Education Systems

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Education Systems TURKEY



TURKEY EDUCATION SYSTEM 1.In Turkey ,kindergartens open to all children between 3-6 years are not compulsory and have to be paid for. The most common educational institutions are the kindergartens where 3-6 year olds attend.There are also nurseries for younger ones. Public and private kindergartens are linked to the Ministry of National Education. The children are divided into age groups in kindergartens. The number of students in the class can not be more than 20. Working hours are ,six hours a day in short programs, 10 hours a day in long programs in the weekdays. Children who belong to age group 6 ,can be trained in Kindergartens to prepare for primary education. Meals are cooked in nurseries and paid, however in kindergartens children bring their own meals from home. School holidays consist of two weeks winter break and two and a half months of summer vacation. 2.The general objectives of preschool education a.To raise children as individuals who interiorize the love of Ataturk,(the founder of Turkish Republic)the love of nation,flag,family and people of the world and who have national and spiritual values b.To help children acquire physical, cognitive, emotional development and good habits . c.To have them speak Turkish properly and in a beautiful way. d. To help them gain behaviours such as love, respect, collaboration, responsibility, tolerance, solidarity and cooperation e.Creating a common child-rearing environment for children who live with inconvenient families and in unfavorable surroundings.

f.To have children acquire attitudes such as imagination, creative and critical thinking skills, communication skills and expressing their feelings. g. Prepare children for primary education 3. Compulsory education covers ages 7-18. Books in the compulsory education are distributed by the state. Compulsory education consists of three phases. Primary, secondary and high school education are 4 years each. After secondary school, the children take high school examination and the schools they will attend are determined according to their score.When they graduate from the high school,if they wish,they take another exam which is called”university entrance exam”and go to universities according to their score. There are state and private universities. Expenses are paid by the people. Short-term education of universities is 2 years and longterm education is 4 to 6 years.

SPANISH EDUCATION SYSTEM In Spain children´s parent can choose between three types of schools: - public schools which are financed with public funds and they are managed by authorities. - opt out schools which are also financed with public funds but they are managed by a private company, usually a religious company. Both of them are free although parents have to buy books and school supplies. - private schools: their financing and their management are private. Parents have to pay a monthly fee to take their children to these schools. Besides this, the Spanish education system has different levels depending on children´s age.

The first level is playschool for children between zero and three years. It´s voluntary but a lot of children go to playschool especially if their parents have to work. The second level is called childhood education or infant education for children from to six years. Although it´s also voluntary virtually all children of these ages are in school. The third level is primary school from six to twelve. Children must go to school, it is compulsory and if they don´t go their parents could face a fine or even imprisonment. Finally the fourth level is secondary school which it´s obligatory until sixteen. Fom here on it is no longer required to go to school but students have the possibility to continue their studies two years more if they want to go to college or they have the option of learning a trade in a specific school. Regarding the requirements of working as a teacher in a public school you´ll have to pass a public exam and if you get it you´ll have a permanent job all your life. Your salary will be paid by authorities.

SLOVAKIA EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM School types in Slovakia: State schools, schools owned by church, private schools Slovakia school types by levels: Kindergartens or pre-school education (3-6 years), Primary schools (6-15 years), Secondary schools (15-19 years), Universities (from 19). Most schools in Slovakia are owned by the state, though there are a few churchowned and private schools. Students go to school five days a week, from Monday until Friday. Summer holiday in primary and secondary schools in Slovakia is from the 1st of July until the 31st of August. There is a few days holiday around Christmas and Easter, and on national holidays. Kindergarten in Slovakia Education in Slovakia starts in kindergartens. Pre school education starts at the age of 3, but is not compulsory. Our curriculum is taught in Slovak language aimed at developing cognitive Percepto-motor and social skills, divided into weekly or monthly segments. Increasing the amount of

information and basic life skills are passed daily through a combinationof: languagecourses, mathematics, physical education, literary education, arts and crafts instructions, music instruction. Children learn to draw, recite, sing, colours, numbers, information about nature, thing that surround them, they study geometrical shapes, months of the year, days of week etc. Kindergartens employ two teachers in all-day class, where they have separated working hours with almost 0,30 - 1 hour of cooperation. The pre-school teachers can be male or female. Every class can have between 12 - 25 students. Parents pay for kindergarten fee from 10 eur every month, but the total costs of kindergarten care is co-financed by the state or municipality.The Kindergarten is open daily from 6.00 to 17,00. Parent bring children to kindergarten between 6-8:00 and take them home between 15-17:00. Teachers of Slovakia kindergarten have to have pedagogical education either secondary pedagogical school or university. Food in kindergarten: All kindergartens provide meal snack, lunch, afternoon snack having their own kitchens and their own cooks. Parents pay for food each month

GREEK EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM The Greek Educational System is divided into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary level. Greek Education is compulsory for 14 years(primary and secondary level). The primary level consists of pre-school education (Nipiagogio) lasting one or two years (age of 5 is mandatory to attend kindergarten schools, while there are some discussions to have two years of compulsory pre-school education) and elementary schools(Dimotiko) lasting six years. The secondary level consists of Gymnasio (Junior High School), a three-year school and afterwards students can attend Lykeion (High School) or Vocational Training for three years too. The tertiary level includes Universities and Polytechnics, Technological Educational Institutes (TEI) and Academies (military and clergy). The last level usually lasts 4 years, while the Polytechics last 5 years and the Medical Universities for 6 years. Afterwards, students can participate in postgraduating studies (MSc level) for 1-2 years and Doctorates (PhD level) for 3-6

years. All these levels are overseen by the Greek Ministry of Education. The Ministry exercises centralized control over state schools, by prescribing the curriculum, appointing staff and controlling funding. Private schools also fall under the mandate of the Ministry, which exercises supervisory control over them. Specifically, Greek pre-school education has been established by law since the 19th century. The organization, the duration and the content of the training of Kindergarten teachers, was lastly defined in 1985 by law. The objective of the Nipiagogio (Kindergarten) is to give an equal opportunity to all pre-schoolers develop physically, emotionally, mentally and socially within the framework defined by the broader objectives of Primary and Secondary education. Children can begin this stage of education at the age of 4 years and stay until 5,5-6 years, to attend the first class of primary school. There are 2 types of Kindergartens classes: normal class with hours from 08:20 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. and all-day class, which operate from 7.45 till 16.00. Kindergartens employ one teacher in normal class and two teachers in all-day class, where they have separated working hours with almost 1 hour of cooperation. The pre-school teachers can be male or female. The ages of pre-school students are mixed in the same class but activities are differentiated with regard to the pace and degree of difficulty in accordance with each child's ability. Every class can have between 7-25 students. The school year for Nipiagogio begins on September 1st and ends on June 21st, while classes begin on September 11th and end on June 15th. School vacations consist of 2 weeks in December-January (Christmas Holidays), and two weeks for Easter vacations. Also, there are National Days, such as 28th of October, 25th of March, 17th of November etc, which every school celebrates in the memory of our history. The Pre-School Curriculum is prepared by the Pedagogical Institute (Paedagogiko Institouto) and is used as complete manual in order to carry out the educational tasks. This is published as a Book of Activities which contains detailed instructions and practical recommendations to assist kindergarten teachers, in organising and conducting each class. The overall aim is the

cognitive-motor development of small children, their social, emotional, mental, moral and religious development, both on the individual as well as the collective level and finally their development of aesthetic abilities both practically and theoretically. The basic aim of this curriculum is to secure each child's active participation in achieving all-round development by getting involved in situations that promote the critical thinking. The child is encouraged to anticipate, investigate, experiment, compare, discover relations, classify and grow mentally, while at the same time developing the mechanisms necessary to acquire knowledge. For these reasons, the day starts with spontaneous playing in "activity corners" without the direct involvement of the teacher (observation) and afterwards take place the targeted activities, pre-selected by the teacher, or those arised by spontaneous activities from the students, depending in their interest. In the last educational procedure, both parts (teachersstudents) are preparing and discussing about their central theme and its activities, using the method of brainstorming.

ROMANIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM In the Romanian pre-school education system, the contents which are proposed for teaching are specified in the curricular documents that regulate the formative activity. Periodically restructured and resized, these contents are listed today in the document (in force since 2008) known as the Curriculum for the early education of children aged three to six/seven (Curriculumul pentru educaĹŁia timpurie a copiilor de la 3 la 6/ 7 ani). In Romanian kindergartens, the above-mentioned regulating reference suggests a radical change of view of the contents offered to pre-schoolers, as well as of the goals, the manner of conception and actual realisation of all the pre-school activities, in accordance with the most recent trends in early education policies in many countries of the world, and in the explicit subscription to the curricular perspective on training. The present study contains the results of an analysis of the Curriculum for the early education of children aged three to six/seven (2008) in Romania; the research is of a qualitative type and it is based on the assessment of the afore mentioned paper from the perspective of several value categories: moral, civic,

esthetic, scientific and others. The collected data lead to several conclusions regarding structured value orientations, the worth of the regulating reference considered (as compared to some earlier versions) and the trends in structuring educational policy instruments for pre-school level. Kindergarten typically lasts for 3 forms – "small group" ( grupa mică) for children aged 3–4, "middle group" (grupa mijlocie), for children aged 4–5, and "big group" (grupa mare) for children aged 5–6. Kindergarten services differ from one kindergarten to another, and from public (state) to private ones, and may include initiation in foreign languages (typically English, French or German), introduction in computer studies, dancing, singing, painting etc. All kindergartens provide at least one meal or one snack, some having their own kitchens and their own cooks, others opting for dedicated catering services.

PORTUGAL EDUCATION SYSTEM 1.O Que É A Idade Para Começar a escola? Em Portugal, as Crianças PODEM Começar o pré-escolar de 3 anos de Idade. 2.O Que É o Custo do Jardim de infância? . Existem Escolas Públicas e Particulares Em jardins de infância Públicos Um Componente académica E GRATIS e Aberto das 9: 00h Até 12: 00h e 14: 00h Até 16: 00h Jardins Mas kinder estao Abertos das 08:00 Até 19:00 pm. O momento em Que as Crianças estao fora da Componente letiva E pago Pelos Pais, SEGUNDO Como Suas Possibilidades Financeiras. 3.Is jardim de infância OBRIGATÓRIA? Nao, o jardim de infância NÃO E Obrigatório, mas Crianças de 5 Anos TEM Acesso Prioritário. 4. Como São fornecidos Refeições no jardim de infância. ?

refeições Sim NAS do Jardim de infância Pará São fornecidos Como as crianças Querem Almoço. 5.Os Objetivos de education6 pré-escolar Em Portugal Os Objetivos da Educação pré-escolar, estao descritos na Tabela LEI PARA pré escolar, Cabelo Governo: a) PROMOVER o Desenvolvimento Pessoal e da sociais, base de Criança com em experiencias de vida Democrática NUMA Perspectiva de Educação para a Cidadania; b) Incentivar Uma parte de criança de Diferentes grupos Sociais, com Respeito Pelas Diferentes Culturas, favorecendo Uma progressiva Consciência Fazer Seu papel Como Membros da sociedade; c) contribuir Para a Igualdade de Oportunidades NÃO Acesso à escola e Aprender o Sucesso; d) Incentivar o Desenvolvimento Mundial Criança de Cada, respeitando Como Características individuos, incutindo comportamentos Que favoreçam aprendizagens significativas e diversificadas; e) Desenvolver hum Expressão EA ATRAVES Comunicação do Uso de Vários idiomas em Relação AOS Meios de Informação, sensibilização estética e de Compreensão do Mundo; f) despertar hum Curiosidade EO Pensamento crítico; g) fornecer Uma cada Criança condições de bem-estar e Segurança, particularmente no contexto da Saúde indivíduos e coletiva; h) identificar insuficiências Pará, deficiências e precocidades, promovendo a Melhor Orientação e Encaminhamento da Criança; i) incentivar a Participação das Famílias No processo educativo e estabelecer Relações de Efectiva Colaboração com a Comunidade. Essas Metas São ágora suportadas Pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Para Uma Educação Pré-escolar, Que É UM Documento Que Tem Como Objetivo orientar um docente Prática

escola 6.primary, Escola Secundária, high school, Universidade: Descrição Short. Sequência escola Portugal ESTÁ Dividido em ensino primário e secundário A Educação Básica TEM O Primeiro ciclo, com Quatro ano de escolaridade o Segundo Ciclo, com Dois ano de escolaridade o Terceiro ciclo com 3 anos de escolaridade O ensino secundário TEM 3 anos de escolaridade, que DEPOIS de concluída Dá Acesso à Universidade

ITALY EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM The Italian school system is structured, after the preschool (educational service not obligatory), in two instruction cycles, as well as below shown: The Preschool lasts three years, isn't obligatory, and it's open to all Italian and foreign children aged between three and five years, achieved by 31 December. Schools of the first cycle of education: The Primary school corresponds to the elementary school and lasts five years. The division, however, is different: there is a basic first year and two-year periods (1 + 2 + 2). The primary school is obligatory. The attendance is open to children who have not yet reached the age of 6 but that will accomplish them by 30 April of the school year. The frequency and the textbooks are free. • school in modules of 27 hours or 30 hours per week • full-time school with 40-hour weekly

The secondary school of first level is the middle school, lasting three years, obligatory for all Italian and foreign students who have completed the course of primary school. The first cycle of education ends with an examination, the passing of which entitles to access to the second cycle of education. Schools of the second cycle of education: Secondary school of second level, lasting five years and divided into: 1. high schools 2. pathways of education and professional training These two pathways in their turn are connected with the university, the higher education in art, music and dance, higher professional training, the production system and the world of work. There is also the possibility, from the completion of the fifteenth year of age, to take the path: The alternance school/work or the apprenticeship (third channel) with which it's possible to achieve diplomas or qualifications respectively. The final State Examination of the second cycle of education allows for the continuation of higher education in art, music and dance studies or university. The school schedule is dependent on the school for a total amount of hours of 30 h. Some schools distribute the hours from Monday to Friday; keeping free Saturday and Sunday and considering hour units of 55 minutes (Eg. from 8.00 to 13.30). Other schools have five hours daily from Monday to Saturday. Still others have a time of five hours per day with re-entry in the afternoon. Many schools, as part of their autonomy, in addition to the hours provided by the course of study, give the opportunity to attend afternoon laboratories. Among these laboratories are often carried out "literacy projects for foreign students" in order to promote

integration and rapid acquisition of the proper use of the Italian language.

BULGARIA EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM The education system in Bulgaria is regulated by the LAW on preschool and school education (the effective date of 01.08.2016) , state educational standards and other normative acts (ordinances, rules, instructions, etc.). State educational standards are a set of mandatory requirements for outcomes in the system of pre-school and school education as well as the conditions and processes for their achievement. The system of pre-school and school education includes the participants in the educational process and the institutions, as well as the relations and the Ń onnections between them, to achieve the objectives of education. The main goals of pre-school and school education are: 1. Intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual-moral and physical development and supporting each child and each student in accordance with their age, needs, abilities and interests; 2. Storage and Đ°ffirmation of the Bulgarian national identity; 3. Acquiring competencies, necessary for successful personal and professional realization and active civic life in modern communities; 4. Acquiring competencies for implementing the principles of sustainable development; 5. Early discovery of the capabilities and abilities of each child and student and promotion of their development and realization; 6. The formation of sustainable attitudes and motivation for lifelong learning; 7. Acquisition of competences for understanding and application democracy and the rule of law, human rights and freedoms, active citizenship; 8. Formation of tolerance and respect for the ethnic, national, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of each citizen; 9. Tolerance and respect for the rights of children, pupils and people with disabilities;

10. Knowledge of national, European and world cultural values and traditions; 11. Acquisition competencies to understand and apply the principles, rules, responsibilities and rights that result from membership in the European Union. Pre-primary education sets the foundations for lifelong learning by providing the physical, cognitive, linguistic, spiritual-moral, social, emotional and creative development of children, recognizing the importance of the game in the process of pedagogical interaction. Pre-primary education is provided by kindergartens, and compulsory pre-school education - and by schools. Mandatory pre-school and school education in state and municipal kindergartens and schools is free for children and students. Children enter in a kindergarten in the year when they are three years old, but not earlier than the school year starting. At the discretion of the parent and in case of the absence of a nursery group in the respective settlement and in the presence of vacancies, the children can enter in the kindergarten at the age of two years at the beginning of the school year of the admission. Children of 10 months to 3 years of age can enter the nursery groups in the kindergarten. Pre-primary education is compulsory from the school year, beginning in the year when the children are five years old, with parents choosing the type of pre-school education organization. Pre-primary education provides education, socialization and childcare of children until their entry into the 1st grade. Kindergartens are municipal or private. State kindergartens can also be opened. Children in state, municipal and private kindergartens may move to other kindergartens throughout the school year in the presence of vacant place. The number of groups and the number of children in a group in state and municipal kindergartens is determined by the director of the kindergarten after consultation with the Pedagogical Board. Pre-primary education is organized into age groups as follows: 1. First age group - 3-4-year-old children.

2. Second age group - 4-5-year-old children; 3. Third preparatory age group - 5-6-year old children; 4. Fourth preparatory age group - 6-7-year-old children. Compulsory pre-school education takes place in the third and fourth preparatory age groups. The duration of pre-school education in each age group is one school year. The school year includes learning and unpredictable time. Study time during the school year is between September 15th and May 31st of the following calendar year. The non-study time is from June 1 to September 14. At the school time, both basic and additional forms of pedagogical interaction are organized, and in the non-teaching time - only additional forms. Pre-primary education takes place in a full-time, half-day, part-time or individual organization. Full day and half-day organization takes place in different groups. The part-time organization is made for an individual child in the groups for an all-day or half-day organization, and the individual - for children outside the groups. The all-day organization provides education, socialization and childcare within 12 astronomical hours per day during the school year. In a full-day organization for a group in kindergarten, the two teachers are required to work on shifts, and together in the group at least one hour a day. The half-day organization provides education, socialization and childcare of children within six consecutive astronomical hours a day before noon during the school year. The part-time organization provides education, socialization and care children within 3 consecutive astronomical hours activity per day. For full-day, half-day and part-time organization, the starting hours of the morning reception and the final hour of sending the children for the day are determined by the Kindergarten or School Regulations. Self-organization includes education, socialization and childcare organized by the parent, and tracking the child's

achievements from the kindergarten at the beginning and end of school years. Pedagogical interaction in pre-school education is organized in basic and additional forms. The main form of pedagogical interaction is the pedagogical situation that takes place mainly in the form of a game. Additional forms of pedagogical interaction are organized by the teacher of the group outside the time of pedagogical situations, according to the needs and interests of the children. The duration of a pedagogical situation at the discretion of the teacher is from 15 to 20 minutes - for a first and for a second age group, and from 20 to 30 minutes for a third and a fourth age group. The specific distribution of pedagogical situations in educational areas is done in a weekly distribution. Pre-primary education creates the conditions for acquiring a set of competencies - knowledge, skills and relationships, necessary for the successful passing of the child to school education. The pre-school education process is subject to the implementation of a program system as part of the strategy for the development of the kindergarten, which is adopted by a decision of the Pedagogical Board. The program system is a comprehensive concept of child development with approaches and forms of pedagogical interaction, subordinate to a common goal. State, municipal and private kindergartens can apply innovative and authoring programming systems. Pre-school education takes place in the educational direction, according to the order established by the state educational standard for pre-school education. The tracking of the child's achievements is done by the teachers of the respective group at the beginning and at the end of the study time for the educational directions. At the end of preprimary education, a certificate for compulsory pre-school education is issued under an order determined by the state educational standard for pre-school education.

Pre-primary education as a process of education and socialization of children takes place in interaction and cooperation with parents. Parents are participants and partners in pre-primary education with children, teachers, directors and other pedagogical specialists. The school is an institution in the system of pre-school and school education, which teaches, educates and socializes pupils and provides conditions for completing a class and / or stage and for acquiring a degree. School education is mandatory until the age of 16 and commences from the school year beginning in the year of the child's 7th birthday. Depending on the level, school education is basic and secondary. Primary education training is conducted from I to VII class inclusive in two stages as follows: 1.First stage - from I to IV grade inclusive; 2.Second stage - from V to VII grade inclusive. The training for secondary education takes place from the 8th to the 12th grade inclusive in two stages, as follows: 1. first high school stage - from grades VIII to X including; 2. second high school stage- from XI to XII class inclusive According to the training, school education is general, profiled and professional. Learning subjects are taught by school programs approved by the school director. The curriculum also determines the number of study hours for learning. On the basis of the state education standard for general education, the Minister of Education and Science approves curricula for each general educational subject for each class, specifying the pupils' competences as expected learning outcomes. School education is organized in successive classes. The duration of the training in one class is one academic year fo

all forms of training, except in the cases provided for in this act for individual and independent training. School education is organized in school years. The school year includes terms, school weeks, school days and lessons, as well as holidays. The school year is 12 months and starts on September 15, and in sports schools on September 1. The number of school weeks in one school year and their breakdown by grade is determined by the state educational standard for the curriculum. The syllabuses and their duration, the duration of the school week, the duration of the school hours, as well as the holidays are determined by the state educational standard for the organization of the activities in the school education. The organization of the school day is half-day and full-day. The school organizes a full-day organization of the school day for pupils from I to IV grade at the request of the parents and from V to VII grade at the request of the parents and according to the school's possibilities. The school day includes class hours and breaks between them. The duration of the classes and the breaks between them is determined by the state educational standard for the organization of the activities in the school education. The forms of training are: Daily; Evening; Part-time courses; Individual; Independant; Distance learning; Combined; Training through work (dual learning system). Pupils who have completed their I, II and III class education are awarded a certificate of a completed class. Pupils who have completed the relevant degree and stages are awarded with certificates. The acquisition of secondary education is certified by a secondary education diploma, which also includes the overall success. The secondary education diploma is final and gives the right to continuing education or vocational training.

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