NALAC Art Talks 2014 Providence, RI

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Providence , RI NALAC Art Talks

Regional Training Workshops October 10-11, 2014 2014 Evaluation Results



14 25 27 31 35 251 371






The National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) is a legacy organization investing in the Latino heritage of this nation. For over 25 years, NALAC has built a strong foundation for the promotion of Latino arts and culture and its advocacy efforts have advanced issues of cultural equity and raised the visibility and understanding of Latino artistic and cultural expression. The National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) is the nation's leading nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to the promotion, advancement, development, and cultivation of the Latino arts field. In this capacity, NALAC stimulates and facilitates intergenerational dialogues among disciplines, languages, and traditional and contemporary expressions. NALAC serves thousands of Latino artists and hundreds of organizations representing a national and international community of multiple Latinidades; a network that crosses many cultures across the Latino Diaspora. 2

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NALAC Regional Arts Training Workshops are convened throughout the nation to provide comprehensive professional development, training and a space for community dialogue among the Latino arts field and other diverse arts sectors. These opportunities for relationship-building and networking are essential to the advancement of the Latino arts community, and the nation's art sector as a whole. Workshop presenters and participants are of diverse backgrounds, representing all artistic disciplines, and a strong ethnic, gender, age, sexual orientation, and economic diversity. By empowering the field and providing new opportunities, NALAC can reduce economic inequalities, galvanize multigenerational networks and actualize social change in the realms of racial equity and civic engagement. With 27 Regionals to date, participants deepen their engagement with each other, with NALAC, and together create, mobilize, and amplify a national Latino arts and cultural agenda that addresses issues of concern to historically underrepresented and disenfranchised communities. Critical dialogue and creative thinking transpires through interactive workshops, discussion forums, artistic interventions, technical assistance, and performances.

Partners and Sponsors Providence Regional Arts Training Workshop


November 26, 2014

Thank you! The Providence Regional Arts Training Workshop is made possible thanks to generous support from our sponsors, members and volunteers.

Demographics Providence Regional Arts Training Workshop: Evaluation Responses


November 26, 2014

Advocate Artist Board Member of an Arts Organization Educator Executive Director of an Arts Organization

Foundation or Corporate Representative

Which of the following best describes you? ď ź

Highest Rating: 66.7% ď ť

Funder Staff Member of an Arts Organization Student Vendor Volunteer Other


Which of the following best describes your discipline? 

Highest Rating: 37.3% 

Visual Arts

Dance Film Literary Arts Media Arts Multidisciplinary Music Performance Art Radio Theater Visual Arts Not Applicable Other

American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Caucasian Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other

Select one or any combination of the following demographic terms that best represents your race/ethnicity. ď ź

Highest Rating: 70% ď ť



Under 18


Largest Age Group rating: 30% 







How would you describe where you live? Urban



Highest Rating: 70.8% 


What motivated you to attend the Regional? 

Highest Rating: 51% 

Conference Location

I trust the quality of NALAC events Conference Location Friend or Colleague Local/State Arts Agency Arts Organization Invitation Mailer NALAC Alumni Invitation NALAC E-boletin NALAC website Email alerts Facebook Twitter Radio, TV, Print Media I was able to get a registration scholarship


Quality and Value of Sessions Providence Regional Arts Training Workshop: Evaluation Responses


November 26, 2014

Keynote with Magdalena Gómez Beyond Hispanic Heritage Month: Museum Practices New Generations Leading Forward: Living the Future Now Technology As An Equalizer Arts & Immigrant Social Justice: Political Analysis of the State of U.S. Immigrants

Decoding Power Beyond the Canon: Teaching Artist Resource-Sharing Youth Leading Forward: Capacity Building Mediating Our Own Image Youth Leading Forward: Aesthetic Interventions Policy and Protest Intercultural Collaborations

Please rate the value (quality and usefulness) of the Keynote and Sessions: 

Highest Rating: 4.77 out of 5 

Keynote with Magdalena Gómez

I left the Regional feeling inspired

Please rate how strongly you agree with the following statements. ď ź

Highest Rating: 3.76 out of 4 ď ť

NALAC Regional Arts Training Workshop Staff were helpful and courteous

I had an opportunity to learn something new.

As a result of the Regional, I feel more connected to our greater arts community.

I met new friends and potential partners at the Regional

The Regional was well organized.

The Regional Arts Training Workshop Staff were helpful and courteous.

Testimonials Providence Regional Arts Training Workshop: Evaluation Responses


November 26, 2014

Please describe any connections, collaborations, or opportunities that developed as a result of the NALAC Regional Arts Training Workshop and how you plan to follow up on it. 

I met a new friend/artist: Ela Alpi from Chile who became my stylist for my art reception. I have stayed in touch with other people I met and have continued to feel inspired. Also, it inspired me to open a new business and I am now exploring grants. The grant writing workshop came at the perfect time.

I have connected many women from the workshop to Women of Color in the Arts and sent them applications to be mentors and mentees.

I liked the networking aspect of the event. I was able to meet organizations, agencies, individuals that I didn't know locally and abroad, and was able to connect with local arts administrators and leaders who I was able to become more acquainted with. I plan on maintaining and growing my relationship via email follow-up and personal visits to their office and place of business.

I met other local artists that I had not known or connected with before, as well as national artists. I exchanged info with several of them, especially local or nearby, for future collaboration and/or support in projects.

I work for a large arts organization and have recently been tasked with finding new partnerships for various projects. I am not yet at the time to act on these, but because of the NALAC conference I met several people who I plan on inviting into the room on a few projects -- or at least asking if they would like to be involved.

My museum will work more closely with RISCA and the Latino arts organizations in Rhode Island to better represent New England Latino artists in our programming. 18

November 26, 2014

Please describe the top idea you gained from the Regional Arts Training Workshop and why it will be important in the future. 

We as Latino artists are in the same position regardless of our geographic location. Working together is a way of dealing with these difficult issues and creating a cultural family.

Ideas of how to build further equity in the arts field was what I took from the training workshops. This is important because I live in a highly diverse region that also includes a large Latino population and have the ability to help create equitable practices for organizations seeking funding.

We are a much stronger force than I imagined...

As an independent arts management consultant I see that there is potential work to be done in the East Coast area. There's a need in this area for true representation of the arts across ALL Latino cultures and a more deeply seeded collaboration between the Puerto Rican, Dominican and Mexican communities.

I feel completely connected to NALAC - more than ever before (and I have always loved NALAC) and feel that I can be helpful on a national level. The leadership of NALAC and I have already begun a collaboration which I know will resonate deeply throughout our Latin@ communities, opening doors of thought and action. 19

November 26, 2014

NALAC core programs and services include leadership development training, funding, critical advocacy, regional and national convenings, networking opportunities and communications for Latino artists and arts organizations in every region of the country. What are some programs and services you would like to see NALAC develop in the future? 

I think that NALAC currently has a diverse portfolio of programming that is much broader in scope that many other organizations. I think the only place I can think of NALAC creating more training would be regarding the changing field of media and communications and perhaps providing panels towards that topic.

An executive leadership training program. Something more advanced than the current leadership program. What do we do when Alum from the NLI move up in their positions and become executives?

Portfolio reviews? Information sessions for artists about applying to residency programs/writing artist statements/presenting their work?

Advance intensives on fundraising, programming, building a board, expansive organizational models. 20

November 26, 2014

Please use this space to share any additional comments, observations, questions or ideas: 

I am so grateful for this opportunity. The learning and fun was unstoppable. All of the connections with different artists and disciplines in the art gave me the inspiration and push to start my own projects in Theater. Thanks to everyone who put together this amazing conference.

Congrats, it was a good workshop. It helped me to see how far can I go, and set new challenges for me. I see the path clearer now. Hope to hear from you all soon. May be next time you can include an specific meeting for specific disciplines like: Dancers groups, Theater groups, etc. So we can discuss deeper our works and help each other, sharing experiences…Thanks NALAC....

Thank you very much for coming to Rhode Island. Thank you all for your dedication and enthusiasm...

We don't need to wait for a next Conference to implement the suggestions or to see NALAC directors in our state. I propose more online conferences or more interactive online communication to be close to NALAC programs development. 21

November 26, 2014

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