In today‘s global world, outsourcing is seen as a popular way of getting maximum work at minimum wages. However, it is not uncommon for pioneers to try outsourcing their operations in order to cut as much costs as possible as a new business is prone to fall. However, outsourcing the business and maintaining its nature (and service) promised to your customers (and potential customers) is a challenge in itself. Hence, we will discuss below the challenges along with suggestions and precautions to overcome them the way we at Leo TechnoSoft overcame them, standing tall and presenting software product engineering services to various clients outsourcing their projects to us: Following are some myths involving Outsourcing: External suppliers can reduce the manpower working on your project: This is not completely true. By outsourcing its project, the company will have fewer people working directly for it, but it would have to hire a number of employees to coordinate the outsourced work. The supplier also needs to do the same thing. And every project would always require people who need to do the actual work. In the end, the number of people working on the project will definitely increase. Managing external supplier easier than managing internal suppliers: A supplier wants business from client. After an initial good service, the client may not be satisfied from the services offered by supplier due to lack in quality. But client may not have control over supplier as supplier is a different company. Firing the supplier makes the client lose on timely supplies and causes delay in production. Hence, managing external suppliers requires more persuasion than managing internal suppliers. Outsourcing results in fewer middle-mangers: Not exactly. People managing outsourced projects or services need to manage uncertainty, persuade and nudge perhaps hundreds of people accountable. This is what a middle-manager does. Hence, the organization gets one more layer of management. Something too good to be true is that what it looks: Sometimes companies offering outsourcing services try to lock clients into long-term deals based on contract terms and pricing that will be out of date six months later. To entice them, they can brag about offering the services which they may not have or maybe not in terms of quality they promised. The inevitable results are frustration, irritation and a lack of understanding and insight into why the sales promises of outsourcing are not meeting up with its delivery realities
Abrupt changes: Sometimes, outsourcing service providers may under-quote on purpose, just to get the business. Then, when the time comes for signing the contract, they may demand more money, citing change of circumstances. If the company seeking outsourcing services has already planned all courses of action, everything can go for a toss if the new terms of outsourcing service providers. Customer complaints: People whom you have outsourced a particular activity like for example, customer care may not be familiar with your benchmarks and may not offer that to your customers that you promised. Customers would complain about you and your company will get the bad name. Cultural differences: In terms of corporate culture, a company and its outsourcing partner may have different norms in terms of organizational structure, authority and style. In terms of national culture, there may be differences of language, religion, values, etc. This can cause communication barriers between customers, client or the company offering the services on behalf of the client. Following are the ways by which Leo TechnoSoft overcame these challenges by using its business model BOMT and proved itself, a suitable provider of Outsourced Product Development and Engineering services for the IT industry: Showing realistic picture: Leo TechnoSoft never makes promises that sound too good to be true. To our clients, we present the plan about how we intend to meet their expectation and we fulfil their requirements after setting realistic goals via proper planning. Planning an idea is the Build Stage of BOMT while marketing an idea to a potential client is the Market stage of BOMT. Implementing the Build stage, we ensure at planning stage that what are the targets to achieve and how much time and investment would be required for achieving the targets. Commitment to right price: Once price negotiation is complete, Leo TechnoSoft does not change its stand. Not only Leo TechnoSoft offers outsourcing services, it also offers product engineering services at the price informed to client before the commencement of project. Apart from outsourcing services, Leo TechnoSoft also offers the services of product engineering where products and services are developed for a client to launch his own business. This act is again comprised of the Build stage of BOMT where planning for the foundation of the business is done, along with the feasibility of the initial plans for launching is checked.
As we plan the investment and time regarding target achievement, the budget for production is fixed and no surprise costs are quoted to the client. Implementing the Operate stage, production for the business starts at fixed budget and Minimum Viability Product (MVP) is prepared for launch. Protecting client‘s reputation: If clients depend on us to serve their customers or on our software products and platform development to serve theirs, we ensure that our delivery would be the best that the client (or his customers) can have. During production and delivery, the Operate stage of BOMT business model becomes active. Many times retailers and resellers are apprehensive of doing business with Startups as they are not sure of their reputation. Hence, implementing the Market stage, we give our clients, access to more than 100 channel partners and resellers that we have tie-up with. This helps our Startup clients to introduce their product or service in the market as a brand. Cosmopolitan culture: Leo TechnoSoft has staff crossing the barriers of cultures, religion and even nationalities. With all employees familiar with various cultures, barriers of communication never happen. Coordination between staff and customers across the lines of culture ensures, smooth functioning of company in market and successful entry in market in the case of Startup businesses. This is Market stage of BOMT. The Transform stage of BOMT involves networking in market for the purpose of right funding at the right stage. This funding takes business to the new level and prepares the MVP to accommodate more new features in it. Emphasis on quality: Outsourced Product Development and Engineering services are available for the clients who have an innovative idea which they want to develop into a full-fledged business. We help them realize their dream and turn it into a real business. This is the very purpose for which Leo TechnoSoft created BOMT business model. Via Product Engineering service (or Software Product engineering service as it popularly known as) Leo TechnoSoft initiates and successfully conclude the process of innovating, designing, developing, testing and deploying a software product. Apart from this, the scope of functional enhancement, maintenance, support, migration and lastly, porting remains open. These solutions are customizable as per the requirements of clients. About BOMT
BOMT(Build, Operate, Market, and Transform) model, It is an innovative hybrid partner product development that offers a low-risk, hassle-free, cost-effective global sourcing strategy. BOMT works exceptionally well with StartUps, Entrepreneurs and ISVs. It ensures incubation, development, Gestation and transformation support to increase revenue and maximize ROI in short span of time. For more details about service i.e. BOMT please click here or write us at–