school Newsletter, which will be based on whole school events and student work.
Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Activity Description
Multicultural Cooking
Are you passionate about food and exploring new cuisines? Then why not join the multicultural cooking CCA, where we will share recipes and cook international dishes? No prior skills or experience is required! This is organised with DP students Katie Lu, Stormi Fredericks and Mona Champion as part of their Community Action Service project. Money raised will go to charity after expenses are taken for ingredients.
Grade 6, 7
Morning Soccer
Origami Club
Open to all students. This is a great chance to practice the fundamentals of the game in a noncompetitive environment. Students must have football boots, long socks and shin pads.
Not only great fun, it is also a wonderful opportunity for creativity and to improve social and communication skills. No experience or preparation required.
Baking (Paid CCA) Want to improve your cooking skills? If the answer is yes, this is the CCA for you. You will learn how to make different recipes, both sweet and savoury, and besides being able to try them during the CCA you will also be able to take the recipe home to share it with your family.
This CCA will seek to develop your cardiovascular endurance, strength, power, flexibility, and agility with an emphasis on safety. PHE kit, water bottle and towel required.
Grade 6, 7
Grade 6, 7, 8
Grade 6, 7, 8
Creation of objects both for artistic display and general use. Ceramics is a hands-on activity working with clay to create beautiful pieces that can be put to use in the home or on display for aesthetical purposes. Clay as a material has been studied as a material that can promote wellbeing and help expression through physical means.
Grade 6, 7, 8
Study Hall
Performing Arts Musical Production
A space to get your homework done, complete some research, read a book or a quiet study area. Note, students cannot just turn up to Study Hall, they must be registered to attend from the beginning of term.
Continue to be a part of our school production. Note that this CCA runs until 5.30pm but will finish from 4.30pm once the performance is completed in May. Students will need to make their own way home as a bus will not be available at this time.
Debating Join the Debating Club if you enjoy debating or would like to learn how to debate correctly and effectively. After learning the rules of formal debates, we will focus on organising debates based on topical and interesting issues.
Dungeons and Dragons Dungeons and Dragons is a tabletop game where players roleplay as characters aiming to complete a quest.
Art Catch Up
Students can use this time to catch up on art pieces they are working on in class as well as use the art room to create artwork of their choice.
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Activity Description
UNICEF Child's Rights Club
The UNICEF Child Rights Schools programme is a ‘whole school approach’ to Child Rights Education that embeds respect for rights throughout the school on an everyday basis. An important part of this approach is supporting children to become active participants in learning and in school decision-making. This club will build on the work we have done so far to make everyone aware of Child’s Rights at NAIS and provide a space for students to develop Child’s Rights projects as we work towards the gold award.
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
School Council CCA
This CCA is restricted to only those elected to the School Council.
NAISD The Creator
NAISD The Creator is the place to discover and spoil your talent. We aim to provide a platform for students to explore their imagination and creativity through different kinds of fun & meaningful projects relating to creative productions. Students interested in all kinds of areas and subjects can find a place to participate in the activities, and to proudly create products both collaboratively and individually. All the minds, from scientific to artistic, from introverted to extroverted, are welcomed to play their own roles in NAISD, the Creator!
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Star Wars RPG
Role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe. Fantastic resource for improving interpersonal skills and storytelling/creative expression. Ideal for kids who like D&D but have more of an interest in Sci-Fi
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Chess Club
NAIS Dublin chess club is a club formed for students who enjoy chess. We welcome all players from novices to grandmasters. Chess club will provide for both informal and (hopefully) competitive tournament games.
Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Robotics - Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Paid CCAs)
Build robots based on the NASA moon rover and build/race Radio Controlled models. NOTE: Yearly fee. Students will need to enrol for the full year i.e., they will need to have participated in this CCA in Term 1 also.
Girls Soccer Soccer for those seeking to represent the school next season. Students must have astro trainers/football boots, shin pads, long white socks and their PHE kit to participate. Students must attend both sessions.
Boys Volleyball (Morning Training) Volleyball for those seeking to represent the school next season. Students must have their PHE kit and water bottle to participate.
Girls Basketball Training Basketball for those seeking to represent the school next season. Students must have their PHE kit and water bottle to participate.
Girls Volleyball (Morning Training) Students must have their PHE kit and water bottle to participate.
Grade 7, 8, 9, 10
Grade 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 8, 9, 10, 11
Grade 8, 9, 10, 11
Boys Basketball Training Open to all looking to join competitive school teams next year. PHE kit and water bottle required. Grade 8, 9, 10, 11
Activity Description
Boys Soccer Morning Students must have astro trainers/football boots, shin pads, long white socks and their PHE kit to participate. Students must attend both sessions.
Grade 8, 9, 10, 11
Leaving Certificate Irish Irish language class for students who plan to sit the Irish Leaving Cert exam in 2023/2024. Grade 9, 10, 11
Individual Fitness Session
Students must prepare their own fitness session to attend this CCA. They will have access to bikes, treadmills, rowers, kettlebells, free weights, barbells, and a pull up station/bench.
Grade 10, 11
Maths Support
BMAT/UCAT/SAT Preparation
Preparation and guidance for DP maths classes, very useful for students moving into DP next year too.
Students who plan to attempt these difficult university entrance examinations can learn about the content that they need to master and the type of questions which will be asked. Lots of practice will be provided
Grade 10, 11
Grade 10, 11
Nord Anglia International School Dublin
South County Business Park

Leopardstown, Dublin 18
D18 T672 Ireland
+353 1 544 2323