SITUATION ANALYSIS Parenting is the process of learning interactions between parents and children. Mother's role is more to give love, touch, hug. Mothers concentrate on guarding the house and raising children. Mothers were the primary caregivers during infancy and the father assumed no responsibility for caring the baby. Father's role is more to build a vision and mission, and foster competence and confidence. In addition, fathers also play roles as provider, protector, decision maker, child specialiser and educator and nurtured mother. However, nowadays not only fathers make a living, mothers also actively pursue careers in the world of work. For Indonesia, 36 percent of senior positions in companies are held by women. This has an impact on the parenting style of the child. Parents who both work can provide for family needs. But, the time needed to care for children becomes limited, because some of the time is used for work. Many facts show that children whose parents work will have lower achievement than those who do not. This is due to the lack of attention that is devoted to the growth and development of children when their parents are busy working. Many parents are not aware of the pattern of care that is actually done wrong and have a negative impact on child development. According to research by The Norwegian University of Science of criminals states that "More than half of the psychopaths I examined reported that their parenting patterns were at extreme levels. They live in a situation where no one cares, or is in an environment full of parental control, so the child must really be obedient and obedient. Or he as a child becomes an object of indifferent parenting. " According to clinical psychologist and lecturer at Tarumanagara University, Agustina: Democratic parenting is the most ideal parenting to apply. For parents who both work, democratic parenting is the most ideal parenting to apply. The reason is because this parenting applies the rules that must be obeyed by children. However, children are given the opportunity to express their wishes if the rules are not appropriate or deemed difficult. Besides that Baumrind (1966, 1991) said that parenting style is a series of attitudes that parents show to children to create an emotional climate that encompasses parent-child interaction, which includes three aspects of parenting style namely authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Authoritative is a parenting style that encourages children to be independent but still limits and controls their actions, also provides opportunities for children to dialogue verbally (Santrock, 2007: 15).
increase the awareness of productive parents (men 28-40 years; women 25-35 years) in Central Jakarta and South Jakarta about the importance of parenting for toddler
changing productive parental behavior (men 2840 years; women 25-35 years) in Central Jakarta and South Jakarta to adopt democratic and authorative parenting
Female (25-35) Male (28-40)
Central Jakarta South Jakarta
Educated parents Aware about their family Workaholic parents Ambitious parents
BEHAVIORAL Toddler parents who don’t have much times Toddler parents who works about 8-12 hours in a days
INSTAGRAM @anakjugamanusia @schoolofparenting @komunitasparenting_id
PODCAST @bapakrumahtangga
TWITTER @parentingina @ayahbunda
The survey says mothers now prefer to access the internet rather than watching TV. Based on The Asian Parent survey of 1,000 digital mothers in Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Medan, Yogyakarta and bandung found that internet consumption increased by 48.7 percent after women switched roles to mothers. This increase was accompanied by a decrease in TV viewing frequency of up to 78.5 percent. Quoting Putri Fitria, Head of Content Tickled Media, the biggesr portion used by mothers today when surfing the internet is visiting parenting sites which is 24 percent, then followed by the use od social media by 20 percent. The survey results also found the fact that 60 percent of mothers today choose to surf the internet when facing problems experienced by your child. While less than 18 percent of those who consult their child’s complaints directly to the doctor.
Based on an online survey of The Asian Parent and Tickled Media involving about 1,000 digital mothers today, shows that Instagram has taken over facebook as the most used social media platform for Indonesian digital mothers. More than 98.5 percent of Indonesian digital mothers have at least one Instagram account. Instagam becomes a part of the daily lives of today’s mothers to get various information. Around 34 percent of mothers who use Instagram will spend around 1-3 hours per day on social media.
The main advantage of a podcast is its ability to be consumed while doing other things. This advantage does not exist in other media and is well understood by podcasters and podcast listeners in Indonesia. This fact is also supported by The Daily Social in Indonesia which says that almost 60% of respondents like podcast because of their flexible nature (ondemand)
As one of the most popular social media, Twitter strives to be a helathy platform by bringing healthy conversations as well. Realize that Twitter still has potential in cyberspace. Dwi Adriansah as Country Industry Head of Twitter for Indonesia and Malaysia made a priority by making Twitter a healthy platform. In the survey it was revealed that mothers today consume a lot of the internet which has increased significantly. Mothers wisit parenting sites (24%0 and social media (80%) dominate all online activities of modern mothers. Until now Twitter is still often used for their media parenting in their spare time, besides Instagram. Especially through to the hashtag feature that makes it easier fot today’s mothers not to fall behind the trend, even though they are busy taking care of their baby.
KEY MESSAGE DIGITAL MEDIA Optimizing parenting skills by professionals' guidance through social media This key message was developed as a solution to the problem of lacK of understanding of parents in parenting towards children. The campaign with the direction of a psychiatrist channeled through social media with the hashtag #BestParentingBestChild will explain how to apply parenting properly and effectively for parents.
TRADITIONAL MEDIA Supporting parenting with professionals guidance Educate parents that wrong parenting can be fatal to the child's growth and development, so that psychologist's guidance and guidance through mass media is needed.
TIMELINE MAY 2020 create official account IG and Twitter manage content and looking for followers introduce campaign on IG and Twitter Post photo about "Hari Keluarga" on IG - 29 May Post Twitter thread about "Hari Keluarga" - 29 May
SEPTEMBER 2020 create IG challenge "post exciting activities during quarantine with children" IG live QnA "stimulate growth and development: helping your child build self-esteem" post video on Youtube "how to handle child tantrums and meltdowns" publish website article about "nutrition could help your immune system fight off the coronavirus
JANUARY 2021 upload content on IG, Twitter and Youtube with new year theme "a renew love from a new year" IG content about how parents and children can bond in every situation Twitter content about how fun it would be to play with children website content about testimonials from parents create "resolution challenge" on IG for parents and their children
JUNE 2020 publish infographic "Hari Perlindungan Anak Sedunia" on IG and Twitter - 1 June Publish content about do's and dont's in parenting for worker parents on IG and Twitter Publish content about how to divide time between work and family on IG and Twitter create survey about podcast's speaker monitoring followers growth and engagement
OCTOBER 2020 post infographic "tips to deepen bonds between parents and children" on website, IG and Twitter publish article "how to encourage cooperative learning skill in your child during covid" QnA sharing session with psychologist about "how to get your child to respect you on Instagram, Podast, Youtube create infographic about "common children myths and facts"
FEBRUARY 2021 Make a video on IG of how harmonic it is in a family, could make children learn better Make a video about how feelings of children are also important in IG and twiiter Make challenge about "LOVE", celebrating Valentine in intagram Make a content of how love from parents could be delivered in many ways to childern (on website) Make an article full a week in this month sequel of what do our children expect from parents
JULY 2020 publish the growth and development stage of children and their development time by time create a video on all social media panels in the form of child nutrition make a product that suitable for children make a video about the success of closeness with children in the form of testimonials make positive impactful content when we closeness to children
NOVEMBER 2020 IG challenge "daddy and child sweetest moment" in National Father's Day education stunting prevention on baby growth on Youtube live stream with child health specialist Twitter challenge post with hashtag #HappyFamilyKids on National Children's Day
MARCH 2021 Publish infographic on Instagram; tips to maintain cleanliness Publish infographics on Instagram; tips to maintain cleanliness Publish articles on website of various kinds of children's intelligence Publish Q&A session from 5 parents and experts on IGTV on the topic of how to maintain children's mental health Publish podcast on spotify how parents discuss (open open questions) with children and understand children's perspectives around the topic of bullying with experts Publish infographic on instagram about the best time to learn and play in children
AUGUST 2020 make a content about the importance of motor ability make a content about education toys than can help children's growth create parent-child photo contest with theme "close the heart to the child"
DECEMBER 2020 create infographic "understanding child psychological growth on IG and Twitter publish article "stay attentive and care with children though busy time" QnA Podcast sharing session with child psychologist IG challenge post "happy family on new year's eve"
APRIL 2021 Publish articles on website of how parents teach children to respect others (friends) who are fasting Publish threads on Twitter about human personality characteristics Publish on website of how parents create in fashion all day with their daughters to commemorate Kartini Day Publish infographics on instagram; tips for involving children inhome activities and/or parental responsibilities - Publish Podcast about how to direct children to sharpen their intelligence both academically / non-academically with experts
EVALUATION METHODS We use key performance indicators as our metrics to measure the success of campaign. To gauge the increase of awareness we use social media analytics tools such as IG insight, Twitter insight, Youtube insight and Podcast insight. And we do this evaluation per-month to maintain our content quality. To evaluate the behaviour changes we use the questionnaire survey to our social media followers and adjust the results with the target that we have set in KPIs before. *Duration May 2020-Feb 2021, the realization
The Questionnaire Survey 1. Apakah anak anda sudah memperlihatkan emosi nya kepada anda baik itu sedih,marah ataupun senang? 2. Apakah ketika anak anda menghadapi kesulitan, anak anda datang ke anda? 3. Apakah anak anda dapat mengeluarkan pendapatnya tanpa takut akan reaksi kalian (orang tua)? 4. Apakah anda sebagai orang tua pernah/sering membandingkan anak anda dengan anak lainnya? 5. Apakah anda selalu mengatur segala hal yang dilakukan anak anda? 6. Apakah anak anda dapat mengembangkan minat dan bakat yang dimilikinya? 7. Apakah anda pernah mengeluarkan kata yang ber-label kepada anak anda seperti nakal, serakah, malas? 8. Apakah anda selalu mengapresiasi segala hal yang dilakukan anak anda? 9. Apakah anda pernah memarahi anak anda didepan umum? 10. Apakah anak anda berulah saat anda menolah keinginannya?