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Noticeoftheconsentapplication Intermsofthewalvisbaytown Planningscheme
TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Narraville STREET NAME & NO: 17 MossCrescent.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeishereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Placeofinstruction(Pre-School).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant, inwriting,notlaterthan17February2023.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:ElizabethShinaveni email:elizabethshinaveni@gmail.com
WeskusMotorsccherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for Special Consenttooperatea“Showroom”forthesaleof used vehicles on premises of Erf 3995, Unit 8“Burgers Park”, Swakopmund, Extension 10 (EinsteinStreet)asprovidedforintermsofClause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering&PlanningServices.
Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting, and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is 24 February2023
Contact person: MrsNHorn,Cell:0818604450, Email:admin1@steckels.com or MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403
UrbanSocialHubherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “ResidentOccupationSpecialConsent”tooperate an “administrative office” on the premises of Erf 3775, Unit nr 5, Swakopmund Proper (65 Libertina Amathila Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectionstotheproposed activity may lodge such objections or comments, dulymotivatedinwriting,within14daysofthelast publication to the applicant or the Swakopmund Municipalitybeforeoron24February2023.
Contact Person: Ms. Y Käser @ Cell: 081 220 9723oremail:yasmin@urbansocialhub.com
OrMr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning), Tel:+264(64)4104403
Dr Weder Kauta & Hoveka Inc., a well-established legal firm, requires a senior, competent, knowledgeable, and independent working Senior ConveyancingSecretarytojointheirSwakopmund team.
·Atleast5yearshands-onconveyancing experienceinTransfers,Bonds,Bond Cancellations,SectionalTitleDevelopmentsand BIPAregistrations.
·MusthaveanexcellentcommandoftheEnglish language.(GoodcommandofAfrikaans,German oranyindigenousNamibianlanguagewillbean advantage.)
·Conveyancingexperiencewithprogramssuchas E4,LegalPerfectandGhostPracticeasadded advantages.
·Mustbeabletoworkunderpressureandextra hours,ifrequired.
CV's to be handed in at our office reception, Shop 208, 1 Floor, PlatzAm Meer Mall, st Swakopmund or e-mail to: vanschalkwyk@wkh-law.com
TH Closing date – FRIDAY, 17 FEBRUARY2023
No documents will be returned and only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview
DR WEDER KAUTA& HOVEKAINC. Shop 208, 1 Floor, PlatzAm Meer Mall, st Swakopmund E-Mail: vanschalkwyk@wkh-law.com
Astheworldleaderinmarinediamondrecovery,wetakeprideinemployingcutting-edgetechnologyandexceptionalpeopleskills.DebmarineNamibiaoffers excitingcareersinaperformance-drivenculturethatmakesameaningfulcontributiontotheoverallsuccessofthecompany Applicationsareinvitedforthe followingpositions.
Chief Engineering Officer
Key PerformanceAreas: Controls all engineering activities onboard the vessel whilst at sea by supervising the team to ensure proper operation and maintenance of propulsion machinery and auxiliaries, mining equipment and treatment plant, and deck machinery
Co-ordinates shutdowns by planning maintenance to be completed and manages planned maintenance programme. Improves the effectiveness and efficiency of engineering processes and systems. Adheres to and promotes Company policies and procedures relating to health, safety, security and environmental issues. Manages and develops human resources.
Education and Experience Requirements:
NQF 6 with relevant Maritime study qualifications
Class 1 Certificate of Competency – Chief Engineering unlimited (>3000kW)
Eight years relevant experience which includes 5 years minimum at a 2nd Engineers level on a vessel >3000kW Marine mining experience would be an advantage SAPknowledge would be an advantage
Key PerformanceAreas:
To maintain all engineering functions on-board ship including maintenance, operating of equipment and supervise watch-keeping personnel.
Education and Experience Requirements:
Class 2 Certificate of Competency (STCW'95 Second Engineering Officer)
Minimum of five (5) years relevant experience as Watchkeeping Officer
Knowledge of SAPwill be an added advantage
Off-shore mining experience will be an added advantage.
Key PerformanceAreas:
To ensure the safe navigation and efficient marine operations of the ship when on watchkeeping duty
Education and Experience Requirements:
Watchkeeping Certificate of Competency
Watchkeeping experience required as part of portfolio of evidence to obtain the Certificate of Competency
Key PerformanceAreas: Monitors and logs all Engineroom Systems and takes corrective action when required
Monitors that all Engineroom personnel adhere to safety regulations by conducting inspections
Carries out routine maintenance and repair of Ship's machinery, including power, propulsion and safety equipment
Responding to equipment failure alerts and repairing faults
Running scheduled maintenance checks
Reports all Engineering defects to relevant authority
Supervise the Ratings in the Engineroom during operations
Supports materials management in ensuring availability of materials, spares and components
Updating record management systems
Education and Experience Requirements:
Watchkeeping Certificate of Competency STCW'95 Watch Keeping Engineer Officer
Two (2) years relevant experience as a Watchkeeper
Key PerformanceAreas:
To supervise and carry out various duties necessary for the efficient maintenance and operation of the Deck Department.
Education and Experience Requirements:
Grade 12
ValidAble Seafarer–Deck Certificate of Competency
Eight (8)Years as a qualifiedAble Seafarer-Deck
Key PerformanceAreas:
To carry our various duties necessary for the efficient maintenance and operation of the deck department on-board the vessel.The
Education and Experience Requirements:
Grade 12
Able Seafarer–Deck Certificate of Proficiency
Three (3) years relevant experience
Operates engine room machinery and pumping systems (bilges, freshwater, seawater, fuel oil, lube oil) under supervision of the watch engineer
Takes soundings of fuel oil and lubrication oil tanks and records these soundings
Checks condition and storage of engine room tools and reports on these to the 2EO
Checks operating parameters of engine room machinery e.g. temperatures, pressures, oil levels while on watch and reports abnormality to the watch engineer Assists duty engineer with bunkering
Performs major and minor maintenance tasks on vessel machinery as instructed by the 2EO
Takes precautions against fire or explosion from oil or gas and acts against any fire which may break out
Ensures that all bilges are kept clear of oily residue and dirt by reporting leaks and defects to the duty engineer
Supervises the Engineroom Ratings and rigging team
Allocates daily work to the Engineroom Ratings and the supervision thereof
Facilitates on-the-job training for Oilers and newly recruited Engineroom Ratings
Grade 12
ValidAble Seafarer EngineTicket (Oiler)
Five years' experience as an Efficient Engineroom Rating
All above positions will be deployed on our vessels on a 28 day on and 28 day off vessel period.
Preference will be given to Namibian citizens and designated persons as prescribed by the NamibianAffirmativeActionAct. WOMENARE ENCOURAGED TOAPPLY
For queries, please contact us on Tel: +264 61 297 8000.
Please submit a comprehensive CV with proof of qualifications and experience via email: dbmn.recruitment@debeersgroup.com
In the subject line please indicate position applying for Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and shall be subjected to further assessment and screening.