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First Blue Synthetic Bowling Green in Namibia
The Swakopmund Bowling Club (SBC) recently celebrated a milestone in the club's history with the official opening of their club house and a state-of-the-art Blue Synthetic Lawn Bowling Greens.
The club house and Bowling Greens in Swakopmund, named after Julian Viljoen who was the main brain behind the erection of the facility withallclubmembers played a significant role in the construction. The SBC club house and synthetic Bowling Greens with three bowling lanes was constructed with anestimateamountof fivehundredthousand Namibian dollars by the club members are situatedatthebackof SFC sport field in Swakopmund.
The new bowling greenutilisingsyntheticturfwillensureand give bowling members, visitors and competitors the best possiblesurfaceavailable to play all yearround The surface will increase competitive levels and ensure that the game reachesnewheightsat the coast and the country There is no doubt that this new investment will encourage more people in the community to take up bowls, it will pay dividends for the local bowls club into the future, as bowling provides some important social connec-tions forparticipants.
The first ever blue synthetic bowling green in Namibia was officially opened by SwakopmundMunicipal Councilor Claus Goldbeck with President of the Namibian Bowls Association (NBA)

Mike Wells and President of the SBC Diana Viljoen Swakopmund Municipal Councilor ClausGoldbecksaidthat thefacilitywillrepresent a quantum jump ahead for bowling in Namibia and is positive SBC will beasuccess.
Goldbeckreaffirmcouncil's commitment to ensure that the town of Swakopmund offers quality service to our people.
According to Goldbeck the vision of the municipalityofSwakopmund istopromotethetownin ways that it will benefit thecommunity
“Therefore,wearecrateful that events of such high magnitude are hosted in our town. One of our key objectives is to provide a conducive environment which is attractive to host sport activities such as bowling,”Goldbecksaid. President NBA Mike
Wellssaidthatinacountry like Namibia that is water staffed artificial turfisthewaytogo.
According to Wells Bowlwillbegoinginto this direction in the futurenotonlyinNamibiabutalsointheworld. The president of SBC Diana Viljoen said that as a club they managed to construct the club house and blue bowling greens with the limited resources at their disposal.
Viljoen said “It allows us to participate in our national league and presents a quantum jump ahead for bowling inNamibia.“WeanSBC want this facility to becomethehomeforall bowlers in the country.” Viljoensaid.