4 minute read
Isaac Sheehan
Is Editing an Improvement or Restriction in Photography?
Global Context - Personal and Cultural Expression
Goal - To create a compilation of my photographs before and after editing in order to decide whether editing photographs makes them more beautiful, inspiring and expressive, or takes away from the authenticity in their feel.

As photography has evolved from black and white to colour, from physical to digital, and most importantly from a darkroom to Lightroom, more and more possibilities have opened up for the photographer. Through the course of my project, I wanted to explore the newest great opportunity in the field of photography: editing, and discover whether it cruelly disregards the history and culture of the art form, or adds another layer of beauty, personality, and expression.
Clandestine Cottage
In this example, the colours have only slightly been modified, the trees livened up a bit, and the porch of the house made a little more dramatic, but it is clear, at least to my taste, that the resulting image is far more beautiful than the initial one. As for the authenticity, I believe depth has been added; another layer for the viewer to appreciate without removing authenticity. My intention in this photograph was to express the mystery of the future, and what it is to me. The foreground is bright and colourful: how the present can be, but the further down the road you go , the darker and more mysterious the picture gets. This symbolises the uncertainty I was feeling about the future at the time I worked on this photograph. Modern world: 1 point, tradition: 0

Dizzy Daisy
In this, a second example, the image is constructed much more simply, allowing for more creativity in the editing process. I completely modified the colour of the sky, and got the flowers almost to pop out of the image, not to mention chopping off the sides, but in my mind, the photograph has been given a new layer of emotion, mystery, and character, to be appreciated both by the artist and the audience. It is as if a subtle fantasy world has been created, the sort of one you never really know you are in, until you return to our same-old, drab reality. It is in this fantasy world that I wished to be at the time I created this photograph. It was a way form me to express exactly what was going in my mind. Another point for the future, I think.

Silly Sunset
Don’t worry, I’ll give you a second. Yes, this one is much more sacrilegious than the previous examples, as if it was created in a Volkswagen bus parked in a field around 1966. On the surface, this may be seen as an exception to the growing trend of added beauty due to editing, but really, this image still has a deeper meaning. Yes, it may be considered a bit extravagant, but anyone will admit is has a very clear vibe to it. This “photograph” does something that would have been unimaginable when photography was first invented, unless you had immediate access to a leaf blower and an industrial tree shredder before the ink dried. However, coming back to the feeling of the picture, one has to admit it is striking, as if a gaping hole has opened up in the artist’s imagination, and multicoloured paint is flowing out. The happiness I was feeling when I took this picture has been reflected in the editing process, although I did take some liberties with the kaleidoscope-looking mess of colours.
So, ummm, 3-0?

I have come to the conclusion that editing photographs not only adds to the beauty and depth of the photograph, but also offers a way, beyond the taking of the image, for the photographer to express themselves. Adding mood, colour variation, and even distortion at times, can greatly influence the feel of the photograph, and offer a window into the mind and thought process of the artist. In my mind, photo editing is its own art form of its own, and, as with other mediums, has its own challenges, constraints, and opportunities for expression. This is what makes it truly stand out: its unique opportunities for expression and change, but its place among painting, sculpture, and music as an art form in and of itself.
If you wish to give your own opinion about the outcome of this project, please provide your feedback here.