Healthyland eTwinning Project
1.Brief Description of the Project Children in early childhood need healthy and regular nutrition. These eating habits gained in this sensitive period usually last for a lifetime. Children's personality traits are determined in the first year of preschool and school age. Therefore we aim to play a pivotal role in the acquisition of healthy life habits and raise awareness of the parents about healthy nutrition of children through physical activities and encouraging healthy eating in school .
2.Project’s goals: -To acquire healthy eating habits of the children. -Ensure that parents obtain information about healthy eating. -to ensure that project partners, will learn different training methods and techniques and share their experiences. - promote communication skills and use foreign languages.
3. Work process Teams will be formed in each partner country. The project will consist of monthly activities. Each teacher will share the activities, which will perform with his/her students (guidance of children) and present them at regular intervals on TwinSpace and follow the other participants. Each participating country will share images and videos of children, stories about healthy eating and physical activities, healthy eating habits, environmental protection and ecology.
4. Expected Results -Children will gain healthy eating habits. -Parents will learn about healthy eating. -Teachers will have the chance to learn techniques of different approaches in education. -Also:Healthy European recipe ebook,Lesson plans,Storybook, Survey Results,Picnic.
Thanks for the cooperation