VERTICAL GARDENS A DISSERTATION REPORT Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE by NALINI SHARMA (Roll No: 15607) Under the guidance of Dr. BHANU M. MARWAHA
Copyright © NIT HAMIRPUR (HP), INDIA, 2019
CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the project titled “VERTICAL “ GARDENS”” in partial fulfilment fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture and submitted in the Department of Architecture, National Institute of Technology, logy, Hamirpur, is an authentic record of my own work carried out during a period from January 20 2019 to May 2019 under thee supervision of Dr. BHANU M. MARWAHA,, Professor, Department of Architecture, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. The matter presented in this project rep report has not been submitted by me for the award of any other degree off this or any other Institute/University.
NALINI SHARMA This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my knowledge.
(Dr. BHANU M. MARWAHA) Professor Department of Architecture NIT Hamirpur
The project Viva Voice Examination of NALINI SHARMA has been held on...............
Signature of Coordinator
Signature of Head of Department
On the very outset of this report, I would like to extend my sincere & heartiest obligation towards all the personages who have helped me in the endeavour. Without their active guidance, help, cooperation & encouragement, I would not have made headway in the dissertation. I am highly indebted to my guide, Dr. (Prof.) Bhanu M. Marwaha for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project and also for their support in completing the project. I am extremely thankful and pay by gratitude to my Head of Department Dr. (Prof.) Bhanu M. Marwaha and dissertation Co-ordinator Dr. Aniket Sharma for their valuable guidance and support on completion of this Dissertation in its presently. I extend my gratitude to NIT Hamirpur (H.P) for giving me this opportunity. I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and members of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically. At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to complete this dissertation report.
The purpose of this dissertation is to reveal the importance of vertical gardens. Urbanization is a very serious problem which causes many environmental problems like population increase and concrete areas. Due to very less space in cities the scope for maintaining a garden is very difficult. In such a situation, the vertical-gardens help in combining the natural environment with urban space. They not only bring with them an element of beauty and integration with nature, but by being used to a wider extent, could also have a positive impact on the city’s micro-climate. Green walls can be used on the outside of buildings, semi-open spaces and interiors. In this Dissertation, five different techniques of setting up living walls are described, from the relatively simple technique of planting climbers that easily cover bare walls to modular panel systems or green wall systems with flower pots to ‘living wall’. Three Case studies are covered one primary and two secondary. Also few plant species are mentioned which we can use in Vertical Gardens. Towards the end a design proposal is provided on an existing office building. Also a comparison among types of vertical gardens and few recommendations are mentioned. The study concludes that with environmental issues being at their highest in dense urban areas, taking into consideration the importance of vertical gardens is an effective solution for tackling many issues.
TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................xiii LIST OF TABLES...........................................................................................................xvii (1) INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1 1.1 Aim...............................................................................................................................1 1.2 Objective.......................................................................................................................1 1.3 Scope of the study.........................................................................................................1 (2) LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 What are vertical gardens............................................................................................3 2.2 History of Vertical gardens..........................................................................................3 2.3 Types of vertical Gardens............................................................................................4 2.3.1 Green Facade......................................................................................................4 2.3.2 Living Walls.......................................................................................................5 2.4 Benefits of Vertical gardens.........................................................................................8 2.5 Thermal evaluation of VGS for building walls...........................................................10 2.6 Various plant species used in VGS.............................................................................12 (3) CASE STUDIES 3.1 Consorcio Santiago Building......................................................................................15 3.2 The great kitchen cafe, Chandigarh............................................................................16 3.3 Musee du Quai Branly, Paris......................................................................................17 (4) DESIGN PROPOSAL 4.1 Aspiring Minds, Gurgaon..........................................................................................18 (5) SUMMARY 5.1 Comparison of Various Vertical Gardens...................................................................21 5.2 Recommendation on design of vertical garden...........................................................23 (6) CONCLUSION 6.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................................24 6.2 Future scope................................................................................................................24 (7) REFERENCES............................................................................................................25
LIST OF FIGURES 1) Fig 1: L’Oasis d’Aboukir – Paris................................................................................3 (Source:
2) Fig 2: Hanging garden of Babylon.............................................................................3 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
3) Fig 3: Garden trellis in Rome......................................................................................3 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
4) Fig 4: Climbing plants on house.................................................................................3 (Source:
5) Fig 5: Stainless steel cable system..............................................................................3 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
6) Fig 6: Wire rope net system........................................................................................3 (Source:
7) Fig7: Green facade systems........................................................................................4 (Source: Bustami, R. A., Belusko, M., Ward, J., & Beecham, S. (2018). Vertical greenery systems: A systematic review of research trends. Building and Environment)
8) Fig 8: Modular system...............................................................................................4 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
9) Fig 9: Grid system......................................................................................................4 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
10) Fig 10: Typical section of flower pot system.............................................................5 (Source: By author)
11) Fig 11: Flowerpot Vertical garden in Patna................................................................5 (Source:
12) Fig 12: An office building in Rampur garden, Bareilly..............................................5 (Source:
13) Fig 13: Modular Living Wall System.........................................................................6 (Source: Kmieć, M. (2015). Green wall technology. Czasopismo Techniczn)
14) Fig 14: Parabienta’s Living Wall System...................................................................6 (Source: 15) Fig 15: Section of Vegetated mat wall.......................................................................7 (Source: Kmieć, M. (2015). Green wall technology. Czasopismo Techniczn)
16) Fig 16: Icon Hotel, Hong Kong Polytechnic University...........................................8 (Source: 17) Fig 17: Positions of thermocouple for measuring temperature................................10 (Source: Wong, N. H., Tan, A. Y. K., Chen, Y., Sekar, K., Tan, P. Y., Chan, D., & Wong, N. C. (2010). Thermal evaluation of vertical greenery systems for building walls. Building and environment, 45(3), 663-672)
18) Fig 18: Average wall and substrate surface Temperature.........................................11 (Source: Wong, N. H., Tan, A. Y. K., Chen, Y., Sekar, K., Tan, P. Y., Chan, D., & Wong, N. C. (2010). Thermal evaluation of vertical greenery systems for building walls. Building and environment, 45(3), 663-672)
19) Fig 19: Average wall and substrate surface Temperature.........................................11 (Source: Wong, N. H., Tan, A. Y. K., Chen, Y., Sekar, K., Tan, P. Y., Chan, D., & Wong, N. C. (2010). Thermal evaluation of vertical greenery systems for building walls. Building and environment, 45(3), 663-672)
20) Fig 20: Hedera helix...................................................................................................12 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture) 21)
Fig 21: Parthenocissus quinquefolia..........................................................................12 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
22) Fig 22: Hydrangea petiolaris......................................................................................12 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
23) Fig 23: Euonymus fortune.........................................................................................12 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture) 24)
Fig 24: Polygonum bauldschianicum........................................................................13 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
25) Fig 25: Lonicera periclymenum................................................................................13 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
26) Fig 26: Jasminum officinale......................................................................................13 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
27) Fig 27: Capsis radicans..............................................................................................13 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
28) Fig 28: Passiflora caerulea.........................................................................................13 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
29) Fig 29: Lathyrus odoratus..........................................................................................13 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
30) Fig 30: Tropaeolum tricolorum.................................................................................13 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
31) Fig 31: Typical plants for Vertical Gardens..............................................................14 (Source: Özyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
32) Fig 32: Wall Section of Consorcio Santiago Building..............................................15 (Source: Wood, A., Bahrami, P., & Safarik, D. (2014). Green walls in high-rise buildings: An output of the CTBUH sustainability working group. Images Publishing)
33) Fig 33: View of Consorcio Santiago Building..........................................................15 (Source: Wood, A., Bahrami, P., & Safarik, D. (2014). Green walls in high-rise buildings: An output of the CTBUH sustainability working group. Images Publishing)
34) Fig 34: Horizontal aluminium slates supporting climbing plants........................15
(Source: Wood, A., Bahrami, P., & Safarik, D. (2014). Green walls in high-rise buildings: An output of the CTBUH sustainability working group. Images Publishing)
35) Fig 35: Top view of building.....................................................................................16 (Source: Wood, A., Bahrami, P., & Safarik, D. (2014). Green walls in high-rise buildings: An output of the CTBUH sustainability working group. Images Publishing)
36) Fig 36: View from office area...................................................................................16 (Source: Wood, A., Bahrami, P., & Safarik, D. (2014). Green walls in high-rise buildings: An output of the CTBUH sustainability working group. Images Publishing)
37) Fig 37: Living wall in interiors.................................................................................16 (Source: By author)
38) Fig 38: Use of Flowerpots........................................................................................16 (Source: By author)
39) Fig 39: Section details..............................................................................................16 (Source: By author)
40) Fig 40: Section details..............................................................................................16 (Source: By author)
41) Fig 41: Musee du Quai Branly, Paris........................................................................17 (Source:
42) Fig 42: Living facade of the Quai Branly Museum................................................17 (Source:
43) Fig 43: Section detail................................................................................................17 (Source:
44) Fig 44: View from main road...................................................................................18 (Source: By author)
45) Fig 45: Site Location................................................................................................18 (Source: By author)
46) Fig 46: Typical energy consumption zoning in office building...............................19 (Source: By author)
47) Fig 47: wooden facade..............................................................................................23 (Source: Peng, K. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2015). A Study on the Types of Vertical Greening Applying to Urban Existing Buildings)
48) Fig 48: Natural Climbing on stone wall...................................................................23 (Source: Peng, K. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2015). A Study on the Types of Vertical Greening Applying to Urban Existing Buildings)
49) Fig 49: Natural Climbing on pebbles........................................................................23 (Source: Peng, K. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2015). A Study on the Types of Vertical Greening Applying to Urban Existing Buildings)
50) Fig 50: Modular greening on RC wall......................................................................23 (Source: Peng, K. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2015). A Study on the Types of Vertical Greening Applying to Urban Existing Buildings)
51) Fig 51: Plant troughs used on balcony.......................................................................23 (Source: Peng, K. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2015). A Study on the Types of Vertical Greening Applying to Urban Existing Buildings)
52) Fig 52: Highway pillars.............................................................................................23 (Source: Peng, K. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2015). A Study on the Types of Vertical Greening Applying to Urban Existing Buildings)
53) Fig 53: Hanging plants on eaves...............................................................................23 (Source: Peng, K. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2015). A Study on the Types of Vertical Greening Applying to Urban Existing Buildings)
LIST OF TABLES 1) Table1: Description of vertical greenery systems used in research.....................10 (Source: Wong, N. H., Tan, A. Y. K., Chen, Y., Sekar, K., Tan, P. Y., Chan, D., & Wong, N. C. (2010). Thermal evaluation of vertical greenery systems for building walls. Building and environment, 45(3), 663-672)
2) Table 2: Values of Ambient temperature..............................................................11 (Source: Wong, N. H., Tan, A. Y. K., Chen, Y., Sekar, K., Tan, P. Y., Chan, D., & Wong, N. C. (2010). Thermal evaluation of vertical greenery systems for building walls. Building and environment, 45(3), 663-672)
3) Table 3: Details of Self Clinging Climbers..........................................................12 (Source: Ă–zyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
4) Table 4: Details of Twining Climbers..................................................................13 (Source: Ă–zyavuz, M. (2013). Advances in Landscape Architecture)
5) Table 5: Vertical garden Design And Cost Estimates..........................................19 (Source: By author)
6) Table 6: Comparison of vertical systems.............................................................21 (Source: By author)
7) Table 7: Suitable vertical garden as per building facade......................................23 (Source: Peng, K. H., & Lin, H. Y. (2015). A Study on the Types of Vertical Greening Applying to Urban Existing Buildings)
lichen growing on rocks; and coastline cliffs decorated by carpets of multicoloured flowers.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The unstoppable force of urbanization is consuming vast quantities of natural vegetation, replacing them with concrete buildings and low albedo surfaces. These resulting changes in the thermal properties of surface materials and the lack of evapotranspiration in urban areas lead to a phenomenon known as the urban heat island (UHI) effect.
The aim is to assist in the education of the public and professionals towards acknowledging and accepting Living walls as a sufficient sustainable solution. Lack of extensive knowledge is the main issue when it comes to Vertical garden. They offer an abundance of advantages towards the environment, the economy, climatic conditions, psychological and social aspects.
With the idea of introducing nature back into the urban landscape, a partnership is strengthening between nature and the city with the aim to create a new sustainable urban lifestyle. Greenery is the key element of this transformation. Since the outer surfaces of building offer a great amount of space for vegetation in urban cities, planting on roofs and walls has became one of the most innovative and rapidly developing fields in the worlds of ecology, horticulture and the built environment.
1.1 Aim The aim is to study vertical gardens as a method to increase green spaces in urban areas to ensure healthier environment and better quality of life. 1.2 Scope This dissertation focuses on vertical garden to analyze general perspective of its abilities, benefits, impacts and its need to provide environmental friendly functions at both building and urban scales. 1.3 Objective To give a brief overview on vertical gardens and their history over the past century. To study the benefits and different approaches to green walls. To refer various case studies to reflect on the performance of the green walls.
The greening of the façade of building walls, known as vertical gardens, has yet to be fully explored and exploited. Simply due to the sheer amount of building walls, the widespread use of vertical greenery systems not only represents a great potential in mitigating the UHI effect through evapotranspiration and shading, it is also a highly impactful way of transforming the urban landscape. It helps to provide cleaner air and water, improve human health and wellbeing, cool and insulate buildings, reducing the need and cost for air-conditioning. Nature itself is the inspiration for vertical gardens. In many places in the world, we can admire vertical lawns on mountain paths; plants such as climbers, moss and
(2) LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 What is vertical garden? The vertical gardens are defined as gardens that cover facade walls using various plant species.
Fig 3: Garden trellis in Rome
In 1920’s there was a garden city moment from the British and Americans which encouraged the integration of garden features and plant usage, for example, using pergolas, trellis structures and self climbing plants.
Climber plants, plants cascading down, or plants being laterally planted on a vertical surface are examples of a Vertical Garden. These green vertical surfaces could be attached to the facade itself or on a separate structure. It is a vertical arrangement of plants and other organisms that naturally remove toxins and unhealthy contaminants from the air that we breathe.
Fig 4: Climbing plants on house
In 1988 people started to use stainless steel cable system for green facades
Fig 1: L’Oasis d’Aboukir – Paris
2.2 History of Vertical Gardens The ancient concept of Green walls was built in Babylon about 2500 years ago. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Fig 5: Stainless steel cable system
Early 1990’s cable and wire-rope net systems and modular trellis panel systems enter the North American marketplace
Fig 2: Hanging garden of Babylon
Between 3rd BC 17th AD, Romans used to train grapevines on garden trellis and on villa walls.
Fig 6: Wire rope net system
A). Modular trellis panel system The building block of this modular system is a rigid, light weight, threedimensional panel made from a powder coated galvanized and welded steel wire that supports plants with both a face grid and a panel depth. The panels could be easily piled and linked in order to cover large areas as well as creating different shapes and styles. They are usually manufactured with recycled materials such as steel, and due to their rigidness, they can be placed between structures or could be used as freestanding Green walls.
2.3 Types of vertical gardens Vertical Gardens are classified into two main types green facades and living wall. 2.3.1 Green Facade Green facade refers to climbing plants that are encouraged to grow up and along the walls of buildings to form a vegetation covering, roots are contained in a substrate at the base of the wall or planted in natural ground. Green facades are subdivided into direct and indirect green facade.
Fig 8: Modular system
B). Grid systems Grids are employed on green facades that are designed to support faster growing climbing plants with denser foliage. This system use high tensile steel cables, anchors and supplementary equipment.
Fig 7: Green facade systems
1) Direct green facade In direct green facade climbing plants uses facade material as support to grow and plants to be rooted in a substrate at the base of the wall. The limitation of this system is that it damages the wall structure and facade material. 2) Indirect green facade In indirect green facade climbing plants grow on light weight metal trellises that are fixed onto the building’s walls, with a cavity between the plants and the wall structure for waterproofing and wallmaintenance purposes. These are of following three types:
Fig 9: Grid system
C). wire-rope net systems Wire-nets are often used to support slower growing plants that need the added support these systems provide at closer intervals.
2.3.2 Living walls Living wall refers to a wall that incorporates vegetation into its structure or onto its surface, and which does not require the plants to be rooted in a substrate at the base of the wall as with green facades. Living walls need more protection than green facades because of its diversity and density of vegetation. It is categorised into three types:
Fig 11: Flowerpot Vertical garden in Patna
1). Flower pot system In this system plants are placed inside flowerpots and then flowerpots are mounted to the carrier profile at the bottom layer. Drip irrigation is used and system also carries nutrient to the plants. A small amount of peat and soil can be used to avoid increasing weight of the system.
Fig 12: An office building in Rampur garden, Bareilly
2). Modular Living Walls Modular systems consist of square or rectangular panels that hold growing media to support plant material Modular system solutions can be applied on every surface and in every climate. They are very resistant to strong winds and rain. This system consists of five basic parts: panels made from stainless steel, soilless material ensuring plant growth, plants specially cultivated to be resistant to the effects of atmospheric factors, a computerized vertical irrigation system with temperature and moisture sensors, Wall frame assembly (the frame can be made from wood or stainless steel).
Fig 10: Typical section of flower pot system
Fig 13: Modular Living Wall System
Parabienta’s Living Wall System By- Shimizu Corporation It is a lightweight, low-cost green wall panel-type unit that allows flexibility in wall design by combining different panel styles and various plant varieties. The growth medium is a solid lightweight soil that has excellent water retention and drainage properties and comes in a 5cm (1.96”) thick spongelike sheet of polyester blended soil that has been heated with steam and moulded.
Fig 14: Parabienta’s Living Wall System
3). Vegetated mat wall The ‘Mur Vegetal’ is a unique form of green wall pioneered by Patrick Blanc. It is composed of two layers of felt which are attached with the aid of fasteners. The plants require access to light, carbon dioxide and mineral-enriched water. The construction possesses an automatic plant water moisturizing system regulated by a moisture meter. The roots develop not in a capacitive but on a flat surface, unlike many other soilless cultivation systems where the roots grow inside a capacity filled with certain substances (for example peat, mineral cotton, coconut fibre, or polystyrene mixtures). The weight of the whole vertical installation is very significant. Thinner materials like felt are not deformed by changes of temperature. Micro-fissures between fibres can expand in freezing conditions without changes to its general structure. This is because fibres are non-structural woven materials. The durability of the material is strengthened with polypropylene foil placed between the fabric and PVC sheets.
elements of the vertical garden, only felt has an influence on the plants’ biology. In its fibres, the roots can grow and become rooted, and absorb water and nutrients. In reality, this fabric can be compared to a thin layer of algae and moss growing on rocks and tree trunks. Different species of plants in the vertical garden grow into the fabric just like they would grow into beds of moss on a rocky surface. In order to facilitate plant installation, the fabric consists of two layers fixed (with stainless steel fasteners) to a durable PVC construction with a layer of polyurethane foil. In the first layer, vertical openings 5 cm to 10 cm wide are cut, depending on the dimensions of the plants. Soil is removed from the plants and their roots are placed between both layers. Fabric is able to evenly distribute water and nutrients in its entire surface. The entire exchange between plant roots, water and air occurs in the irrigation fabric. In the fabric, an interaction occurs between microorganisms and plants; this enables the roots to absorb more water and mineral salts.
Felt does not decompose because it is made of acrylic fibres. Of all the
Fig 15: Section of Vegetated mat wall
from vertical garden system. Elements that influence noise reduction are as follows; The depth of the growing media The materials used as structural components of the vertical garden system, The plant species used in vertical garden system (evergreen plant species are more effective). Vertical garden systems can be used as an image barrier, too. By using these systems, green images can take the place of undesirable images like dump.
Fig 16: Icon Hotel, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2.4 Benefits of vertical gardens 1). Enhance biodiversity Providing biodiversity and habitat Biodiversity is an important component of the ecosystem. Rapidly increasing urbanization and reduction of green spaces make preservation of biodiversity more difficult and there are changes in the link between human activities and biodiversity. Implementation of vertical garden systems in urban areas create habitat for fauna and flora. So they help to increase biodiversity. The more plant varieties are used in vertical gardens, the more biodiversity will be increased. However, it should be considered that different plant species require different habitat conditions. So plant species should be chosen carefully.
3). Increase Energy efficiency Today, the reduction of energy sources and the increase of energy consumption have been under investigation of different disciplines dealing with these issues. One of the energy efficient building design’s elements is vertical garden. Vertical garden systems can be used in the winter months for heating and in the summer months for cooling. These systems improve thermal insulation capacity through external temperature regulation.
2).Sound isolation and barring bad images As a result of intensive migration from rural areas to the cities, increasing urban population has brought with it the problem of noise pollution. Depending on the population, the increasing number of vehicles in the cities causes the increase of noise pollution and the decrease of people's quality of life. Vertical garden systems offer the best way to avoid the negative effects of noise pollution. The growing media and plant species in vertical garden systems will contribute to a reduction of sound levels that transmit through or reflect
4) Increase amount of green space in the cities The speed of construction is increasing due to urban population. Urban green spaces which offer recreational facilities to the people in urban areas are decreasing day by day. The destruction of green areas in the horizontal plane created the idea of invention of vertical gardens. So, urban areas could be gained green areas again.
systems reduce the amount of rain which affects to the facade and they protect structures from rainwater.
5).Bringing rainwater to the ecological cycle Drip irrigation system is usually used in vertical garden systems. This system transports the nutrient materials and water to the plants. The aim of irrigation system is to reach these materials to the root zone of the plants properly. By slowing the drainage of rainwater vertical garden systems prevent flood. Also vertical garden system allows rainwater to be used by plants. The plants filter the rainwater and bring it into the ecological cycle.
7). Adding aesthetic and economic value to the structures In our daily lives, we spend most of our time in the area were built with gray walls is quite far from the aesthetic concept. People's living spaces are increasingly graying, with a reduction of available green areas in the cities. Vertical garden systems are involved in the aesthetic value of the landscape to which they apply. Today, people are looking for concept of green where they live. This situation is increasing prices of projects which have more green spaces.
6). Protecting structures Vertical garden systems protect structures from external effects. They can extend the life of the structure with two different functions as follows; Protect structures from temperature changes Protect structures from rain High temperature changes may show expansion or contraction in the face of structures depending on the material used. Such movement can cause cracks in buildings. As a result, construction of the building would be damaged. Vertical garden systems will minimize expansion and contraction movements of minimizing the impact of temperature changes on the facades of buildings. So they protect structures from negative effects. Rainwater can influence the life spans of structures. Acid rain can erode the surface of structure and excessive rainfall can cause deterioration of the structure. Well-developed vertical garden systems form an effective protection against driving rain, because they prevent that the rain will reach the surface of the facade. So, vertical garden
8). Reducing urban heat island effect Urban Heat Island (UHI) means that the urban temperature is higher than the surrounding countryside due to urbanization. During the day, facades of buildings and hard surfaces absorb the sun’s ray. This causes an increase in the city's temperature especially at the night. This negative effect can be compensated by increasing the amount of green space in the city. Vertical garden systems play an important role in reducing the urban heat island effect by increasing the evaporation surface and reflecting the sun's rays. 9). Air Quality Improvement Vertical gardens are effective methods for improving the indoor and outdoor air quality. Population growth and increased industrialization in urban areas are the main causes of air pollution. Vertical garden systems provide an increase in the amount of green space in urban areas. Plants in the system can absorb
exhaust gas, airborne dust and CO2. The amount of absorption is related to plants’ features. 10). Contribution to the acquisition of green building certification This label brings some standards to the buildings and also it provides a guide to architects and engineers.. Buildings and residential tial areas are responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions, 12% % of water utilization, 65% % of waste and 71% of energy use. However, these figures can be reduced by using of green buildings. buildings The systems stems which are used most commonly as follows (LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) BREEAM (Building Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)
Table le 1: Description of vertical greenery systems used in research
Fig 17:: Positions of thermocouple for measuring temperature
2.5 Thermal Evaluation vertical garden systems
The research involves the study of different vertical greenery systems (VGSs) installed in HortPark to evaluate the thermal impacts on the performance of buildings and their immediate environment based on the surface and ambient temperatures. Instrumentation and parameters Single channel nel Hobo U12T type thermocouple data loggers with an accuracy of ±1.5 °C are used for the measurement of surface temperature. temperature For the ambient temperature, Hobo H8 Pro temperature/relative humidity data loggers with an accuracy of ±0.5 °C are used.
Green facade – Modular trellis
Ambient temperatures VGS 1 has hardly any effect on the ambient temperature while the effects of VGS 2 are felt as far as 0.60 m away. Reductions in the ambient temperature of up to 3.33 °C are observed from VGS 2 at a distance of 0.15 m away. Cooler ambient temperature means that the air intakes of air-conditioning are at a lower temperature, translating into saving in energy cooling load.
Fig 18: Average wall and substrate surface Temperature
There is a 4.36 °C reduction in the average temperature of the wall surface. The presence of climbing plants does have a decreasing effect on the overall wall surface average temperature even without the insulating presence of substrate.
The extent of temperature reduction appears to depend on the density of the foliage cover and the consequent shading effect of the leaves.
Temperature (°C) 0.15 m away
0.30 m away
0.60 m away
Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Highest
Living wall – Modular panel
Control 26.34 Wall
Table 2: Values of Ambient temperature Fig 19: Average wall and substrate surface Temperature
The average temperature reduction of the wall is substantial especially during the daytime when solar radiation is high, with a maximum reduction of about 10.94 °C in afternoon.
Differences in surface temperatures between surfaces with and without vegetation can be as high as 11 °C. The reason for the differences in the thermal performance can be a combination of various factors including substrate type, insulation from the system structure, substrate moisture content as well as the shade and insulation from greenery coverage.
The diurnal temperature fluctuation of the wall surface is minimal. The temperatures of the substrate surface are lower than the control wall by about 3–6 °C at night and 9 °C in the day as well as lower than the wall surface by about 1 °C at night.
2.6 Various plant species used in Vertical Gardens A). Self-clinging Climbers
Hedera helix
Deciduous (D) Evergreen (E) Annual (A)
ASPECT Bold:preffe red Light:toler ated
Growth Rate
Native (N) Exotic (E)
Hydrangea petiolaris
Euonymus fortunei
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Speciality Excellent wildlife plant. Good nesting site for robins and wrens, and hibernating butterflies – esp. brimstone. Nectar and pollen for bees and hoverflies. Useful for nesting birds if grown on a trellis. Provides nectar and pollen for bees. May attract nesting spotted flycatcher. Good for nesting birds and produces nectar for bees and other insects.
Table 3: Details of Self Clinging Climbers
Fig 20: Hedera helix
Fig 21: Parthenocissus quinquefolia Fig 22: Hydrangea petiolaris
Fig 23: Euonymus fortunei
B). Twining climbers
Polygonum bauldschianicum
Deciduous (D) Evergreen (E) Annual (A) D
ASPECT Bold:pref fered Light:tole rated NESW
Growth Rate
Native (N) Exotic (E) E
Speciality Good for nesting birds.
Lonicera Periclymenum
Good Loam
Jasminum officinale
Well drained
RichWell drained
Rich Well drained
Capsis radicans Passiflora caerulea Lathyrus odoratus
Tropaeolum spp.
Mainly A
Must be kept bushy for nesting birds. Excellent for insects, especially moths, due to night scented flowers. Bark from older stems used by nesting birds. Berries eaten by birds Night-scented, attracting moths and other nightflying insects.
Nectar and pollen for bees.
Nectar/pollen for bees and beetles. Seeds eaten by birds and small mammals. Food plant of small and large white butterflies.
Table 4: Details of Twining Climbers
Fig 24: Polygonum bauldschianicum
Fig 25: Lonicera periclymenum
Fig 28: Passiflora caerulea
Fig 26: Jasminum officinale
Fig 29: Lathyrus odoratus
Fig 27: Capsis radicans
Fig 30: Tropaeolum tricolorum
C). Typical plants for Vertical Gardens
Fig 31: Typical plants for Vertical Gardens
(3) CASE STUDIES 3.1 Consorcio Santiago Building Santiago, Chile Architect-Enrique Browne
Fig 32: Wall Section
Landscape architect- Juan Grimm Year -1993 Height-58m Stories -17 Climate- hot dry summers, mild moist winters Green wall overview
Double-skin green facade Location – north and west facades Green coverage- 2,293 sq. m Horizontal aluminium slates, offset 1.4 m from facade, supporting climbing plants Vegetation- Bougainville, Ampelopsis and Plumbagos 35% more efficient than conventional buildings
Fig 33: View of Consorcio Santiago Building
Fig 34: Horizontal aluminium slates supporting climbing plants
The vegetation is composed of medium height shrubs with deciduous leaves and plants. This peculiarity allows reducing the use of the conditioning system up to 48%.
Climate- Humid Subtropical System- Flowerpots Water supply- Drip irrigation Location- interior
Fig 35: Top view of building
Fig 38: Use of Flowerpots
Fig 36: View from office area
These plants provide solar shade in summer, colour in autumn/fall and admit solar light during leafless months. The building is truly sustainable: it oxygenates, mitigates atmospheric pollution and makes its facade cade unique.
3.2 The Great Beer kitchen cafe, Chandigarh (Primary case study)
Fig 39: Section details
In this system plants are placed inside flowerpots and then flowerpots are mounted to the carrier profile at the bottom layer. Drip irrigation is used and system also carries nutrient to the plants. plants
Fig 37: Living wall in interiors
Designer- Alka Bhalla Fig 40: Section details
3.3 Musee du Quai Branly, Paris Type: Museum
Year: 2004
Architect: Jean Nouvel Green Wall Designer: Patrick Blanc Climate: mild & moderately wet Size: 40-foot high and 650-foot long
Fig 42: Living facade of the Quai Branly Museum
Plants are used that grow on damp rock walls. The plants are established without soil, in a layer of recycled polyamide felt that acts as a growing medium for the roots and carries a dilute nutrient solution from drip irrigation tubes at the top edge of the wall.
Fig 41: Musee du Quai Branly, Paris
The museum incorporates an outstanding array of green installations including a 190,000 square-foot of which the large green facade of the museum is certainly the most iconic.
The felt is attached to sheets of expanded PVC hung on a tubular steel frame that separates the vegetated surface from the building facade.
The living wall accommodates some 150,000 plants of 150 different species – mostly from Europe, North America, China, Japan, Chile, and South Africa – to achieve a high level of biodiversity. Blanc avoided using tropical plants, which are unsuitable for a north-facing facade in Paris’ climate.
A gutter along the bottom of the wall catches and recycles the irrigation water.
3 Zones Top- larger hemiepiphyte species (e.g. Ficus, Schefflera, Clusia) Middlemedium epiphytes(e.g. Medinilla, Anthurium, Philodendron) Fig 43: Section detail
Bottom- smaller saxicolous species (e.g. Pilea, Elatostema, Fittonia, Episcia)
(4) DESIGN PROPOSAL 4.1 Aspiring Minds, Gurgaon HVAC, vertical garden is applied on the south west facade of the structure. Two systems are used1) Flowerpots 2) Indirect green facade
Fig 44: View from main road
Location- Phase II, Udyog Vihar, Sector 20 Climate- Composite Temperature: 28°C-42°C
Fig 45: Site Location
The office building ilding is surrounded by built structures and there is no space for gardening. As climate of Gurgaon is composite so to minimise urban ban heat island effect and energy consumption on
Wall Sections In centre climber plants are used to maintain greenery as well as visibility from inside and flowerpots is used at both sides.
Cost estimation Sr. No.
Indirect Green Facade
Component Steel cables
AREA (sq. ft)
60/2=30sq.m =322.9sq.ft
Pots system
Plastic pots, rust free steel coating
Table 5: Vertical garden Design and Cost Estimates
Calculation of reduction in energy consumption through HVAC
Energy Consumption in cooling of interiors is around 32% With living walls energy saving is 50% as per the analysis. Therefore total energy saving is 16% Temperature change: 10°C-12°C
Fig 46: Typical energy consumption zoning in office building
(5) SUMMARY 5.1 Comparison among various vertical garden systems Sr. No.
Direct green facade
Indirect green facade
Potted modular system
Modular living wall
Vegetated felt wall
Green Technology
Light weight trellis attached to wall through connectors
Pots are attached to frame which is connected to carrier profile
Plant material is inserted in steel panels which is wedge anchor to steel frame
The felt is attached to expanded PVC hung on a tubular steel frame
-Galvanised steel panels
Plastic pots, rust free steel coating
Stainless steel panel
Polyamide felt, PVC panels
- steel cables, wires 3
Cost (Rs per sq ft)
Maintenance Cycle
Annual trim
Annual trim
After few months
Interior, Exterior
Interior, Exterior
Interior, Exterior
Energy saving
Warm- 68%
Life span
More than 50
Replacemen t of plants after 4-5 years
Self watering
Self watering
Pipe water supply
Drip irrigation
Drip irrigation
(In years)
Watering system
Average temp. change
Wall module
Felt layers
Self clinging
Twining Climbers
Croton, Sprengeri fern, Boston fern, Scandent Scheffera, etc
Touch- menot, Gardenia spp., Copperleaf, Boston fern, Golden dewdrop, etc
Ficus, Schefflera , Clusia, Medinilla, Anthuriu m, Philodend ron, etc
Table 6: Comparison of vertical systems
5.2 Recommendations on design of vertical garden
Wall material
Modular greening is recommended as water-soaked wood may easily become rotten.
Bricks, stones, tiles
Natural climbing of vining plants with aerial roots or adhesive discs is recommended, or alternatively modular greening.
Washed pebbles
Natural climbing of vining plants with aerial roots or adhesive discs is recommended.
Fig 47: wooden facade
For smooth surfaces, installation of supportive racks is recommended for wall climbing or modular greening.
Flowerstands, balconies
Plant troughs may be installed on the balconies. Fine textured plants are preferable for the limited areas of the balcony spaces.
Colourful and playful designs may be applied on columns using potted flowers or vegetated felt system.
Hanging plant pots on building tops or planting hanging vines are recommended.
Fig 48: Natural Climbing on stone wall
Fig 49: Natural Climbing on pebbles
Fig 50: Modular greening on RCC wall
Fig 51: Plant troughs used on balcony
Fig 52: Highway pillars
Table 7: Suitable vertical garden as per building facade
Fig 53: Hanging plants on eaves
forced to live in cramped, large agglomerations. An efficient way of improving the quality of life is the introduction of plant-life through vertical gardens.
(6) CONCLUSION 6.1 Conclusion This study classifies vertical garden into two main types that is Green Facade and Living Walls. These systems offer option of external wall materials, besides of tiles, cements and stones. When selecting plant varieties and support materials, the different attributes of geographical situations, settlements, environments and building materials should be taken into considerations.
6.2 Future scope With environmental issues being at their highest in dense urban areas, taking into consideration the importance of greenery in such areas, the utilization of bare facades to create green spaces is an effective solution for tackling many issues.
The Green Living Wall has tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. Water savings: 40-50 % by smart irrigation, Energy Savings: 30-40% by cooling effect inside, Enhances Biodiversity, Enhances Property Value, Enables Health and Well-being, etc.
By 2050, India’s population is expected to exceed 300 million and nearly 80% of the population will reside in urban areas. People are taking initiatives to help in curbing pollution and in beautifying the city. But all these efforts are at a very initial stage, so more awareness is needed among people to promote vertical gardens.
It has been considered that the most relevant parameter for comparison could be the registered reduction on the building’s external wall surface temperature (°C) due to the effect of the green facade, because it is the first and most direct effect arising from the presence of sunscreen. It can be stated that the higher the foliage thickness, the higher the reduction of the surface temperatures.
Vertical gardens can be a useful and innovative solution, as densely packed urban areas lack space. With the implementation of Vertical gardens, an urban web can experience numerous advantages related to environmental, economic, ecological, psychological, social and aesthetic aspects.
People desire to be surrounded by nature even if for economic reasons, they are
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