Rushes Soho Shorts Festival Magazine 2008

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Rushes Soho Shorts Festival 2008

10 Wednesday 23rd July to Friday 1st August

Hello… …and welcome to the 10th Rushes Soho Shorts Festival! Number 10. Number 10! Rushes Soho Shorts Festival (RSSF) has made it to its 10th magnificent year. Back in 1999, Mark Hewitt, then MD at Rushes commented, “This is only the start of things to come. We plan this to be an annual event in the Soho calendar. RSSF will only be a success if you enjoy it enough to want to come back next year and bring your friends!” Well, that labour of love by Joce Capper and the Rushes festival team was evidently well received. You enjoyed it and you came back year after year, and suddenly here we are at number 10, with 20 film programmes and 30 events to choose from. To all newcomers, welcome. Enjoy, explore, there is much to see and only 10 days to fit it all in! The more seasoned will find a few exciting changes. Our Titles/Idents Award has been rebranded as Broadcast Design Award. We’ll also be teaming up with Kodak to screen their 2008 nominees for Best Cinematography Award, the winner will be announced at our Awards Ceremony, along with an Audience Award that you can vote for at the Kodak screenings. As well as the new additions you’ll find the old favourite events and guests, including Dazzle,

straight 8, the Advertising Producers Association and a networking evening. Returning for a second year, we have animation from Renderyard, shorts from FourDocs, winners from the Babelgum Online Film Festival and the scrumptious Jenny Hammerton presenting fashion tips from Hollywood goddesses. MAC Cosmetics’ Terry Barber has kindly agreed to lend a hand and, along with Jenny, will instruct you on every last eyebrow pluck and pencil twist during a Saturday brunchtime cosmetics masterclass. You’ll even be able to start the day off with a Mimosa – now, how Hollywood is that – at 11am! To make it to the MAC masterclass you’ll have survived our Friday night 1980s frenzy, which kicks off with a performance and screening from the inspirational visual artist John Foxx. This will be followed by DJs, DayGlo socks and a choice of two late-night movies, complete with breakdancing and misguided dating. After a Saturday packed with seminars, a Simon & Schuster Q&A and a Tenderpixel Gallery Private View, we thought it would be nice to give you a rest. Sunday brings a roast lunch and a ferocious horror double bill from Australia, followed by a

wonderful collection of films from Down Under care of the SHORTS Film Festival. Yalumba vineyards have stepped in to ease your nerves, so join us for a little tipple to celebrate our very own Australia Day. If you survive the weekend, the week ahead will be a synch, with daily competition screenings at 10am, the Film & Festivals Surgeries on editing, gaming, funding, science, sound and distribution at 1pm, and Shooting People’s The Future Of panels at 5pm. In between, you have guest programmes from HollyShorts, DepicT! and QuickFlick World, plus networking events. You can guide yourself through all these activities with daily timetables downloadable from the website. If you have any questions or need tickets for something, always ask at the festival delegates’ desk at Curzon Soho. We’ll be there to help with everything we can. Or email us at

Joe Bateman Festival Director




Mini Cine Screenings

Film & Festivals Surgeries

Shooting People Panels

Festival Team

Joe Bateman Festival Director

Joce Capper Managing Director

Carla MacKinnon Geoff Lown Festival Producer Head Of Operations

Sharon Hill Head Of Library

Costas Charitou Graphic Designer

Nicola Tucker Sub-editor

Dori Halliday

Sonia Ralton

Sonya Watt

Ben Mann, Nathalie Siegel, Leah Motherway,Niamh Mulcahy, Eleanor Rogers, Ben Shillaker, Jack McGinity See our website: for the full list of our great volunteers! Magazine produced by

Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 2007 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Festival Spokespeople: Nick Moran & Con O’Neill . . . . . 12 Newcomer Award . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 About Rushes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 About Ascent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Interview: Jan Dunn . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Short Film Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Interview: Michael Wiggs . . . . . . 25 Documentary Award . . . . . . . . . . 26 Interview: Bulb Ideas . . . . . . . . . . 29 Animation Award . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Interview: Tanya Franks . . . . . . . 34 Music Video Award . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Broadcast Design Award . . . . . . 42 Kodak Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2008 Judges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Film and Festivals Surgeries . . . . 52 Shooting People Panels . . . . . . . 53 Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Australia Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Guest Screenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Venues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Timetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76


Festival 2007 Review Rushes Soho Shorts Festival 2007 ended on a high note with our Awards Night, hosted by the fabulous Café de Paris. After the weeklong extravaganza, that was RSSF 2007, the Stolichnaya & Beefeater cocktail selection were the perfect way to kick off celebrations at fabulously glam Café de Paris. Long-time festival friend Terry Christian opened the ceremony with his usual flair, before introducing a host of special guests, who announced the winning films as voted for by more than 50 luminaries from the film, TV, advertising and media industries. Tamer Hassan, Jodi Albert and Nicky Hambleton-Jones presented the Adstream Titles/ Idents Award to the imaginative BBC4 –


“Rushes So ho Shorts Fe stival raise awareness s the of British fil mmaking a sharp fo talent with cus on up and comin g directors


Edwardian Season, an impressively worked ident that seamlessly combined contemporary footage with archive material. Gail Porter, Will Mellor

and Angellica Bell announced Groove Armada – Get Down (featuring unforgettable discodancing bunnies) as winner of the Sony Music Video Award. The Rushes Newcomer Award went to Richard Murphy for Fish Can’t Fly, while the Curzon Cinemas

The Indepe


Documentary Award went to Beth Stratford for Cheat Neutral. Aardman Animations took the ERA Animation Award for Shaun The Sheep: Off The Baa. Live action/ animation crossover short Silence Is Golden pipped Soft and Interior Bedsit Day to the post to take the prestigious Ascent Media Short Film Award. Slinky Pictures’ Maria Manton collected the trophy from the wonderful Charles Dance and Miranda Richardson (pictured). We’re very much looking forward to our return to Café de Paris for our 10th birthday celebrations!

Festival 2007 Review


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Festival Spokespeople Does being in short films secure a good reputation within the film industry? Two talents who are long-standing supporters of the short format are Con O’Neill and Nick Moran, actors who have turned their hands to writing, producing and directing. They’ve just completed Nick’s directorial feature debut, Telstar (2008), a drama about 1960s record producer Joe Meek, in which Con takes the lead. Con won an Olivier Award for his big break, the West End musical Blood Brothers (1988), where Nick was understudy. His other stage work includes a musical he wrote, A Tribute To The Blues Brothers (1991), while his film CV includes the short drama Scarborough Ahoy! (1995), the winner of a Best Student Film Oscar. Con says his experience acting in short films helped him build in confidence to direct his first short, Brotherly Love (2001). “I’d been in the industry for 15 years and I’d done a few films, and it just got to the point where I was thinking, ‘How hard is it to make a film?’ So I wrote it.” The drama, about the reunion of two estranged brothers, starred Jason Isaacs – and Nick. Nick is best known for his breakthrough in the gangster flick Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels (1998); his other film credits include the crime thriller Rancid Aluminium (2000) and many short


films, among them the comedy Ant Muzak (2002), a Best Short nominee at RSSF. Nick and Con joke that they’ve lost count of the number shorts they’ve been in (18-plus each!), but Nick rates them as the “best calling card you can have”, citing his performance in The Future Lasts A Long Time (1996) as responsible for persuading Guy Ritchie to cast him in Lock, Stock. Nick’s first stab at directing came with Nollywood (2003), a short doc for BBC3, which he made in Nigeria in just three weeks, a “crash course” that proved invaluable when making Telstar. In development for eight years between Nick’s Hollywood stints and via workshops, Telstar finally

reached the stage as a critically acclaimed play at the New Ambassadors Theatre in 2005, earning Con an Olivier nomination. But how was Nick able to secure Con for the same role in the film?

Nick Moran & Con O’Neill Con believes it’s because of something learned from directors he’s worked with: commitment to a vision. “You have to be ready to do it 24/7. You’ve got to be the driving force. When you’re making art, you have to have the forerunner, the person whose vision it is… Art can be collaborative, but you still need someone with the oversight.” And with Telstar, Nick has been lucky that his imagination has been allowed to emerge, having “one bloke signing the cheques” rather than several backers telling him what to do, in a unique funding set-up with Crystal Palace FC chairman Simon Jordan. But both Nick and Con feel they wouldn’t have got so far with this feature without the skills they learnt on short-film sets preparing them for its practical challenges. “As a director,” Con elaborates, “the preparation is so important… You have to pick your best idea and you have to be lean with it.” Nick agrees, “The thing about Telstar was that it was a six-week shoot, the schedule was so unbelievably tight that every day was like making a short film. There wasn’t a moment when I didn’t know what was going where.” Nick also adopted the short-film spirit in the edit, cutting costs by doing it at home. Telstar completed postproduction at Rushes, where the short-film

connection proves inescapable: Nick was an award presenter for the closing night of RSSF in 2004 and has enthusiastically rejoined the team this year for the 10th birthday celebrations. With his feature film in the can, Nick can be seen in the football franchise Goal III (2007), while Con is in a mini-drama for the BBC, Criminal Justice (2008) – but would they consider doing more shorts? The answer is affirmative from Nick: “The thing is with short films, as an actor, is you must always do them because you can meet a huge amount of people. You’re either donating your time and skill and experience or you’re looking out for yourself in the running for something that happens later.” And Con encourages, “Never be frightened to approach actors with short films.” For more information on Telstar, visit:


Newcomer Award From The Diaries Of JoJo The DogFaced Boy

This Is JO3


The Cavalier


Travelling Solo


The I’ve Spied Book Of Beards

Marco Puig Amarillo Films A werewolf love story.

Rob Holder Rob Holder Weight Loss. No Thanks.

Steve North Screen South A young boy faces the realities of coming of age in an extreme world.

Dewi Bruce-Konuah AD82 Productions This town ain’t big enough for the both of ’em... a short film with a clear message.

Sam Steer Sam Steer A dark fairytale set in a miniature paper theatre to music by Serafina Steer.

David Wallington OTT Films Jack’s guitar takes him to another time and place, but there are disadvantages...

Mark Nute Triffic Films A hairy film about the exciting world of beard-spotting.


Spectacular View

Love Does Grow On Trees

How To Pick Up Girls

Benjamin Collins DHP A revenge story between a litterbug and a London sweeper robot.

Bevan Walsh Keel Films A sweet and nostalgic story of lust, guilt and first love.


Once Were Farmers Once Were Farmers / The Gate Films An 8-bit digital man is stuck in an analogue world.

Mike Please UAL A lone explorer stumbles across the last untouched pocket of wilderness.

Dan Gitsham Sketchbook Pictures A dull man learns a demented lesson. Are all men really pigs?

Newcomer Award Covered

Sticks + Balls




On The Upside



Jack Laurance Covered Kirsty’s sex life is unexpectedly tested to its limits. How far will she go?

Dan Susman Film Foundry A modern London Diaspora story about a Jewish bride and Palestinian groom.

Ken Walshe Princess Pictures In a silent flat a woman takes control of her destiny.

Robert Hackett Envy and kindness through the eyes of two old women.

Thursday 24th, 10am, Curzon Soho

Tuesday 29th, 2pm, Tenderpixel Gallery

Thursday 24th, 3pm, Curzon Soho Mini Cine

Wednesday 30th, 10am, Soho House

Sunday 27th, 1pm, Curzon Soho Mini Cine Monday 28th, 5pm, 22 Below

Jacqueline Wright Changing the face of golf forever.

Oscar Sharp Therefore Films/Film 38 Some unusual vegetation is discovered at the bottom of a garden.

Peter Bunzl Peter Bunzl Films An elderly couple’s lives are turned upside down.

Anthony Sutcliffe Sketchlight Films A master scientist has finished his greatest achievement. History beckons for him...

Thursday 31st, 4pm, Crown & Two Chairmen

Newcomer Award Sponsored by Rushes


“Rushes has always nurtured and grown new talent. Promoting, and finding ways for creative’s to express themselves through filmmaking has been at the very heart of our mission” Says Joce Capper, Rushes Managing Director. At 10 years, Rushes Soho Shorts is one of the largest and most popular film festivals on the circuit, promoting great filmmaking across all genres. “We could not be more proud of what the festival has achieved and the ever increasing respect and profile it and the filmmakers earn each year. I’m as passionate about the art of filmmaking as when the festival launched and am even more determined to reach as many people as we can, to showcase the exceptional talent creating film today. Everyone knows the quality of the work we screen is second to none.” “The success of the festival relies on Rushes to have bucket loads of commitment and time. And of course provide financial support. We have always been fortunate in having regular and loyal support of sponsors and many helpers. A HUGE thanks to everyone involved, who understand why the festival is such a crucial event. I also want to thank the team at Rushes. Rushes is one of the world’s leading post houses and has always been at the forefront of the industry, blazing the way in the digital VFX revolution in Telecine, 2D and 3D. Rushes is made up of state of the art equipment but much, much more importantly, truly exceptional and unique talent. I work with individuals who go way beyond the call of duty, enthusiastically, to ensure the festival is such a brilliant event, to be enjoyed by everyone. Wishing all our short listed entrants the very best of luck. Joce Capper Managing Director, Enjoy our 10th year of Rushes Soho Shorts Festival!” Rushes

Ascent Media provides effective solutions for the creation, management and distribution of content to major motion picture studios, independent producers, broadcast networks, cable channels, advertising agencies and other companies that produce, own and/or distribute entertainment, advertising, news, sports, corporate, educational, and industrial content. As one of the largest entertainment media services providers in the world with over 4000 employees across more than 70 facilities worldwide, Ascent Media is deeply committed to the development of the next generation of talent. Recognising the responsibilities that a large company has to invest in the future of the industry, Ascent is proud to once again be sponsoring the Short Film category in this year’s Rushes Soho Shorts Festival. The festival, which brings together established, emerging and young talent provides a perfect showcase for the unique skills and creative ability on offer in London, and as the festival continues to grow in stature so do the benefits to the wider post production industry. The festival offers our home-grown talent a great opportunity to market their skills to a global audience. By sponsoring the Short Film Award Ascent Media are pleased to be celebrating and supporting young up and coming film-makers as they develop their skills and realise their ambitions.


Interview Is making a short film a stepping stone to making a feature? Follow the career of Jan Dunn and the answer appears to be yes, but not without hard graft – and the ability to work on a low budget.

A producer, writer and director, Jan started out as an actor, moving into writing films at drama school, before learning about production. “I didn’t go to film school in the traditional sense,” recalls Jan. “I just started making films regardless. Then I saw this ad for the NFTS, geared towards production management. I thought, ‘It’s bound to teach me a whole lot of stuff about the practicalities.’ That was my first break. It complimented the skills I already had regarding script/ actors/creative.” Jan made her “practice” film, Girls, Girls, Girls (1995), on Super 8mm, followed by a documentary about female workers in World War II, The Lumberjills (1997). In 1999, she set up an independent company, Spotty Dog Films, to


make her first 35mm film, the comedy short Mary’s Date, whose post-production she financed on her credit card. Her faith paid off as it hit the big screen, playing alongside two features in cinemas. Another short comedy, Joan (2001), costing £4,000, was selected to represent the British Film Council worldwide. The response to these shorts was incredible and Jan knows why. “They were funny and, at five minutes, very short. The key was getting a good cast; that doesn’t mean famous, but really good, recognisable actors. Industry people still mention Joan, so it really helps you to get on if people like the film. It’s not about awards, but whether they liked it. If so, they’ll remember it.” It was on a talent networking weekend that Jan met producer Elaine Wickham. Together they formed Medb Films, merging the contacts they’d gathered as short filmmakers – from financiers to legal advisers – to make their first feature, Gypo (2005). The first British Dogme-certified film, Gypo cost £50,000 and was shot in 13 days. Jan has advice for filmmakers working on similarly tight budgets: “If you are putting yourself up as a ‘creative’ person, then be creative. Gypo was intended to be shot on a low budget and we put limits on ourselves from the script stage on purpose.”

Jan Dunn It was filmed in Kent, with the Film Council’s Screen South proving helpful for resources including securing free locations and the funding to go to Cannes, where Gypo was picked up for American distribution. The benefits of such a relationship are evident to Jan. “Their support, encouragement and bits of grants that we do win are invaluable. We couldn’t have lasted this long without our regional support in whichever way they can offer it.” Jan admits readily that Gypo was made as a calling card for bigger projects and its success – it won the Outstanding Achievement in Production Award at the 2005 British Independent Film Awards – allowed her to make a second feature for just £300,000. Ruby Blue (2007), starring Bob Hoskins, is currently on repertory release. It’s already won the London Independent Film Festival Best Feature and the prize money of £50,000 has gone towards Jan’s third feature as a director, The

Calling, part of a three-picture deal with Target Entertainment. Looking back, Jan agrees that everything has been “Baby steps. That was Elaine’s idea, to enable us to make a film regardless of whether we could get traditional industry support, in the hope that we eventually will. It has been a measured strategy.” Jan doesn’t view short films as a means to an end – they are a craft in their own right to which she remains committed: she coproduced Elaine’s directorial debut, My Mother (2007), a Best Newcomer nominee at RSSF 2007. Jan has Rose Tremain’s novel Sacred Country in development and explains why she never stops, “I like making up stories, it’s as simple as that. I have lots of characters swimming around in my head, that really drives me to getting something off the ground.” For more information on Jan Dunn, visit


Short Film Award Oh My God

Falso Amore



Harry Wootliff Yipp Films A father tries to reconnect with his two young daughters.

Big TV! Dab Hand Media When will we wake up to global warming?

The Gravity Of Belief


Martin Gooch MGTV Ever wondered where all the missing people go?

Morgan Hutchins The Mob Film Co For Frank a life without relish is just that: a life without relish.

The Confession

El Hoppo!

Thomas Hefferon Prototype Pictures A man goes to confess, but the priest is more interested in the local gossip.

Marcus Shepherd Dan Films Ltd One hot afternoon a mysterious stranger arrives in a remote Spanish village.

The Late Fred Morse


David Crossman Primal Pictures An old man dusts of his service revolver one last time...

Rikki Beadle-Blair Team Angelica An effeminate teenage refugee proves to be tougher than he looks.

The End


Luc Janin Annex Films One vacation, two blondes, three words… From LA to London.

James Griffiths Moxie Pictures Boy meets girl in a post-apocalyptic London. How will they get on?


Matthew Williamson MYM Productions What happens when you lose that bear you thought you’d keep forever?

James Nicholas Fuller Seared Productions A butcher’s life is turned upside down after a visit from a beautiful stranger

Short Film Award One Careful Owner

Sean Van Hales Back To The Wood Films Derek’s wife says his old car has to go. He sets off on one last journey with the love of his life.


Dom Bridges Mustard A man’s trust in human nature is questioned during a supermarket visit.

Tall Greens Tight Yellows

Ornette Spenceley RUNT Production Jules and her daughter Molly live life on the move.

Eel Girl

Paul Campion Chameleon Pictures In a secret military lab, a scientist nurtures his obsession.

Thursday 24th, 4pm, Crown & Two Chairmen Friday 25th, 10am, Curzon Soho Friday 25th, 3pm, VMI Saturday 26th, 1pm, Curzon Soho Mini Cine Monday 28th, 2pm, Tenderpixel Gallery Wednesday 30th, 3pm, Curzon Soho Mini Cine Wednesday 30th, 5pm, 22 Below Thursday 31st, 10am, Soho House


Joseph Fiennes Bikini Films Ltd A young boy is playing in his room, but all is not as innocent as it seems.

Short Film Award Sponsored by Ascent


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Interview Celebrity sells – but where does a short filmmaker find one? Having a star name attached to a short film is often a key element in getting it off the ground, helping with, among other factors, finance, contacts and publicity. One professional who can offer advice in this often hardto-access area is theatrical agent Michael Wiggs. Michael is the sole owner and Managing Director of Creative Artists Management, a respected talent agency, that has four agents and represents both actors and directors across all sections of the entertainment industry – and which has just celebrated its 20th birthday. Michael has 30 clients and says that, in his experience, “I would like to think all would consider a short film if I presented it them.” Michael is an approachable casting agent who does read the short-film scripts that come in to him and welcomes the ones that display ambition, ‘I see them as a wonderful opportunity,’ he says. In fact, there are many artists on his books whose careers have benefited from involvement in short-film projects. For example, Martin Freeman was involved in several shorts earlier in his career,


one of which was I Just Want To Kiss You (1998), directed by Jamie Thraves, which was a BBC Talent Competition winner. “It really helped break him,” says Michael.

“Casting directors still ask to see it.” And Freeman is still making shorts, recently starring in Rubbish (2007) for Live Earth. Or there’s the case of Sean Biggerstaff, who took the lead in the comedy short Cashback (2004), which was Oscar nominated, allowing it to be developed into a feature film. Or how about another client, the director Adam Smith who made a video for Charlie Creed-Miles’s band North Of Ping Pong that was picked up as a short film by MTV2 and shown at Resfest.

Michael Wiggs Michael himself is no stranger to the film-making process: he is also a producer. In 2001, he established Size 9 Productions with the writer Joshua St Johnston and the actor Ray Winstone – RSSF’s spokesperson in 2003 – with the aim of developing and producing high-quality TV drama, and for Michael personally “to contribute and have more input than an agent normally gets”. The company have certainly fulfilled their remit, with a portfolio that includes She’s Gone (2004), a thriller for ITV, Sweeney Todd (2006) for the BBC and the upcoming sexual tragedy Compulsion (2008), again for ITV. Size 9 Productions has expanded into the short-film industry, contributing financially to the production of the awardwinning Australian comedy short The Cow Thief (2006) – Winstone met the team while filming The Proposition (2005) – and is now also in the preparatory stages of its own first short, written by St Johnston. With his producer’s hat

on, Michael offers his essential triumvirate for getting a short film right: “Script first, fine director, brilliant team.” Michael is an avid supporter of RSSF and the range of opportunities it presents for short filmmakers to learn more about their craft, from masterclasses and Q&As to networking nights and parties, to say nothing of its location offering the chance to rub shoulders with industry insiders. “It feels very important to me,” Michael confirms. “Being in Soho puts you on the doorstep of the rest of the industry. There is always the possibility of dragging Jeremy Thomas in to see your film!” For more information on Michael Wiggs, please visit: &


Documentary Award Solitary


The Ferryman

Nur Döner

Giles Perkins Getout The Thelwall ferryman explains how his unique job has changed his life.

Khaldoon Ahmed Khaldoon Films The journey of a doner from livestock to the final product.

Peter & Ben

Walkman Willy

Me And Theo

Barry Cox: The Chinese Dream

Eva Weber Odd Girl Out Crane drivers’ observations of life on the ground.

Pinny Grylls Invisible Films Man and sheep ‘leave the flock’ and form a lasting and unusual friendship.

Claire Wilkins & Nick Ward Group Horizon (UCCA) A look at the implications of mesothelioma on one woman’s life.

Tristan Daws Butterflies Productions When everyone else searched for the X Factor, he just loves the music.

Nick Ahlmark Barry Cox is a scouser who sings Cantonese pop in the mega casinos of Macau.

Sounds Of The City

Adi Dassler

James Brown Stink A producer and DJ travels the streets collecting soundbites for a musical masterpiece.

Martin Krejci Stink The story of Adi Dassler and the birth of Adidas.

A Portrait Of Walthamstow Market

I Dreamt Of Flying

Dominic Stinton Stinton Films One of London’s most distinctive areas.


Sally Arthur Arthur Cox Mrs P gets lost in London so that we don’t have to...

Alex Bland A tribute to the crews of Bomber Command, who risked their lives during World War II.

Documentary Award Tashtastic

Tessa Morgan An insight into the biannual World Beard and Moustache Championships in 2007.

For Your Tomorrow Kyoko Miyake Kyoko Miyake Every summer British and Japanese veterans gather for rememberance and reconciliation.

Aldermaston – 50 Years On

Wolfgang Matt/ Meera Patel Madd Movies Fifty years of nuclear weapons protesting.

Johnny Lowe And Alec

Dave Green Dave Green The story of a ventriloquist and his doll.

Voices Of Change From The Forests Of Indonesia

Paul Redman Handcrafted Films Looking at the problems faced by communities in Indonesia.

Shoe Tree

Hazel Chandler Wilderness In the heart of the California desert is a tree that is blossoming shoes.

Thursday 24th, 5pm, 22 Below Sunday 27th, 4pm, Crown & Two Chairmen Monday 28th, 10am, Soho House Monday 28th, 3pm, Curzon Soho Mini Cine Tuesday 29th, 4pm, Crown & Two Chairmen Wednesday 30th, 10am, Curzon Soho Wednesday 30th, 2pm, Tenderpixel Gallery

Documentary Award Sponsored by Curzon Cinemas



Bulb Ideas Bulb Ideas Why you should consider music’s function carefully in the synchronisation of music to film. By James Wilkinson Creative Director Bulb Ideas

Earlier this year, Bulb Ideas Director, Producer Composer and musical genius Tom Linden assisted RSSF in creating music and sounds effects for the promo The Adventures Of Peter SP to advertise the 2008 final call for entries. Conceived by Adam Watson, Flame Artist extraordinaire, the promo saw Peter SP running through the streets of London in a desperate attempt to get into Rushes’ postbox before the deadline expired. “Having been involved in music and sound in many fields, especially the synchronisation of music to film, TV and advertising, it has come to my attention that people judge music in varying degrees of importance. We should view music and sound as the bed of rose petals that we are going to lay our visuals on to, and consider the message we want to portray aurally. If a picture can paint a thousand words, then music can conjure up a thousand emotions. We should consider that when there is the perfect union of music and film, we have created the perfect art. We all have experienced films from an analytical viewpoint, normally when we have something to criticise, such as the lighting, the script, the acting, the music, etc… It is at this moment we realise that what we’ve been presented with doesn’t work, and in our minds is a compromise. How

often do you watch a piece of film and think straight away, “Wow, that really works!” Probably rarely, because when it works, we just relax. It is only on reflection or when we play back a certain scene that we realise how perfect the union of music and film can be. Music and sound should be considered as equally as important as the visuals – we all have a soundtrack to our lives, even when we’ve unplugged the iPod. Every moment there is a sound, a beat, a rhythm, playing from footsteps and sirens to full-scale orchestral sweeps. We should take the everyday experience, extrapolate it to the cinematic experience and apply it to film to get a realistic root from which to strike the perfect music and film synergy. At Bulb Ideas we take all the elements contained in the film and consider everything as a possible musical edit point to add or subtract musical emotion where needed, to hit that high or low. It’s all about the details: what’s going on in the background as well as the foreground. If we adopt this musically as well as visually, we have a real depth in the sound and vision and thus, hopefully, the bespoke, tailored sound and music to fit the visuals like a glove.” Bulb Ideas creates bespoke music for film, TV, advertising and games. Current successes include adverts for Baileys Worldwide, Persil, Mr Men, Firetrap and the soundtrack to The Adventures Of Peter SP. For more information visit: www.


Animation Award Sony Bravia – Play Doh


Userguides No.10: Administering First Aid

Flat Earth

Richard Fenwick Onedotzero An ill-advised trip to the first-aid office.

Thomson & Craighead Goat Media Ltd A journey round the world through the eyes of bloggers.


Untitled (Wypke)

Rob Wicksteed Solent University A conservative suburbanite struggles with the presence of an unwanted visitor.

W Jannette Walen W Jannette Walen About a girl in a room, and the experience of a minute.

Headcases: Geriatric Action

The Accident

Henry Naylor Red Vision Geriatric action heroes take on an evil marriage factory.

Sara Nesteruk Black Watch Productions A childhood memory is presented in a number of ways.

The Electric Koi


Frank Budgen & Darren Walsh Passion Plasticine bunnies take over New York.

Sam Lanyon Jones & Andrew Cope Picasso Pictures A young girl learns a lesson about loyalty and betrayal.

Jo Lawrence Picasso Pictures A story about the “radium girls” of the 1920s clockdial factories.

Stand Up


Joseph Pierce National Film And Television School The truth behind a comedian’s jokes leaks through.

Matthew Walker Arthur Cox A man makes a phone call – and he answers.

John and Karen


Matthew Walker Arthur Cox John the polar bear apologises to Karen the penguin after an argument.


Johnny Kelly Royal College Of Art A hands-on, glovesoff study into the practice of putting things off.

Adel Kerpely & Jihyun Ahn A fat man eats up everything around him. By the time he stops, it is too late.

Animation Award Let Me In

The Weatherman

The Red Suitcase


Sun In The Night Time

Where The Wild Things Are



The Control Master

Josie’s La La Land

Simon Tofield Tandem Films A hungry cat resorts to increasingly desperate measures to get indoors. Saul Freed Black Watch Prod. A knitted newcomer unsettles the peace of a small town.

Anne Wilkins A mother waits for her lost son to return. Her daughter plays with an imaginary friend. Amy Engles Nora Productions An android’s search for freedom leads her on a lonely journey to a new future. Run Wrake Sclah Films In a peaceful half-tone city a heroine and her ally face the ultimate threat.

How To Destroy The World: Computer Games Pete Bishop The Shop/a and p Four ways to destroy the world faster.

Will Becher Seven Animation When his forecasting machine malfunctions, a weatherman’s life takes a dark turn. Ed Suckling Royal College Of Art Sam finds a badly beaten woman outside his flat.

Eddie Fett Black Milk Close your eyes and you might see where the wild things are. LK Dhaliwal The true story of one woman’s struggle to gain asylum in the UK.

Eb Hu Hybworks A dying girl’s last words.

Thursday 24th, 1pm, Curzon Soho Mini Cine Friday 25th, 10am, Soho House Sunday 27th, 12noon, Crown & Two Chairmen Tuesday 29th, 10am, Curzon Soho

Animation Award Sponsored by GMX

Tuesday 29th, 3pm, VMI Wednesday 30th, 4pm, Crown & Two Chairmen


Be Inspired Explore your creativity with Aesthetica Magazine


The Cultural Arts Magazine

April May 2008 Issue 22 £4.50

The Design Awards 20 Emerging Artists Abstract Sculpture Talents of Short Film Theatre For Freedom Ethics & Authenticity in Art Featuring Sean O’Brien • Michelle de Kretser • Stella Duffy • Adam Neate • Ron English • Nigel Hall • Merz Jamie Lidell • Tall Firs • Surrounded • Daniele Luchetti Lucía Puenzo • Hull International Short Film Festival Belarus Free Theatre

50% off subscriptions for Rushes Soho Shorts

Let us stir your imagination! Aesthetica is the UK’s cultural arts magazine. It reports on what’s happening in the arts and publishes features, interviews, news and reviews of literature, visual art, photography, music, film and theatre. Available from select WH Smith & Borders stores. Try a one-year subscription and save 50% off the cover price. Subscribe for £13.50 plus £9 P&P. Discount code RSS8. To access this discount call 01904 527 560 or visit our shop at:


Interview Can actors make the leap of faith to become successful short film-makers? Someone who is busy combining a love of acting, producing and writing is Tanya Franks. Best known for playing booze hound Karen in the BAFTAnominated BBC3 sitcom Pulling and for her soap turns in EastEnders and Family Affairs, Tanya is also an experienced theatre actor and short-film devotee. Tanya is the founder and co-director of Stock-pot Productions, which began by putting on its own stage productions at fringe venues including the King’s Head Theatre and the Latchmere Theatre, as a result of, Tanya says, a need to find work and work she enjoyed. The company branched into film events, hosting The Talking Film Series of live interviews at the Prince Charles Cinema, with directors Alan Parker, Mike Leigh and Terry Gilliam, because the need for dialogue about filmmaking is one Tanya feels is important: “In this country, we have to keep promoting film, however we can. We have to keep showing the powers-that-be that we have great fresh talent worth supporting.” Stock-pot Productions became a limited company to move into film production, in 2003, and Tanya co-wrote and co-produced two shorts: Missing (2004), which


screened at the Raindance Film Festival, and the experimental The Briefcase That Brings Out The Baby In You (2006). Tanya’s experience in setting up her own company has been the best route into learning about the craft of filmmaking, although it’s not always been easy. “I have acted in shorts before, but I didn’t have the producing experience to leap straight into telling my own stories at feature length,” she explains. “These shorts have shown me what my strengths are. But getting the script right and raising the money, even for short films, have been the hard parts.” Ah, money, the bugbear for most short filmmakers trying to realise a project, but the campaign behind Tanya’s third short, One Day (2007), is an excellent case study in how to raise cash. Tanya outlines her strategy: “We approached venues, explained our project was low to no budget and asked whether we could use their space for free to invite guests and they’d get the takings over the bar. We held one in a casino for monied parties; we held a cabaret night in a pub for our mates. At every event we held a raffle, which meant that local businesses could take part and we also auctioned any skills we had. Also, ask everybody you know to donate at least £10 – you’ll be surprised by

Tanya Franks people’s generosity.” Her fundraising efforts helped secure the acting talents of the lead, Tim McInnerny, who had been invited to one of the functions. “I approached him the next day; he read the script, liked it and came on board.” The resulting film is a “minicomedy drama”, about a man who escapes his office routine and heads to Blackpool for the day. It was shortlisted for the Kodak Best Short Film 2007 and was shown in film festivals around the world. For Tanya, the benefits of entering as many film short-film festivals as possible are clear. “It gets your film out there and gives people the chance to see the quality of your work. To have it accepted in festivals gives it – and you – credence, and people will respond to that when you are paving the way for your next projects.” The relative success of One Day has helped Tanya forge relationships “on advice, crew to work with again and facilities” so that Stock-pot Productions has been able to announce that its first feature film, Fly Me, is in development, reuniting the One Day team.

So, it seems, the fact that Tanya is an actor producing a comedy has been taken seriously. “Yes,” she concurs. “Actors are making more and more of their own work these days. Creating and portraying characters is still my driving passion; however, writing and producing is running alongside rather nicely at the moment, and while people are interested I will continue to pursue telling stories as well. Once people have got used to the fact of who is making a project, though, the quality still has to win through.” For more information on Tanya Franks, visit:


Music Video Award The Hoosiers – Cops And Robbers Diamond Dogs HSI London

The Bug feat Warrior Queen – Poison Dart Tom Oswald & Jess Gorick Volts

KT Tunstall – If Only

Utah Saints – Something Good 08

Sonny J – Handsfree

Kano – Feel Free

Goldfrapp – A&E

The Bees – Who Cares What The Question Is?

James Caddick Amarillo Films

Eran Creevy Between The Eyes

Dougal Wilson Blink

Eran Creevy Between The Eyes

Nezah Khamal Blink

Chris Hopewell Collision Films

The Futureheads – The Beginning Of The Twist

My Kung Fu – Everything Is Good

The Teenagers – Love No

Girls Aloud – Sexy! No, no, no…

Carolyn London London Squared

Trudy Bellinger Merge @ Crossroads Films

Sugarbabes – Denial

Ben’s Brother – Carry On

James Appleton Grasshopper Films

Harvey Merge @ Crossroads Films

Marco Lutz JD Pictures

Ben Taylor Merge @ Crossroads Films

Music Video Award Sponsored by Fuji


Music Video Award Turin Brakes – Last Chance

Dance Tonight – Paul McCartney

Declare Independence – Björk

Mark Ronson feat Lily Allen – Oh My God

Michel Gondry Partizan

Nima Nourizadeh Partizan

Mika – Lollipop

Spektr – Things That Go Bump In The Night

Albert Kodagolian Park Pictures

Bonzom Passion

Michel Gondry Partizan

Thomas Pors Simulakrum

David Jordan – Sun Goes Down

Annuals – Dry Clothes

Lightspeed Champion – Dry Lips

Clocks – All I Can

Young Knives – Turn Tail

One Eskimo – Hometime

The Real Tuesday Weld feat The Puppini Sisters – Apart Of Me

Turin Brakes – Dark On Fire

Justin Dickel Streetlight Films

Stephen Irwin Warp Films

Harry Dwyer Wickedo

Trunk Trunk Animation

Harry Dwyer Wickedo

Lucy Sullivan & Matt Latchford Gravy Media

Shelly Love Ioanna Karavela

Alex De Campi

Friday 25th, 3pm, Mini Cine; Friday 25th, 4pm, Crown & Two Chairmen; Friday 25th, 5pm, 22 Below, Saturday 26th, 7pm, Mini Cine; Tuesday 29th, 5pm, 22 Below; Thursday 31st, 10am, Curzon Soho


Broadcast Design Award


Broadcast Design Award Sponsored by Ricall

Chanelle Sex Tape – Lee & Dan, Lee & Dan Special Projects The Adventures Of Virginia Woolf – Jack Feldstein, Jack Feldstein Films Britain’s Favourite View – Richard Norley & Christopher Skinner, Jump Design And Direction FIFA Women’s World Cup 2007 – Russell Mann & Mike Maxwell, Jump Design And Direction The One Show – Richard Norley & Russell Mann, Jump Design And Direction BBC Rugby – Jump Design And Direction* Moto GP – Jump Design And Direction* I’d Do Anything – Jump Design And Direction* Will Shakespeare – Joseph Fiennes, Bikini Films Ltd Ampligo – Garrick Hamm, Sennep Eforia – Garrick Hamm, Prime Focus Alixir – Garrick Hamm & Grant Willis, Williams Murray Hamm/Prime Focus Walk The Beazley Line – Garrick Hamm, WMH/We Are Seventeen Benecol Sponsorship Idents – Erica Akerlund, HSI London London Ink – Pauline Russell & Lisa Frederickson, Discovery Channel Cravendale: Last Glass & Out of Stock – Pic Pic Andre, Nexus Productions Save The Children: If & Clever – Simon Robson, Nexus Productions Platform – Smith & Foulkes, Nexus Productions BBC3: Threeworld – Carolina Melis, Nexus Productions Nomis: Damn Boots – Woof Wan-Bau, Nexus Productions BBC iPlayer: Penguins – Vince Squibb & Darren Walsh, Passion Harmonix: Rockband – Pete Candeland, Passion Don’t Let It All Unravel – Sarah Cox, Aardman Animations BBC1Xtra Idents – Nicolas Randall, Red Bee Thursday 24th, 10am, La Bouteille – Martin Krejci, Stink Soho House Naturally Juicy – PSYOP, Stink Saturday 26th, 11am, MTV Good Morning Colour – Jeff Labbé, Leroy & Morton Curzon Soho Mini Cine Sarkozy: Mr Bombastic – Henry Naylor, Red Vision Sunday 27th, 11am, Exclusice Leak – Simon Balch, Planet Giraffe Curzon Soho Mini Cine Match Of The Day 2 – Victor Martinez, Liquid TV Grand Slam Of Darts – Victor Martinez, Liquid TV Tuesday 29th, 10am, Soho House 118 118: Lost – Agustin Alberdi, Transparent Reincarnation – Agustin Alberdi, Transparent/Landia Thursday 31st, 3pm, Dentures – Agustin Alberdi, Transparent/Landia VMI Nike Giant Killers – Intro Live Earth – Julian House & Camella Kirk, Intro Zombies – Olly Reid, Hothead Films Ltd E4 Refresh – Noah Harris, Hothead Films Ltd E4 Christmas Stings – Darren Dubicki, Aardman Animations Small World – Chamoun Issa, NFTS CBBC Idents – Tibor Banoczki, Mario Cavalli, Danny Capozzi, Filipe Alçada, Eoin Clarke, Susi Wilkinson, Murray John & Run Wrake, Bermuda Shorts Ltd Festival Of Winter – Filipe Alçada, Bermuda Shorts Ltd Paper – Will Barras, Bermuda Shorts Ltd Short Clocked – Mark Waring, Bermuda Shorts Ltd Robot Skin – Will Barras & Murray John, Bermuda Shorts Ltd 3 Birds – Daniel Fazio, Film 38 Ltd Hell’s Kitchen – Catherine Farrow, ITV Creative Replay – Chris Ennis, Iris MTV2 Britrock Week – Klaas Diersmann, MTV Olympic Stadium – Ollie Alsop, Squint/Opera Olay: Line – Suzanne Deakin, Slinky Pictures Factually Fun Fillers – Steve Smith, Trunk Animation Nike 5: The Deadly Five – Michael Williams, Draw Pictures David Lynch A BAFTA Interview – Fernando Guerrero, BSkyB 1 In 7 Children – Susannah Hayes, Ferocious Films

* For full director listings, please refer to

Kodak Award




Production Company Production Company Director Director when in football land when in football land S u p p o r t i n g N ew Ta l e n tthere i n t h eare U Ksome Fi l m things Industry there are some things but all is not well, until but all is not well, until sort it Competition out… they Festival sort it out… Kodak is pleased to announcethey its Short Film in association with Rushes Soho Shorts If you are an independent filmmaker, student or film school graduate… this competition is for you! The competition is open to anyTITLE filmmaker in the UK that has: 3 Shot a short film on Kodak Production Motion PictureCompany film stock 3 Completed their film in theDirector last 24 months when 3 Told their story in 15 minutes or lessin football land


Production Company Director when in football land there are some things there are some things all is notindustry well, until but all is not well, until Eight films will be selected by but our esteemed judging panel to be included on our exclusive they sort it out… they sort it out… DVD compilation. From the eight short-listed films, prizes will be awarded in the following categories:



KODAK Audience Award – for best short film

Best Cinematography Award

• Tape to film transfer of winning film

• Tape to film transfer of winning film

• Expense paid trip to the Dinard British Film Festival

• Expense paid trip to the Camerimage Film Festival

Production Company Director • £2,000 worth of Kodak Motion Picture Film when in football land • Five days free hire of Panavision camera equipment there are some things • Five days free hire of Panalux Lighting but allequipment is not well, until • Free Final Sound Mix at Pinewood Studios they sort Group it out…


Production Company Director • £2,000 worth of Kodak Motion Picture Film when in football land • Five days free hire of Panavision camera equipment there are some things • Five days free hire ofbut Panalux all Lighting is not equipment well, until • Free Final Sound Mixthey at Pinewood sort itStudios out…Group

• Agent contract with Sara Putt Associates


Production Company Production Company Estimated Prize Fund Value = £40,000 Director Director Estimated Prize Fund Value = £40,000 when in football land when in football land there are some things there are some things but all is not well, until but all is not well, until they out… they sort it out… The eight short-listed filmmakers willsort haveittheir work screened during the Rushes Soho Shorts Festival, 23rd July to 1st August. Festival audiences will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite film with the winners being announced at the Awards Ceremony at Café TITLE de Paris on Thursday 31st July.TITLE

Production Company Director when in football land there are some things * Panavision Camera hire to the Value of £12,500, Panalux Lighting Hire to the Value of £3000 but all is not well, until * Pinewood Sound mix will be completed up to the Dolby 5.1 surround sound specification they sort it out… over up to two days


Production Company Director when in football land there are some things but all is not well, until they sort it out…


Production Company Director when in football land there are some things but all is not well, until they sort it out…


Production Company Director when in football land there are some things but all is not well, until they sort it out…

RSSF 2008 We’d like to send a huge ‘Thank you’ out to our fantastic team of judges, who have had the unenviable task of deciding this year’s winners. Mark Adams Daisy Allsop Matt Barbet Neil Bennett Trevor Beattie Jake Bickerton Michael Bonner Caroline Bottomley Don Boyd James Christopher Mike Connaris Claire Spencer Cook Tim Dams Steve Davies Dom Delaney Jamie Dolling Lucy Doyle Maggie Ellis Tanya Franks Lawrence Garwood Amy Hardie Sandra Hebron Philip Ilson Dan Jolin Dave Knight Ollie Madden Lee Mason Andrew Morahan John Offord Con O’Neill Nik Powell Simone Pyne Mark Roalfe Paul Rothwell Dawn Sharpless Julia Short Julia Stephenson Lyndy Stout Jess Sykes Simon Trewin Saskia van Roomen Roger White James Wilkinson Sefton Woodhouse Stephen Woolley Simon Young


Judges Meet the Rushes experts heading up our judging teams in each category Roisin Broadcast Design Senior designer and VFX artist Roisin designed and launced Hong Kong’s first interactive channel before moving to Rushes in 2006. She loves creative problem solving. Jonathan Privett Animation Jonathan oversees both Rushes Film & TV and the commercials 3D department. He has more than 10 years of experience creating effects for productions from Mission: Impossible to Match Of The Day. Adrian Seery Short Film Adrian is Rushes’ Director Of Telecine and has been responsible for the department’s growth. His passion for colour correction and his skills at the grading desk have earned him the title of “Cinematographer’s Friend”. Simone Grattarola Music Video Senior colourist Simone splits his time between promos and commercials. His work references his love of film, photography and art. Promos he has worked on include videos for Kylie and Tom Jones. Adam Watson Newcomer Senior VFX artist Adam worked on many of Australia’s most acclaimed productions before moving to London. At Rushes clients recognise and remark on both his excellence and enthusiasm. Louise Hussey Documentary Senior 3D Producer Louise liaises between clients and creatives to get the best possible results. Her jobs have included work for National Geographic, Discovery Channel and the BBC.



These sessions will take place at Foyles Bookshop,

113-119 Charing Cross Road at 1pm each weekday. To register for a surgery RSVP to Thursday 24th

Gaming Blitz Jolyon Webb and Aaron Allport introduce Blitz Games Studios, discussing working in games from an artist’s perspective and where their company fits in the UK game development industry. They will also be looking at current trends within game development, including art pipeline, techniques and post-processing, and asking where next for games?

Friday 25th

Satusfaction Is All About Editing A presentation on the craft of editing with editor Brian Hovmand (Extraordinary Rendition, Amazing Grace) and director Rob Gomez (Sucker Punch, Hell To Pay). How do you approach editing differently in music, ads, docs and fiction? How can the edit affect a scene? How do you realise and interpret the director’s “vision”? All these questions answered.

Monday 28th

DFG Present Science On Film… Where Next? The Documentary Filmmakers Group (DFG) hosts this discussion on the complex dynamic between science and film, and the challenges ahead. Speakers include: David Dugan, filmmaker and chairman of Windfall Films; Tim Boon, author of Films Of Fact; and the participants in DFG and the Wellcome Trust’s groundbreaking initiative, Science On Film.

Tuesday 29th

Women In Film & Television: The Perfect Pitch Find out the best ways to pitch yourself and your film project with Women In Film & Television’s panel of experts, including top media life coach Lyn Burgess, Artemis Media recruitment manager Kellie Millar and Boiler Station MD Ann Kirsten Glenster. The panel will be chaired by WFTV’s Chief Executive, Kate Kinninmont.

Wednesday 30th

Lifesize Pictures: Funding Your Films Lifesize Pictures delivers all of the short-film schemes for the UK Film Council’s New Cinema Fund, including Digital Shorts, Digital Shorts Plus, Completion Fund and Cinema Extreme. They will present a screening of recent films from the Digital Shorts Plus scheme, followed by a discussion and Q&A about UK shorts funding.

Thursday 31st

How To Get The Most From Audio Postproduction Dennis Weinreich ran Videosonics, one of the UK’s leading audio post facilities, for 26 years. He will present an overview of audio postproduction, discussing the applications for and creative use of audio as a narrative driver in productions. Dennis will also discuss how to get the best from music and audio, looking at the processes and workflows involved, and helping to demystify the craft.



Tenderpixel Gallery is an innovative contemporary art gallery, exploring various types of media, from design, painting, and photography to new media art, video art and sculpture. As a featured venue for RSSF this year, Tenderpixel will screen RSSF nominees and winners, as well as their own Tenderprix – a series of experimental films and shorts selected by Tenderpixel’s very own judging panel. Also featured during this exciting week-long festival, Tenderpixel has commissioned artist Nicko Straniero to convert the gallery’s “blank canvas” white walls into a colorful and multipatterned exhibition space. Tenderpixel also has a few exciting events in store throughout the festival, so be sure to check out the website for more information: Presentation, Q&A And Small Screening Saturday 26th, 4pm, Foyles Nicko Straniero will be presenting on his practice and the commission he completed for Tenderpixel. Also presented will be film works inspired by his installation. Screening & Private View Saturday 26th, 6pm, Tenderpixel Gallery View the short films selected by Tenderpixel’s judging panel and Nicko Straniero’s installation. RSSF Screenings Monday 28th-Friday 1st, 2pm-6pm, Tenderpixel Gallery RSSF competition categories from 2pm-4pm. Experimental Tenderprix films from 4pm-6pm. Scriptwriting Workshop With Tom Rob Smith Tuesday 29th, 6pm, Tenderpixel Gallery Screenwriter and novelist Tom Rob Smith discusses his work and shows you just how far you can go with a short-film script. This is an exclusive event, so make sure to RSVP via Experimental Day & Tenderprix Winners Thursday 31st, 2pm, Tenderpixel Gallery Winners of the gallery’s Tenderprix screened. This is also a day of performance, featuring artists who have chosen the gallery’s location, Cecil Court, as their “performative muse”. Work will be showcased throughout the day and evening.


Events SSF 2008 Events An Audience With John Foxx, Friday 25th, 5pm, Apple Store, Regent Street

As the original singer and songwriter with Ultravox, John Foxx designed The Advertising Producers Association return toto Rushes forfor the third The Advertising Producers Association return Rushes the third the UK’s first synthesizer-rock group. Since then, he’s mixed psychedelia year to screen the CFPE/shots Young Directors Award programme. year to screen thereimagined CFPE/shots Iggy Young Directors Award programme.and with machine rock, Pop’s The Idiot as techno-pop The Award outstanding new directors aa significant boost toto their The Award outstanding new directors significant boost their carved outoffers aoffers career as a visual artist under his own name, Dennis Leigh. careers. Entries come from all over the world and showcased directors careers. Entries comewill from over the world directors The electronic pioneer beall performing musicand live showcased to accompany his film are provided with anan excellent platform their work. are provided with excellent promotional platform for their work. to piece Tiny Colour Movies, whichpromotional explores collage andfor found footage build a dream-like atmosphere. Please rsvp forfor your invitation Please rsvp your invitation Midnight Movies and RSSF present: I 80s Friday 25th, 9.30pm, Curzon Soho Put on your sweatbands and parachute pants for two classic 1980s films (Dress Code: 1980s fashion). The party starts with a complimentary Cobra Beer with every ticket purchased. After the films, the party will continue in the bar until 2.30am. Mannequin (PG) 11.30pm

Dir. Michael Gottlieb, USA, 1987, 90 mins Sex And The City’s Kim Cattrall plays a mannequin that comes to life in this classic romantic comedy.

Join Rushes Soho Shorts atat the pub quiz toto end allall pub quizzes, hosted Join Join Rushes Soho Shorts the pub quiz end pub quizzes, hosted Breakin (PG) 11.40pm by Shooting People atat the Montague Pyke. and tens ofof pounds by Shooting People the Montague Pyke.Tens Tens and tens pounds Dir. Joel Silberg, USA, 1984, 82Teams mins of prizes are upup forfor grabs. will battle it out over questions onon aa of prizes are grabs. Teams will battle it out over questions A struggling jazz dancer meets two break-dancers and they become theand variety ofof subjects thought upup byby aa host ofof industry players. Video variety subjects thought host industry players. Video and sensation of the street crowds. The acting may be wooden, but their moves are audio clips will bebe used across the venue’s multiple plasma and projecaudio clips will used across the venue’s multiple plasma and projecas fluid as mercury! tion screens toto illustrate questions. along and pitch your knowltion screens illustrate questions.Come Come along and pitch your knowlTickets: £8 in advance/ edge against the rest ofof the filmmaking community. edge against the rest the filmmaking community. £12 on the door (Curzon members & RSSF delegates £7/£10)



Fashion & Film

With Jenny Hammerton And MAC Cosmetics

Masterclass The Golden Age Of Beauty:

Demystifying Hollywood’s Classic Beauties Saturday 26th, 11am for 12noon, Curzon Soho From Marilyn Monroe to Audrey Hepburn, women have always looked to Hollywood’s screen sirens for tips on how to be their most alluring. Terry Barber, Director Of Makeup Artistry for MAC Cosmetics, teams up with film archivist Jenny Hammerton to unravel the mystique behind classic cinematic looks, discussing and demonstrating techniques. Tickets for this free event are available from 19th July Pick up your ticket at MAC Cosmetics, 28 Fouberts Place, Soho, W1F 7PR Photograph courtesy of The Kobal Collection

RSSF 2008 Joan Crawford’s Beauty Tips Monday 28th, 7pm, Apple Store, Regent Street

Joan Crawford believed in sharing her life and glamour with her public. Drawing on her own writings, this presentation gives a glimpse into the labour-intensive upkeep of a Hollywood star’s facade, including her dietary, heath and beauty regimes. 1950s Hair & Fahion Monday 28th July, 8pm, Apple Store, Regent Street

Every week in British cinemas instructions in glamour were offered through short Technicolor films. A collection of these will be shown alongside contextual information. Marvel at Teasy-Weasy’s two-tone hairstyles, Lou Ravelle’s “exercise by hypnosis” and Cyril Parker’s creation of an “elephant quiff”. Photographs courtesy of The Kobal Collection

Simon & Schuster Q&A, Saturday 26th, 2pm, Foyles

Tom Rob Smith discusses his debut novel, Child 44. The book, which originated as an idea for a short film, has sparked a fierce bidding war, with rights sold in 22 countries. Film rights were bought by Ridley Scott/Fox 2000, with Ridley Scott scheduled to direct. Tom has worked as a screenwriter for the past five years, including a six-month stint in Phnom Penh storylining Cambodia’s first ever soap opera. For more information visit:


Events straight 8 Screenings Monday 28th, 8.45pm Curzon Mayfair Tuesday 29th, 8.45pm Curzon Mayfair Wednesday 30th, 8.45pm Renoir Tickets are £8 per screening

straight 8 puts film-makers into the unusual position of seeing their own rushes at exactly the same time as the audience. In an event devised to get people to shoot films instead of just talking about them, directors are set a brief to shoot a three-minute 20-second epic using Super 8mm cine film. No editing is allowed, and the the film cartridge must be handed over exposed but undeveloped, along with a separate soundtrack. Film-makers do not see the film until it screens in front of a huge audience. straight 8 is open to anyone anywhere – more details and past films are at QuickFlick World Party Wednesday 23rd July, 8pm Roxy Bar & Screen Also screening: Friday 25th, 5pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine Wednesday 30th, 1pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine

QuickFlick World (QFW) advances cultural understanding by inspiring and debuting filmmaking talent. A global network of filmmakers share their creations based on a collectively chosen theme. Monthly screening parties take place in São Paulo, London, Berlin, Barcelona, New York, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Mumbai, Beijing, Tokyo and Tel Aviv. The best Quickflicks are shared around the world in a monthly global showcase. QFW also delivers a weekly podcast of three films from their network. Since 2003, QFW has hosted more than 200 screening parties, attracting 15,000 guests and inspiring the creation of more than 1,000 Quickflicks. Subscribe at



RSSF 2008


Patchwork Industry Networking Night, Tuesday July 29th, 7pm, Curzon Soho Bar

Patchwork Networking organises drinks events in London for anyone working in the video, TV and film industries. Set up in 2004 by video director Christopher Gavin and producer Christine Hartland, Patchwork Networking is a platform for commissioners, freelancers and creative talent to meet new contacts and catch up with existing ones. Events also showcase new technology and members’ work. Patchwork Industry Networking Night is in association with Rushes Soho Shorts Festival, the Directors Guild of Great Britain, Universal Publishing Production Music and Pinewood Studios. For More information on Patchwork, visit: Wednesday 30th, 7pm, Curzon Soho This event is invitation only. Please RSVP via for your invitation.

The Advertising Producers Association Young Directors Award The Advertising Producers Association (APA) returns to RSSF to screen the CFPE/Shots Young Directors Award (YDA) programme. The award offers outstanding new directors a significant boost to their careers. Entries come from all over the world and showcased directors are provided with an excellent promotional platform for their work. This is the first showing of the YDA in the UK, following its premiere in Cannes and it is now an established and popular part of RSSF. For more information visit:



ThinkSync Films Boat Party Wednesday 30th, 7pm, HMS President RSVP to RSSF is delighted to be teaming up with ThinkSync Films for the second year. ThinkSync Films is a short-film competition and event in its third year, bringing together the independent film and music industries. It searches out, celebrates and rewards new independent film-making talent, paying particular attention to the role music plays. The aim is to create a mutually beneficial platform for both independent filmmakers and musicians. Film-makers are given the chance to download one of 45 tracks from the ThinkSync website to be used in the soundtrack to a short film. Labels and publishers that have contributed tracks include Rough Trade, Ninja Tune, Bug Music, Bella Union and Rotters Golf Club. The 2008 contest was launched in conjunction with an exclusive MTV2 120 Minutes ThinkSync show, featuring film highlights from the past two years alongside interviews with the directors and judges. On Wednesday 30th, five shortlisted films will be screened aboard the HMS President in an exciting, innovative fusion of independent live music and film. The screening will be followed by the announcement of the winning film and a party hosted by some of the labels involved. For more information on ThinkSync Films, visit


Shorts Film Festival Australia 2008

Filmmaking in 2008 is challenged by the increasing array of technologies and mediums available. Core to the development of the next generation of quality filmmakers is the capacity to capture, hold and retain the attention of their audiences regardless of the medium.

Shorts Film Festival stands alone as Australia’s only national film festival and competition entirely dedicated to ensuring that the specialist craft of storytelling through film is fostered. Founded by acclaimed Australian producer, David Lightfoot, Shorts offers its filmmakers one of the country’s most lucrative and largest prize pools including a coveted first prize trip to Cannes Film Festival.

Previous Shorts winners have continued their success nationally and internationally to be awarded or nominated for the Australian Film Institute Awards and Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or, among others, and have also gone on to work on Academy Award winning films. Shorts entries are judged by up to 50 respected practitioners across the film and media industries.

Shorts presents a diverse program of outstanding short format work in unique non-cinematic venues. It is renowned for its high-end production values, made possible by the support of over of 40 national and state companies as well as government bodies.

Shorts is proud to present a preview of the 2008 Shorts Film Festival as part of its inaugural launch at the Rushes Soho Shorts Festival in July 2008.

Special Screening Night: Sunday 27th, 7pm Roxy Bar & Screen

Tuesday 29th, 2pm Crown & Two Chairmen

Other screenings:

Wednesday 30th, 11am Curzon Soho Mini Cine

Monday 28th, 5pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine

Thursday 31st , 3pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine

Shorts Film Festival Australia 2008 Rushes Program Presenting some of the best in Australian short films… Selected on the basis of outstanding storytelling within 20 minutes or less, this year’s program comprises the best of the early entries to the 2008 Shorts Film Festival. The films provide a snapshot of the breadth of high quality short format work being produced across Australia today.

Animal Instincts Screenwriter/Producer/ Director: Cameron Edser & Michael Richards

An action packed claymation of epic proportions.

The Bloody Sweet Hit

My Shout

Stanley & Dean

Sam and Piccolo

Screenwriter/Director: Damian Walshe-Howling Producer: Ayisha Davies

Screenwriter/Director: Julian Argus Producer: Jeff Asselin

Screenwriter/Director: Hugh Sullivan Producer: Kate Croser

Screenwriter: Briony Kidd Producer/Director: Adam Walker

Lifeguards Dylan and Jason face an unexpected ordeal.

A farmer faced with adversity takes matters into his own hands.

With revenge on their minds, two inept brothers set out on a road trip.

A tale of friendship and blinding greed.


Jam for Brains Screenwriter/ Producer/ Director: Konrad McCarthy

Virtual Freedom / Podlove

Rob Tim Tom

Screenwriter/Producer/ Director: Lucinda Schroder

A challenging look at risk taking and mateship on the road.

A short, sharp celebration of an unusual mind.

Epilogue Screenwriter/Producer/ Director: Christian D’Alessi

A detective’s obsessive hunt for a criminal comes to an end.

Screenwriter/Producer/ Director: Gef Senz

Screenwriter/Producer/ Director: Brendon Killen

Political activism and romance, Burmese style.

The amazing creative talent of Robert Smith, a man with a disability.

Edgar and Elizabeth


You Better Watch Out

Screenwriter/Director: Renee Webster Producer: Melissa Kelly

Screenwriter: Nicola Jordan Producer: Yen Yang Director: Michaela Danby

Screenwriter/Director: Steve Callen Producer: Jules Callen

A beastly photocopier brings about an unlikely romance.

Through the eyes of an Australian soldier, the brutality of WW II is transformed into exotic wonders of nature.

A wickedly dark comedy about retribution on Santa Claus.

Australia Day at Roxy Bar & Screen, Sunday 27th Join RSSF for a fantastic double bill of Aussie feature films from producer / director team David Lightfoot and Greg Mclean. This will be followed by an exclusive preview programme of films from the Shorts Film Festival. We recommend washing down one of the Roxy’s great Sunday lunches with some fine Australian wine from Yalumba.

2pm Wolf Creek (18) Dir. Greg Mclean, 2005, 92 mins Three backpackers find themselves in deep water after their car breaks down in the outback. You might need a stiff drink to accompany this nerve-shredding horror thriller. 4pm Rogue (18) Dir. Greg Mclean, 2007, 99 mins An American travel writer on a river cruise catches the eye of a huge hungry crocodile in this energetic action thriller. Producer David Lightfoot is one of the most experienced and highly regarded production executives in Australia. As well as Rogue and Wolf Creek, films he has worked on include Bad Boy Bubby and The Sound Of One Hand Clapping. He is currently in preproduction on the thriller Coffin Rock, and is to co-produce, A Woman Of No Importance starring Annette Bening and Sean Bean in September 2008. David is the founding Director of the Garage Shorts Film Festival, a biennial Adelaide festival of short Australian films. 7pm Shorts Film Festival For full short film listings, see our Shorts Film Festival events page. This event is free but please let us know you’re coming rsvp to events

RSSF 2008

Saturday 26th, 12noon Crown & Two Chairmen Monday 28th, 11am Curzon Soho Mini Cine Wednesday 30th, 12noon Crown & Two Chairmen

The BAFTA-winning FourDocs is Channel 4’s online documentary channel. It showcases films on the internet and feeds new directing talent into the 3 Minute Wonder slot. FourDocs also provides practical advice and inspiration to anyone wishing to make a short factual film at RSSF is showcasing a selection of the channel’s favourite short documentaries.

Saturday 26th, 5pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine Monday 28th,1pm Curson Soho Mini Cine Thursday 31st, 2pm Crown & Two Chairmen

dazzle is one of Europe’s leading short-film sales agents and distribution labels. Known for championing new directors and producers, dazzle has a refreshingly innovative approach to the sales and distribution of shorts. From 90-second digital micro-movies to Super 35mm masterpieces, dazzle’s bijou short-film collection is often provocative, always original and sure to inspire. For more information visit:


Guest Programmes

Thursday 24th, 12noon Crown & Two Chairmen Friday 25th, 11am Curzon Soho Mini Cine Tuesday 29th, 5pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine

Science On Film was an intensive 12-day training and film production scheme designed to break down the boundaries between scientists and documentary filmmakers. Pushing collaboration to extremes, the scheme paired up eight scientists and eight filmmakers as co-directors to plan, shoot and edit five-minute science documentary films. The films produced will be showcased at these screenings. For more information visit:


RSSF 2008

Friday 25th, 12noon Crown & Two Chairmen Friday 25th, 7pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine Saturday 26th, 4pm Crown & Two Chairmen Thursday 31st, 5pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine

BBC Film Network, Electric Proms and New Talent, partnered with Domino, 679 Recordings, Ninja Tune and Warp Records challenged filmmakers to make original films inspired by new music tracks. Five new filmmakers/filmmaking teams received a budget of up to ÂŁ5,000 to create a new innovative film, and the films produced will be showcased in this screening. All 2006 and 2007 films were produced by Warp Films. For more information visit: filmnetwork.

Thursday 24th, 2pm Crown & Two Chairmen Sunday 27th, 5pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine Tuesday 29th, 1pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine

More than 1,000 entries from 86 countries were uploaded for the first Babelgum Online Film Festival (BOFF) on Babelgum, the new independent web TV platform. BOFF is the first of its kind, providing a unique distribution opportunity for up-and-coming filmmaking talent and encouraging a generation of new and original content. A showcase of winning and shortlisted films will be screened at RSSF. For more information about Babelgum visit:


Guest Programmes

Thursday 24th, 3pm VMI Monday 28th, 2pm Crown & Two Chairmen Thursday 31st, 12noon Crown & Two Chairmen

The Renderyard Film Festival provides a creative platform for showing international cutting-edge films from emerging filmmakers. It helps to produce, distribute and broadcast short films, as well as stage an annual festival in London and Spain. Renderyard is a digital playground that gives filmmakers the chance to view new films and be part of a network facility for emerging new talent. For more information, please visit

Thursday 24th, 5pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine Tuesday 29th, 12noon Crown & Two Chairmen Wednesday 30th, 5pm Curzon Soho Mini Cine

HollyShorts is devoted to showcasing the best and brightest short films from around the globe. Its inaugural Film Festival took place at the Space Theatre in Hollywood in August 2005 and featured 23 short films from the USA, UK, Poland, Canada and Thailand. Its aim is to assist in advancing the careers of filmmakers through screenings, networking events and various panels and forums. Films must be produced in 30 minutes or less. For more information, please visit


Guest Programmes

Thursday 24th, 11am Curzon Soho Mini Cine Saturday 26th, 2pm Crown & Two Chairmen Monday 28th, 12noon Crown & Two Chairmen Tuesday 29th, 11am Curzon Soho Mini Cine

Can you do it in 90 seconds? Now in its 10th year, DepicT! offers filmmakers the chance to win prizes and gain exposure through Encounters Short Film Festival, the Digital Screen Network, www. and beyond. This programme features the 10 90-second DepicT! films from 2007 along with the all-time top 10 from the vaults, offering a chance to experience an astounding range of work and reflect on the possibilities of the ultra-short format. For more information visit:

NAHEMI seeks to nurture young talent by showcasing students’ productions across the UK and internationally. It fosters links with industry, the professions and Government bodies and promotes members’ work through awards and exhibition, distribution and scholarship projects. The NAHEMI Eat Our Shorts festival is six years Please rsvp for your invitation old and continues to excite with its selection of outstanding student shorts and events. The Advertising Producers Association return to Rushes for the third year to screen the CFPE/shots Young Directors Award programme. Friday 25th, 2pm Monday 28th, 3pm The Award offers outstanding new directors a significant boost to Crown & Two Chairmen VMI their careers. Entries come from all over the world and showcased directors are provided with an excellent platform for Sunday 27th, 2pm Thursday promotional 31st, 1pm their work. Crown & Two Chairmen Curzon Soho Mini Cine


Do you have a small budget for a feature film, but big ideas?

Microwave is a Film London and BBC Films initiative that receives extensive support from Skillset, which blossomed in 2006. It challenges London-based filmmakers to shoot a full-length feature film for up to ÂŁ100,000 with cash and in-kind support. The scheme provides an intensive approach to filmmaking, with an emphasis on original voices, tightly focused scripts and short production schedules, all supported by an extensive Training Programme.

Get inspired and learn more about Microwave and microbudget film production: As part of the Microwave training Programme Film London is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Microwave website, which provides inspiration, support and information to aspiring feature filmmakers on all things microbudget.

There are four sections within the site:

Get Inspired

Learn about the five Microwave projects currently being made and about the successful Microwave filmmaking teams and their visions, and follow them throughout the process to completion and release.

Get the Knowledge

To get the most out of the Microwave site, register now and start using the learning modules, giving you exclusive access to an interactive information portal containing in-depth advice on specialist areas of microbudget filmmaking.

Get the Resources

Access useful links and top tips from industry experts.

Get the News

Keep up to speed with microbudget news from around the globe.

Get inspired, Get the Knowledge, Get the Resources, Get the News:

... Happy 10th Birthday Rushes Soho Shorts!

Initialize Films offers high level training and consultancy for film professionals.


Apple Store, Regent Street

Curzon Soho 99 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W1D 5DY

Curzon Mayfair 38 Curzon Street, London W1J 7TY

22 Below Great Marlborough Street, London W1F 7HU

Renoir Brunswick Centre, London WC1N 1AW

Soho House 21 Old Compton Street, London W1D 5JJ

Foyles 113-119 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0EB

VMI Soho 19 D’Arblay Street, London W1F 8ED

Crown & Two Chairmen 31 Dean Street, London W1D 3SB

Apple Store, Regent Street 235 Regent Street, London W1B 2ET

Tenderpixel Gallery 10 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4HE

Café de Paris 4 Coventry Street, London W1D 6BL

Roxy Bar & Screen 128-132 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LB

HMS President Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0HJ


Map Renoir

Apple Store

22 Below VMI

Foyles Crown & Two Soho House Curzon Soho

War . r St

Café de Paris


Curzon Mayfair


Tenderpixel Gallery Square

HMS President & The Roxy

Come and say hello at our delegates’ centre in the Curzon Soho. We’ll be in the lounge with festival information and goodies. There’s also a great cafe, serving from 9.30am, and a bar that opens about noon. See you there!


Screenings Timetable

Weds 23rd Thursday 24th Friday 25th Saturday 26th Sunday 27th Monday 28th Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th Thursday 31st Friday 1st CURZON SOHO SCREEN 1 10am . . . . . Newcomer Short Film . . . . . . . . . . Kodak Animation Documentary Music Video . . . . . 11.30pm . . . . . . . . . . I HEART 80’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCREEN 3 11am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brunch & Mac Masterclass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APA Screening . . . . . . . . . . MINI-CINE 11am . . . . . DepicT! DFG Science Films Broadcast Design Broadcast Design Four Docs DepicT! Shorts: Australia Kodak Winners 1pm . . . . . Animation Kodak Short Film Newcomer Dazzle Films Babelgum Quick Flick World NAHEMI Winners 3pm . . . . . Newcomer Music Video Kodak Kodak Documentary Kodak Short Film Shorts: Australia . . . . . 5pm . . . . . Shorts: Hollywood Quick Flick World Dazzle Films Babelgum Shorts: Australia DFG Science Films Shorts: Hollywood BBC New Music Shorts . . . . . 7pm . . . . . . . . . . BBC New Music Shorts Music Video . . . . . . . . . . Patchwork Networking APA Screening . . . . . . . . . . 9pm . . . . . . . . . . I HEART 80’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOHO HOUSE 10am . . . . . Broadcast Design Animation . . . . . . . . . . Documentary Broadcast Design Newcomer Short Film Winners FOYLES BOOKSHOP 1pm . . . . . Gaming Seminar Editing Seminar . . . . . . . . . . DFG Science Seminar WFTV Seminar Funding Seminar Sound Seminar . . . . . 2pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tanya Franks Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tenderpixel Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VMI 3pm . . . . . Renderyard Short Film . . . . . . . . . . NAHEMI Animation Kodak Broadcast Design Winners CROWN & TWO CHAIRMEN 12noon DFG Science Films BBC New Music Shorts Four Docs Animation Depict Shorts: Hollywood Four Docs Renderyard 2pm . . . . . Babelgum NAHEMI DepicT! NAHEMI Renderyard Shorts: Australia Kodak Dazzle Films Winners 4pm . . . . . Short Film Music Video BBC New Music Shorts Documentary Kodak Documentary Animation Newcomer Winners THE APPLE STORE 2pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5pm . . . . . The Future Of An Audience With . . . . . . . . . . The Future Of The Future Of The Future Of The Future Of . . . . . Advertising John Foxx Documentary Animation Short Film Music in Film . . . . . 7pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joan Crawford Beauty Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1950’s Hair & Fashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE ROXY 2pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Australian Day: Wolf Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Australian Day: Rogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q&A With producer David Lightfoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Premiere: Shorts Film Festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8pm Quick Flick World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 BELOW 5pm . . . . . Documentary Music Video . . . . . . . . . . Newcomer Music Video Short Film Shorts: Australia . . . . . TENDERPIXEL GALLERY 2pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short Film Newcomer Documentary Experimental Day Winners 4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tenderprix Tenderprix Tenderprix Tenderprix . . . . . 6pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tenderprix Screening & Private View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Experimental Night . . . . . CAFÉ DE PARIS 7pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Awards Party . . . . . CURZON MAYFAIR 8.30pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . straight 8 straight 8 . . . . . . . . . . THE RENOIR 8.30pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . straight 8 . . . . . HMS PRESIDENT 7pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThinkSync Boat Party . . . . .


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