5 minute read
Isha Gupta Class 9th , Nath Valley School, Aurangabad
Freedom, a simple word given to a topic that can be understood even if one lives for infinity... Infinity, another such word. These are words we use daily, but when you think of it, every definition fells wrong, something missing or everything wrong or everything right according to the rules but unrelatable. According to me freedom is a deception we ourselves in every day and night. We say everyday “we live in a free country and are free to speak and do whatever we like”. Is that really the case? According to me, no. Freedom is when you can shut down anything and everything that annoys and disturbs you. When you find some song emotional you just stop listening, but how can you shut down what is happening to you. We can have had freedom of the ideal world since a long time, freedom from social bindings, stereotypes and expectations is being worked on, many have got it too, but the freedom that is nearly impossible (nearly impossible for a living person) to have is from the things and thoughts made from ourself. You cannot shut down the voice in your head constantly annoying you all life no matter how hard you try. Ever heard two sides of your body battle, not brain and heart but two sides of brain (brain mostly wins over heart in my case, so I stopped calling that a battle). One side of my brain advises me to act on my impulse, speak whatever comes in your head and that there is no such thing as consequence, while the other side protests that what will everyone around me think, what if I hurt someone, respecting others is necessary, at least live up to the borderline of expectation from parents and teachers and the list goes on and on. Both sides are correct (I do not have the write to define something as correct or wrong, it will always be best option in someone’s list and worst mistake in other’s) have their own points, but you always go with the second side. The reasons are complicated, the best I could find is that first one’s advice can be followed in an ideal world but second one is best in the real world. All this is for those who have gained freedom from social bindings and relations (all except parental, both ways). If that is not the case then the monk in the temple and the neighbor aunt with binoculars fixed on your window along with the gossip gang of school already suppressed the first side without even letting it express his innocence.
Innocence is a bliss, not knowing anything, shooting aimlessly in the dark, not caring if it hit someone in the eye or the bullseye. But staying in the dark for so long that sunlight needs to be fought and walking on a defined path with a goal rather than wandering aimlessly seeming a tiring work is not a very good thing either. According to me freedom is when someone can follow the first voice throughout their lives without regretting their choice at every turn of life. Sounds difficult right? I had mentioned it at the start, following my definition of freedom (or anything else) is nearly impossible, although the goal is what every soul would love and trade anything for. So, I have solutions to make my definition come true, I don’t recommend the first one but I need to give it as it is an option. Death. Free from everything including yourself and things and thoughts created from yourself. I AM NOT ADVISING THIS. But still if forced by circumstances, first think from second part of your head and let your heart give a little bit of say in this. If you still think that is the best road, then before following the road, let all the turns that lead you there, know what they have done, and do everything that the first voice told you since your breath without even caring to acknowledge the second one. I use death as an asset and liberty. It encourages me to do whatever I deem right in the minute because who knows maybe the next minute your ancestors behind you! And everything blows up or the sun eats the Earth in the next this minute turning all labor into dust! Sorry, scared you to hell, didn’t I? That’s one of the may qualities I have. So, now my way of achieving my definition of freedom. Here is where you see me as a positive person and not just as someone who talks and believes in nothing but dark. Firstly, turn your heart ALMOST off and let brain rule. Which voice? Second voice. Strange, right? So, here you tell the first voice to take the higher road and let the second voice win for some time. The second voice is what helps you to struggle to achieve your dreams and be successful while the second voice tells you how to live your life to the fullest. So, you follow the second and go where it leads you until the day your signature becomes your autograph and the most difficult choice is in the morning between Rolls-Royce and Jaguar. After this you can listen to the first voice without any consequences affecting you (but also acknowledge the second voice once) or your heart. I am still working on this but I know that is trick will provide the outcome, affirmatively. Bill Gates for an example, he does not have to think what will be the neighbor’s opinion before opening a bottle of champagne first thing in morning. You have two options- either you let the lack of freedom kill you every day or use the want as fuel every day to achieve it. For those of you who think that I still care about other’s expectations this article is a strong evidence to oppose your opinion. I was expected to be writing sugar-coated positive things about freedom are abut the sacrifices of 1857, but here I am revealing one of the darkest secrets of life.
“You don’t know what goes on in anyone’s life but yours”
Try keeping this secret to yourself, just the way others have kept it or else by the time you regret and try to hide it is too late.
Isha Gupta