NAKUL SHARMA - Service Design - Thesis Project - UXUI - Medical Emergency Rescue Service

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Emergency Rescue (ER) Service



Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021 Product Design


Nakul Neeraj Sharma


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


Medical Emergency Rescue Service

This is a thesis project for the completion of Capstone project at Anant National University. Designed and Written By Nakul Neeraj Sharma

Academic Mentor Mr. Bhaskar Bhatt, Anant National University, Ahmedabad

Masters of Integrated Product Design (MIPD) Batch of 2019

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Certificate It is certified that the work contained in the thesis titled [Emergency Medical Rescue - Service], by [Nakul Neeraj Sharma] has been carried out under my supervision and that this work has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree.

Bhaskar Bhatt

Program Director Product Design (PD, MIPD)

Master’s In Integrated Product Design Anant National University

Graduation Project 2021


Disclaimer No part of this document will be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, xerography, and videography recording without written permission from the publisher, Nakul Neeraj Sharma and Anant National University.

Edited and designed by - Nakul Neeraj Sharma

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professors and mentors for supporting me throughout my graduate study. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Rattan Gangadhar, Prof. Bhaskar Bhatt, and Prof. Puneet Chikara for their enthusiasm, patience, insightful comments, helpful information, and practical advice that have helped me tremendously at all times in my research and writing of this thesis. Their immense knowledge, profound experience, and professional expertise in the domain have enabled me to complete this research successfully. Without their support and guidance, this project would not have been possible.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design Product Design


Nakul Neeraj Sharma

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


Abstract The emergency rescue system in India has been trying to improve the process of rescuing people for a long time now. We envision everything faster nowadays and rely on many services for the best results. The meteoric growth also comes with catastrophic situations especially when we are facing a pandemic. The rescue system in India is still fragmented and most people don’t know what numbers to call in an emergency, especially in small towns. Although there are ambulance services available but are of no worth when it comes to accessibility, time, and approachability. Poor services and traffic play a big role in making it more inefficient. Though in many big cities the AMB systems and services are working efficiently, there is a lot of scope to improve it by making it more faster.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


01 About The Project

03 19


India’s Response


How India tackle emergencies Classification of emergencies in India


02 Emergency


How has India suffered ?

Qualitative - Field Research

Current statistics of emergency in India

Understanding Human Behaviour in an emergency

Case studies

How the emergency Line of action works

Graduation Project 2021



05 Insights

07 68

Design Process

Interventions & Opportunities

User Journey

Value Proposition & Business Model Canvas

User Flow


Color & Typography Wireframes

06 Detailed Design Brief Systematic flow

Final User Interface User Testing


Results Conclusion

Why a service & App? Stakeholders UX Canvas

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021 Product Design


Nakul Neeraj Sharma



SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

CodeRED Graduation Project 2021






SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

“When you have an emergency, there is the urge to do whatever it takes to see people get assistance.” Meles Zenawi

Graduation Project 2021


Context Designing a system that would enable faster and efficient emergency rescue, at the same time motivating people to act as volunteers and good samaritans for someone stuck in a medical emergency. We have seen the medical crises in the covid 19 pandemic, which made the rescue structure more fragmented, especially in small cities, rural areas, and some urban areas. This project aims at collaborating different systems and bridging the gap of time and accessibility during an emergency and providing alternatives to the unavailability factor. Most of the people don’t have emergency numbers with them or they don’t know the line of action during the rush hour. The unawareness of existing systems and action plans makes it more difficult to think and act smarter. The scope of this project focuses on how we can act quickly as possible during an emergency, making the results visible and providing the relevant flow of information for faster mobility during a medical emergency.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Preamble This project comes out from my real-life catastrophic experience, when it took 3 hours for the hospital to arrange an ALS ambulance for my father, while he was in the process of transfer to an advanced hospital in another city. The main concern was the availability and access to ambulances and drivers, and a clear path way for the ambulance to move faster. Currently, there are many challenges and formalities to sign for ambulance allotment. It gets difficult for hospitals to manage fewer ambulances and search for the availability of drivers. This leads to illegitimate charges for a basic and advanced ambulance. Most people don’t know what and how to call for help in an emergency. Through this project I aim to initiate a service that bridges the current gaps in the emergency rescue system, rescuing lives and introducing a flexible system for the users to request and be there for help.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design Product Design


Nakul Neeraj Sharma

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Graduation Project 2021


What is Emergency Rescue? The term emergency rescue is the act of removing someone from danger. Hazardous circumstances and high risk to life can be defined as an emergency. There can be different kinds of emergency and hazardous situations which can cause life threats to people. In reaction to that the term emergency rescue (ER) which comes under ER medicine can have different ways to rescue life. Trained people in first aid who can act in the bounds of good knowledge in emergency rescue, perform the rescuing acts within less time and with proper medical support. Emergency rescue covers all kinds of catastrophic acts including medical rescue for example; accidents, injuries, stroke, burns, and other kinds of illness which are time-bound to save a life.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


Medical Emergency The sudden occuerance of a medical condition showing critical symptoms which can result in the following if not provided urgent medical care. - - -

Placing the patient’s health in grieve danger. Disfiguring of a body function. Dysfunctioning of any body organ or part.

A medical emergency can be defined as an acute injury or illness that poses an immediate risk to a person’s life or long-term health, also referred to as a situation risking “life or limb”.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Field Research

Graduation Project 2021


I started my primary research with a small rural area near Agra city, where they have easy access to private cabs but not ambulances and medical support. People of Sikandarpur have only seen ambulances in cities. The number of medical patients is 60 out of 100 and incidents like accidents, epilepsy, stroke, and heart-related problems keep on happening. Majority of the people don’t know what numbers to dial and what action plan to follow, they always go seeking help from neighbors and people who are employed as drivers.

In some areas, there is no clinical support at all which makes it difficult to understand the medical condition of people. In cities, there are good facilities but are time-consuming. People in cities are also unaware of the action plan in an emergency. The major problem with cities is the higher occupancy rate which makes it difficult for people to call for help, leading to busy helpline numbers and long waiting hours.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Human Behaviour in emergency Qualitative Based on field research from a village and telephonic interviews with people from other cities. I got an understanding of human behavior and the line of action which is commonly followed.

There are many ways in which we react to certain situations, most of the time we are ignorant to some and attentive to the beneficial ones, but during a crisis or an emergency, we tend to use a logical way to respond instead of having an optimistic and practical approach. We as humans, try to avoid the facts if they are not in our favor and rather use ways that are not legitimate and already proven as bad examples in the past to avoid dealing with the truth. Most of the time we are in such a panic condition that we forget important aspects and follow a completely different line of action. At the time of emergency, there are a greater number of doubts and questions than answers, particularly at the start.

Graduation Project 2021


State of mind in an emergency Psychological barriers can interfere in the response and cooperation at the time of crisis.

Uncertain Mind Fear and Anxity Hopelssness and Helplessness Socitey Conciousness Being Hyperactive Saphocation

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Behaviour In Distress

FAMILY member

Graduation Project 2021

Based on a real event this infographics shows the behavior of a family member who tried saving his brother’s life during an epilepsy attack. He was not knowing what to do and whom to call at that time and he tried getting help from neighbors.


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Graduation Project 2021

The epileptic patient in an interview described his behavior chain while he was experiencing that condition. According to him, he was having mixed emotions having fear, pain, anxiety, tension, and too much thinking about what could go wrong at the same time.


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021 Product Design


Nakul Neeraj Sharma


How the emergency Line of action works ? The term line of action indicates what should be our actions or what we followed. In an emergency, our mind thinks fast under chaotic circumstances. To deal with so many actions which are to be done in few minutes, the individual who is rescuing and the patient follow an instant line of actions. These actions are really quick and are linked with small activities, depending on the main actions. For example; if someone has already managed the life support vehicle, he/she can manage other important things related to the patient’s condition. In the meanwhile, a person can be with the patient, give him attention, or can pack up necessary things likes medications, prescriptions and can make other important arrangements.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Lets understand the line of actions by behaviour.

FAMILY member

This infographic represents what line of action 7 out of 10 people followed during an emergency, people who faced different medical emergencies like epilepsy, stroke, and accidents. In COVID scenario first response was to send an alert using the phone and calling numbers for instant help.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Initially, the patient tries to bring stability by self-medication or actions leading to make him better for a while and thinks of another action plan. Leading towards the worst a patient can only make people aware of what is going to happen and the current state of his medical condition.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

India’s Response

Graduation Project 2021


How INDIA responds to medical emergencies? India, being the world’s second-most populous nation with more than 1.3 billion people, never stops trying to come up with less time-consuming solutions. It gets difficult to manage all the resources at the same time, but the potential to overcome the danger with existing resources is still there. We have seen rescue operations in situations like floods, earthquakes, and the second wave of the pandemic. The rescue system worked well but to a certain extent. Following a standard rescue protocol, we managed to save many lives, but our reach and coverage were limited. There was a point where it was difficult to book an ambulance for covid patients. In other emergencies like accidents, stroke, and burn, the rescue takes 30 - 40 minutes in 70% of cases.

It is considered a quick rescue operation when a patient receives basic care from trained professionals and is transported to the nearest healthcare facility within 15-20 minutes of an emergency, this increases the chance of survival. Over the years many advancements have been made to create systems that can provide medical assistance to patients during an emergency. However, emergency medical services (EMS) vary drastically from a developed to a developing state in India. The development in the healthcare sector over the past decade contributed to providing an infrastructure but not the services. India is yet to create a single, comprehensive EMS that can be accessed throughout.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

The current rescue system map Qualitative

Understanding a basic emergency medical system which is practiced commonly in most emergency cases, especially in cities with high populations and rural areas.

Graduation Project 2021


Call to ERS


Reaching t



the scene

Rescue Service)


Activity in control - Response by ER


On the ay


Back to

to hospital

to hospital


External activities - Time dependency

management / Hospital

Dispatching time

Travel time to location

On scene time

Travel time to hospital

Travel back to base

Response time

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Problem Identification

Based on real-time experience and data, the current process of ambulance management has developed the following gaps. Let’s understand how.

Call to ERS


Reaching t



the scene

Rescue Service)



Activity in control - Response by ER


Back to

to hospital

to hospital


External activities - Time dependency

management / Hospital

Dispatching time

Travel time to location

Response time

Graduation Project 2021

On the ay

On scene time

Travel time to hospital

Travel back to base


Time consuming Allocation

Driver and Vehicle Accessability / Availability

Less Reach

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

GAPS Graduation Project 2021




The time factor is connected with availability. When a request comes for any rescue, the whole process takes 15 minutes to check the availability of drivers and vehicles. A limited number of vehicles and over occupancy of rescue teams make it more time-consuming to allocate a vehicle for a particular call.

It gets hard for the management to get easy access to the vehicles and drivers. Availability is not only about the vehicle and the driver or nearby resources, it also indicates us about the medium of communication. Lack of coordination from helpline services and dead phones also result in delays.

Distance In most of the cities, ambulance stations are at the center or somewhere near the corner, private hospitals and rescue services are mostly occupied and short. It takes time to cover long distances, especially in bad traffic conditions.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021 Product Design


Nakul Neeraj Sharma


Common Medical Emergencies in INDIA

Bleeding Breathing Difficulties Fits or epileptic seizure Severe pain Heart Attack Stroke

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Graduation Project 2021







Yellow fever

Swine Flu




Road Accidents

Seizures or fit

Industrial Diseases and Illnesses

Heart attack

Accidents involving Animals and Illnesses

Stroke Sudden breathing problem Eye trauma

Physical assaults and other criminal injuries Actions against the police Sports / Fitness Injuries Riots/shootouts/ Mob Attacks

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

How has INDIA Suffered? Statistics & case studies Quantitative

Graduation Project 2021


COVID We have seen people experiencing first and second waves of covid in INDIA. In the first wave, there was a rapid rise in the number of cases which shot up demand for ambulance support, making their wailing sirens a frequent feature on city roads.

A sudden increase in demand caused a lack of access and availability, which resulted in illegitimate ambulance charges. Cases from New Delhi and Uttar Pradesh show us that services charged between Rs.40,000/- to Rs.1,50,000/- for regular ambulances, covering small distance.

The demand went up so higher that the government decided to plant private ambulances and drivers on covid rescue duty. Meanwhile, people with other serious conditions suffered the shortage as covid rescue went on high priority. In the middle of the first wave, it was really difficult even for the hospitals with a limited number of ambulances to access and seek support.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Statistics In INDIA Number of cases and deaths The numbers of cases and deaths in India are continuing to rise fast, fuelled by a new variant of covid. The country recorded world’s highest single-day total count. The actual true numbers of cases and deaths were counted to be higher than the previous numbers provided by authorities. People avoided testing and struggled to access it, which caused many unregistered deaths.

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SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Recent state of Emergency Ambulance Services (EAS) in India It is commonly recognized that having ambulances available quickly and easily can save a lot of lives, especially in an emergency. The state of emergency medical ambulances is a major concern. In recent years, a lot of inconsistencies and concerns have surfaced about the operation of 108 services in various states. Sub-optimal response times and unanswered calls are two of the most common problems. Several states have reported non-compliance with the required response time when providing the 108 services.

Graduation Project 2021



Above graph shows the number of ambulances available and the number which is required.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Accidents Number of deaths due to road accidents Road accidents have been contributing and becoming a major cause for concern across the Indian subcontinent. In 2019 India reported over 151 thousand fatalities due to road accidents. Each year, about three to five percent of the country’s GDP gets invested in road accidents. India has about one percent of the world’s vehicle population, which is also accounted for about six percent of the global road traffic incidents, and over 70 percent of the accidents involved young Indians.

Graduation Project 2021



SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Delay In Rescue If we look into pre covid scenarios, there was no lockdown and there was no priority for ambulances created, pending rescues and delays were on the peak. Lack of traffic coordination in situations like protests and heavy traffic jams affected badly. Victims of road accidents paid a heavy price due to the bystanders blocking the road which lead to heavy traffic blocks. Such incidents also became barriers for good samaritans while they were trying to rescue the victim.

Graduation Project 2021

Lockdown gave smooth mobility for ambulances, it also reduced the road accident percentage in five states. Maharashtra got the maximum reduction in the number of 1,632 road fatalities. Road accidents in Rajasthan reduced by 1,171 while in Gujarat, Bihar, and Telangana the road fatalities declined by 900, 898, and 604 respectively. This also suggests planning a systematic module for the green corridors to float ambulances carrying critical patients and organs.



SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Graduation Project 2021


What is Green Corridor Concept? A green corridor is a special route that is cleared for an ambulance carrying restored organs meant for organ transplant or to transfer a very critical patient to a destined hospital, airport, or any other location.

How does green corridors work? To make a green corridor for an ambulance, there are combined efforts made by traffic police and local police to make sure that the route is diverted and empty for the ambulance to pass as quickly as possible. Police convoy helps ambulance in moving faster.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

How can CodeRED / AID help in enabling faster Green Corridors? SPECULATION

CodeRED can be a faster way to make a green corridor in any critical situation. The network can coordinate with the local police and traffic department to make a clear pathway for ambulances carrying critical patients and organs.

Graduation Project 2021


AID can send a notification to all the on-road users for clearing the roads. Coordination through both the services with local police, traffic department and with all the users on road can spread a quick alert for clearing the roads and making way for the ambulance convoy.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Green Corridor - Cases Case - 1

Plasma taken from Bengaluru to Chennai via green corridor The Hindu, Aug 04,2020 Inter-State green corridor was created in Bengaluru to transport convalescent plasma from HealthCare Global Cancer Hospital to a private hospital in Chennai on Monday. In a press release, HCG Enterprises Ltd said the green corridor was created over a 348-km stretch for 4.5 hours. The blood plasma was for a COVID-19 positive elderly woman. Plasma was extracted from a donor, who had recovered from the disease, at 3 p.m. on Monday at HGC hospital in Bengaluru. An ambulance carrying the plasma left the hospital at 5 p.m. via the green corridor created with the help of Bengaluru City Police.

Graduation Project 2021

Dr. Vishal Rao, Associate Dean, Centre for Academics and Research, HCG Cancer Hospital, in a press release said, “Green corridors to facilitate transportation of organs is a common phenomenon, but an inter-State transfer of plasma was a first. Within two hours of extraction, we were all set to transfer the plasma. The police officials created a special green corridor so that the plasma could reach the hospital from Bengaluru to Chennai in a timely manner.” The Hindu, Aug 04,2020 Source:


Case - 2

Ambulance carrying live heart covers 18.5kms in 12 minutes. TNN / Updated: Dec 25, 2020, 09:56 IST Delhi police provided a fast-moving green corridor of over 18 km for an ambulance carrying a live heart from the airport to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).

The traffic police swung into action and immediately deputed officers and a green corridor was planned, a senior police officer said.

The heart was flown in from Vadodara. Police said AIIMS informed them that a human heart under ventricular assist device is being flown from Vadodara to Delhi for heart transplant surgery and that a fast green corridor is required from the airport to the hospital to avoid wastage of time.

Traffic inspectors piloted the ambulance throughout the route of 18.5 km starting from terminal-2 to AIIMS. It took 12 minutes for the vehicle to reach its destination, which would otherwise have taken 35 - 40 minutes.

TNN / Updated: Dec 25, 2020, 09:56 IST Source:

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Insights Current State Researching on the current state of emergency rescue showcased the following insights.

Over priced illlegitimate bills charged by private ambulance services during crises.

Lack of time management and coordination causes delay in rescue.

People are unaware of actions to follow and numbers to call during an emergency.

Stats shows that the current available ambulances are less than the number required. Helpline numbers for non-covid emergencies dosen’t respond at times. Events like farmer’s protest and heavy traffic, delays the flow of ambulances.

Graduation Project 2021


Desired State In order to bring a sense of awareness and to fill the existing gaps we need the following possibilities.

Flexible approach for communiting.

Direct visible access to emergency rescue. Fast flow of information with quick response to incoming emergency requests. Encouragement in people to come and help eachother instead of being a bystander. To make it easier for the people who don’t know what to do in an emergency. Faster movment on roads and a good traffic coordination. Green corridor implementation in critical transfers. SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Interventions & Opportunities To bring changes to the existing system, we can reorganize Let’s see what opportunities we have for overcoming the it with the existing resources with a wide reach and faster re- existing gaps in the emergency rescue system. sults. Building connectivity between all the ambulance drivers and the patients, with the existing services. A service connecting users directly with ambulance Services. Taking the service on a wider scale in every city. We have already seen the current state of emergency rescue in the first wave of the pandemic when a lot of people faced difficulties dialing the right numbers and coordinating for support. The unavailability of drivers and vehicles came out as long-time procrastination in many small cities.

Bridging the current gaps like time, accessability and distance. Acting as a community building and helping service by enabling people to help eachother during the emergency. Service for people who don’t have any emergency action plan, to make them safety assured. Enabling faster and efficient green corridors for critical cases like accidents, organ transplant and patient transfers.

Graduation Project 2021


Value Proposition Canvas

To find out the exact fulfillment of users’ need and value, the value proposition tool is a good method. This helped me ensure that whether the service is designed according to the needs, fears, and pain points of users experiencing difficulties or not. The value proposition is done based on research done prior, with the existing data and user needs. Current user experience, user needs, and the functionality of the system made it easier to identify the demand and what kind of services can be offered to keep the resources in mind.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Gain Creators Any time access Backup service Information Visibility Tracking & coordination Service


Mobile applications Wast Rescue Network Connectivity

Pain Relievers Quick accessibility Less time consuming Information reliability Genuine fair/bill recipts

Graduation Project 2021


Gain Creators Instant rescue Exact information Visibility of actions Reliable backup

Fears No rescue


Lack of time How and what to do? Panic and lack of information.

Pain Points Long wait time Poor Coordination Difficult Access Less information

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Business Model Canvas Business model canvas can be a great tool to visualize all the factors and building blocks when we want to start a new business, including customers, route to market, value proposition, and finance. Business model canvas makes the value proposition more stronger and makes it more conclusive for the goal of the product or any service to progress further.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

“True prevention is not waiting for bad things to happen, it’s preventing things from happening in the first place.” Don McPherson

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Detailed Design Brief Value Proposition

Enabling people to call for instant emergency rescue during the time of any medical emergency. Providing direct access and visibility to give a sense of safety, trust, and reliability.

Graduation Project 2021


Key Expectations

Key Opportunities

Quick Help

Direct Access

Medical Support

Strong Network

Fast results

Visibility of Actions

Quick flow of information

Community Help

A strong backup.


Zero time wastage.

High Approach

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Radio Cab services

A service incorporated in existing radio cab applications such as Uber, OLA and Meru cabs. This service will create a network of ambulance drivers connecting with the users and will enable them to send a voice note and contact the drivers directly, users will be able to track down the ambulance while it is on the way.

Graduation Project 2021



AID is a service acting as a backup for CodeRED and functioning independently to save lives, especially in non-covid cases like road accidents and injuries. Creating a network of all the good samaritans and bringing them together with access to users and enabling them to help each other will reduce the bystander behavior. This will impact in creating a helpful behavior in citizens towards each other.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design



Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Why Radio Cabs?

Radio cabs have a wast network and easy access to the users. More area can be covered using their network. More commision can be generated for drivers and companies. Creating a wast network of emergency rescue system. Generating more user data.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Why a Service and an App?

In India we have 760 million smartphone users, we have a high dependency on mobile apps and services. A service and app makes the solution visible to the user, which gives an assurity and build trust which can reduce panic and anxity. Instead of calling multiple people during an emergency, one can count on an app providing fast connectivity and mobility.

Graduation Project 2021


Making the users more confident and proactive.

Reducing the panic time

Building trust and reliability an

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021



Identifying the main stake holders according to their activities and response. SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

UX Design Canvas UX design canvas is a tool to help visualize and document the problem space, similar to the Business Model Canvas it helps teams frame their work as a business problem to solve (rather than a solution to implement). Implementation of UX design canvas gave me a clear understanding of the problem, fears, motive, business, solution with the impact.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021




SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

User Journey Let’s take Uber as an exapmle Understanding the activity, emotion, and thoughts of the users while they are using the service. To have a clear understanding of this service, I have tried to implement the framework in an Uber module and how CodeRED connects with the existing functionality.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

User Information Architecture This information architecture shows us functionality from the user’s perspective, from the point of opening the Uber app to booking an ambulance through codeRED. It shows how the user can connect with good samaritan people through AID, when there is no ambulance available.

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Driver Information Architecture The information architecture is simple with regular process and functionality, focusing on the quick flow of requests and responses. The flow and process are extracted from the existing module.

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SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Information Architecture

To focus more on quick response and an alarming flow of information the architecture has been designed concisely, broadcasting requests and stimulating an alert. In Uber’s case, the flow starts from stimulating an alert to nearby people and locating all the people. In case of sending a help message or locating nearby people, it will be starting from sending a broadcast message or locating nearby good samaritans.

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SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Typography Uber Move

Uber Move Text

Bold and medium

Regular and medium


Ab 30








Graduation Project 2021



#000000 Confident and Powerful #FFFFFF Pure and Clean

#E50914 Determination and Energy

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Paper Planning After understanding the user’s journey and the information architecture, I started with paper planning and explorations to plan the user interface, making it simpler and quicker to use. Focusing on a simple UI, I have tried to keep it basic and understandable, targetting the existing mobility service users and also new users who are familiar with mobile applications.

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SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


High Fidelity Wireframes

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Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Wireframe Planning

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SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021 Product Design


Nakul Neeraj Sharma


Final User Interface

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Ready When you are Here to help you move safely in the new every day.

CodeRED service integration CodeRED





Where to?

UI Re-design and CodeRED integration


Fortis Gurgaon

Sector - 44, Opposite HUDA City Centre


Tehsil Badli, Badsa, Haryana 124105

Around you Lawgarden

Lawgarden City Civic Centre


ri Ro

;u Alka


i Te





Graduation Project 2021

NCC Group Headquarter Ahmedabad



We³ve got you covered Here to help you reach the emergency goals in time.

Basic Life Support AMB


Basic ambulance, with minimum charges.

Advance Life Support AMB

Advanced Advanced equipped ambulance, higher price.

AID Service AID

Send Alert Circulate rescue request to the nearby Good Samaritan people.

Scheduling Option Where to?


Fortis Gurgaon

Sector - 44, Opposite HUDA City Centre

AjjhS Tehsil Badli, Badsa, Haryana 124105

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Patient Journey


Graduation Project 2021






CodeRED integration in Uber

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Scedule, Search and Location Options

Graduation Project 2021


Searching location

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Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Graduation Project 2021


Stimulating Alert

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Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Driver & Vehicle Information

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Reaching the destination & feedback option

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Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Trip Details & Recipt

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SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Ambulance Driver Journey

Incoming Request



Graduation Project 2021

Safety Scanning

Completing the ride


Incoming Request

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Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Safety Check for Driver

Graduation Project 2021


Moving Forward and Pickingup

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Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Moving towards the destination

Graduation Project 2021


Reaching to the destination & feedback information

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Send Request



Graduation Project 2021


Completing the ride



Hello, Ajay


You’ve saved 90 people till now



Search people by location

Lawgarden City Civic Centre

Search location... bai




uri R

kap w Al


ra R Tek

NCC Group Headquarter Ahmedabad

Panchwati road nchwat


R ati v h nc


Pa Cross Road

Rasala Nature Park


Hope Neuro Care

Locate AID users near you to check availability.

H Apollo Cit Center

Dr. Sudhir Shah

Send an alarming alert, to get a call back

Jalaram Temple

Near Me

Hanuman Temple

Dr. Suchita Z KelkarStimulate Alert

H Parimal sulti Specialist Hospital

H San®ivani A urvedi Government Hospital Send a Broadcast Message



ha wS


ir R

d san

Send a broadcast message or a voice note.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

SignUp / Login & Verification

Graduation Project 2021


OTP verification

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Sending broadcast message

Graduation Project 2021


and a voice note

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Stimulating Alert

Graduation Project 2021


Ride Accepted Moving towards the pickup location

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Moving towards the destination

Graduation Project 2021


Feedback and Contribution option

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Rescuer Journey Incoming Request



Graduation Project 2021


Completing the ride


Incoming Request

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Message Pop-up

Graduation Project 2021


Pass or Accept Option

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Graduation Project 2021


Moving towards the destination

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Moving towards the destination

Graduation Project 2021


Feedback and Contribution Information

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Contribution update

Graduation Project 2021


Final System Map

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design


Radio/Private Cabs

Booking a Cabs / Ambulances Sc­eduling Cabs / Ambulances Net{ork } Service

Uber / Ola / Meru

Getting Help Alerts / Messages / Requests Locating Good Samaritans Sending Alert / Broadcast Messages Activities

Graduation Project 2021


CodeRED Ambulance Drivers Back up for CodeRED Ambulance Stations Stimulating Alerts / Broadcast Messages


Hospitals / ER Services

Nearby Locals / Volunteers / Good Samaritans

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021 Product Design


Nakul Neeraj Sharma


Early Usability Overview

To get an understanding of the usability factor and to check whether the users can understand my idea and concept, I did an early usability overview understanding activity with the users where they were asked to recreate an emergency scenario from their real life. This helped me better understand the details and the pain points. The insights which came out from it highlighted the pain points of users and how my service can make it easier for them to understand the action plan in an emergency through codeRED / AID.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Goals and Objectives

Questions asked

To understand the functionality and UI with a smooth flow of actions to book an ambulance in distress and panic situations.

1. what do you understood after looking at the first screen?

Understanding the concept of CodeRED / AID, user interface, and functionality.


2. Is it easier for you to get an idea from the interface? 3. How do you see CodeRED and AID functioning together?

4. Would you like to be a good samaritan if this service is there? 5. What do you think about the whole idea?

The fastest way to connect with ambulance service and to circulate help alerts and requests.

Graduation Project 2021

6. Did you understood the process and functionality?


New Uber UI with CodeRED feature


Process flow

Overview - Mr. Chaubey an ambulance driver SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Overview - Mr. Mathur who helped me during the emergency

Graduation Project 2021

Overview - Mrs. Nair who faced covid emergency.


Explaining the driver flow of CodeRED & AID

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Final Results First Look

UI Understanding

The idea and objective are very clear, the layout is new and easy to understand.

CodeRED feature gives a clear understanding of which button to press in distress.

Connectivity of different platforms implemented as one service gives it a continuity and makes it flexible.

Basic and advanced ambulance option is really important, and gives an idea for which one to call during an emergency.

This brings quick access and a time-saving experience in an emergency scenario.

Graduation Project 2021

AID gives a strong impression, the notification page of AID grabs attention, as it is not a regular design. AID logo gives an assurance of reliability.


Overall Understanding The idea of connecting existing mobility systems with emergency rescue services can result in faster rescue in less time and high coordination with the users. Focusing on making the users aware and giving them direct access in an emergency. 7 out of 10 users got a clear understanding of the idea by looking at the Uber main screen user interface. Service AID has the potential to bring a sense of community help and encouraging users to come forward for rescue in an emergency. For a more clear understanding the users demanded a working model of the service to give more accurate feedback, as this was an early usability overview it was easier for them to understand both the concept. Due to covid lockdown, a fewer number of people were able to give the feedback, for accurate user testing I plan to test the service on 25 - 30 people in the post-pandemic times.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


Conclusion The current emergency medical service (EMS) in India does not have a centralized body that provides guidelines for training and operation of Emergency Medical Services, this leads to delay in rescue and affects availability and access. Most people do not know what numbers to call and whom to request in a medical emergency, and it is difficult for people who try to connect helpline numbers. Helpline numbers are either busy or there is no one available to respond. Pandemic showed INDIA tough challenges of emergency medical services, that resulted within the access and availability of ambulances, drivers, and time management particularly in the first wave of COVID. At the time of medical emergencies, our dependency is higher on the rescue system and on the people who are well trained to help, handle and manage the situation within less time. Statistics show us that accidents have impacted more deaths than the first wave of COVID-19. Road accidents in India are a major cause of concern. In 2019 alone, India reported over 151 thousand deaths due to road accidents. India invested 3 - 4% of the GDP in road accidents.

In INDIA, we need an effective, quick, and dependable EMS to avert medical emergencies such as accidents, COVID rescue, and to enable faster green corridors for important cases like organ transfers and critical cases being transferred from one city to another. Radio cab and private cab networks currently provide the quickest access to cities and rural locations. In India, cabs arrive faster than any ambulance until and unless we are living near a hospital. If we study human behavior during an accident case, many people waste a lot of time being a bystander instead of saving other person’s life, impacting in a traffic jam and roadblocks. We need a system to act as quickly as possible to rescue the victim, also to encourages good people in our society to come forward and help others. Many people are willing to help but sometimes even they don’t know what actions to follow. CodeRED and AID together will act as a flexible emergency rescue system to save lives on time, encouraging good samaritans to come up and help the victims in non-covid medical emergencies.

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Bibliography “India should ramp up its emergency medicine and critical care infrastructure to combat COVID-19.” Dr Mahaveer Golechha, “Emergency Services in India Counting on betterment.” Prasanthi Potluri, Editor, Asian Hospital and Healthcare Managemen, “Here are some of the most common medical emergencies that people experience.” https://www.healthforteens. “WHO says ‘perfect storm’ of conditions led to India COVID surge.” AL JAZEERA AND NEWS AGENCIES, 27 Apr 2021, “Contagion brings more ambulances on roads, but shortage & delays persist.” Rujuta Parekh / TNN / Updated: Aug 6, 2020, campaign=cppst&pcode=461 “India should ramp up its emergency medicine and critical care infrastructure to combat COVID-19.” Dr Mahaveer Golechha,

Graduation Project 2021


“Covid-19 in India, Cases, deaths and oxygen supply.” By The Visual and Data Journalism Team BBC News, “22 reportedly die after hospital in Agra cuts oxygen supply for mock drill, probe ordered.” TNN, Jun 08, 2021, “What is the state of ‘Emergency Ambulance Services’ in India?” BY APRAJITA VERMA ON MARCH 12, 2020, “New coronavirus variant detected by NIV may cause severe symptoms” By Sushmi Dey, “Doctor In India: Emergency Room Is So Crowded, ‘It’s Nearly Impossible To Walk.” Steve Inskeep, https://www.npr. org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/05/06/994145513/indias-covid-19-crisis-continue-to-get-worse

“The US sees nearly five times more road accidents than India..” Dipak K Dash, Oct 29, 2020,

SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021



SERVICE design

Nakul Sharma

PG Product Design

Graduation Project 2021


SERVICE design

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