Mr. V. Heymonth Kumar Educator-Trainee I KSR College of Education
This is Mr.V.Heymonth Kumar from Erode, Tamil Nadu. His pen name is Heymonth Ninja. His famous poetry, “Pandemic Curse”, had published in Sydney, Australia. His research article, “An Echo of Ignored Screams” had published in Delhi, along with the PhD scholars from Canada, Africa and Bangladesh. He received “KALAI CHITPI – 2020” award for his English Drama Acting by Government of Tamil Nadu (TN / 2020 / 0251793).
Hope is Everything When there is no way to find, I hope for future in my mindNothing is wrong in life’s way, Live with hope for another day; Without it, human race is lost, The time-piece moves very fast: What should I need to think? Hope earns its level in a wink… The sky spits gloom to the Earth, Sun is the hope for all our mirth: Whenever you get a nightmare, Gain optimistic attitude to share;
Hope is the soul of humanityThat pushes us to the eternity; Hoping for success is a pain, To achieve the Heaven’s rain; Educate everyone to be the best, Having hope in heart is God’s test; Inject positivity to bone marrow, Spread your thoughts that narrow; True to yourself for being a hero, Attain hope even you are a zero; It builds you to the highest rank, And fills your money in the bank. Mr.V.Heymonth Kumar
FEBRUARY 2021 - 011