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Solar makes sense

DBN Executive of Marketing and Corporate Communication, Jerome Mutumba,shinesalightonrenewablepotential.


Development Bank of Namibia's (DBN) Executive of Marketing, Jerome Mutumba, has announced three new enterprises that have used Development Bank finance to strengthen their enterpriseswithsolarenergy Theyincludeatruck and tractor repair plant in Gobabis, a charcoal manufacturer,alsonearGobabis,andalargeretail outletinOkahandja.

Mutumba said although DBN is associated with photovoltaic parks, larger solar electricity generatorsthatfeedintothegrid,theBankalsofinances solar power installations for enterprises. Mutumba points out that the spread of locations showsthatsolarinstallationscanbenefitbusinessesacrossNamibia. Insomecases,hesays,anew connection to the grid may be prohibitively expensive, if the connection and the grid consumption costs are considered. In this case, the costofrenewablebecomeseconomicalinthemediumtolongterm,withtheinitialcostwrittenoff against future savings and gains. “In the face of potentialshortagesintheSouthernAfricanPower Pool, and Namibia's reliance on electricity imports,independentpowergenerationforownconsumption becomes an attractive form of security for business continuity whether the business is gridreliantornot.”

The trend towards own generation by the Namibianprivatesector,throughsolarpower,Mutumba observes, has become more prevalent, with widely reported capacity installed by large retail facilitiesandfueloutlets.Thisisalsoinlinewith new approaches in environmental and social governance (ESG). In addition, own generation bybusinessesalleviatescallsonthenationalgrid, making electricity available for household consumption and enterprises that are not able to establishtheirownsolargeneration.

Developmentally, the net impact, Mutumba points out is beneficial, with greater enterprise security directly linked to preservation of employment.

The next frontier in the field of solar generation, headds,isinstallationinaffordablehousingdevelopments, taking the form of solar water heating and / or generation for household use.Although the initial cost will be passed on to the owner of the new home, the increment in cost has the medium to long-term effect of making home ownershipmoreaffordableonamonthlybasis.

On the topic of how the Bank can finance solar generation,MutumbasaysthattheBankprovides finance under multiple sectoral facilities, including tourism, retail and wholesale, manufacturingandtransportandlogistics.Itcanalsobe financed as an addition to affordable housing developments.

HealsosaysthattheBank'sKfW-supportedrecovery loan may also be a source of finance. The loan, which has a duration of 32 months or less, hasafixedinterestrateof5,925%butnointerest is levied for the first 12 months of the loan. Althoughtheloanhasashortduration,enterprises that have the reserves and are in a position to repay faster, should consider the opportunity If businesses benefit from solar, we have a duty to support it and add it to our operational sustainability,Mutumbaconcludes.



Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:Engineering&PlanningServices.

AS Desert Investment cc herewith intends to apply to theMunicipalityofSwakopmundforspecialconsentto operateanAdministrativeOfficeonthepremisesofErf 5693, (Dr Kuaima Riruako Avenue), Swakopmund Extension18.

Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal businesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is 17 April 2023.

ContactPerson:Mrs.EmmSpangenbergCell:081275 5177Email:asdesertinvestmentcc@gmail.com

Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.

Public Notice

The public is hereby confirmed that Omundungilo Construction CCisherebyenteringinto agreement for the lease of Plot Nr.32 measuring 2 HectaresatFarm38with the Walvis Bay Town Council (herein referred toastheowner).

Notice is hereby given to the general public that if any person, institution or company who claim ownership has any objection or claim any rights, interest, demand or any other interest or claim upon the land, may brought to the notice of the undersigned in writing with all legal documents in support of his claim, right or objection within 7 days fromthedateofnotice. Any objections claims received after the expiry/period date mentioned above will not be entertained nor be bindingtoOmundungilo ConstructionCC.

Omundungilo ConstructionCC


Municipality Of Swakopmund


Notice is hereby givenintermsof the Model Water Supply Regulations and the Model Sewerage and Drainage RegulationsoftheLocalAuthoritiesActthattheMunicipal Council considers the following registration of plumbers and drain layers, details of which are obtainable from the GM: Engineering & PlanningServices:

1. W.Shilomboleni–OnanyomePlumbingandConstruction

2. T N. Katukutuku – NamdevTrading Enterprises

3. A. S Erasmus- Namdev Trading Enterprises

4. S Ipinge - Gwanowa Trading Enterprises cc

ContactPerson: Mr A. Louw Tel.: (064)4104402 Mrs V. Reischauer-Buchert Tel.: (064)4104400

First date of publication:6 March 2023


Debmarine Namibia is seeking an experienced service provider to provide SAP Consulting Service for the Plant Maintenance (PM), Project Systems (PS) and Materials Management (MM) module of the SAP system. SCOPE OF WORK: service provider must perform the following services:

CLOSING DATE: 31 March 2023 at 12h00.


Registered businesses interested in providing such services are requested to obtain a tender document with reference number

DBMNE0466 SAP Consultancy Services.

Tender documents should be requested by the above date and time from Tenders@debmarine.com

Subject line: DBMNE0466 SAP Consultancy Services.


The Procurement Officer

Tel: +264 61 297 8460

Email: Tenders@debmarine.com

Subject line: DBMNE0466 SAP Consultancy Services.


Debmarine Namibia shall not be responsible for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a response to this tender and furthermore reserves the right not to extend this tender into any future tenders, negotiations and or engagements

Debmarine Namibia shall not accept submissions rendered after the closing date and time

Any person having any objections to the proposed registration may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the ChiefExecutive Officer until11April 2023

NOTICE NO: 18/2023

ABenjamin ChiefExecutiveOfficer

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